Papers from the Mass-Observation Archive at the University of Sussex
Part 5: Topic Collections on Welfare and Social Conditions, 1939-1949 and
Part 6: Topic Collections - the Home Front during World War Two
Detailed Listing - Part 5
HOUSING 1938-48
TC 1: 10 boxes
These boxes do not comprise the entire M-O collection of material on housing; see also TC 2: Reconstruction and TC 66: Town and District Survey, which both contain material relevant to housing studies. The major part of Housing relates to the M-O publication, People's Homes written by Richard Fitter (1943). Most of the boxes contain material related to the preparation for this book and are obtained from studies which M-O carried out in 1941-42. Later material is concentrated around housing exhibitions
(See also 1/10: Fulham Housing Survey 1938)
1/1/A: The Housing Centre's Wartime Policy Committee 1939-40
[Letters, leaflets and observations]
Letter from Max Lock, Chairman of the Housing Centre's Wartime Policy Committee, to TH, 16.10.1939. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Copy of letter (extracts only) from Max Lock to Professor Patrick Abercrombie, Chairman of the Housing Centre's Executive Committee, n.d. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
List of associations invited to meeting, 24.10.1939. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Meeting notes, [with draft], TH, 24.10.1939. (2 ts & ms docs, 8pp, 6pp)
Meeting agenda, 24.10.1939. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Letter to Mr Jordan, Housing Centre employee, TH, 1.12.1939.
(1 ts doc, 1p)
Booklet for conference on "Problems of Social Environment & the War", 2.2.1940. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Conference agenda, 2.2.1940. (1 ts doc, 4pp)
Conference mission statement, 2.2.1940. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Conference handout, 2.2.1940. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Observation of conference, HDW, 2.2.1940. (1 ts doc, 11pp)
1/1/B: Draft ts article by Tom Harrisson (probably 1939)
" his castle" [incomplete]. (1ts doc,15pp)
1/1/C: Personal account of living in lodgings 1939
Observation & plan of flat, AH. (1 ts doc, 13 pp)
1/1/D: Housing Studies
OSA Report:"Preliminary analysis of brief investigation of certain elements in re-housing in the Borough of Stepney", based on M-O findings, n.d.
(1 ts doc, 8pp)
OSA Report:"Condensation of social survey by GLC of working class families in London area north of the Thames", based on social survey on garbage disposal, February - May 1937. (1 ts doc, 16pp)
1/1/E-M: Press cuts 1939-40
Cuttings from local & national papers on housing conditions & rent strikes. (9 bundles)
1/1/N: Fulham Housing Survey 1939
Bound report with examples of different wall papers & colour samples.
(1 vol) includes:
Specimen Questionnaire [loose in vol]. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
Plan of block of flats [loose in vol]. (1 ms doc, 1p)
1/1/O: Annual Reports from the London Passenger Transport Board 1937-1940
Annual Report & Accounts, 1937. (1 pr doc, 51pp)
Annual Report & Accounts, 1938. (1 pr doc, 72pp)
Annual Report & Accounts, 1939. (1 pr doc, 48pp)
Annual Report & Accounts, 1940. (1 pr doc, 23 pp)
1/1/P: Printed reports & booklets 1925-1940
[from various County Councils, Housing Societies & Political Parties]
Report: "Somers Town Housing" by the St Pancras House Improvement Society, 1925. (1 pr doc, 15pp)
Report: "City of Liverpool Housing", 1937. (1 pr doc, 71pp)
Booklet: "Communist Plan for Life in Kensington", 1938. (1 pr doc, 15pp)
Report: "London Housing Statistics" by London County Council, 1938-1939.(1 pr doc, 59 pp)
Reprint of 4 articles first published in February 1938 in The Builder entitled "An Alternative to Tenements", n.d. (1 pr doc, 12pp)
TC 1, BOX 2: Housing Surveys 1941
1/2/A: Housing Survey data, Fulham, Stepney & Kilburn
[Assorted explanatory material including questionnaires, reports, tabulations & summaries of research by M-O investigator Celia Fremlin]
Notes: "Remarks on Housing questionnaire", CF, 21.3.1941. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Draft Housing Questionnaire, CF, 25.3.1941 (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Draft Housing Questionnaire, CF, 16.4.1941. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Draft Housing Questionnaire [based on 1939 Fulham Housing Survey Questionnaire, See 1/1/N], CF, 25.4.1941. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
"Revised Housing Questionnaire", CF, 28.4.1941. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
Letter to TH from CF relating to the Housing Survey in Fulham, 6.5.1941.
(1 ts doc, 3pp)
Notes on the method for the Housing Survey in Fulham, CF, 15.5.1941.
(1 ts doc, 1p)
Correspondence between TH & John Broadbent regarding plans & photographs for the Housing Survey in Fulham & Stepney, 25.4.1941.
(2 ms docs, 1p,1p)
Analysis sheets for Commodore Street in Stepney, CF, 25 April 1941.
(1 ms doc, 3pp)
Analysis sheets for Iverson Road in Kilburn, CF, 25.4.1941. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Analysis sheets for Hilmer Street in Fulham, CF, 15.5.1941. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Analysis sheets for Searle House & in Stepney, CF, n.d. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Analysis sheets for Searle House & Frances Gray House in Stepney, CF, n.d. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Report: "Analysis Summary of Iverson Road, Commodore Street, Hilmer
Street" in Kilburn, Stepney & Fulham, CF, 16.5.1941. (1 doc, 28pp)
Memo on Housing Survey, CF, 26.5.1941. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Description of Frances Gray House & Searle House in Stepney, CF, 12.6.1941. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
"Analysis of Housing Questions", in Fulham, Kilburn & Stepney, CF, 15.9.1941. (1 ts doc, 15pp)
Housing Survey Summary in Kilburn, Fulham & Stepney, CF, 16.9.1941.
(1 ts doc, 7pp)
Plan of Searle House Flats in Stepney, n.d (1 ts doc, 1p)
Rough notes with tables of data: "Working Class Housing Data, Fulham, Stepney", [TH], n.d. (1 ms doc, 20pp)
1/2/B: Interviews & reports, Fulham
Observation: "Shopping expedition with Mrs Clarke", CF, 28.4.1941.
(1 ts doc, 3pp)
Interviews [with CF's own observations & notes] in Hilmer Street, CF, 28.4.1941 - 8 May 1941. (10 ts docs)
Interviews [with CF's own observations & notes] in Fairholme Road, CF, 29.4.1941. (1 ts doc, 11pp)
Report: "Hilmer Street & Fairholme Road", CF, 15.5.1941. (1 ts doc, 22pp)
1/2/C: Directs & reports, Kilburn & Stepney
Observation of a visit to a working-class family in Kilburn, CF, 20.7.1940.
(1 ts doc, 2pp)
Interviews in Iverson Road, Kilburn, CF, 26 March 1941 - 30.3.1941.
(8 ts docs)
Description of Iverson Road, CF, 30.3.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Interviews in Commodore Street, Stepney, CF, 4.3.1941 - 10.3.1941.
(12 ts docs)
Plans of houses in Commodore Street with notes, CF, 13.3.1941.
(1 ts & ms doc, 5pp)
Description of Commodore Street, CF, 14.3.1941. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Observation: "No. 36 Commodore Street", 14.3.1941. (1 ts doc, 6pp)
"Report of Housing Survey", Commodore Street & Iverson Road, CF, 25.4.1941. (1 ts doc, 29pp)
1/2/D: Interviews in Stepney
Interviews in Ocean Street, Stepney, CF, 3.6.1941-11.6.1941. (16 ts docs)
"Interim notes on points of interest in Searle House & Frances Gray House Investigation", CF, 12.6.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
1/2/E: Interviews with homeless people
Notes: "Homeless Interviews", CF, 26.1.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Interviews with the homeless, CF, 23.1.1941 - 25.1.1941. (9 ts docs)
1/2/F: Interviews with women regarding housework
Notes: "Scheme for Interviews", CF, 22.2.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Notes: "Housing Attitudes", CF, 12.3.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Interviews with women in various locations, CF, 24.3.1941 - 2.5.1941.
(15 ts docs)
1/2/G: Assorted interviews
Interviews in Westminster, NT, 24.1.1941. (1 ms doc, 10pp)
Interviews in Cricklewood, JS,24 - 28.1.1941. (1 ms doc, 10pp)
Interviews from Notting Hill Gate, GH, 29.1.1941. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
Interview [location unknown], Toby Grattan (inv), 31.1.1941. (1 ms doc, 5pp)
Interview [location unknown] with letter to Mr Ferraby, Toby Grattan, 9.2.1941. (1 ts doc, 12pp)
Interviews in Hammersmith & Fulham, DS, 9.2.1941. (1 ms & ts doc, 9pp)
Interviews in Hammersmith, DS, 11.2.1941. (1 ts doc, 12pp)
Interviews in an Essex Village, JC, March 1941. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
1/2/H:Quotations from 1941 material
Notes: "Quotes from comparable material of early 1941", HP, n.d. (1 ms doc, 13pp)
TC 1, BOX 3: Housing Studies 1941-42
1/3/A: Welwyn Garden City, Pamphlets & Correspondence 1942
Booklet: "One Thousand Houses" issued by Welwyn Garden City Urban District Council, October 1937. (1 pr doc, 25pp)
Booklet: "Welwyn for Work-Play-Rest: Welwyn from the point of view of those employed in industry", issued by the Public Relations Dept., Welwyn Garden City Ltd, n.d. (1 pr doc, 14pp)
Booklet: "Welwyn for Work-Play-Rest" issued by the Public Relations Department, Welwyn Garden City Ltd, n.d. (1 pr doc 13 pp)
Correspondence between TH, RF & F J Osborn (Council Housing Personnel), 12 - 21.1.1942. (3 ts docs)
Correspondence between RF & Mr Sharp (Council Property & Maintenance Manager), 21 - 22.1.1942. (2 ts docs, 1p, 1p)
Letter to RF from Chas W Fox (Council Housing Manager) 22.1.1942.
(1 ts doc, 1p)
Letter to RF from A T Bullen (Electricity Supply Company Ltd, Electrical Engineer), 22.1.1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Notes to TH from BW on the Letchworth Reconstruction Investigation, 27.10.1941. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
1/3/B: Welwyn Garden City Bedroom Survey 1942
Draft Bedrooms questionnaire, RF, 28.1.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Revised Bedrooms questionnaire, MT, 29.1.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Bedrooms questionnaire, 29.1.1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Interviews, MS, UT, CM, DH & MT, 30.1.1942. (2 ts & ms bundles)
Report: "Housing at Welwyn: Number of Bedrooms", DB, January 1942.
(1 dup doc, 10pp)
Report: "Bedroom questionnaire: Summary", EL, 4.2.1942. (1 ts & ms doc, 14pp)
Letter to RF from MT, 4.2.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Report: "Bedroom questionnaire: Heating of Bedrooms", DJB, 26.2.1942.
(1 dup doc, 9pp)
Tabulation of results, DJB, 26.2.1942. (1 dup & ms doc, 6pp)
1/3/C: The Citizen, Letchworth 1942
Selected copies, October 1941 - February 1942 (1 pr bundle)
1/3/D: Ipswich Housing Survey 1941
Correspondence between TH, RF & PM [1st letter includes suggested list of questions to be asked in interviews], 11 - 29.10.1941. (6 ts & ms docs)
Interviews, PM, October-November 1941. (2 ms bundles)
1/3/E: Portsmouth Housing Survey 1941
List of Questions for Portsmouth "2nd Survey", MT, n.d. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Letters to TH from MT, 11 April - 27 October 1941. (5 ms docs)
Comments on Portsmouth, MT, 14 - 17 July 1941. (1 doc, 7pp)
Report: "Portsmouth", MT, July 1941. (1 ms doc, 6pp)
Report: "Portsmouth: clubs & other organisations as affected by war & blitz", MT, August 1941. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Notes: "Firewatching", MT, August 1941. (1 ms doc, 1p)
"Six months in Portsmouth: report on a continuous study of four streets in blitztown", MT, 13.10.1941. (1 ts doc, 6pp)
Report on Kearney plan for deep shelters, MT, 18.10.1941. (1 ms doc, 9pp)
Housing questionnaire replies, MT, October 1941. (5 dup & ms docs)
Contractors Record & Municipal Engineering, 19.11.1941. (1 pr doc, 20pp)
Report: "Housing QQ", 13.1.1942. (1 ms doc, 11pp)
1/3/F: Interviews in Portsmouth 1941 [File formerly listed as Fulham, see 1/3/G]
"Interviews taken in a bombed area of Portsmouth", MT, 12.7.1941.
(1 ts bundle)
"Interviews taken in a comparatively unbombed area in Portsmouth", MT, 19.7.1941. (1 ts bundle)
Cutting from The Evening News, 19.6.1941. (1 pr doc, 1p)
1/3/G: Notes & interviews, Fulham 1941 - 1942 [formerly unlisted]
Notes & quotations from interviews, DH. (1 ms bundle)
Covering the following themes:
Shopping. (8pp)
Public houses. (2pp)
Children & education. (5pp)
Houses & flats. (7pp)
General impressions & morale. (3pp)
Air raid shelters. (3pp)
1/3/H: Notes & interviews, Beacontree & Dagenham 1941 - 1942
Quotation from Beacontree & Dagenham by Terence Young, p84.
(1 ts doc, 1p)
Notes & quotations from interviews, DH, VT, MS, October 1941. (1 ts & ms bundle) Covering:
Shopping. (7pp)
Public Houses. (2pp)
Clergymen. (2pp)
Education. (4pp)
General morale & behaviour. (2pp)
Overheard in a cafe. (1p)
Housing. (3pp)
1/3/I: Report on Blaina & Nantyglo 1942
Report on housing conditions, MT, March 1942. (1 ts doc, 13pp)
1/3/J: Notes, bills & interviews, Letchworth 1942
Notes on films & cinemas, n.d. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Telephone bills addressed to TH in Letchworth, October 1941. (2 pr docs)
Notes & quotations from interviews, CM, DH, MS, October 1941. (1 ms bundle) covering:
Shopping. (3pp)
Public Houses. (3pp)
Clergymen. (4pp)
Cinemas & theatres. (2pp)
Recreation Grounds. (1p)
Billeting. (5pp)
Travelling difficulties. (1p)
Air raid shelters. (3pp)
Day Nurseries. (1p)
Morale. (4pp)
General Impressions. (2pp)
Housing. (2pp)
Description of area. (2pp)
1/3/K: Notes & interviews, Roehampton 1942
Notes & quotations from interviews with index, MS, VT, DH, 17 - 19.3.1942. (1 ms bundle) covering:
Description of area. (2pp)
Housing. (3pp)
Shopping. (1p)
Travelling. (2pp)
Social life. (1p)
Parks & playgrounds. (1p)
Rents. (6pp)
Morale. (2pp)
Entertainment. (1p)
1/3/L: Notes, interviews & observations, Watling 1941
Notes, quotations from interviews & observations, CF, MS, VT, 8 - 13.10.1941. (1 ms & ts bundle) covering:
Shopping. (7pp)
Public houses. (2pp)
Roman Catholic church. (1p)
Community Centre. (7pp)
Morale. (4pp)
Schools. (3pp)
Parks & allotments. (2pp)
Cinema. (3pp)
Radio. (3pp)
1/3/M: Notes & interviews, Ilford 1941
Descriptions of various roads & houses, MS, VT, DH,CF, 24 - 25.10.1941.
(5 ms docs)
Quotations from interviews, CF, DH, 24.10.1941.
(2 ts & ms docs, 2pp, 1p)
Notes and quotations from interviews on morale, DH, 24.10.1941.
(1 ms doc, 1p)
1/3/N: Notes & interviews, Highgate 1942
Notes & quotations from interviews in York Rise, with index, DH.
(1 ms doc, 11pp) covering the following themes:
Public Houses. (1p)
Cinemas (1p)
General impressions and morale. (5pp)
Air raid shelters. (1p)
Description of houses. (1p)
Tabulations of information from tenancy forms & rent books in York Rise, n.d. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Plans of houses in York Rise, MS, 19 - 31.3.1942. (2 docs, 1p, 1p)
1/3/O: Notes, directs & interviews, Bourneville Estate, Birmingham 1942
Notes & quotations from interviews: "Background to Housing Interviews", MT, February 1942. (1 ms doc, 10pp)
Notes & quotations from interviews and overheards, CM, MT, MS, DH, 24 - 27.2.1942. (1 ms bundle) covering the following themes:
Shopping. (7pp)
Public Houses.(2pp)
Parks and recreation grounds. (1p)
Education. (2pp)
General impressions & morale. (7pp)
Cafes (1p)
Attitudes to Cadburys. (4pp)
Air raid shelters. (1p)
Travelling Difficulties. (1p)
Billeting. (4pp)
Description of area. (4pp)
List of roads & number of houses, n.d. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
1/3/P: Descriptions of streets, Worcester 1941
Description of streets sampled in Worcester, MS, 1.10.1941.
(1 ms doc, 2pp)
Description of streets sampled in Worcester, CF, 30 September - 3 October 1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
TC 1,BOX 4: Housing Survey 1941-42
1/4/A: Housing Survey 1941
Analysis sheets for Worcester housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Analysis sheets for Ilford housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Analysis sheets for Portsmouth housing, n.d. (1 ms doc 8pp)
Analysis sheets for Letchworth housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Analysis sheets for Bourneville Bungalows, n.d. (1 ms doc, 2pp)
Analysis sheets for Bourneville, n.d. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Analysis sheets for Birmingham Old Property, n.d. (1 ms doc, 8pp
Analysis sheets for Dagenham housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Analysis sheets for Roehampton housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 7pp)
Analysis sheets for Watling housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 7pp)
Analysis sheets for Fulham housing, n.d. (1 ms doc, 7pp)
Analysis sheets for Fulham flats, n.d. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Analysis sheets for Highgate flats, n.d. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Questionnaire responses, Kentish town & Highgate, DH, December 1941. (1 dup & ms bundle)
Questionnaire responses, CF, November 1941. (1 dup & ms bundle)
Questionnaire responses, Watling, DH, October 1941. (1 dup & ms bundle)
Business card: "Mrs Flicker Apartments, Southend-on-Sea", n.d. (2 pr docs)
Drafts and final version of printed questionnaire, Autumn 1941, (5 dup docs)
Letter to TH from Edith Web regarding publication of "Housing", 20.9.1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Tabulations, Autumn 1941. (1 bundle)
1/4/H: Miscellaneous
Memo on housing, GSF, 28.1.1941. (1 dup & ms doc, 2pp)
Notes: "Repeatable Inquiries", RF, 11 - 13 October 1941. (1 ts/ms doc, 8pp)
Report: "Housing", RF, 14.5.1941. (1 ts doc, 21 pp)
Form for becoming a "friend of the Housing Centre", London, 14.10.1941.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
Notes on localities & subjects to be studied in the Housing Survey, 13 - 20 October 1941, RF. (1 ts & ms doc, 4pp)
Analysis: "Years of tenure", VT, October - November 1941. (2 ms bundles)
Analysis sheets for Watling & Dagenham, with letter to TH, 22.11.1941.
(1 ms docs, 6pp)
Letter to TH from the Hundred Towns Association, London, 26.12.1941.
(1 ts doc, 1p)
Notes: "Housing QQ Changes" with lists of streets in various locations, VT, 31.3.1942. 91 ms doc, 6pp)
Analysis of gender in various locations, VT, 3.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Correspondence between Richard Fitter and Irene Barclay regarding the York Rise Flats [with notes on RF's meeting with Mrs Barclay], RF, April - may 1942. (6 ts docs)
Notes addressed to RF on correlations, DB, 3.6.1942. (1 ts & ms doc, 6 pp)
Letters to RF from the Ministry of Home Security, 30.10.1942.
(1 ts & ms doc, 1p)
"Proposed pseudonyms for places surveyed", RF, 26.3.1942. (1 ts & ms doc)
Miscellaneous notes, n.d. (1 bundle)
Newspaper cutting: "Wartime Britain up for Sale", Sunday Times,
n.d. (1 pr doc)
Notes on correlations, n.d. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
1/4/I: People's Homes 1942
News paper cuttings of reviews of People's Homes, 1942. (1 bundle)
Correspondence between Mass-Observation and the Friends War Relief Service, London Hospital, 14 - 15.4.1943. (2 ts docs)
Correspondence between Mass-Observation and the Advertising Service Guild, 5 - 6.4.1943. (2 ts docs)
Correspondence between J I Bernard and J R M Brumwell, 31 March - 1 April 1943. (2 ts docs)
Letter to J Stringer from Mass-Observation, 2.4.1943. (1 ts doc)
Correspondence between Mass-Observation and J Springer, 2 - 27.4.1943. (2 ts & ms docs)
TC 1, BOX 5: Pamphlets, Leaflets, Articles & Cuttings
Town and Country, A planning review, Vol. VIII. No.30, April 1940.
(1 pr doc, 40pp)
Town and Country Planning, Vol. IX. No.33, Spring 1941. (1 pr doc, 36pp)
Town and Country Planning, Vol IX. No 35, Autumn 1941. (1 pr doc, 112pp)
Town and Country Planning, Vol. IX. No.36, Winter 1941-42.
(1 pr doc, 156pp)
The Listener, Vol XXVI. No.673, 4.12.1941. (1 pr doc, 772pp)
The Listener, Vol. XXVII. No. 680, 22.1.1942. (1 pr doc, 128pp)
The Listener, Vol. XXVII. No. 683, 12.2.1942. (1 pr doc, 224pp)
Cuttings from the Spectator relating to reconstruction, 1941. (1 pr bundle)
Newspaper cuttings relating to reconstruction, 1941-42. (1 pr bundle)
Kensington Housing Trust Ltd, Annual Report, 1940. 91 pr doc, 14pp)
Public Administration, The Journal of the Institute of Public Administration, Vol. XIX. No.1, January 1941. (1 pr doc, 79pp)
The Spectator, No. 5872, 10.1.1941. (1 pr doc, 48pp)
Planning, London Under Bombing: A Broadsheet issued by Political Economic Planning, No.169, 17.2.1941. ( 1pr doc, 31pp)
The Highway, The Journal of the Workers' Educational Association,
Vol XXXIII, March 1941. (1 pr doc. 119pp)
St Christopher Magazine, March 1941. (1 pr doc, 28pp)
Article:"Prologue to Planning" by J B Priestley from Horizon, March 1941.
(1 pr doc, 3pp)
The Architect and Building News, Vol. CLXVI. No.3772, 4.4.1941.
(1 pr doc, 18pp)
Overture to Planning, rebuilding Britain Series No.1,London: Faber and Faber, 15.7.1941. (1 pr doc, 29pp)
Plan for Living, Rebuilding Britain Series No 5, London: Faber and Faber, 21.1.1942. (1 pr doc, 36pp)
The Architectural Review, Destruction and Reconstruction, July 1941.
(1 pr doc, 50pp)
The Re-building of Poplar, Issued by the Missionary Council, Trinity Church Poplar, August 1941. (1 pr doc, 2pp)
Contractors Record and Municipal Engineering, Vol. LII. No.44, 29.10.1941. (1 pr doc, 20pp)
Draft Notes on "Star Plan" entitled "Already Our Children Sneer"from Winget Ltd (Engineers and Concrete Machinery Manufacturers), 26.9.1941. (1 vol)
World Review, October 1941. (1 pr doc, 80pp)
Engineering, Vol. 152, 301-320pp, 17.10.1941. (1 pr doc, 49pp)
Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol. VI. No.10, December 1941. (1 pr doc, 15pp)
Picture Post, The Land of Britain, Vol. 14. No.1, 3.1.1942. (1 pr doc, 27pp)
Bourneville Housing, A description of the Housing Schemes of the Bourneville Village Trust and Cadbury Brothers Ltd, 1942. (1 pr doc, 55pp)
Postcards of Manobier Castle, n.d. (1 pr doc)
TC 1, BOX 6: Aspects of Living in Houses
[Assorted notes, tabulations, reports, comments, overheards & quotation from interviews derived from the housing survey]
1/6/A: Why people moved to their present home
Notes and quotations from interviews in Letchworth and Roehampton, VT, 18.4.1942. (1 ms doc,17pp)
Notes and quotations from interviews [location/s unknown], DH, 1942.
(1 ms doc, 10pp)
Analysis: "Housing Correlations", PN, 13.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 2pp)
Analysis: "Housing Correlations", VT, 25.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Analysis:"Length of Residence Correlations", n.d. (1 ms doc, 2pp)
Analysis sheets, n.d, VT. (1 dup & ms doc, 6pp)
Tabulations:"Years of Tenure", 1941. (1 dup & ms doc, 2pp)
Interviews in Hilmer Street, CF, 29.4.1941. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
1/6/B: Situation, neighbours & privacy
Notes and quotations from interviews [location/s unknown], DH, n.d.
(1 ms doc, 16pp)
Notes and quotations from interviews [location/s unknown], MS, 7.4.1942.
(1 ms doc, 8pp)
Notes and quotations from interviews [location/s unknown], VT, 7.4.1942.
(1 ms doc, 11pp)
Overhead: "Conversation between neighbours", n.d. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
1/6/C: Housework & cleaning
Interviews in Fairholme Road, CF, 29.04.1941. (1 ts doc, 6pp)
"Analysis summary of Iverson Road, Commodore Street and Hilmer Street", CF, 16.5.1941. (1 ts doc, 27pp)
Analysis:"Cleaning", VT, n.d. (1 ms doc, 12 pp)
Directive reply for February 1942 by D Shaw [gives an account of a day in the life of a servant], February 1942. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Notes on tiles, VT, 23.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Notes on cleaning: "It should not be necessary to light a fire to get a drop of hot water", MS, 3.6.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Observation: "Scrubbing a Kitchen", CF, 11.6.1942. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Observation: "Washing up the breakfast things on Sunday morning in a Kentish village", CF, 14.6.1942. (1 ms doc, 2pp)
Observation: "A day's housework", VT, 15.6.1942. (1 ms doc, 9pp)
Notes and correlations, n.d. (5 ms docs)
1/6/D: Liking/disliking own home
Notes: "Housing QQ 1941: Quotes from comparable material of early 1941", HB, n.d. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Quotations from Beacontree & Dagenham by Terence Young, The Architectural Review & Parliamentary debates, 1942. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
Miscellaneous notes on housing, VT, 24.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Quotations from interviews on crowding & likes & dislikes [location/s unstated], 26.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 19pp)
Quotations from interviews on likes & dislikes [location/s unstated], n.d.
(1 ms doc, 20pp)
Analysis & correlations, n.d. (1 ms bundle)
Tabulations: "Neighbourhood", n.d. (1 dup & ms doc, 7pp)
1/6/E: Owning or renting
Notes:"Material on Tenants Leagues", BW, 4.12.1941. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Quotations from interviews relating to landlords, VT, 7.4.1942.
(1 ms doc, 2pp)
Quotations from interviews, MS, 7.4.1942. (1 ms doc, 10pp)
Quotations from interviews, DH, 28.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 9pp)
Analysis & correlations, n.d. (1 ms bundle)
Tabulations: "Tenure", n.d. (1 dup & ms doc, 4pp)
1/6/F: Storage space & water heating
Notes on objects found around a house [location/s unstated] with interviews in Hilmer Street, 1941. (1 ms & ts doc, 7pp)
Notes & quotations from interviews [location/s unstated], DH, n.d.
(1 ms bundle)
Notes & quotations from interviews [location/s unstated], MS, 7.4.1942.
(1 ms doc, 5pp)
Notes & quotations from interviews in Roehampton, VT, 17.6.1942.
(1 ms doc, 8pp)
Analysis & correlations, n.d. (1 ms bundle)
Quotation from C A Smith's diary, 20.6.1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Memo from the Birmingham Post relating to money for publishing articles, January 1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
1/6/G: Heating & lighting
Interviews in Langham Road, CF, 9.10.1941. 91 ts doc, 2pp)
Notes & quotations from interviews on the Watling Estate, DH & MS, 13 - 14.10.1941. (6 ms docs)
Notes & quotations from interviews [location/s unstated], DH, 1.2.1942.
(1 ms doc, 8pp)
Notes & quotations from interviews , VT, 7.4.1942. (5 ms docs)
Notes & quotations from interviews [location/s unstated], MS, 3.6.1942.
(1 ms doc, 4pp)
Reply to February 1942 directive by Dorothy Walklen, Bedford, 5.3.1942.
(1 ms doc, 4pp)
Notes:"Air to Breathe and Light to See By", RF, 14.4.1942. ( 1 ts doc, 1p)
Newspaper cutting: "Refrigerator Homes After the War", The Star, 27.5.1942. (1 pr doc)
Observation of women lighting a boiler, CF, 15.6.1942. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Analysis & correlations, n.d. (1 ms bundle)
Tabulations: "House", n.d. (1 dup & ms doc, 2pp)
1/6/H: Repair, decoration & furnishing
Notes on furniture inside the home, CF, 1941. (1 ms doc, 2pp)
Notes on wall decorations, CF, 16 June 1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Quotations from interviews, DH, [location/s not stated]. (1 ms doc, 10pp)
Quotations from interviews, Roehampton, VT, (5 ms docs)
Quotations from interviews, [location/s not stated], (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Analysis & correlations, n.d. (1 ms bundle)
Memos from the Birmingham Post relating to money for publishing articles, Feb - March 1942. (2 ts docs)
1/6/I: People's ideas of an ideal home
Notes & quotations from interviews [location/s not stated], MS, 24.3.1942.
(1 ms doc, 12pp)
Notes & quotations from interviews entitled "Little Houses" from Fulham Falts, VT, 17.6.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Notes & quotations from interviews in Fulham, CF, 23.6.1942. (1 ts doc, 4pp)
Notes: "Housing QQ 1941: Quotations from comparable material of early 1941 realtive to question 3", HP, n.d. (1 ms doc, 5pp)
The Architectural Association School of Architecture Spring Term Programme: "Housing for Older People", 1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
1/6/J: Gardens, roof gardens & allotments
Report: "Food Gardens for the Unemployed: Friends' Allotment Committee", S Schofield, 17.11.1939. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Report: "National Allotments Society Limited", 20.11.1939. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
Interviews in Stepney, NM, 22.7.1940. (1 ts bundle)
Extracts from "M-O Politics Book", n.d. (1 ts doc, 4pp)
Notes on Fulham, HP, 29.7.1940. ( 1 ts doc, 1p)
Extracts from article: "Reflections on Density from Town & Country Planning", Winter 1941 - 2, (1 ts doc, 1p) "Memo from TH to RF", 3 December 1941 - 26 February 1942. (1 ts & ms doc, 1p)
Notes: "Quotes from comparable material of early 1941", HP, 1941.
(1 ms doc, 2pp)
Analysis: "Kitchens & Gardens QQ", DB, 4.3.1942.
(1 ms doc, 7pp)
Notes: "First Draft on Gardens", 10.3.1942. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
Notes, VT, 24.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Notes: "Parks & Allotments", Letchworth, DH, 14.3.1942. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Notes: "Section V The Englishman's Acre: Second Draft on Gardens",
RF, 26.3.1942. (1 ts doc, 11p)
Plans of Balconies & Roof Gardens [location/s not stated], MS, 1.6.1942.
(1 ms doc, 2pp)
Analysis & Correlations, 1942. (4 bundles)
Tabulations: "Gardens", n.d. (1 ms doc, 9pp)
Leaflet: "The Second Annual Report of the Bethnal Green (Bombed Sites) Producers Association", October 1943. (1 pr doc, 2pp)
Galley Proofs: People's Homes, 1942. (1 pr bundle)
Drafts: People's Homes, RF, 13.3.1942. (1 ts bundle)
1/6/M: Reports on Houses v Flats, Cockroach Infestations and Pre-Fabs
Draft articles for Town & Country: "Housing V Flats", 25.11.1941.
(2 ts doc, 6pp)
Draft article for Town & Country: "Housing V Flats", 1.12.1941.
(1 ts doc, 8pp)
Notes on meeting (TH & RF) with A I Edwards, President of the 100 Houses Association, RF, 5.12.1941. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Notes and handouts on talk by R Perry of the Committee for the Scientific
& Industrial Provision of Housing at an Advertising
Service Guild Lunch at Brown's Hotel, London [includes invitation to luncheon], January 1942. (1 ts doc, 12pp)
Notes: "Cockroaches", PN, 11.6.1942. ( 1 ts doc, 3pp)
Quotations from interviews on Building Societies from Battersea, GST, 29.3.1944. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Report: "Suggestions for Proposed Glass Investigation", RF, 16.6.1942.
(1 ts doc, 7pp)
TC 1, BOX 7: Typed Drafts of People's Homes, 1942
Drafts: "Summary", RF, n.d. (1 ts bundle)
Drafts: "Description of Places and Houses Surveyed", RF, May 1942.
(1 ts bundle)
Drafts: "The Inertia of Homes", July 1942. (1 ts bundle)
Drafts: "The Fabric of the Home", n.d. (1 ts bundle)
TC 1, BOX 8: Housing 1941-45
1/8/A: Survey on Utility Furniture, 1945
Analysis of Results, August 1945. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
1/8/B: Temporary Housing 1944
Observation: "Emergency Factory-Made House Exhibited on Land Adjoining Tate Gallery", LB, 4.5.1944. ( 1ts doc, 6pp)
Observation: "Exhibition of the Portal House", DI, 8.6.1944. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Observation: "Westminster Portal House", GST, 11.6.1944. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Report: "Temporary Houses at Poplar", GST, 15.11.1944. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
1/8/C: Post-war Homes Exhibition 1945
Leaflet from the Women's Advisory Committee on solid fuel, n.d.
( 1 pr doc, 1p)
Questionnaire card relating to housing, n.d. (1 dup doc, 1p)
Analysis and quotations from interviews, July 1941. (1 ms doc, 3pp)
Quotations from interviews, LHC, 3.7.1945. (1 ms doc, 5pp)
Quotations from interviews relating to duplex housing [with hand drawn diagram], NA, 3.7.1945. (1 ts doc, 10pp)
Interviews and overheards, DBL, 5.7.1945. (1 ts doc, 3pp)
Overheards, NA, 10.7.1945. (1 ms doc, 6pp)
Overheards and Indirect comments on bedroom, CG, 12.7.1945.
(1 ts doc, 3pp)
Counts, CG, 12.7.1945. (1 ts & ms doc, 5pp)
Overheards, DOB, 14.7.1945. (1 ms doc, 7pp)
Analysis, n.d. (1 ms doc, 7pp)
Counts, NA, 23.7.1945. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Tabulations, n.d. (1 dup & ms docs, 8pp)
1/8/D: Post-war Homes Exhibition 1945: Questionnaire responses
Questionnaire [with carbon copy]:15.7.1945. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Questionnaire responses, LF, July 1945. (1 ms & ts bundle)
Questionnaire responses, CG, July 1945. (1 ts bundle)
Questionnaire responses, NA, July 1945. (1 ts bundle)
Questionnaire responses, GST, July 1945. (1 ts bundle)
Questionnaire responses, LB, July 1945. (1 ts bundle)
1/8/E-F: Post-war Homes Exhibition 1945: Additional questionnaire responses
Questionnaire responses: "Housing Additional qq", July 1945.
(1 dup & ms bundle)
1/8/G: Exhibition of Utility Furniture, London 1942
Memo: "Planning Exhibitions: Comments and Questions" from Carter of RIBA in charge of CEMA exhibitions, 7.10.1941. (1 ts doc, 9pp)
Observation: "Cripps at Housing Exhibition", RF, 2.6.1942. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Description of housing exhibition in Charing Cross Road, London [including drawings], MS, 3.6.1942. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Description of Utility Furniture exhibition [with diagrams], MS, 20.10.1942. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
1/8/H: New Towns for Britain Project: Leaflets, Booklets & Newspaper Cuttings [A scheme for national reconstruction (founded in 1933) published by the 100 New Towns Association]
Booklet: "A Hundred New Towns for Britain: A National Scheme of Building" formulated by A Trystan Edwards, n.d. (1 pr doc, 35pp)
Booklet: "New Towns for Old" by Reverend P T R Kirk, n.d. (1 pr doc, 16pp)
Leaflet reprinted from the Yorkshire Evening News. "A Hundred New Towns for Britain: A Vision of the Future", 14.01.1935. ( 1 pr doc, 1p)
Booklet: "100 New Towns for Britain: Solve the Slum Problem, Give Creative Employment, Save the Countryside, Make an A1 Population", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 71pp)
Booklet: "100 New Towns for Britain: Save the Countryside, Remodel Existing Towns, A National Peace Memorial, Solve the Slum Problem. Resuscitate our Industries, Make an A1 Population", n.d. (1 pr doc, 11pp)
Newspaper Cutting: "A Plan that Would Change Britain" from The Sunday Chronicle, 5.5.1935. (1 pr doc, 1p)
1/8/I: The Architectural Science Group's Economic Commitee
Report: "The Key to Efficient Building", 1941. (1 ts doc, 10pp)
Report:"Proposed Ministry of Building", n.d. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
Report: "Pointers to Enquiry", n.d. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
Report: "Some Problems of Research and Investigation", n.d. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
Draft Report: "Economic Committee's Note to the Co-ordinating Committee", n.d. (1 ts doc, 25pp)
Report: "Economic Committee's Note to the Co-ordinating Committee", n.d. (1 ts doc, 12pp)
Notes from the above report, n.d. (1 ts doc, 5pp)
Summary of above report, n.d. (1 ts doc, 7pp)
Correspondence between Richard Fitter and Alun Davison, 23.01.1941.
(3 ts docs)
Report: "Progress Report of Economic Committee", 21.2.1941.
(1 dup doc, 5pp)
Meeting Minutes, 14.01.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Meeting Minutes, 16.02.1941. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Draft Meeting Minutes, 25.02.1941. (1 dup doc, 2pp)
Notes on research equipment and the role of the expert, n.d. (1 ms doc, 1p)
Letter from committee secretary with "List of Research Items", n.d.
(1 ts doc, 6pp)
Report: "The Lower Structure", n.d. (1 ts doc, 8pp)
Report: "The Place of Science in Architectural Education", 24.02.1941.
(1 ts doc, 9pp)
Report: "The Need for Co-ordination Towards Efficient Building", 27.02.1941. (1 dup doc, 16pp)
Letter to Richard Fitter from Arthur Cobb, 5.04.1941. (1 ms doc, 1p)
1/8/J: Exhibition pamphlets 1942
"Meals for Small Children", Stork Margarine Cookery Service: Cookery Notes no.29, May 1942. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Good Wartime Jams", Stork Margarine Cookery Service: cookery Notes no.30, June-July 1942. (1 pr doc1p)
"Irene Veal Suggests Some War Time Cakes", n.d. (1 pr doc, 4pp)
"Jam-Making and Fruit bottling", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"I Pass This on to You: Russian Dishes", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"I Pass This on to You: Old Recipes Revived", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"I Pass This on to You: Back to Normal", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Meals for Two on a Gas Ring", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Contribution to Progress: An account of the aims & activities of the Electrical Association for Women", n.d. (1 pr doc, 10pp)
"What is the EAW?", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Application for membership of the Electrical Association for Women", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"The Electrical Association for Women: Publications", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"How to Read Your Electricity Meter", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"How it Works: The Electric Cooker", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Associated Country Women of the World", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"War Factories Need More Gas", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Women's Gas Council", n.d. ( 1 pr doc, 1p)
"Mr Therm Fires the Guns", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Living in Cities", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1pp)
"The Romance of a Lump of Coal", n.d. (1 pr doc, 12pp)
Report: "Homes to Live In Exhibition", n.d. (1 dup doc, 2pp)
1/8/K: Other Housing Surveys
Draft Questionnaire from the Women's Gas Council, n.d. (1 dup doc, 1p)
Questionnaire from the Women's Advisory Housing Council, n.d.
(1 pr doc, 2pp)
Newspaper cutting "What Wives Want in Post-war Homes", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
Newspaper cutting: "A Home These Women Want", n.d. (1 pr doc)
Notes on Questionnaires found in newspapers, 28.05.1942. (1 ts doc, 4pp)
Correspondence between Richard Fitter and Miss Ledeboer, August 1942. (3 ts & ms docs)
Questionnaire for Managers, n.d. (1 pr doc, 5pp)
Questionnaire for Tenants, n.d. (1 pr doc, 11pp)
TC 1, BOX 9: Housing 1946-48
1/9/A: Modern Homes Exhibition, Dorland Hall, Regent Street, London 1946
Report: "The Modern Homes Exhibition", n.d. (1 dup doc, 3pp)
Notes and tabulations, n.d. (4 ms bundles)
Pamphlet: "The Council of Industrial Design's Design Quiz", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
1/9/B: Modern Homes Exhibition, Dorland Hall, Regent Street, London, 1946
Notes, observations and overheard conversations, n.d. (5 ms bundles)
1/9/C: Modern Homes Exhibition, Dorland Hall, Regent Street, London, 1946
"Questionnaire A", 20.03.1946. (1 ts doc, 1p)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, MS. (1 ms doc, 4pp)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, MT. (1 ms doc, 6pp)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, JK. (1 ms doc, 8pp)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, GST. (1 ts bundle)
Questionnaire replies, April 1946, TT. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, April 1946, ML. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, April 1946, LB. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, n.d. (1 ts doc, 6pp)
Analysis & tabualtions, n.d. (1 ms bundle)
Tabulations, n.d. (1 dup & ms bundle)
1/9/D: Modern Homes Exhibition, Dorland Hall, Regent Street, London, 1946
"Questionnaire B", 26.03.1946. (1 ts doc, 2pp)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, MT. (1 ms doc, 5pp)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, MS. (1 ms doc, 6pp)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, GST. (1 ts bundle)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, ML. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, JK. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, TT. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, March 1946, LB. (1 ms bundle)
Questionnaire replies, n.d. (1 ts bundle)
Tabulations, n.d. (1 dup & ms bundle)
1/9/E: Modern Homes Exhibition, Dorland Hall, Regent Street, London, 1946
"Note to posterity", n.d, HDW. (1 ts doc, 1p)
"Snap Questionnaire" replies, n.d. (1 dup & ms bundle)
Tabulations, n.d. (1 ms doc, 2pp)
1/9/F: Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition Leaflets, March 1947
"Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition Catalogue", 1947 (1 pr doc, 272pp)
"The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition's Spot the Stars Contest", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
"Gas & Coke in the design for ideal homes", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"The 3 in One Compact", n.d. (1 pr doc. 1p)
"Make Your Ideal Home Your Real Home: Abbey National Building Society", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Planning the Home Life of the New Britain: Jay's Furnishing Stores", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
"Ideal Homes by Oetzmann", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Bruce's of Baker Street", n.d. (1 pr doc, 4pp)
"Do you Remember?: A pre-war dining room furnished by The Times Furnishing Co.", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"What We Mean by Wates Build", n.d. (1 pr doc, 5pp)
"Good Heating for Every Home with Solid Smokeless Fuel Appliances", n,.d, (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Keep forever the glorious heritage of youth with Biocrin", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Out of the Bandbox!: Sleepeezee Bedding", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"The [Radio] Set That Sets a Standard", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Housing Digest: A New Publication", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Woman's Journal: Because You Love Your Home", n.d. (1 pr doc, 12pp)
"Duracraft Bedroom Furniture", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"What Every Newly-Wed Should Know: Broderick Furniture", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
"Powley Water Paint: for all interior decorating", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Yeast Pac: Brings Beauty Back", n.d. (1 pr doc,1p)
"Powley Oil Bound Distemper", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Put-U-Up: Settee-beds", n.d. (1 pr doc, 3pp)
"Eugene: For Lovely, Practical Hairstyles", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"From Coast to Coast - The Nations Host", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"The Butlin Holiday Club", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"For Day and Night Use: Skin Deep Beauty Cream", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Radiant Cavity Signs: As Clear as Daylight", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"See How You'll Get on If You Make the Navy Your Career", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
"Fine Furnishing for 125 years", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Wandalite Adjustable Table Lamp", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Best Friend: The Hairdryer that is different", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Key to Colour Schemes with Sherwoods Paints", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"One Electric Fire for Two Purposes", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Neolite Brushes", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Furniture of Distinction: Mawers Ltd", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"What is the EAW", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"Electricity and Woman", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"What is the Future: EAW Point of View of Post-War Reconstruction", n.d.
(1 pr doc, 1p)
"The EAW Hoe Workers' Certificate", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"The Electrical Association for Women", n.d. (1 pr doc, 1p)
"All England Homefinder and Small Property Guide", March 1947.
(1 pr doc, 57pp)
Report: "Some Housing Statistics", University of London, Department of Extra-Mural Studies, 11.02.1955, John Madge, (1 dup doc, 3pp)
1/9/H: Quotations from and analysis of Panel Directive Replies: Ideal Home 1948 (Photocopies of badly damaged originals)
Quotations from directives, 1948. (1 ms & ts bundle)
Tabulations, 1948. (1 dup & ms bundle)
Tabulations: "M-O Machine Percentage Sheet", 1948. (1 pr & ms doc, 6pp)
Box 10: Fulham Housing Survey 1938
Survey of the Strode Road housing stock carried out by students at the Architectural Association: "Unit 4-Cox, Farjeon, Field, Goldhill, Grimm"
"Casebook" on Strode Road (Field & Goldhill): Day Surveys for Thurs 25 Aug, Sat 27 Aug, & Sun 28 Aug 1938, (1 ms bundle)
1/10/B: (NB The contents of this file are not in order)
Exercise Book: "Condition of Houses", n,d. (1 ms bk)
Notes: "Information from Mr Bartlett Room 393", n.d. (1 ms doc, 11pp)
Tabulations on income, n.d. (1 ms doc, 5pp)
Notes: "Houses to Visit", n.d. (1 ms doc, 1p)
8 envelopes (damaged) containing detailed descriptions of individual houses/flats & their occupants, 1938. (8 ms bundles)
TC 27: 3 boxes
This Topic Collection has been somewhat artificially created from boxes and files of material labelled 'Registration', 'Unemployment', and 'Demobilisation'. There is considerable overlap with other Topic Collections, especially TC 75: INDUSTRY, TC 29: FORCES, TC 32: WOMEN IN WARTIME and TC 6: CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS and researchers are advised to follow up the material in these other boxes in order to get a fuller picture of Mass-Observation's studies in these areas
27/1/A: Unemployed demonstrations as news
Notes and newspaper article: "40 million people say this to Mr Renton", Daily Mirror, 11.1.39 by TH. Criticisms of 'unemployed stunts' organised by Mr Renton and the unemployed workers, comparisons with the press attention given to a news story about Mr Grover who flies single-handed to Russia to bring back his wife, Jan 1939
27/1/B: Newspaper cuttings
Coverage of the 'unemployed stunts', eg delivery of a coffin, a 'lie-down' in the street, demonstrations before Chamberlain flies to Rome etc, Jan 1939
27/1/C: Survey of attitudes to 'unemployed stunts', 1939
Interviews with 'down and outs', London (LT)
Interviews with working class people in Fulham and Central London (LT)
Interviews asking about both the 'stunts' and the Mr and Mrs Grover news in Walworth (7.1.39), Newington Butts and Elephant and Castle (8.1.39) (AH) and in Lewisham among middle class people (PBS)
27/1/D: Effect of war on jobs
Informal interviews (DH) London 22.8.40
27/1/E: Attitudes to conscription 1939
Interviews about conscription carried out in a working class housing estate, by AH, 28.4.39
27/1/F: Registration Day for the 25s, April 1940
Rough order:
List of London Employment Exchanges (BW). Annotated copy
Memo: preliminary reaction to reports (TH)
Report: Registration Saturday, 6.4.40 summary of work (TH)
Report: For King and Country by Willy Goldman 15.4.40
Report: Registration of the 25s by Newman Turner with cutting from Peace News
Typed list : "Registrations", 2.4.40, (TH)
Two typed letters from Nicolas Bentley at the Ministry of Information. 5.4.40 and 6.4.40
Typed list : "Employment Exchanges in London", annotated in pencil, 5.4.40, (BW)
Eight typed sheets of instructions to individual Investigators concerning the day's work, 5.4.40, (TH)
Typed time-sheet giving details of telephone messages from Investigators
Typed memo from Tom Harrisson to Investigators containing guidelines for the Labour Exchange investigation : "Points for everyone", 6.4.40, (TH)
Typed report : "Attitudes of applicants to Ministry of Labour Employment Exchanges", 24.8.40, (HH)
Typed "remarks" on the Labour Exchanges investigation, 22.8.40, (CF)
Copy of standard letter to women from the Women's Employment Federation concerning the Emergency Register
News cutting from the London Evening News, containing article about registration at Croydon Labour Exchange, 6.4.40
Typed indirect outside/on Labour Exchanges (JS) 26.8.40
Copy of "Impression" outside Hendon Labour Exchange (JS) 27.8.40
27/1/G: Correspondence with Panel members 1940
Draft letter from Mass-Observation to Panel members asking for reports on
Registration Day (6 April). Lists of people contacted with addresses; notes on which Panel members are conscientious objectors
Replies from Panel members
27/1/H: Registration observations from Panel
Detailed reports from Panel members on the military registration of 25 year olds at Employment Exchanges in England and Scotland
27/1/I: Registration observations from full-time Observers
Observations made chiefly in London but also in Bolton and Farnworth by full-time workers (HN, JA, BW, CP, AH, DH, BA, HP, SS, NM, GT)
27/1/J: Leaflets relating to Registration 1940
Printed leaflets collected during observations at Employment Exchanges. Includes pacifist and anti-war material
27/1/K: Further registration observations from full-time Observers
27/1/L: Juvenile employment: interviews at Labour Exchange Feb 40
27/2/A: Attitudes to the postwar situation 1941
Summary of investigation carried out in five London boroughs, Sept 1941 (TH): expectations of postwar employment prospects
Collection of indirect comments about demobilisation policy postwar (JS) 23.7.41 in Mill Hill and Willesden. Indirect comments also collected by GD 23.7.41
27/2/B: The Demobilisation Study 1943
Pamphlet: Looking Ahead, Conservative Party Policy on a points system for demobilisation, Sept 1943
Report: Demobilisation, proposals for the study of the subject, 24.5.43 (with note scribbled on 'for EJ')
Summary of work on indirects (NW)
Report on postwar world (mostly conversation about Germany after the war) 27.8.43 (CG)
Report on Demobilisation questionnaire from AE Rodway in Manchester Area, 5.8.43
Typed manuscript on demobilisation, 1943
Miscellaneous papers and notes
27/2/C: Demobilisation: indirect comments 1943
Attitudes to demobilisation collected by LB, VT, PB, GB, GST, FM, ALS and others including comments on the early demobilisation of women, the points system, the demobilisation of Civil Defence workers and so on. Mostly carried out in London but also in Lancashire towns and Basingstoke villages
27/2/D: Press: demobilisation 1943
Discusses priority demobilisation, women and the Conservative Party policy on a points system
27/2/E: Panel attitudes to demobilisation 1943
Opinions sent in by Panel members, Nov 1943 based on their own feelings and those of their friends and colleagues. Many of the replies are from people in the Forces
27/2/F: University students' attitudes to demobilisation 1943
Notes on their personal opinions written by students in Manchester
27/2/G: Discussions in War Factories
Report (duplicated): An experiment with discussion groups in war factories, July and August 1943 by Amabel Williams-Ellis, Alan Jarvis and Michael Young
Reprint from the Spectator: Factory discussions by Amabel Williams-Ellis, 29.10.43
27/2/H: Osrams Survey 1943
Correspondence between Mass-Observation and Mr Chelioti of Osrams-GEC Lamp Works in Hammersmith Nov 1943 with three duplicated memos:
"Recruitment of women workers to factories", Aug 1942
"Labour recruitment in the lamp, valve and glass industries" Aug 1943
"Part-time women workers" June 1943
27/2/I: Osrams Survey 1943
Attitudes of women workers towards demobilisation, Aug-Sept 1943. (indirect comments)
27/2/J: Postwar employment 1943
7 questions asked about hopes and fears for postwar employment prospects, collected mainly in London but also in Lancashire (Bolton and Manchester), Bishop Auckland and Newark (LB, FM, AC, GST, EG, GB, GM)
27/2/K: Results of demobilisation study 1943
Tabulation sheets of results and notes (JF)
27/2/L: Opinions of schoolgirls 1943
Attitudes to demobilisation collected from a small group of secondary schoolgirls aged 16-18
27/3/A-C: Draft manuscripts of The Journey Home
Final version with various annotated and revised sections (notes by TH and BW). Mass-Observation publication on visions of a postwar world
27/3/D: Discussion Groups reports
27/3/E: Forces' attitudes: demobilisation 1945
Reports sent in by Panel members in the Forces, Oct 1945
27/3/F: Opinions on demobilisation 1945-46
Comment collected by GST and LB in London, 11.9.45
Various assorted reports on demobilisation 1945-46
FOOD 1937 - 53
TC 67: 9 boxes
Box 1: Stork Margarine Survey and Early Rationing 1937 - 40
67/1/A: Margarine Surveys
Stork spreading campaign carried out by Lintas Ltd, 1937
Typed report on the wartime status of margarine
Typed extract comparing the 1952 survey with that carried out in 1937
Two typed questionnaires comparing feelings about margarine and butter
Five typed newspaper extracts from the Daily Express on margarine, 3.11.39 - 14.11.39
67/1/B: Introduction of rationing 1939 - 40
Typed report on early effects of food rationing and the rising food prices, 2.1.40 (TH)
Handwritten account of wages and food
Typed copy of letter from TH to CM outlining M-O research to be carried out on rationing which would be of use to Lintas, 16.11.39
74 handwritten and typed directs on butter and bacon rationing carried out in Bolton, 3.11.39 - 26.11.39 (GT BN JC HP BA)
Handwritten overheard on rationing, 13.11.39 (CP)
67/1/C: Rationing 1939
Typed indirects on rationing carried out in North London, 2.11.39 (VM)
Typed overheards at a doctor's office in the East End about butter rationing, 3.11.39 (VM)
Rationing questionnaire 4.11.39 - 8.11.39. Replies to a 3 point questionnaire on people's opinions of the Government's rationing scheme and how it will affect them
1 typed copy of questionnaire
Interviewer's comments on questionnaire
80 replies to questionnaire carried out in Central London and Rickmansworth, (VM)
Letter from Sainsburys about rationing; especially butter, bacon and ham, which are to be rationed and sugar, which has to be registered for
67/1/D: Butter rationing 1939
Typed directs from small traders in Stockport on butter rationing, 15.11.39 (JC)
Typed report of meeting with the manager of the Stockport Industrial & Equitable Co-operative Society about butter rationing, 18.11.39 (GT)
27 typed directs from shop-keepers on butter rationing carried out in Grays Inn Road, Notting Hill, Whitechapel, Stratford and Hammersmith, 15.11.39 - 29.11.39 (JA)
Shop counts, 11.11.39
67/1/E: Food Shortages
38 handwritten and typed replies from the national panel on the availability of butter, bacon and sugar, 15.11.39 - 30.11.39
67/1/F: Food Control 1939 - 40
Typed excerpts from news items/articles in Daily Express, Evening Standard, and Reynold's News, during November 1939: on the subject of food)
rationing, especially the running dispute between private traders and Co-op Typed account of observer's visit to the Food Control Office in Kensington, 22.11.39 (PF)
Letters from Ledbury Joint Food Control Committees to catering establishments outlining the new restrictions on serving bacon and ham in meals, December 1939 & January 1940
Printed pamphlet: Food Control, Instructions to food control Committees, Part 1, October 1939
Printed material relating to food control: instructions for retailers and guidance for catering establishments, November 1939
Typed account of interview with member of the Borough Council on the organisation of the Food Control Office, 11.12.39 (JA)
Typed account of observer's visit to Limehouse Library where the juvenile section has been converted to an office for rationing and identity card matters, 3.7.40 (NM)
Letter from Harrods and Selfridges about their food rationing bureaux, October and November 1939
67/1/G: Gardening
Printed pamphlets and newspaper cuttings on allotments and how to make the best use of gardens for vegetable production
Handwritten note on Suttons seeds (TH)
Copy of the Royal Horticultural Society Journal for September 1945
'Dig for Victory' article from the Daily Express, November 1949
Issue of West London Observer, 16.8.40, with article on Dig for Victory
67/1/H: 'Macon' & Food and Wine Catalogues
Printed wine and food catalogues as mentioned in the report
Typed report on 'Macon', 5.12.39
Two copies of a report on food and wine catalogues and leaflets, 7.6.40 (SH)
Cartoon 'Smiling Through' by Lee
Printed invitation card to 'Macon' luncheon
Typed account of 'Macon' luncheon given by the Directors of T Wall at the Savoy Hotel, 6.12.39 (JA)
67/1/I: Press Cuttings
Press cuttings on rationing of petrol, coal and fat, 1939
67/1/J: Ephemera
TC 67, BOX 2: Food Rationing 1940
67/2/A: Food Campaign 14.5.40 - 17.5.41
8 point questionnaire on the Ministry of Food advertisements asking people if they know which are the energy giving foods, body building foods and protective foods. The questionnaire also asks if they have been to any cookery demonstrations and are they aware that there is a Ministry of Food campaign
Three typed copies of questionnaire
Typed interviewers' notes on carrying out the survey
126 replies to questionnaire carried out in Bolton, Bow, Bethnal Green, Rickmansworth and Fulham (GT AH BA NH JA DH)
Tabulation sheets
67/2/B: Food Questionnaire December 1940
4 point questionnaire on the Ministry of Food's new food plans asking people what they think of them and how the plans will affect them
One typed copy of questionnaire
36 replies to questionnaire carried out in Neasden and Willesden (CF VS)
Analysis sheets
Tinned fruit investigation 10.12.40
6 point questionnaire on tinned fruit
Interviewer's handwritten notes
17 replies to questionnaire carried out in London (GH)
Fish questionnaire for retailers 13.12.40
6 point questionnaire on fish supply, the demand and change in fish and prices
One typed copy of questionnaire
Interviewer's impressions
14 replies to questionnaire carried out in London (GH)
Turkey questionnaire for retailers 13.12.40
6 point questionnaire on the price and demand for turkeys
One typed copy of questionnaire
Investigator's typed impressions
4 replies to questionnaire carried out in London (GH)
Oranges questionnaire 13.12.40
6 point questionnaire on the demand and supply of oranges
One typed copy of questionnaire
5 replies to questionnaire carried out in London (GH)
Leek questionnaire for retailers 15.11.40
3 point questionnaire on leek supply, price and price changes
One handwritten copy of questionnaire
Investigator's handwritten impressions
17 replies to questionnaire carried out in London (VS)
67/2/C: Cafes 1940
Typed reports on cafes, their interiors and menus carried out in London 5.2.40 - 8.2.40 (JA BA LB LE)
Typed reports on cafe survey carried out in the East End of London, 9.7.40 (NM)
29 typed overheards in cafes in Worcester 18.7.40 - 14.9.40
Typed report on Lyons training sessions for their waiters and waitresses, 13.9.40 (CF)
Typed report of London County Council meals service, September 1940
Printed menus from cafes and restaurants in London, February 1940
Typed and handwritten directs on the Ministry of Food series of pamphlets 'Our Food Today' asking people if they found them useful
52 replies carried out in Cricklewood, Romford , Fulham, Streatham, Shepherds Bush and Notting Hill Gate (NM BP CP LE BW JA EF)
9 copies of food pamphlets Our Food Today: (1) "Eat Wisely in Wartime"
6 copies of food pamphlets Our Food Today: (2) "Wise Housekeeping in Wartime"
67/2/D: Kitchen Front Exhibition
Typed report on the Kitchen Front Exhibition, (undated)
Second typed report by M-O on Kitchen Front Exhibition, 21.5.40 (JA)
Typed report on the Kitchen Front Exhibition at Charing Cross station, 4.6.40 (HP)
Handwritten directs on the Ministry of Food Kitchen Front Exhibition
60 replies from visitors to the exhibition at Charing Cross station, 21.5.40 - 6.6.40 (DH)
Counts of people entering the exhibition
Invitation card to the Kitchen Front Exhibition
Press cutting on Kitchen Front Exhibition from The Times, May 1940
Handwritten report of a food exhibition at Harrods, 14.8.40
Typed account of a cookery demonstration in an electrical showroom in Worcester, 26.6.40
67/2/E: Tea Rationing 1940
Typed and handwritten directs on tea rationing, 13.7.40 - 17.7.40, carried out in Bourne End (DH)
Typed indirects on tea rationing, 13.7.40 carried out in Stepney (NM)
Press cuttings on tea rationing
Handwritten and typed directs on rationing, 13.8.40 - 13.9.40
67/2/F: Milk Survey & Rationing 1940
Typed report on Co-op Milk Survey, 22.8.40 (TH)
Typed report on milk deliveries, (undated)
Printed material from London Co-operative Society
Typed and handwritten accounts of shopping habits, October 1940
Typed account of the demand for bananas, 28.11.40 (JA)
19 typed directs on rationing, 3.12.40 - 17.12.40
Typed extracts from Hansard and the Daily Telegraph on the supply of Christmas fare, December 1940
Two typed copies "Memorandum on Movements of Population," November 1940 produced by Ministry of Food in relation to food requirements
Press cuttings on food rationing, December 1940 and also 15.12.41
67/2/G: Printed Material 1940
Leaflets issued by The National Milk Publicity Company, December 1940
Printed ephemera relating to food 1940
Handwritten miscellaneous notes by TH
Typed letter from British Medical Association about their pamphlet "How to stock your ARP larders"
Typed list of wartime cookery books
TC 67, BOX 3: Food Rationing 1941 - 42
67/3/A: Food questionnaires 1941
Printed leaflet: "Observations on ordinary oatmeal"
Printed carrot recipes
Carrot questionnaire for retailers 1.2.41
4 point questionnaire on the price and demand for carrots
1 handwritten copy of questionnaire
1 typed copy of questionnaire
Replies to questionnaire (20) carried out in Kilburn, Shepherds Bush, Notting
Hill Gate and Balham (CF KT)
Handwritten and typed interviewers' impressions
Carrot, potato & oatmeal questionnaire for retailers, 23.1.41
7 point questionnaire on the price of carrots, the price of oatmeal and changes in demand for these products
1 handwritten copy of questionnaire
Replies to questionnaire (17) carried out in Neasden and Hendon (VS)
36 Handwritten indirects on people's use of carrots, potatoes and oatmeal as fillers, 18.1.41 - 4.2.41, carried out in Notting Hill, Hendon and Camden, (DH VS)
6 typed directs asking people what they have for meals instead of meat, 23.1.41, carried out in Hendon and Balham
Press cutting on oatmeal
67/3/B: Questionnaires on Food & Milk
Milk questionnaire 20.8.41
5 point questionnaire sent to milk suppliers asking them what proportion of their customers have registered for milk so far, whether mothers with children are registering for their special rations and opinion about the working of the scheme
Food questionnaire 2.7.41
5 point questionnaire asking people if they know which are the energy giving foods, the body building foods and the protective foods and whether they are having any special food difficulties
1 typed copy of questionnaire
Interviewers' typed notes
121 replies to questionnaire carried out in Cricklewood, Euston, Shepherds Bush, Camden Town, Leyton & Neasden, (JA VT DH MS NN PG VS)
Analysis sheets
1 handwritten copy of questionnaire
Handwritten and typed investigators' notes
11 replies to questionnaire carried out in London, (NN)
67/3/C: Rationing 1941
Handwritten overheards at food queues in London 19.5.41 - 31.5.41
Typed account of investigators visit to two coffee stalls in London, 12.5.41 - 30.5.41 (LE)
Typed supplementary note to the food rationing report on oranges, 20.6.41, (PN)
Typed and handwritten note of food prices, July 1941
Handwritten diary extract on prices, August 1941
Handwritten diary extract on rationing, 3.7.41
Typed diary extract on rationing, 5.8.41
Handwritten account of food rationing in Shotley Bridge (Durham), 30.5.41
Handwritten note on new point rationing, 10.11.41 (GL)
Press cutting on the tomato shortage from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle, 26.6.41
Copy of Evening Standard, 9.9.41
Typed observation/overheard Kensington poulterers/fishmongers shop (RF) 2.1.42: 'Coots for Food' (waterfowl)
67/3/D: British Restaurants & Canteens
Printed pamphlet 'Canteens in Industry' issued by Labour Research Dept, 1942
Handwritten account of investigator's visit to a British Restaurant, 20.1.42 (MC)
22 handwritten and typed directs on British Restaurants carried out in Marylebone & Elephant & Castle, 22.1.42 (CM)
Handwritten interviews at County Hall in London about the Londoners' Meals Service, 23.1.42 (CM)
Typed diary extracts on British Restaurants, 23.10.41
Typed extracts from The Times, Daily Express, Hansard and Parliamentary Debates on British Restaurants, 3.1.42 - 4.2.42
Press cutting on British restaurants
Typed extract from a Report by the Chief Inspector of Factories, 1940
Typed extracts on canteens from a report, 1940 - 41
Typed extracts on industrial canteens from 'TUC in Wartime'; 'What's holding up Production?', Tirrell Report (English Electric, Bradford)
EIA pamphlet on war production
Typed extracts from Daily Sketch & Parliamentary Debates on factory canteens, Jan & Feb 1942
Typed report on office staff meals, 10.7.42 (DB)
Typed diary extracts on factory canteens, Nov 1941- Jan 42
67/3/E: Wartime Exhibitions
Typed diary extracts on American food, January 1942
Typed letter from Oxford Nutrition Survey, January 1942
Typed reports on housewives' feelings about food, 24.4.42 (TH)
Handwritten directs on how people feel about rationing and ways in which it has affected them most, 23.3.42 (EG)
Typed news quotes on rationing, 7.5.42 - 21.5.42 (DB)
Handwritten note on poultry supplies in Kensington Church Street
Investigator's typed report on a visit to Hampstead Communal Kitchen, 1.4.42 (RL)
Handwritten accounts of the Children: Feeding in Wartime Exhibition, 21.4.42 (EG)
Handwritten account of Ministry of Agriculture exhibition at Charing Cross station, 21.4.42 (MS)
Handwritten account of "Bread into Battle" Exhibition at Charing Cross station, 9.6.42 (LB)
Printed leaflet "Bread into Battle"
Press cutting on "Bread into Battle" Exhibition
67/3/F: Wheatmeal Bread Survey & Rationing in the late 1940s
Wheatmeal Bread Survey 13.3.42
4 point questionnaire asking retailers what they think of Lord Woolton's statement that white bread will be replaced by wheatmeal, difficulties in obtaining wheatmeal bread and effects on their customers
1 typed and 1 handwritten copy of questionnaire
Observer's impressions
Replies to questionnaire (16) carried out in Kentish Town, Holloway Road and Hampstead
Analysis sheets
Typed copy of pilot questionnaire on canned foods, 16.4.43 (JF)
Analysis sheets
Typed notes on popular feeling about black markets, 14.5.43
Handwritten account of black market street traders in Oxford Street,
23.9.43 (FW)
Press cuttings on black markets from the Evening News, March 1942
Handwritten direct on black marketeering in Chester. 1 page (CF) 10.1.42
Typed preliminary report on obtaining new ration books, 27.5.43
Typed extract from BBC News Bulletin
Handwritten account of an observer's visit to Willesden Food Office,
11.6.43 (LF)
Observer's handwritten report on priority rationing slips, 18.7.44 (JF)
Typed report on the lifting of the ice cream ban, 26.11.44, (LE)
Typed report on teashops in London, 27.2.45, (GST)
TC 67 BOX 4: Panel Menus 1941 - 44
Panel menus and family meals 1941
Panel menus and family meals 1942
Printed menus 1942
Panel menus 1943 - 44
Typed and handwritten family meal plans
TC 67, BOX 5: Panel Menus 1945 - 52
Panel menus and family meals 1945
Panel menus 1946
Panel menus 1947
Panel menus 1948
Panel menus 1949 - 52
TC 67, BOX 6: Bread Rationing 1946
67/6/A: Food Questionnaire 18.2.46
5 point questionnaire on people's feelings about the Labour Government, how they feel about food prospects and their feelings on giving food to Europe
1 typed and 1 handwritten copy of questionnaire
replies carried out in Sheen, Stepney, Bethnal Green, Battersea Park and St Pancras, (ML GST TT)
Analysis sheets
67/6/B: Bread Rationing Questionnaire
11 point questionnaire on bread rationing carried out on 28.6.46, asking people what they thought of Churchill's speech in the House of Commons on bread rationing, how bread rationing affects them and changes in their ordinary points for bread and cakes
1 typed copy of questionnaire
Replies (120) carried out in Kilburn, Twickenham, Camden Town, Tottenham and Chelsea, (GST ML JK TT)
Analysis sheets
67/6/C: Bread Rationing Questionnaire
9 point questionnaire on bread rationing carried out on 1.7.46, asking what effect bread rationing is having on the household, do people think bread rationing is necessary, opinions on the news from Palestine and what do they think should be done about the Jewish problem
1 typed copy of questionnaire
65 replies carried out in Hendon, Marylebone, Twickenham and Harlesden, (LB TT ML)
Analysis sheets
67/6/D: Bread Rationing Questionnaire
7 point questionnaire carried out on 14.8.46 - 16.8.46, asking if people have bought more or less bread since rationing started, do they think bread rationing is necessary and do they think Hitler is alive or dead
1 typed copy of questionnaire
80 replies carried out in Euston, Richmond and Kilburn, (LB TT WP)
Analysis sheets
1 bread unit ration card
Typed and handwritten indirect on bread rationing carried out in Kilburn and Craven Park, (MS LB)
67/6/E: Food 1946 - 47
Typed Mass-Observation bulletin on future outlooks on food, March and April 1946
Handwritten accounts of Vegetable Growers Marketing Association, 20.8.47, (BL)
Press cuttings from Daily Telegraph on the Grower to Consumer Marketing Association
Handwritten account of the black market and bartering in London, 12.5.47, (DH)
TC 67, BOX 7: Biscuit and Crispbread Survey 1945 - 47
67/7/A: Correspondence, Instructions, QQ replies & Report
Correspondence between A Everett Jones, Managing Director of Everetts Advertising Ltd to HO Willcock of Mass-Observation giving additional information regarding Westons' competitors, 11.4.45
Instructions to investigators on 8 point consumer questionnaire on what variety of biscuits they preferred
Typed and handwritten replies (19) to consumer questionnaire carried out in Battersea, Cardiff, Cricklewood, Goring and Oxford, 13.3.45 - 25.4.45
Instructions to investigators on an 8 point trade questionnaire for small, medium and large grocer shops on what variety of biscuits they stocked and the preferences of their customers
Typed trade questionnaire replies from small, medium and large grocer shops in Cricklewood, Dorchester, Goring, Oxford, Wallingford and Wantage, 5.4.45 -17.4.45
12 point report by Mass-Observation on Biscuit Survey, 20.4.45
Typed card to B Willcock of Mass-Observation from Gay Taylor, investigator, on the progress of the survey
67/7/B: Analysis of 1945 Biscuit Trade Questionnaire
110 analysis sheets on the 1945 Biscuit Survey
67/7/C: Investigators instructions and notes, 1946 Biscuit Survey
One handwritten and two typed copies of notes suggesting that investigators meet for an informal interview
Instructions to investigators typed with handwritten notes
Typed suggestions for questionnaire, 5.11.46, (LB)
Typed questionnaire (to be asked at small, medium and large shops), two copies and one handwritten copy
List of manufacturers selling biscuits in Cricklewood and Battersea
Miscellaneous handwritten notes by investigators on survey
Report on Biscuit Survey by Mass-Observation, January 1946
Handwritten supplement to report on regional breakdowns, 1947
Handwritten draft report on retailers opinions, Parts 1 and 2
67/7/D: Questionnaire replies
Typed excerpt from The Times (17.06.47): Ministry Of Food advert 'Food Facts'
Typed and handwritten 8 point trade questionnaire replies, Battersea, Berkshire, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Norwich, 131 replies
67/7/E: Instructions to investigators, proposed QQ & report
Instructions to investigators, 3 typed copies of a 12 point consumer questionnaire 1946
Two copies of a proposed questionnaire with handwritten notes
Report on consumer questionnaire including a summary of facts, changes and tables
67/7/F: Consumer Questionnaire replies
Handwritten 11 point consumer questionnaire, replies (28) carried out in Battersea, Berkshire, Cardiff, Cricklewood, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Norwich, Sheffield and Wandsworth
67/7/G: Analysis on Trade Questionnaire 1946
Analysis on trade questionnaire carried out in 1946 in Battersea, Berkshire, Cricklewood, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Norwich and Sheffield, 92 sheets
67/7/H: Crispbread Survey 1947 Questionnaire
Two typed copies of 16 point draft crispbread questionnaire with handwritten notes, 7.6.47 (BW)
Handwritten crispbread consumer questionnaire, replies (168) carried out in Birmingham, Exmoor, Willesden, Bolton, York, Glasgow, Middlesbrough, Bolton and Battersea
TC 67, BOX 7, Files I-J, Box 8, and Box 9, Files A-B
67/7/I: Analysis of Crispbread Survey 1947
110 handwritten analysis sheets
67/7/J: Analysis of Crispbread Survey 1947
87 handwritten analysis sheets
Box 8: Coffee Drinking Survey 1946 & Brand Test 1949
67/8/A: Coffee Drinking Survey
Typed procedure for the survey of national coffee drinking habits
Typed notes on the possible use of Mass-Observation techniques on the coffee drinking survey
Typed questionnaire on coffee by Social Surveys Ltd being carried out for the Home Trade Coffee Buyers Association, 13.10.46, (BW)
Analysis sheets
67/8/B: Brand Test 1949
50 typed copies of instructions for interviewers
Two typed copies of brand test
Replies (81) carried out throughout Britain
Analysis sheets
TC 67, BOX 9: Fish Fillets Questionnaire 1953 & Margarine Survey 1952
67/9/A: Correspondence and Fish Fillets Questionnaire
11 typed letters, 2 originals and 9 carbons relating to the organisation of material for the fish fillets survey between LE and Pritchard, Wood and Partners, advertising agency, 18.5.53
Typed drafts of plan with handwritten note outlining the scope of the questionnaire to get information on cod and haddock fillets and on fish sold in fish and chip shops, unidentified and undated
Typed follow up letter from MT for interviewees of fish fillets questionnaire, to check some of the details they gave, undated
Typed 20 point draft questionnaire with handwritten notes and the selection of answers for each question and typed carbon of another version of the pilot listing questions only, both undated
Typed list of comments on the structure of the pilot questionnaire, unidentified and undated
Typed note to interviewers to accompany the pilot fish survey with handwritten notes, unidentified and undated
6 typed versions of the fish fillets questionnaire including the final version and some separate questions for men and women, 21.5.53 - 10.6.53
Typed list of instructions for investigators on how to carry out the questionnaire, 16.6.53, (MT LE)
Typed additional instructions for investigators, 18.6.53, (MT)
Typed postcard with list of foods to be shown to interviewers unidentified and undated
Handwritten list of the investigators employed, unidentified and undated
67/9/B: Pilot replies
84 replies to the pilot questionnaire on fish fillets carried out in the North East of England, June 1953, unidentified
Typed list categorising responses to each question in the fish fillets questionnaire and figures for the number of people in each category, 8.6.53, unidentified
4 typed copies with handwritten notes of the 'cod code sheet', number and letter analysis of the answers to the fish fillet questionnaire, unidentified and undated
Typed and handwritten notes and tables on collecting the questionnaire replies, May - June 1953, (AS RB DM)
67/9/C: Analysis of replies
Handwritten lists of figures on printed analysis sheets, analysing the replies to the fish fillets questionnaire, unidentified and undated
Table of printed and handwritten figures analysing replies to the fish fillets questionnaire for punch carding, unidentified and undated
67/9/D: Margarine Survey 1952
Typed and handwritten overheards on margarine
Typed and handwritten replies to a 22 point questionnaire on margarine carried out in Chiswick, Dagenham, Tooting, Islington, South Hill Park, Tottenham and Ealing, December 1952, (GST EN AS)
(See also typed extract in 67/1/A, comparing 1937 and 1952 surveys)
FUEL 1937-47
TC 68: 5 boxes
TC 68, BOX 1 : FUEL USE and RATIONING 1937 - 42
68/1/A: References to fuel use 1937
Typed 11 page report on fuel containing extracts from Day Surveys, 12.11.37 written by members of Mass-Observation volunteer panel
68/1/B: Fuel control 1939 - 40
Handwritten copy of a notice on fuel control outside Islington Central Library. 18.1.40 (JA)
Handwritten report of an observer's visit to Wandsworth Town Hall describing his efforts to obtain printed material on food and fuel rationing. 12.1.40. (CP)
Printed material on fuel rationing
Typed extracts from National and London newspapers on fuel rationing (coal, gas, electricity) Oct - Nov 1939
Cutting on street lighting in London Boroughs from the Evening Standard and cuttings on electricity and paraffin from the Daily Telegraph November 1939
68/1/C: Fuel rationing 1942
Handwritten account of telephone calls to gas companies and power stations to ascertain the success of their fuel economy leaflets 12.1.42. (RL)
Fuel Rationing Survey, April - May 1942
Replies to 7 point questionnaire on the Government's scheme for rationing: the effect rationing would have on the population, co-operation with neighbours over fuel use
Two typed copies of QQ
Handwritten and typed indirects 29.4.42. - 6.5.42
Replies to QQ (162) carried out in Camden Town, Shepherds Bush, Notting Hill, Kilburn, Kings Cross, Luton , Holloway Road and Harlesden.(EG MS RB CM PJ LB)
Typed observation of workmen removing road blocks for firewood, Tottenham Court Road, 4.3.42 (PJ)
Typed diary extracts on fuel, March - April 1942
Typed News Quotas : Fuel rationing and nationalisation of mines, May 1942 (DB)
Newspaper cuttings and typed extracts from periodicals on miners and fuel rationing May 1942
Printed report entitled "Fuel Rationing" by Sir William Beveridge to the President of the Board of Trade April 1942
Cartoon "How Green was my Valley", Daily Mail 25.4.42
68/2/A-C: Fuel Use Survey 1. Oct - Dec 1942
9 point QQ on fuel economy first version
Reactions to appeals to use less fuel, making economies in using fuel,
co-operation with neighbours and people's reactions to the Ministry of Fuel's advertisements
Two typed copies of QQ
Interviewers notes on carrying out the survey
Replies to QQ (approx 800) carried out in Bolton, Sale, Harlesden, Camden Town, Beckenham, Kings Cross, Richmond, Caledonian Road, Morden, Twickenham (FM DH EG CM VT)
Tabulation sheets
68/2/D: Fuel Use Survey 2. Oct 1942
5 point QQ on fuel economy (2nd version)
Reactions to appeals to people to use less fuel, questioning people on which fuel advertisements they have seen and remembered, people's feelings about the idea of rationing fuel
Four typed copies of QQ
Interviewers notes on carrying out the survey
Replies to QQ (approx 255) carried out in Manchester, Harlesden, Kings Cross, Twickenham and Richmond (VT GB LB BW DC NP CR FB CM)
Tabulation sheets
TC 68, BOX 3: FUEL 1942
68/3/A: Fuel Use Survey 3. Nov 1942
7 point QQ on fuel economies (3rd version) Question numbers 1 - 14
Reactions to appeals to people to use less fuel, co-operation in saving fuel and questioning people which of the fuel advertisements they have seen and remembered
Five typed copies of QQ
Replies to QQ (approx 430) carried out in Camden Town, Harlesden, Kilburn Road, Morden, Finchley Road, Streatham, Earls Court, Beckenham, Richmond, Marylebone and Kings Cross
Tabulation sheets
68/3/B: Manchester Fuel Economy Exhibition 25.11.42
Handwritten account of observer's visit to the exhibition: impressions of exhibits and reactions of visitors. Reactions to speech by Lloyd George (FM)
68/3/C: Observations of use of fuel Oct - Dec 1942
Typed observations and interview with a family in Kilburn on their fuel habits Oct 1942 (CG)
Typed general impression of fuel use in a rural area near Amersham 2.12.42 (MH)
Handwritten fuel observations in Bookham, Nov 1942 (VT)
Handwritten fuel observations in Notting Hill 14.11.42 (VT)
68/3/D: Fuel Communiqués 1942
Cuttings on the 'Fuel Communiqués' issued by the Ministry of Fuel and Power, printed in national newspapers
68/3/E: Responses to Fuel Communiqués Nov - Dec 1942
Approximately 550 reactions to the 'Fuel Communiqués' shown to members of the public at random in the street in numerous London areas during November and early December 1942 (CM VS VT DC FHB KK MS )
Tabulation sheets
TC 68, BOX 4: FUEL 1942
68/4/A: Reactions to Fuel Communiqué 12
Approximately 500 reactions to the 'Fuel Communiqué' on "Recipe for Rommel's Stew" and to the newspapers that are read in London Boroughs (MH RY MC GB JH FHB GST CHC MP HW DC EB ME)
68/4/B: Fuel economy advertisements
5 point QQ on newspaper advertisements and fuel flashes on the wireless, (approx 60 replies) collected in Morden, Richmond and Kings Cross
68/4/C: Reactions to Fuel Communiqué 12
4 point QQ on opinions of the advertisement in the London area (approx 100 replies) (CM NES NP GB PY KK)
68/4/D: Reactions to Fuel Advertisements
Replies to 7 point QQ on fuel advertisements carried out in Beckenham in December 1942 (VS)
Fuel indirects collected in Cheshire towns, Bolton and Stockport
Typed reaction to a film the "Fuel Demon" 5.12.42
Tabulation sheets
Memorandum on suggested form of proposed survey on 'Cooking, Heating, and Lighting', tentatively titled Domestic Fuel, April 1943 (as follow up to the publication of People's Homes)
68/5/A: Fuel QQ Draft 1947
7 point QQ on public feelings about the fuel situation, who is to blame for this situation, how have people carried out their fuel saving, do they know anybody who ignores the electricity shut off and which political party the interviewee voted for at the General Election
1 typed copy of QQ
Interviewers typed analysis of QQ replies
Typed indirect on the fuel situation
Approx 150 replies Collected between 12.2.47 - 13.2.47 - Carried out in Camden Town, Farringdon, Croydon and Bloomsbury (LPS LB BL BW KB)
Tabulation sheets
68/5/B: Electricity Cuts 1947
Typed and handwritten indirects on electricity cuts in the London area 10.2.47 - 14.2.47
Typed account of the effect compulsory electricity cuts has made upon the morale of the public 15.2.47 (LB)
Typed and handwritten observations made by investigators on the effect of the fuel cuts to shopkeepers and the public in London and Burford 11.2.47 - 16.2.47
Newspaper cutting from The News on the effect of electricity cuts in schools 14.2.47
68/5/C - D: Panel Responses 1947
Special directive sent to volunteer panel to observe the present fuel crisis 11.1.47
3 questions on how the fuel crisis is affecting the individual and his neighbourhood. People's feelings and views on the crisis
Printed newspaper cuttings and leaflets sent in by the volunteer panel
Special job, observers are asked to send in details of people they know who are ignoring the voluntary fuel restrictions, the attitudes, background and environment of those people
68/5/E: Fuel Crisis 1947
Typed and handwritten indirects on the fuel crisis 25.2.47 - 12.3.47. Carried out in London Boroughs (YT BL TT ML)
68/5/F: Fuel Survey 1947
6 point QQ on public feelings about the fuel situation, the way the Government has dealt with the crisis, the effect rationing would have on the individual, whether the fuel cuts have proved convenient or inconvenient and the public's opinion of the future of Britain
1 typed copy of QQ (approx 150 replies) collected on the 28.2.47. Carried out in Hammersmith, Camden Town, Euston, Bloomsbury and Croydon (BS DS SB CM BL)
Tabulation sheets