Part 2: Household Books, Correspondence and Manuscripts owned by women from the British Library, London
Detailed Listing
Household Book and Related Materials
Add Ms 27466
RECIPE-BOOK of Mary Doggett, wife of Thomas Dogett, the actor; 1682. A note identifying Mary Doggett appears on f. 1, in the handwriting of S[amuel] W[illiam] H[enry Ireland, the Shakespearian forger. Paper. Quarto.
Add Ms 27622
HOUSEHOLD accounts of Ann, daughter and co-heiress of Simon Crouche, alderman of London, and wife of Henry Archer, of Coopersale, Theydon Gernon, Essex; 6 Jan. 160.8/9-13 Oct. 1615, and 23 Feb. 161.5/6 Jan.161.6/7. At the beginning is a pedigree of Archer, etc., in a modern hand. Paper. Folio.
Add Ms 30494
HOUSEHOLD accounts of Anne Archer, daughter and
co-heiress of Simon Crouch, Alderman of London, and wife of Henry Archer, of Coopersale, in Theydon Gernon, co. Essex; 1600-1629. (See Add. 27622.) Paper; ff. 224. Folio.
Add Ms 34213
HOUSEHOLD-BOOK of Anne, Duchess of Buckingham [dau. of Ralph Neville, lst Earl of Westmoreland, widow of Humphrey Stafford, Duke of Buckingham], containing a daily accompt of her expenses from 1 April, 5 Edw. IV. [1465], to 31 March, 6 Edw. IV. [1466]. Down to 1 Oct., 1465, the establishment was at Writtle, co. Essex, which manor the Duchess possessed, and after that date in London, apparently in Bread Street (cf. entries on ff. 59, 59 b). The year's accompts, which begin on
f. 5, are preceded by a few particulars of receipts from sales of calf-skins, wool, etc. Among the Duchess's household (f. 124 b) is Walter Mildmay, grandfather of Sir Walter. Paper; ff. 126. Folio.
Household Books and Related Materials (continued)
Add Ms 34320
HOUSEHOLD-BOOK Of Queen Elizabeth, with additional
matter interspersed relating to the royal household, etc., during the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Mary. The contents are:- 1." A calendar for venison " : statement of the number of deer to be supplied by the several royal parks and forests for the household followed by a form of warrant for the same, dat. 24 Nov. 26 Eliz. [1583]. f. 4. 2. Recipes for preserves, "fine cracknells," etc., including one for "manus Christi", composed of sugar, pearls, and gold pounded together and made into a paste with rosewater. f. 6 b. 3. "An ordinance for the christininge off Prince Edwarde at Hampton Cort," 15 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII. [1537]. f. 9. 4. Allowances claimed by the, Serjeants of the royal buttery, pantry and larder; 22 Eliz. [1579-80]. f. 12. 5. Warrants for Privy Seals for payments of wages, etc., " pour lez
Buckhoundes " and " pour lez harthoundes" Greenwich, 23 Aug., and Westminster, 24 Aug. 24 Eliz. [1582]. Fr. ff. 14, 14b. 6.
Establishment Book of Edward VI., giving a list of all offices
under the Crown with their fees, the names of the holders being in a few cases included; circ. 1550-1553. f. 15. 7. Value of the sees of England and Wales, with their tenths, followed by a list of peers " accordnge to there autorities and degrees," the latest creation being that of Lord Norreys [1572], and by the titles and fees of the "Officers of the coinage of tinne," etc. ff. 70, 71 b, 73. 8. Accompt of James Woodford, Clerk of the Ofices to Qu. Elizabeth, for the year ending 30 Sept. 1583. Lat. f. 74. 9. " The number of messes off meat served in Christinas a vto Edw. sexti [l551], the haule beinge kept," with an ordinance as to
allowances of drink, etc. ; followed by " an estimat of the
household charges of 6 persons per anilum." ff. 78, 83. 10. "Anordinaunce for the coronacion …. of Queene Mary," at Westmister, 1 Oct. 1553, giving the names of the household
officers appointed for the various services, with bills of fare, etc.; including (f.86) " A fare for the Queene, the Bishop, and the ladye Elizabeth, three messe of like fare." f. 84. 11. " Thordinarye of the howshold with the allowances of ther wages and ffees of meate," in the time of [Charles Brandon], Duke of Suffolk, Great Master [ 1540-1545]. f. 99 b. 12. Miscellaneous matter relating to the household of Queen Elizabeth,
including :-(a) " Messes off meat served on St. Georges Eve Supper," ao 26 [1584]. f. 101 ;-(b) Allowances of bread, wine, ale, etc., to the Household, from a Duke to the Queen's,
laundress. f. 102 b ;-(c) " A dyet served to her Matie at Catledge ye 1. Northes in the banqueting hous Tewsday ye2d of
September" [1578]. f. 103 b ;-(d) Prices of meat, fish, and other commodities. f. 111 ; (e) " A dyet served daly, to the Quenes Matie , with the charges off brekffast dynner and supper, ao 1578, vpon a fflesh daie." f.115; (f) " Fare served to her Matie and the Commissioners off France in the baiiquetmg-hous at. Whitehall," 25 Apr., ao 23 [1581]. Followed by various other “diets," allowances, notes of prices, etc. f. 115 b ;-(g) ',The tyme off yere ffor. service off certaine pooles," or lists of fish and their seasons. f. 128;-(h)" The prices off poultry stuffe," as : fixed ao 24 Eliz. [1581-2], and of " provision paide by her Matie ao
ultimo" [1602-3]. f. 128 b;-(i) " Visus expensarum hospicii " for the year ending 30 Sept. 1584. f. 135 -(k) " Officers off
housholde," ao 24 [1581-2], with their fees. f. 151. 13. " Fees for dyvers offices of the Kinges houshold within ther offices of ould antyquety yeuen." f. 133. 14. "The ordinance for thofficers of houshold," 31 Hen. VIII. [1539- 40]. See A Collection of
Ordinances, etc., Soc. of Antiquaries, 1790, pp. 228-240. f. 137 b (for the first ordinance, see f. 139). Paper; ff. 154. In vellum covers, the back strengthed with leather bands outside and with portions of two leaves (ff. 1, 154) from a 14th-cent. vellum MS., containing theological matter, on the inside. On f. 2 and on the inside of the last cover is the signature of William Cholmley,
written circ. 1600. Folio.
Add Ms 45122
KYNNESMAN, hosier, of London; 1690-1703. The customers
include: Catherine of Braganza, Queen Dowager of Charles II; King William III; Queen Mary II; Rachel, Lady Russell; Laurence Hyde, 4th Earl of Rochester; Elizabeth Russell, Duchess of
Bedford; James Butler, 2nd Duke of Ormonde; and Mrs Mary Evelyn, wife of John Evelyn. An original accompt presented by Kynnesman to Queen Mary II, with his signed acquittance, is in Add. MS. 5751 A, f. 180. Paper; ff. 19. Folio. 1690-1703.
Add Ms 45196
BROCKMAN PAPERS. Vol. CXXIX(ff. ii + 84). Recipe-Book of Anne, wife of Richard Glydd (d. 1658), son of the
preceding;1656-1700. Besides cookery, medical, and veterinary recipes, the volume includes (ff. 84-82, reversed) some
genealogical notes concerning her husband and descendants.
Add Ms 45197
BROCKMAN PAPERS. Vol. CXXX (ff. ii 40). Medical recipe-book compiled by or for Anne, wife of Sir William Brockman
(d. 1654); June 1638, with occasional additions.
Add Ms 45931
COOKERY RECIPES, including a few medical items; circ. 1700, with some additional matter dated 1720 and 1727. Among personal names attached to particular recipes are Mrs Bates, Mrs Burbidge and Mrs Meymott for seed-cakes (ff. 7, 9); Mr Turner and 'Lady Herness' for gooseberry wine (ff. 19, 20); John Thorpe, 1720, for several items (ff. 24-25). One recipe is entitled 'The Countice of Carnarvans (sicCake' (f.10).Among the medical prescriptions are Dr Cromwell's snailwater (f. 4), Dr Chambers ‘water ' Wh longe Preserved his Life & did Curemany' (f. 20), Dr Clark's eye water (f. 23), and Dr Porter's vomit (f. 23). Paper; ff. ii + 28.
Folio. Early XVIII cent. Presented by Miss E. Isabel Yorke.
Add Ms 56248
RECIPE BOOK: recipe collection of Mary, Lady Dacres, for cookery and domestic medicine; 1666-1696. Partly autograph? Most of the cookery recipes are for fruit tarts and other
desserts, cakes, preserves and wines. The book was used for cookery recipes through ff. 1-57, and for medical recipes through 109v-58 rev. The inscription to Lady Dacres, who may have been the wife of Sir Robert Dacres of Cheshunt, co.Hertf., occurs on f. 2. The volume was formerly in the Patent
Office Library. At f. i is a slip from the Patent Office catalogue where the item is numbered '(3, 174)', see also ff. i verso and 1. Also numbered in pencil '637*' (f. i) and 18/F (f. ii verso).
Transferred from the Department of Printed Books with Add. 56249-56250, 30 April 1970. Paper; ff. ii+109+1*+105*. 198 x 155mm. Several late 17th-cent. hands.
Household Books and Related Materials (continued)
Egerton Ms 2214
MEDICAL, recipes, arranged in alphabetical order of
complaints: written in various hands, and, in many cases, with authorities given. Towards the end some cookery recipes are added in a lady's hand. A recipe on f. 9 is quoted as "Grandmother Harley's," who appears later in the book as Lady Harley. Paper; xviith cent. Belonging, in 1680, to Thomas
Davies, whose name, as well as that of his wife Katherine,
appears with his arms on f. 3; and in 1701 to A[lexander]
Popham, who married Brilliana, daughter of Sir Edward Harley. Small Octavo.
Egerton Ms 2415
RECIPE-BOOK of Mary Birkhead, containing culinary and
medicinal recipes, begun 25 March, 1681. Paper; ff. 53. Folio.
Egerton Ms 2561
MEDICAL, culinary, and other recipes ; 17th and 18th centt.
Included, f. 34, is a recipe for an "aple tart the Queene Mothers way," by Mary Alexander. Paper; ff. 55. Folio.
Association Copies
Royal 7 D ix
‘PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS' composed by Queen Katharine Parr (first printed in 1545), translated into Latin by John Radcliffe, afterwards Sir John Radcliffe of Cleeve, son of Robert Radcliffe,1st Earl of Sussex, and dedicated as a new year's gift to Henry Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, who had married (in 1545) the writer's step-mother (cf. 12 A. IV) Holograph. As the Queen is called 'quondam Regina' the date is probably
after 1548, and the prayer for Henry VIII at the end is of course omitted, Paper; ff. 29. 8vo, 53/4 in. x 4 in. After A. D. 1548.
Belonged to [John, Lord] Lumley. Lumley cat. f. 293. In the Royal inventory of 1661, 'no. 1 in the third press against the chimney' (Roy. App. 86, f. 35). Not in cat. of 1666 or CMA.
King’s 10
‘PRECATIONES, seu meditations …. ex quibusdam piis
scriptoribus per ... D. Catharinam Anglie, Francie, Hibernieque Reginam collecte; et per D.Elizabetam ex anglico conuerse' : the 'Prayers and Meditations' of Queen Katharine Parr (see Royal MS. 7 D. ix), translated into Latin, French, and Italian by the Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth in her twelfth year, with a Latin dedicatory letter to Henry VIII, dated Hertford, 30 Dec. 1545. An imitative copy of the original Royal MS. 7 D. x. Paper; ff. 120. 5 3/4 in. x 3 3/4 in. XVIII cent. Crimson velvet
binding, embroidered in silver wire, in imitation of the original : on the upper cover a monogram of the name Katharina, with the initial H above and below (agreeing with the original) ; on the lower cover a monogram of the letters F.C.A.W. in the
centre, with the initials P.P. above and B. below.
Royal 2 A. xviii
HOURS, &c., in Latin, probably executed for john de Beaufort, ist Earl and Marquis of Somerset (I397, but deprived of the higher title in 1399, d. 1410), and Margaret de Holand, his wife, whom he married in or before 1399. Contents: (i) Prayers or memorialia for SS. John Baptist, james the Greater, George, Antony, John of Bridlington, Francis, Christopher, Anne, Katharine, Margaret, Barbara, Magdalen, De salutatione b. Mariae, Christopher (again), and De proprio angelo. f. 4;-(2) Calendar, with English saints (see below). f 28;-(3) Hours of the Virgin, Sarum use f34;- (4) Five joys and seven joys. f. 64;-
(111) Penitential and gradual psalms. f.66;-(6) Litany. f.73b;- (7)
Office of the dead. f. 78;-(8) Psalter, with twelve Canticles. f. 96;- (9) Litany, arranged for five feriae. f. 233 b;- (10) Prayer for S. Frideswide. f.236 b ;- (ii, added in a late 15th cent. hand) 'Vita sancte Dorothee virginis et martiris', in English, translated from the Latin life in the appendix to the Legenda Aurea (ed. Graesse, 1846, p. 910). The translation seems to be different from that printed by Caxton, Golden Legend (1483), fol. 493. Beg. 'The right glorius virgine and martir S. Dorothe was borne of the noble blode'.f. 236 b;- (I2, in another hand) Prayer for King Henry [VII ?] in Latin. f. 24o b. Vellum ; ff. 240. 8 1/2 in. x 6 in. Before A. D. 1399. Gatherings of 8 leaves (beg. with f. 3) with catchwords Illuminated initials, and borders of light
feathery foliage with spoon- and cup-shaped flowers; twenty miniatures in three or more hands, that of the Annunciation (no. 13) being much superior to the rest. The subjects are : 1. S. john Baptist, with Agnus Dei. f. 3b. 2. S. Tames, enthroned ; a pilgrim's staff and scallop-shell in his right hand, a book in his left. f. 4 b. 3. S. George. f. s b. 4. S. Antony, with bell and swine. f. 6b. 5. S. John of Bridlington, with book. f. 7b. 6. S. Francis of Assisi. f. 9 b. 7. S. Christopher. f. 11 b. 8. S. Anne, with open book. the Virgin (with crown) seated on her right with the infant Christ, who points to the book. f. 13 b. 9. S. Katharine. f. 15 b.10. S. Margaret, emerging from the back of a camel-like dragon, the bottom of her robe still in the beast's jaws f. 17 b. 11. S. Barbara, with book and palm-branch. f. 19b. 12. S. Mary Magdalene, with palm- branch and pot of ointment. f. 21 b. 13. The Annunciation, with kneeling figures (Earl and Countess of Somerset ?, see below). Reproduced in colours in Sir E. M. Thompson's English Illuminated Manuscripts, 1895, frontispiece, described pp. 61-64; collotype in Brit. Mus. Reprod. from Illum. MSS., ser. i, 1907, Pi. xv. On the drapery of the table is the inscription 'Omnia leuia sunt amanti: Si quis amat non
laborat: de daer'. The meaning of the last two words is obscure. The sentence 'Si quis ... laborat' is inscribed on the background of the first miniature in Lambeth MS. 69 (which is of the same date and style), followed apparently by ‘qu[od] Herman'. 14. S. Christopher. This and no.15 are smaller and coarser than the rest. f. 25 15. Guardian angel and a kneeling female figure. f. 26. 16. Annunciation; angel and Virgin both kneeling. f. 34. 17. (Initial D) Kneeling female figure (as in no. 15) with scroll, 'Mater, ora filium ut post hoc exilium nobis donet gaudium -sine fine'. f. 34. 18. (Initial D) Last judgement: Christ seated on a rainbow showing His wounds, a naked sword on each side of His neck; below, open graves, with heads protruding. f. 66. 19. Office of the dead. f. 78. 20. (Beatus) Tree of Jesse. f. 96.A large number of obits, &c., are added to the Calendar, most of which are printed by Sir F. Madden in Collectanea
Topographica et Genealogica, 1834, i, P. 277. They chiefly
relate either (a) to members of the Grandison family in the 14th cent. or earlier, or (b) to royal persons of the time of Henry VII and later. The presence of the Grandison entries has led to the supposition that the book was executed for one of that family. By the time of Richard II, however, the name had died out, the representation of the family being in descendants of three coheiresses, one of them being represented by the Beauchamps of Bletsoe. As the entries then are all considerably later than the text and written in the same hand as the obit (1444) of John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, whose wife Margaret was heir of the Beauchamps, there can be little doubt that the entries were made (perhaps from an earlier calendar) by or for her.
From the style and costume of the miniatures, however, it is probable that the book had been executed a generation earlier for her husband's father, the first Earl of Somerset, eldest son of john of Gaunt. Of the later entries two refer to the family of the Duchess' first husband Sir Oliver St. John, but most of the rest to near relatives of her daughter Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, mother-of Henry VII. A few were added still later, in Henry VIII's time, and one records the death of Elizabeth Lukas, daughter of Poll (Paul) Withypoll, 29 Oct. 1537. Madden points out that many of the entries are duplicated in a copy of the printed Sarum Missal of 1495 in Francis Douce's collection (cf. also Exeter College Oxford MS. 47). An inserted leaf (f 27) contains some verses of psalms. On the fly-leaves are (a) in a 15th cent. hand, of the Grandison obits from the calendar Copy. f. 18;-(b) Medical recipes in English, 'Kolla quyntyta', 'rosemarie' and a 'medson for the meigrem', in hands of circ. 1500. f. 1 b.
Association Copies (continued)
Arundel Ms 11.
Membranaceus,in 4to.,ff.233,manu haud eadem, sed nitide
descriptus; quoad art.13 see. xiv.1. De viris religiosis et de poenis in eos infligendis. [imperf] fol. 2. Incip. "Notandum, potestas seculares clericos, sacerdotes seu religiosos in
quocunque crimine deprehensos." 2. Epistola ad Papam et Cardinales de malis ecclesiae, intitulata "Flettus magnus in
ecclesia". fol. 4. Incip. "Beatissime pater et domine, qui clavigeri." 3. Disputatio de Paradiso. (imperf.] fol. 4 b. Incip. "Verum ille deliciosus ortulus." 4."Excerpta paucula de prima parte Granarii Johannis de Loco Frumenti [Whethamstede] olim Abbatis exempti monasterii Sancti Albani". fol. 9. Incip. "Antipater, pater primi Herodis." 5."Tabula perampla"super epistolas Petri Blesensis", per Johannem de S.Albano [Whethamstede].fol. 139. 6.Tabula super Vincencium de
erudicione puerorum nobilium, edita per Johannem [Whethamstede] de Sanctum Albano Abbatem." fol. 164. 7. Epistola cujusdam ad Papam. fol. 171. Incip. "Pater heatissime summie uniceque pontex et indubitate, de remotis." 8.Tabula super Helyam Tripolonensem de sua suorumque scolarium vita, edita per Johannem [Whethamstede] de Sancto Albano Abbatem." fol. 171 b. 9. "Collacio proposita coram College Brigittini ordinis in Suecia, per generalem et primum
confessorem de Sancta Syon in Anglia." fol.177. Incip. "Vide, domine, et considera." 10. Commenarius in Johanneni de Sacro Bosco de Sphæra. fol. 183. Incip. "Celi enarrant gloriam Dei." Ad calcem, "Explicit hie spera, bona semper prospera
spera."11."Questiones super tractatum de Sphera." fol.198.
Incip. "Consequentur questiones circa tractatum de spera." 12.Tractatus astrologicus dictus "Cavete medici." fol. 205.
Incip. "Quando sol est in illis duobus punctis." 13.Tractatus de
argumentis Psalmorum. fol. 207. Incip. "Ad consolacionem
fidelium, eorum maxime." Desin."qua fuit purificatus ex sanguinis aspercione." Ad calcem hæc, “Completa est
exposicio literalis psalmorum psalterii secundum sentencias
diversorum et glosas autenticas Hebreorum, ut in scriptis in Latinum translates inveni, quia fateor me Hebreum nescire, licet autem alii sint modi dicendi de sensu Literali psalterii, tamen mihi videbatur quod iste modus exponendi psalmos ad literam melius concordat cum modo alio exponendi psalmos per
revelacionempropheticam, unde diligenter notandum est quod, licet in quolibet psalmo psalterii sit unus sensus hystoricus ad literam versus, tamen quilibet versus est hystoricus et est propheticus,unde quælibet historia, de qua loquitur quiscunque psalmus, est quædam prophecia facti de alquo perveniente ad statum regis Messiae Christus [sic] patris nostri, unde apud
aliquos consuevit vocari liber iste Solilloquium Messiae."
Sequuntur versus
I promte vallis . eurreiis per compita callis
Francisci nudi . scribit dietamine rudi
Hystoricos flores . psalmorum lucidiores
Tangens doctores . et scripturas breviores
Henrico logico . metri mulcentis amico
Doctori calvo . meliori scemate salvo."
14. Quæstiones circa varios textus sacræ Scripturæ. fol. 227.
Arundel Ms 146.
Vellum, in folio, ff. 104, xv. Cent. Orders and Constitutions of the Nuns of Syon, co. Middlesex, in 28 chapters; the first and last chapters are wanting.
Add Ms 5208
England SYON ABBEY: rules, etc., of the Bridgettine Abbey of Syon, co. Midd.; late 15th-early 16th cent. Latin. For other manuscripts of rules of this house, in English, see: Arundel MS. 146;- St Paul's Cathedral MS. no. 5, N. R. Ker, Medieval
Manuscripts in British Libraries, i, London (1969), pp. 243-244. Marginalia throughout, 15th-16th centt. Heavily excised
material on fly-leaf (f. 1v). Item M. 72 in the library catalogue of Syon Abbey, Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS. 141: see M. Bateson, ed., Catalogue of the Library of Syon Monastery,
Isleworth (1898). ‘John [basaynby?]' written in a 16th cent.
hand, f. 128v. Purchased from Grimr Jonsson Thorkelin,
Icelandic scholar, 1788. Vellum; ff. 129. 15th cent. foliation 14-122 throughout ff. 20-129 (old folio 34 lacking between ff. 41-42, with no loss of text). Sec. fol. '[tu]nica et cuculla quod quidem'. Composite MS. In the Syon library catalogue, written probably soon after 1504 (Bateson, op. cit., pp. v, 109), the
order of articles 1 and 2 is reversed. This accords with the 15th cent. contents list in the MS. (f. 1v), which gives foliation for
articles 1 and 2 in the series still extant in articles 3-5 as
follows: 'Regula sancti augustini fo.1. Regula sancti saluatoris fo. 4'. This suggests that the original first two articles in the MS. were replaced by the present articles 1 and 2 early in the 16th cent. 290 x 225mm.Gatherings of 8 (xiv lacks 8; ff. 19-22, 3941 irregular; fly-leaves ff. 2, 129; original end-paper, f. 1).
Catchwords generally regular throughout. Decorative catchword f. 10v. Signatures: art. 3. c i-iiij, ff. 23-26;- articles 4-5. a i-iiij - l i-iiij (j not used) regular from f. 42. Single columns. Three main hands: (A) Articles 1, 2 apparently written by Thomas Betson (d.1516), early 16th cent., and prefixed to ff. 20-129 (see above). See: Bateson, op. cit., pp. v, xvii, xxiii, n.5, 109;- A. I. Doyle, 'Thomas Betson of Syon Abbey', The Library, Series 5, xi (1956), pp. 115-118;- (B) Art. 3. Mid 15th-cent. hand;- (C)
Articles 4, 5 (quires v-xiv) apparently written by Clement
Maidstone (d.1456). See Doyle, p. 117 and Add. 22285, f. 55. Decoration: articles 1, 2. Initials and headings in red and blue. Historiated initials with penwork borders, ff. 3v (initial
incomplete), 15, decorated initial f. 10v;- articles 3-5.
Initials and headings in red and blue. RE: 1. ff. 3v-15. Rule of Our Saviour, 'De humilitate castitate et paupertate Regule sancti saluatoris'; early 16th cent. Beg. 'Principium itaque huius religionis'. Corresponds to chs. ii-xxvii in the 'rule' printed in the first edition of the 'Revelations of St Bridget' (Lübeck, 1492), BL IB 9861. See also G. J. Aungier, The history and antiquities of Syon Monastery . . . (1840), pp. 243-245. 2. ff. 15v-19v. Rule of St Augustine, 'Regule beati augustini episcopi'; early 16th cent. Beg. 'Ante omnia fratres karissimi diligatur deus'. Migne, PL, xxxii, 1377-1384. In the margins are arabic numerals referring to items in articles 3 and 4 below. 3. ff. 20-41v. Commentary on the rule of St Augustine by Hugh of St Victor (d.1141); mid 15th cent. 'Incipit exposicio regule sancti augustini per venerabilem hugonem de sancto victore canonicum sancti victoris parisiensis.' Beg. 'Ante omnia fratres karissimi diligatur deus .. . : hec igitur sunt . . .' 'Hec sunt que ut obseruetis precipimus . . .: ad hec nobis diuina precepta'. Migne, PL, clxxvi, 881-923. Minor variations, with omissions of commentary in chs. xi and xii. 4. ff. 42-117. Commentary on the rule of St Augustine by Nicholas Trevet (d.1328); mid 15th cent., bef. 1456. 'Exposicio regule beati Augustini secundum fratrum Nicholaus Treuet'. Beg. 'Prologue. Inter multas et varias religiosa profitencium'. Printed in Les commentateurs Dominicains de la Règle de S. Augustin du XIIIe au XVIe siècle, II.A., ed. R. Creytens,
Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 34 (1964), pp. 107-153. 5. ff. 117b-128. Dialogue between reason and the soul; mid 15th cent. Beg. 'Secretis interrogacionibus pulsabo animam meam'. A version in 18 chs. of the text 'Soliloquiorum de instructione Anime' ascribed to Adamus Scotus. The present text has
significant variations from that printed in Migne, PL, cxcviii, 843-871. Followed (f. 128) by two lines of verse, beg. 'Nil
proprium mihi dico meum communia queque'. 6. f. 128v. Memorandum of decision made in 1431 concerning requiem masses to be said annually for founders, etc.; late 15th cent.
Add Ms 22285.
"MARTILOGIUM" [Martyrologium] of the Monastery of Syon, co.
Middlesex, together with a calendar containing notes relating to the monastery, lists of abbesses, confessors, and benefactors, an obituary of members down to the year 1639, after the
removal of the congregation to Lisbon, etc. Lat. Inserted at the end on paper are two certificates by Fray Francisco do
Sacramento, chaplain to the English nuns of St. Brigitta at
Lisbon, that he has said masses for the soul of Doña Izabelde Azevedo; dat.3 Apr.1706, and 9 Jan.1707.Port.Vellum; XVth cent., with additions in the two following centuries. In the
original binding of boards covered with loose sheepskin, with a brass clasp. Small Folio.
Add Ms 30514
HOURS of the Virgin, preceded by a calendar and followed by commemorations of St. Bridget and other saints (f. 67), " ordo ad visitandum infirmum" (f.117), "officium ad deferendum
corpus exanime ad ecelesiam," with an antiphon (f. 132 b), penitential psalms and litany (f. 137), vigils of the dead (f. 161), and " commendacio animarum " (f. 183). A few leaves in
various places are wanting. Vellum; ff. 198. Written for the
Abbey of St. Bridget at Sion, in Isleworth, co. Middlesex. xvth cent. Duodecimo.
Association Copies (continued)
Add Ms 40006
BIBLE, in Latin : Vulgate version, with correctorium notes in the
margins. The order of books and prefaces (the references are to Berger, Préfaces, 1902) is as follows :- (1) Pentateuch, with pref. nos. 1, 2. f. 17; 2) Joshua, pref. no. 22, Judges, and Ruth. f. 91 ;-(3) 1-4 Kings, pref. no. 30. f. 115 b ;- (4) 1 and 2 Chron., followed by Prayer of Alanasses, pref. no. 36. f. 165 b ;- (5) 1 and 2 Esdras, i.e. Ezra and Nehemiah, followed by the
apocryphal 3 Esdras, pref. no. 42. f. 192 ;- (6) Tobit, pref. no. 45. f. 220 ;- (7) Judith, pref. no. 49. f. 224 ;- (8) Esther, pref. no. 51. f. 229 b ;- (9) Job, pref. nos. 55, 56. f. 234 b ;- (10) Psalter,
Gallican and Hebrew versions, in parallel columns, without pref. f. 245 ;- (11) Proverbs, pref. no. 129. f. 291 ;- (12)
Ecclesiastes, pref. no. 138. f. 299 ;- (13) Song of Solomon, pref. no. 130 (Migne, Patr. Lat. xxiii. 1011 B-1014 A, usually to Proverbs, here divided into three prologues), and three others: " Omnes anime motiones "[from Origen, Hom. ii in Cant. Cant., printed in Migne, Patr. Graeca xiii. 47], and nos. 136, 135. f. 302;- Wisdom, without pref. f. 304 b ;- (15) Ecclesiasticus, [St. Jerome's] pref. beg. " Multorum nobis et magnorum " (Patr. Lat. xxix. 421). f. 310;- (16) Prophets, viz. Isaiah, pref. no. 150, Jeremiah, pref. no. 155, Lamentations and Jeremiah's prayer, Baruch, pref. beg. " Liber iste qui in Baruch," Ezechiel, pref. no. 162, Daniel, pref. no. 166 , and Minor Prophets, pref. nos. 174, 179, 180,185, etc., 184. ff. 325 b-414 b ;- (17) 1 and 2
Maccabees, pref. no. 189. f. 415 b ;- (18) Gospels, pref. nos. 199, 200, 225, 230, 236. ff. 437, 449 b, 457 b, 471 ;- (19)
Pauline Epistles, pref. nos. 280 B-D, etc. ff. 481-505 b 20)
over portions only (cf. note, f. 108, " usque huc correctum," EL etc.) seem to agree in the main with the " Correctorium
Hebrews, pref. no. 283. f. 506 ;- (21) Acts, pref. nos. 244, 249. f 510 ;- (22) Catholic Epistles, pref. no. 290. ff. 523 b-529 b ; - (23) Apocalypse, pref. no. 320. f. 529 b ;- (24) Interpretationes Hebraicorum Nominum, beg. " Aaz apprehendens," ends "Zurim alias zusim" [by Bede or Remigius of Auxerre ?]. f. 537;-(25) Additional prefaces, collected, viz. Minor Prophets, no. 170 ;- Joel, three prefaces, viz. (a) no. 179, combined with no. 183, (b) beg. " Iohel qui interpretatur dominus deus," and (c) beg. " Iohel de tribu Ruben natus " ;- Amos, two prefaces, beg. " Amos uero propheta interpretatur honustus. Hic Amos spirituali
gracia," cf. Royal MS. 1 A. ii, f. 410 (= no. 188 ?), and beg. " Hic Amos non fuit pater Ysaie,"cf. ibid. (= no. 187 ?) ;- Obadiah, three prefaces : (a) beg. " Esau filius Ysaac," (b) " Hebrei hunc esse dicunt " (cf. St. Jerome on Obadiah, Patr. Lat. xxv. 1099 A, B), and (c) " Abdias quanto brevior " ;-Jonah, 'beg. " Ionas columba et dolens," cf. I A. ii, f. 413 b;-Micah, beg. " Sermo dei qui semper " (cf. St. Jerome, Patr. Lat. xxv. 1151);- Nahum, beg. "Cum Ionas et Naum";-Habakkuk, two prefaces, beg. " Abacuch in principio," and " Commentatur Ieronimus super Osee " ;- Zephaniah, beg. " Prophetatur de euersione Ierusalem " ;- Haggai, beg. " Cum Cyrus Persarum occiso Balthasar " ;- Zechariah, beg. " Cyrus rex Persarum qui Chaldeorum " (cf. St. Jerome, Patr. Lat. xxv. 1417) ;- Chronicles, no. 37 ;- Judith, no. 48. f. 581. On f.2 b is a list of the books of the Bible, with the number of chapters in each, in an early 14th cent. hand. The correctorium notes, which extend Sorbonicum " in Paris, Bibl. Nat., MS. lat. 15554, ff. 147-253 (= “F” in H. Denifle, Die Handschriften der Bibel-Correctorien des 13 Jahr." in Archiv für Literatur- und Kirchen-geschichte, iv, 1888, pp. 263-311 ; see also S. Berger, " Essais faits à Paris pour corriger la Vulgate," in Revue de Theologie et Philosophie, xvi, 1883, pp. 41-66).Vellum; ff. 586. 9 in. x 6 1/2 in. Circ. A.D. 1300. Written in England. Gatherings of 20 leaves, except xxiii22, xxiv16 , xxvii18 xxix12 (i begins at f. 17), lettered a-z, A-F. Sec. fol. " sum hoc." Coarsely executed red and blue flourished initials. On f. 449 b in place of the initial is a neat pen drawing of St. Mark. On f.1,reversing the volume, is a partially erased note of
pledging,14th cent. :- "Caucio m. Joh[annis] de Stauele
exposita ciste (?) habet duo supplementa, vid[elicet]
decreta et librum epistolarum Augustini." Other scribbles on this page include the word "Notyngham." Belonged, 15th cent., to Syon Abbey; see partially erased inscription, f. 16 b ....... domine Margarete quondam ducisse Clarencie cuius expensis deuenit liber iste ad fratres monasterii de Syon ad
requisitionem (?) domini Symonis Wyntyr fratris eiusdem monasterii quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen." Entered as " E. 1 " in the catalogue of Syon Library, ed. M. Bateson, 1898, p. 43, under the name " ducisse Clarencie " as donor [i.e. Margaret, d. 1439, widow of Thomas, 2nd Duke of
Clarence]. A 15th cent. table of lessons, f. 5, is probably a Syon addition. Afterwards belonged to Sir Arthur D'Arcy,
Lieutenant of the Tower Cont of London, d. 1561 (note "This is Sir Arthur Darcy his boke bought of John Askew for xi s," f. 583, and entries of births of his children,1538-1555, ff. 15-15 b), to his second son Thomas (entries of births, etc., 15 70-1605, ff. 15 b-1 6 b, 3-4), and to Sir William Ingilby, 1st Bart., of Ripley, co. York (note, dated 1646, f. 4 b), by whose descendant, Lt.-Col. Sir W. H. Ingilby, 4th Bart., it was sold at Sotheby's. Described in Hist. MSS. Commission, App., 6th
Report, p. 354 a. 15th cent. binding of wooden boards coated with sheep-skin, once apparently pink. The various books are marked by vellum tags in the outer margins. Sotheby's sale-cat., 21 Oct.1920, lot 18.
Association Copies (continued)
Add Ms 18638
"DIANA de Monte mayor [the Romance of Diana, by Jorge de
Montmayor], done out of Spanish by Thomas Wilson, Esquire, in the yeare 1596,and dedicated to the Erle of Southampton, who was then vppon the Spanish voiage with my Lord of
Essex." Book I. With letter prefixed from the translator to Sir Fulke Greville [first Lord Brooke]. Paper; beginning of the XVIIth cent. Formerly belonging to Elizabeth Bourchier, wife of Basil Feilding, second Earl of Denbigh, who at the end of the book has entered a recipe for a paste given to her by Dr. Ritt [Wright ?], in 1643. The autograph inscription of her sister Anne Bourchier (afterwards Lady Middlesex) occurs at f. 72. Small Quarto. [Add. 18,638.]
Add Ms 33772
(Gr. i.) LECTIONS, memorials of saints, etc., in Latin. The first leaf (with miniature ?) has been cut out. On a fly-leaf (f. 2 b) are ten lines of Latin elegiacs written by " Jo. de Giglis " [Giovanni de' Gigli, Bishop of Worcester 1497, ob. 1498] on
presenting the volume to Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, mother of Henry VII. Vellum; ff. 65. Written in Italy, xvth cent.; with finely illuminated borders. Octavo.
Add Ms 38691
" THE COMPENDION HISTORIALL": translation by Thomas Wall, Windsor Herald [afterwards Garter King of Arms, d.1536], of the Compendium Romanorum, a French compilation extant (anonymously) in a Paris MS. (Bibl. Nat., fonds fr. 730, formerly 7163, see Paulin Paris, Les MSS. fr. de la Bibl. du Roi, v p.429) which has a note 'ex camera compotorum Blesensis,' and is conjectured from the arms to have belonged to the poet Charles, Duke of Orleans. It is an amorphous work in two books, not confined to Roman history and by no means
chronological in its arrangement, its purpose being explained
(f. 6 b) in "The prologue of hym which made the booke in Frenche." In this prologue, which does not appear to be
contained in the Paris MS., the compiler states that having in another book of his given an abridgement of three decades of Livy and the First Punic War he now proposes to collect and explain the historical allusions in St. Augustine's De Civitate Dei and in the additions made thereto by the translator Raoul de Presles. The allusion to a previous work renders it probable
that the compiler was Jehan Mansel, whose Fleur des Histoires (Royal MSS. 16 F. vi, vii) begins with a paraphrase of Livy and of Leonardo Bruni on the First Punic War. Wall, who became Rouge Croix Pursuivant in 1521, was the son of another
Thomas Wall, successively Lancaster Herald and Norroy King of Arms (Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, i, no. 3986) and the translation is apparently autograph (cf. Cotton MS. Galba B. ix, f. 58). He prefixes a preface in which he states that he began the translation 4 June, and ended it 8 Sept. 1528, and adds an epilogue including a full list of the authors quoted (mostly at second hand) in the course of the work. From blank spaces left near the end it would seem that he translated from a copy the last page of which was torn. Translator's preface (f. 1) beg. "Duryng the shorte and transitorious lyffe," and is followed by table of chapters; author's preface (f. 6 b) beg. "They which
desire hastely and without great studye" ; and text (f. 8), "Forbycause that ther be many oppinions." Ends "to see hym face to face with sceurete of." Colophon, "Amen finis here endyth the compendion historiall." Epilogue beg. To the laude bonnour and prayse of oure sauiour Jesu Crist his blyssyd mother." At f. 300 is a table of subject-headings taken from the translator's marginal analysis. A few quotations from Latin
classical authors are added in the margins (ff.34, 34 b, etc.) and in the same l7th cent. band are some English verses on
f. 10 b, viz. "The ould tradition left to mann Doth give to gods the power to bann His ill attempts, as Troys fall shows. Yet Rome that marthyred Remus knows A way to keepe the gods in awe, And thus there [their] powers not worth a straw." Paper; ff. iv + 301. Folio. 1l 3/4 in. x 8 in. A.D. 1528. Illuminated initial of interlaced work (gold on blue) to bk. ii (f. 205); that to bk. is outlined only. 19th cent. binding by Lewis (see f. iii b). On f. 299 b is the note "This boke was bought by Thomas
Treheyron, Somerset, for v.s. by [? of] an upholster in London the x day of Februarii anno r.r. H. oct. vicesimo ix " [1538].
Treheyron's name occurs also at ff. 1 b, 2, 8, 301, in the last case accompanied by arms (not his ?), viz. quarterly, 1 and 4 a bird (raven ?) within a bordure engrailed, 2 and 3 barry of 8, a lion rampant. Treheyron is said to have married Catherine,
daughter of Sir John Writh, Garter (Noble, College of Arms, p. 126), who was aunt of Thomas Wriothesley, lst Earl of
Southampton (cr. 1547), to whose wife the MS. afterwards
belonged. Her signatures, both as Jane Wryothesley and Jane Southampton, occur (ff. 1 b, 2 b, 9 b, 40, 93). Scribbling of the l7th cent. includes (f. 285) the words "To his louing father
Christopher Thomson" (cf. f. 234). Later the MS. belonged to Joseph Haslewood, the antiquary (d. 1833), whose bookstamp on vellum is on f. i, to Thomas Thorpe, the bookseller, and to Sir Thomas Phillipps. Phillipps MS. 8903 (sale-cat. 1913, lot 806).
Add Ms 50001
THE HOURS OF ELIZABETH THE QUEEN DYSON PERRINS MSS. Vol. III (formerly an unnumbered MS. in the Dyson
Perrins collection). Book of Hours, written and illuminated in England; circa 1415-1420. Latin. Contains the signatures of
Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII, and probably also of her cousin, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, the Queen's cousin (b. 1478, d. 3rd Duke of Buckingham. See further G. F. Warner, op. cit., p. ix; E. Maunde Thompson in A Descriptive Catalogue of the Second Series of Fifty Manuscripts . . . in the Collection of Henry Yates Thompson, Cambridge, 1902, no. 59; Illustrations from One Hundred Manuscripts in the Library of Henry Yates Thompson, iv, London, 1914, pls. 1x-1xx; O. E. Saunders,
English Illuminated Manuscripts of the XIVth and XVth
Centuries, Paris, 1928, pp. 36, 89, pls. 88-90; M. Rickert, La Miniatura Inglese, ii, Milan, 1961, pp. 9, 13, 25-6, pl. 56; M. Rickert, Painting in Britain: the Middle Ages, 1965, pp. 174-6, 248 n. 88, fig. 177; T. J. Brown, G. M. Meredith-Owens, D. H. Turner, op. cit., pp. 31-2, pl. xvii b; D. H. Tuner, 'The Bedford Hours and Psalter', Apollo, 76, 1962, p. 270, figs. 11-12; M. Scheele and D. H. Turner, English Book Illustration 966-1846, 1965, pp. 13, 16 and pl. IV; D. H. Turner, Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts, Series V, 1965, no. XXXIV; D. H. Turner, Illuminated Manuscripts Exhibited in the Grenville
Library, 1967, no. 33; D. H. Turner, 'The Wyndham Payne
Crucificion', B.L.J., ii, 1976, pp. 11-12, 22; R. Marks and N. J. Morgan, The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting, 1981, pp. 26-7, 110, pl. 36; J. M. Backhouse, Books of Hours, 1985, p. 46, pl. 42; K. L. Scott, Later Gothic Manuscripts 1390-1490, 1996, ii, no. 55. Belonged in 1787, according to memoranda on f. iiib, to Mrs Dorothy Osborne, of Cheriton, co. Southt., to whom it had been given by her mother, who said that Mary Queen of Scots on the night before her death had presented the
MS. to one of her attendants, who was of Mrs Osborne's mother's family. In the memoranda the then Rector of Cheriton, Edmund Ferrers, identified the attendant as Dorothy, daughter of Sir Christopher Willoughby. Acquired in July 1848 by Lord Ashburnham: see Historical MSS. Commission, 8th Report, App. III, 1881, p. 102, and Catalogue of the MSS. at
Ashburnham Place, App., no. xlviii. Acquired by Henry Yates Thompson, May 1897 (bookplate, f. i) and sold by him, 1920 (Sotheby's sale cat., 23 Mar. 1920, lot xli), when it passed to C. W. Dyson Perrins (bookplate, etc., f. i). Vellum; ff. ix+154. 205 x 150mm.; text space 130 x 80mm. Slightly cropped.
Gatherings of 8, except i6, iv4, viii6 (vii lacks 4 and 5, xi lacks 7, xvii lacks 4 and 5, xxi lacks 8). Later 15th-cent. additions on ff. 152-154b include devotions to SS Thomas Becket, Anthony of Padua and John of Bridlington. On f. 147 is an erased inscription which was read with the help of chemical reagents at the beginning of this century and reported to say: '[Iesu]s which lykedst to dy for redempcion of all mankynd have mercy upon the soul of Cesill Duchess of Warwyk which dyed the yere of grace ye moneth of Aug't': see Descriptive Catalogue, pp. 88-9. Cecily, daughter of Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury, born between 1420 and 1431, possibly circa 1425, married (1) Henry Beauchamp, Duke of Warwick 1445, d. 1446; (2) John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, d. 1470. She died in 1450: see G. E. C., Complete Peerage, xi, pp. 395, 398; xii, 2, pp. 384, 845. This inscription shows that she may perhaps have owned the MS., though it is unlikely to have been made for her. On f. 22 is
the signature of Elizabeth, wife of Henry VII: 'Elysabeth ye
quene', d. 1503. On f. 152 is another erased inscription read by the use of chemical reagents, 'Edwardus Dux Bukyngham', i.e., Edward Stafford, 1521): see Descriptive Catalogue, pp. 88-9. Crimson velvet binding, 18th cent., rubbed and faded.
Contents:Û 1. ff. 1-6b. Calendar, in red, blue and black, of
Sarum type, but not containing all the feasts described as
peculiar to Sarum in W. G. Henderson, The York Missal, ii,
Surtees Society, lx, 1874, pp. 271-2. Entries in red include:- Richard of Chichester (3 April); Dunstan (19 May); Augustine of Canterbury (26 May); Germanus of Paris (28 May); Translation of Edmund (9 June) [added?]; Richard of Chichester (20 June, presumably feast of his Translation, usually on 16 June);
Translation of Swithin 'sociorum' [sic] (15 July); Helen [added?] (18 Aug.); Edmund Rich (16 Nov.); Hugh of Lincoln (17 Nov.). Entries in blue include a Maurus (1 Dec.) and Birinus (3 Dec.).
2. ff. 7-26b. Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sarum use.
3. ff. 27-37. The Seven Penitential Psalms, Fifteen Gradual Psalms (for the first twelve, only the first line is given) and
Litany. 4. ff. 37b-45b. Hours of the Passion. Imperfect, ending in None. 5. ff. 46-52b. Hours of the Compassion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Imperfect at beginning. 6. ff. 53-55b. Little Office of the Cross. 7. ff. 55b-67. Office of the Dead, Sarum use. 8. ff. 67b-74. Commendation of Souls. 9. ff. 74b-76b. 'Psalmi de
passione domini'. Imperfect, ending at Ps. 28: 7. 10. ff. 77-83. The so-called 'Psalter of St Jerome'. See further D. H. Turner, 'The Prayer Book of Archbishop Arnulph II of Milan', Revue
Bénédictine, lxx, 1960, pp. 361-3. 11. ff. 83-85. Extracts from the four Gospels, viz.:- John, i, 1-14; Luke, i, 26-38; Matthew, ii,
1-12; Mark, xvi, 14-20. The headings and miniatures for the
extracts from Matthew and Mark have been transposed. 12. ff. 85-152. Prayers, etc., viz.:- (a) Prayers to eleven of the
apostles, including Paul, but omitting Jude and Matthias,
followed by two general prayers to the apostles. ff. 85-89;- (b) Prayers to SS Stephen, Laurence, All Martyrs, Martin, Benedict, All Confessors, All Holy Virgins, All Saints, Christopher, George, John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, Margaret, Katherine. ff. 89-94b;- (c) Hymn founded on the Salve regina. Beg. 'Salve uirgo uirginum stella matutina. Sordidorum criminum uera medicina'. See U. Chevalier, Repertorium Hymnologicum, Louvain, 1892-1912, no. 18318, where it is attributed to St Bonaventure. ff. 95-98;- (d) Hymn on the Angelic Salutation. Beg. 'Aue dei genitrix et immaculata virgo celi gaudium toti mundo natum'. See Chevalier, op. cit., no. 1761, where it is attributed to Robert Grosseteste. ff. 98b-100;- (e) The Seven Joys of the B. V. Mary. Beg. 'Virgo templum trinitatis. deus summe bonitatis et
misericordie'. Here attributed to Pope Clement VI, but usually ascribed to Philippe de Grève (d. 1236). See Chevalier, op. cit., no. 21899, and A. Wilmart, Auteurs Spirituels et Textes Dévots du Moyen ±ge Latin, Paris, 1932, p. 329 and n. 1. ff. 100-101b;- (f) Poem on Christ on the Cross by Jean de Limoges, monk of Clairvaux and Abbot of Zircz. Beg. 'Omnibus consideratis.
paradisus uoluptatis. es 1-12; ihesus piissime'. See Chevalier, op. cit., no. 14081; Wilmart, op. cit., p. 584; Analecta Hymnica, xxxi, no. 68, wrongly cited by Wilmart as lii, p. 133; C. Horváth, Johannis Lemovicensis . . . opera omnia, Veszprém, 1932, iii, pp. 111-15 15.ff. 102-103b;- (g) Prayers to Christ, the B. V. Mary, St Michael, etc., including: (i) 'Domine ihesu xpiste qui in hunc mundum propter nos peccatores de sine patris advenisti'. (Cf. A.Hughes, The Portiforium of Saint Wulstan, ii, Henry Bradshaw Society, xc, 1960, pp. 3-5.) ff. 104-104b;- (ii) 'O
intemerata et in eternum benedicta'. See Wilmart, op. cit., pp. 474-504. ff. 106b-107b;- (iii) 'Sancte michael archangele qui uenisti'. See Wilmart, op. cit., pp. 212-13. f. 108b;- (iv) 'Stabat mater dolorosa'. See Analecta Hymnica, liv, no. 201. ff. 109b-110b;- (v) 'Adoro te domine ihesu xpiste In cruce ascedentem'. See A. Wilmart, 'Prières médiévales pour l'Adoration de la Croix', Ephemerides Liturgicae, xlvi, 1932, pp. 24sq. ff. 114-114b;- (vi) 'Deus exaudi oracionem meam quia iam cognosco tempus meum prope est'. See Turner, 'The Prayer-Book of Archbishop Arnulph II of Milan', pp. 373-4. ff. 129b-131;- (j) Rhymed litany. Beg. 'Kyrie eleyson. miserere. Summe pater nos tuere. Creaturas tuas quere. per peccata perditas'.
Includes petitions to Thomas Becket, Edmund of East Anglia and Richard of Chichester. ff. 136b-147;- (k) Devotions for use during mass, headed by a rubric beg. 'Si quis latinum intelligat et missam cupiat audire'. ff. 147-152. Verse initials in blue and gold, decorated with red and blue penwork respectively. Line
endings in blue and gold. The major decoration of the book is by calendar medallions, half-page miniatures of scenes from
Christ's life, historiated initials and illuminated borders.
calendar medallions represent:Û-
f. 1. January: (1) Aquarius. (2) A man warming himself before a fire
REEL 21 cont
f. 1b. February: (1) Pisces. (2) A man digging.
f. 2. March: (1) Aries. (2) A man pruning.
f. 2b. April: (1) Taurus. (2) A man holding flowers in his hand.
f. 3. May: (1) Gemini. (2) A man with hawk and hound.
f. 3b. June: (1) Cancer. (2) A man weeding.
f. 4. July: (1) Leo. (2) A man mowing.
f. 4b. August: (1) Virgo. (2) A man reaping.
f. 5. September: (1) Libra. (2) A man threshing.
f. 5b. October: (1) Scorpio. (2) A man sowing.
f. 6. November: (1) Sagittarius. (2) A man killing a pig.
f. 6b. December: (1) Capricorn. (2) A king feasting.
The half page miniatures represent: Û-
1. f. 7. The Last Supper.
2. f. 10b. The Agony in the Garden.
3. f. 17. The Betrayal.
4. f. 19. Christ before Pilate.
5. f. 20b. Christ carrying the Cross.
6. f. 22. The Crucifixion.
7. f. 23b.The Deposition.
8. f. 24b. The Entombment.
9. f. 27. The Last Judgement.
10. f. 37b. The Piercing of Christ's side.
11. f. 53. Christ nailed to the Cross.
12. f. 55b. A Funeral.
13. f. 67b. Three souls offered to God.
14. f. 74b. The Man of Sorrows.
15. f. 95. The Virgin and Child.
16. f. 98b. The Annunciation.
17. f. 100. The Coronation of the Virgin.
18. f. 102. The Crucifixion.
The pages bearing these miniatures have borders of floral
design and a large historiated initial from 3 to 5 lines deep (that for f. 24b is on f. 25), containing, except on ff. 25 and 100, a representation of a man's head. On ff. 7, 27, 53, the man is King David; on f. 100 is represented the Annunciation. On f. 7, the border is more elaborate than the borders on the other pages containing miniatures. In addition to the historiated
initials on the pages with miniatures, there are four 6-or 5-line initials containing representations of the evangelists on ff. 83-85. The remaining major historiated initials are 5 or 4 lines deep and occur on ff. 40b, 41b, 42b, 44, 77, 85-87b, 89, 89b, 91, 91b, 92, 92b, 93-94, 119b, 147. Their subjects include:- the head of the Almighty (f. 77), the Apostles (ff. 85-87), St Stephen (f. 89), St Laurence (f. 89b), St Christopher (f. 91b), St George (f. 92), St John the Baptist (f. 92b), St Mary Magdalen (f. 93), St Margaret (f. 93b), St Katherine (f. 94), the Virgin and Child (f. 119b). There are also a large number of smaller
historiated initials of between 1 and 3 lines throughout the MS.
The miniatures may be assigned to probably two hands. By the first and better hand are those on ff. 7, 10b, 17, 19, 22, 23b,
24b, 37b, 53 and 74b; by the second, presumably an assistant
of the first, the miniatures on ff. 20b, 27, 67b, 95, 98b, 100 an(102, and also possibly that on f. 55b, which may however be
by a third hand. By the first hand are also the better historiated initials, e.g., those on ff. 7, 10b, 17, 22, 37b, 74b, 77, 85 (second initial), 86-87; others are by the second hand. The first hand has been identified as that of 'Johannes', the artist who executed some of the miniatures in an Oxford MS. of 'Li Livres du Graunt Cam', now Bodleian Library, MS. Bodley 264, on whom see further Turner, 'The Bedford Hours and Psalter',
p. 270 and nn. 11, 12, and Rickert, Painting in Britain, pp. 165-6, 174-5. It has been suggested that the second artist was
responsible for the passion miniatures in the Bedford Psalter and Hours, Add. MS. 42131, which are closely related
iconographically to those in the present MS.: see Turner, 'The Bedford Hours and Psalter', p. 270, n. 12; 'The Wyndham Payne Crucifixion', p. 22. In Rickert, Painting in Britain, p. 174, however, the passion miniatures in the Bedford Psalter are
attributed to Johannes himself. The statement in Rickert, La Miniatura Inglese, p. 26, that some of the portrait heads in the present MS. are by Hermann Scheere is a typographical error, according to information from the author.
Correspondence and Records
Add Ms 4244
MEMORANDA by Thomas Birch; 18th cent. Latin, French and English. Included are:- (a) notes and lists of learned women. ff. 21-24;- (b) abstract of observations by Philip Yorke on the State Paper Office; 1746. ff. 31-36;- (c) notes and lists of works of Catherine Cockburn née Trotter; 1749. Cf. Add. MSS. 4264-4267. ff.41b-51;- (d) account of Birch's visit to 'Mrs. Forster, granddaughter to Milton', with extracts from the poet's family
bible; 6 Jan. 1749/50 . ff. 52b-53. The names of other persons referred to are to be found in the Index of the present
Catalogue. Paper; ff. 67. Small quarto. XVIII cent.
Add Ms 15948
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE of the Evelyn family, of
Wotton, co.Surrey, from 1634 to 1824.In two Volumes. Folio.
VOL. I.-Letter from George Evelyn to his father, Richard
Evelyn; dat. Trin. Coil. Oxon, 30 June, 1634 ; with a draft of the reply, 10 July, 1634, f. 2;- Nicolas Oudart (Secretary to Sir
Edward Nicolas) to [Sir Richard Browne?] ; Oxon, 28 Apr. 1644, f. 4;-Motto and signature of Jolin Evelyn when at Paris, 1647, f. *4;- Letters from John Evelyn (chiefly written under the
assumed signature of) to his father-in-law,Sir Richard Browne (addressed as Mons. Peeters and Mons. Kibble), Ambassador at Paris; dat. London, 6 Dec. 1647-7 June, 1649 (twenty-four letters), ff. 5-37 ;- Peter Eaton (under the pseudonyme of Tho. White) to John Evelyn (addressed as Mons. Smyth), 30
July,1649-27Jan.16 49/50 (thirteen letters), ff. 38-52;- R [ichard] H [oare] to the same; Paris, 9 July,1650, f. 53;- Claude
Rousselle to the same; Paris, 20 Apr. 1652, Fr., f 55;- Drafts of three Letters from Sir Richard Browne to the same; Paris, 11, 14 May, 1652, 2 Mar. 1658, If. 57, 64;- [Sir Henry] de Vic to the same; Br. 9 Sept. 1656, f. 59;- John [son of Sir Edward]
Nicholas to the same; Bruges, 27 Oct. 1656, Brussels, 13 Apr. 1660, ff. 60, 104 ;- Jacques le Franc (a French proselyte,
afterwards ordained) to the same ; Norwich, 25 May, 1657, Fr., f. 63;- Thomas Henshaw to the same, 25 Dec. [1656], 3 Mar. [165 6/7] (two letters), ff 61, 62;-" Extractum literarum Dris. Hornii, Prof. Hist. in Acad. Leidensi, Sept. 5, 1659 " [to S.
Hartlib], f. 65 Samuel Hartlib to J. Evelyn ; Axe-yard, 24 Sept. 1659, 7 Apr. 21 May, 1660 (three letters). fr. 66, 98, 100;- Copy of Letter from R. J. to Mr. Hartlib; Paris, 24 Oct. 1659, f 67;- Letter signed C. C. [Christianus Cosmopolitanus, a
pseudonyme] to [S. Hartlib?], 18 Nov. 1659, f. 69;- Extracts of Letters written from Paris to [Samuel Hartlib] on the subject of horticulture, etc., 13 Sept. 1659- 31 Jan. 1660 ; and from
Cambridge, on the subject of education, 24 Jan. 1660, fr. 71-79 ;- Extracts of Letters from [Dr. J. Beale] to [the same], on philosophical subjects; Hereford, 7 Oct. 1659-10 May, 1660, ff. 80-96;-Letters from Francis Carter, of Genoa, relative to sums of money adventured by Mrs. Mary Evelyn, of Deptford, and
others, on the Seminary of Genoa; with an account of the "Seminarie;" dat. Genoa, 27 Oct. 1659, 1 June, 1660, ff. 101, 102;- Richard Hunt to J. Evelyn, 4 Mar. 1660, f 105;- Letter from the Fellows of Merton College, Oxford, to Sir Richard Browne, clerk of the Council, requesting him to be nominated
as Warden; signed by Alex. Fisher, Jo. Powell, Hen. Hurst, and eight others, 2 Feb.1661, f. 107;- E[dmund] Dickenson [M.D., Fellow of Merton] to the same, 6 Mar. 166 1/2, 26, 30 Mar.1662 (three letters), ff. 109-1 11 ;- Sir William Compton (Master
General of the Ordnance) to J. Evelyn, 3 Oct. 1661 ; with draft of reply, 5 Oct. f. 112 ;- Joseph Williamson (Secretary to Sir H. Bennet, and afterwards knighted) to the same [Oct. 1661], f. 114;- Randall Sanderson, Minister of Wayhill, to Mary Evelyn, 7 July, 1663, f. 116;- Joseph Williamson to Sir R. Browne;
Drayton, co. Northt., 12 Sept. 1664, f. 118;- Sir Nicholas Crisp to [J. Evelyn], 26 July, 1665, f. 119;- [Henry Jermyn, Earl of] St. Alban's to [the same?]; Bourbon, 5 Sept. 1665, f 120;-Thomas Povey to the same [Eltham, 11 Sept. 1665], 20 May, 1670, ff. 121, 140;- Sir Christopher Hatton (afterwards Lord Hatton, of Kirby) to [the same?]; Kirby, 14 Dec. 1665, f. 122;- Sir John Shaw to the same [Eltham, 18 Feb. 166 5/6] f 123 ;
Proclamation " for the effectual prosecution of his Majesties Commission [of whom John Evelyn was one] for the providing and making of Wt-peter and gun.powder," 16 July, 1666 (printed), f. 124;- [John, Viscount] Mordaunt to J. Evelyn;
Parson's Green [Fulham], 26 June [1667], f. 126;- Sir John Langham, Bart., to the same; Crosby House, 30 July, 1667; with draft of reply, f. 127 ;-Obadiah Walker to the same; University Coll. [Oxford], 24 Sept. 1667, f. 129;- John Hoskyns (Master in Chancery, and afterwards Baronet) to the same [13 Oct. 1667], f. 130;- Dr. John Fell (Dean of Christ Church) to the same; [Oxford], 29 Sept. [1667], f. 131 ;-Gabriel Sylvius (afterwards knighted) to the same; Whitehall [29 July, 1667], Fr., f. 133;- certificate signed by three parishioners of Stamford [co. Line], that Richard Cumberland, B.D., Vicar of All Saints and Rector of St. Peter's, had publicly read divine service and declared his
consent to the book of common prayer ; dat. 13 Star 1669,
f.135 ;- J. Beale to J. Evelyn; Yeovill,12,14June,1669, ff.136,138 -1-Sir Edward Walker (Clerk of the Council, and
Garter King of Arms) to [Sir Ricliard Browne?],3 Slay, 1672, f.141 ;- Henry [Hydel, Viscount Cornbury (afterwards Earl of Clarendon), to J. Evelyn; Swallowfield [co.Berks], 24 Sept.1672. f. 14.2 ;- Lady Elizabeth Burton to Sir R. Browne; Stokaston, 9 Nov.1673, f.144;- John [Lord] Berkeley [of
Stratton, Ambassador in France] to J. Evelyn ; Paris, Dec.1675, f. 146;- Report of Sir Hugh Cholmeley, relative to the state of the mole at Tangier, 4 Jan. 167 5/6, f. 148;- John Evelyn (son of J. Evelyn of Wotton) to his grandfather [Sir R. Browne ; dat. Paris,-,1676], f.149;- Col. Richard Talbot (afterwards Earl of Tyreonnel) to J. Evelyn Dublin, 27 May, 1678, f.150;-[Henry Mordaunt, Earl of] "Peterborow to the same; St. James, IS July,-,f. 152;- Lady C[hristiana?] Berkeley [widow of Jolin, Lord Berkeley, of Stratton?] to [J. Evelyn],
respecting his being trustee for her children, 27Aug.-,f.153;- Amy Owen to the same; Eltham, 26 June, 1680; with draft of reply, f.154;- Draft of a consolatory letter from J. Evelyn to Lord -, on the death of his son, n. d., f.155 ;-"A note of the books, prints, letters, mapps, and papers of state lent to Mr. Sam. Pepys, late Secretary to the Admiralty, to be returned me againe," 5 Dec.1681; in the handwriting of J. Evelyn, f 156.[15,948.]
VOL.II.-Letter from J.Messerray to [Mrs. Evelyn?], relative to the murder of his son at Caen; Jersey, 8 Mar.168 0/1 Fr.,f.1; George Evelyn to his brother, John Evelyn; Wotton, 20 Feb.1634/5, 30 Mar.1685, 9 June, 1686 (three letters), ff.2 4;[Henry Hyde] Earl of Clarendon (Lord Lieutenant of Ireland) to the same; Dublin Castle, 7 Aug. 1686, f. 5; Dr. Nathaniel
Vincent to the same;Charter-House,27 Nov., 27 Dec. 1686; with draft of letter from J. Evelyn to the Duke of Norfolk,
recommending Dr. Vincent to be domestic chaplain, ff.7,8;-News-letters from Stanley West to Ricliard Tucker, of
Melcombe, co. Dors., merchant; London, 22Jan.-28 Feb.168 8/9 (seven letters), ff.10-20;- Charles [Lord] Spencer (afterwards Earl Of Sunderland) to J. Evelyn; Utrecht, 30 Dec. 1689, 9 Aug. 1690, Engl. and Lat.; with draft of reply from J .Evelyn to the former, 1 Jan.1690, Lat., ff.21-25;- Letter in Latin, not signed nor dated [to the same], f.26;- Fr. Knight to John Wallis, M.P.; London, 18 Aug. 1692, f.27.- William Draper to his father-in-law, J.Evelyn; Hanslopp Park, 4Aug. 697, f.28;- Rev. Dr. T. Goodwyn chaplain to the Bp. of Worcester) to the same; Hartlebury Castle, 23 July,1698, f.29;- Letter without
signature to Mrs. Boscawen [wife of' Edward Boscawen, M.P., and sister of Sidney, Earl of Godolphi?] 7 Feb.169 8/9 f.31;- Capt. Christopher Hatton to J. Evelyn, 6 June, 1699, 9 July, 1701; with draft of reply, ff. 33,38;-Sir Richard Onslow, Bart., to the same; Clandon, 6 Apr. 1700, f.35;-Rev. Robert Wye (Rector of Wotton) to the same, 20 Apr. 1700, f.36 ;- Rev. Robert
Mander, D.D. (Master of Balliol College), to the same, 4 Nov. 1700, f. 37 ;-Rev. George Stanhope, D. D .(Dean of Canterbury), to the same , 25 Oct.1701; with draft of reply, f. 40;- Petition of John Evelyn, one of the commissioners for the sick and wounded, to Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer' indorsed "read 2d June, 1702," f.41;- Rev. William Strengfellow (Minister of Trinity Chapel, London) to J. Evelyn 7 Oct. 1703, 16 Sept. 1704, ff 43, 45; John Jacks on to the same; Clapham, 13 Sept. 1705; with draft of reply, f.46;-William Hewer to the same; Clapham, 13 Sept. 1705; with draft of
reply, f. 47;- Maj.-Genl. Francis Palmer to [Thomas, Earl
Wharton]; Turin, 27 Oct. 1708, f.48;- John Evelyn (afterwards Baronet) to his wife [Anne, daughter of Edward Boscawen]; London, 18 Sept. 1712-1 Sept. 1718, Petersfield, 16 May, 1727 (eight letters), ff. 50, 56, 58, 63-68, 87 ;-The same to [his mother] Mrs. Evelyn Lond. 27 Aug. 1713, 23 Nov. 1716, ff. 52, 61 ;- Elizabeth [wife of Simon] Hacourt to her mother Mrs. [Martha] Evelyn; Cockthorp, 10 June, 1716, f. 59;- Power of
attorney from William Glanvill, alias Evelyn [of St. Clere], and Frances his wife, to William Wilson, to transfer South Sea Stock, 18 Feb.1717; signed and sealed, f.70;- Order signed "T. Evelyn," to pay a dividend on South Sea Stock, 22 Aug. 1718, f.71 ;- Epitaph on Sir John Evelyn, knt., of Godstone [who died in 1643],and Dame Thomasin, his wife, f.72;- Letter from H. G. [Henrietta Churchill, wife of Francis, second Earl of Godolphin, and afterwards Duchess of Marlborough] to Lady Evelyn, 26 Oct. 1720, f. 73;- Power of attorney from William Evelyn, of Wortley, co. Hants., to Christopher Lethuillier, to transfer South Sea Stock, 11 June, 1720 ; with order for payment of dividend, 1 Aug. 1722, ff. 75, 76;- [Francis] Earl Godolphin to Lady Evelyn; Newmarket, 26 Oct. 1721, f. 77;- Character of Sydney Godolphin (son of Sir William Godolphin), killed at Chegford, Devonshire, Jan. 164 2/3, f. 79;- Benjamin Ashurst to Ambrose Phillips [17211, f. 81 ;- Power of attorney from Ricliard
Edgcumbe, Thomas Vernon, Sir John Stonehouse, Bart., and Sir John Evelyn, Bart., to Samuel Rock, to receive South Sea dividends, 10 Nov. 1724; signed and sealed, f. 83 ;- John Finch [son of Heneage. Earl of Aylesford ?] to [Lady Evelyn]; Albury, 30 Aug. 1726, ff. 85, go;- Draft of epitaph on Charles Godolphin, M.P., brother to Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, and Elizabeth his wife, to be placed over their tombs by Frances Hall, executrix and niece to Mrs. Godolphin, 1727; in the handwriting of Sir Jolin Evelyn, f. ' 88;- John Finch to [Sir John Evelyn]; Aylesford, 5 July, 1728, Cavendish Sq., 3 Jan. 173 8/9, ff. 9O, 104;- E. Thurland to the same; Reigate, 1 Sept. 1731, f. 93;- M.
Godolphin [wife of Rev. Henry Godolphin, D.D., Provost of Eton] to Lady Evelyn; Eton, 25 Aug. 1731, f. 94;- Dr. John Budgen and Col. John Folliott to Sir John Evelyn; Dorking, 7 Sept. 1732, f. 96;- John Nicholas to George Clarke, 6 May, 1735, f. 98;- S [idney] Evelyn [youngest son of Sir John Evelyn] to his father; Nottingham, 1 Nov. 1738, f. 100;- John Evelyn, M.P. (eldest son of Sir J. Evelyn, and afterwards Baronet), to his father; Clatford, 9 Nov. 1738, f. 102 ;-Charles Evelyn [second son of Sir J.
Evelyn] to his father; Exon, 25 Aug. 1-39, f. 106 ;- Rev. Francis Lloyd (Curate of Abinger) to the same, 13 Nov. 1743, f. 108;- Susanna Evelyn [wife of Charles Evelyn] to the same; Yerlington, 20 Apr. 1744, f. 110;- [ Francis, second] Earl
Godolphin to the same; St. James's, 16 Jan. 1752, f. 112;- Signatures of Alexander Evelyn, of St. Clere, 3 Oct. 1799, and William Evelyn, 10 Aug. 1804, f. 114;- Note from Mrs. Evelyn to Messrs. Kent and Luck, 12 Nov. 1800, ib.;-Advertisement from Hugh Evelyn (nephew of Sir John), n. d., ib.;- George Evelyn [of Wotton] to Mr. Faraday, 3 Mar. 1824, f. 115 ;- Account of expenses for clothes [in the handwriting of Mary Evelyn, wife of John Evelyn] for herself and daughters, 1669-1671, f. 117;-
Account of money laid out in clothes at the wedding of Susanna Evelyn, wife of William Draper, 1693, f. 123 ;- Letter 'from Eliza Evelyn [wife of Richard Evelyn, of Woodcott] to her brother, William Glanville; Woodcott, 12 Nov. 1661 ;-
Signatures of Mary Evelyn (eldest daughter of John Evelyn), 1672, 1673, f. 127;- Letter from S[usanna] E [velyn] (afterwards Mrs. Draper) to. her father, 25 July [1691], f 128;-M [ary?] Tuke [wife of George Tuke] to her aunt, Mrs. Evelyn [31 Jan. 16931, f. 130;- Mary Evelyn [wife of John Evelyn] to her son at Balliol College; Wotton, 1 Nov. 1700 [see f. 37], f. 132;- Ann Evelyn [wife of Sir John Evelyn] to [her mother-in-law, Martha Evelyn], 25 Aug. [1710], f. 134;- M [ary] Evelyn [daughter of Sir John Evelyn] to her mother; Wotton, 24 Oct. 1735, f 136;- Anne
Evelyn to [her husband, Sir John Evelyn]; Wotton, 29 June [1743], f. 138;- A [nne] E [velyn] (eldest daugther of Sir John Evelyn) to her father; Wotton, 24 Oct. 1752, f 139;- Certificate signed by John Evelyn and others, that Dr. Ralph Bohun, lately inducted Rector of Wotton, co. Surrey, had read the service, and declared his consent to the book of common prayer, 24 Aug. 1701, f. 140;-Certificate of the burials of George Evelyn, 1699, and John Evelyn, 1705; signed by Dr. Bohun, 7 Oct. 1711, f. 141 ;-Letter from Dr. Bohun to Mrs. Mary Evelyn, n. d., f. 142;- Rev. William Rose (Rector of Wotton) to Sir John
Evelyn, Bart.; Wotton Parsonage, 3 Dec. 1721, 30 Mar. 1722, ff. 143, 145;- Rev. John Burton (Curate of Wotton, afterwards Master of Winchester College) to the same; Winton College, 30 July, 1732, f. 147;- Rev. Burke Cuppage (Curate of Wotton, and
afterwards Minister of Coleraine, in Ireland) to the same;
Coleraine, 23 Dec. 1743, f. 149. 15,949.]
Add Ms 22563.
COPIES of Royal and other letters; 1553-1610; including a letter from the Privy Council in the name of Lady Jane Grey, and letters from Queen Elizabeth, Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Leicester, Lord Talbot, Sir Francis Bacon, Anthony
Babbington, Lady Arabella Stuart, and Sir William Seymour. At the beginning is the note: "The present transcript is taken from one made by Robert Sterne Tighe, Esq., from the originals [at Longleat, Wilts], by the permission of Thomas, the 2nd Marquis of Bath:" to this is added, "This is Mr. Malone's handwriting, and the notes marked M in this volume are by him. S[amuel] W[eller] S[inger]." Paper; XVIIIth cent. Folio.
Add Ms 23213.
ORIGINAL letters from various members of the Conway family; Evelyn, 1613-1679. The writers are 1. [Lady] Doro[thy] Conway to her husband, Sir Edward Conway; London, 14, 23 Jan. 1612[3], ff. 1, 3. 2. Katherin Conway [second wife of Sir E. Conway] to the same; Luddington, 1 July, 1620, f. 5. 3. [Edward
Conway, 2nd Viscount] Conway and Kilulta to his daughter-in-law [Anne, wife of his son Edward]; Petworth and Antwerp, 1, 8, 22 July, 30 Sept., 14 Oct., 1651, ff. 9-16, 20-24. 4. Lady, Anne Conway to her father-in-law, Lord Conway; 9/2 Oct. 1651, f. 17. 5. Edward, 2nd Viscount Conway, to ; Antwerp, 31/22 Jan. 1654/3 f. 25. 6. Maria Conway to her father, 1st Viscount
Conway; n.d., f. 26. 7. Francis Conway to his brother, the 3rd Viscount Conway; York, London, 23 Jan. 1668[9], 28 Apr., 1671, ff. 28, 34. 8. The same to his father, the 2nd Viscount Conway; n.d., f. 30. 9. The same to his mother, the Dowager Viscountess Frances Conway; London, 28 Apr. 1671, f. 32. 10. Francis (sic) Conway to her father, the 1st Viscount Conway; London, 12 Feb., 29 Mar. s.a., ff. 36, 38. 11. H[eligawrth]
Conway to the same; n.d., f. 40. 12. Charles Coke [secretary to Lady Conway] to Edward, 3rd Viscount Conway; Ragley, 5 Nov., 13 Dec. 1678, 18 Feb. 1678/9 , ff. 42-45, 47, 51. 13. [Edward, 3rd Viscount] Conway, to his wife; Portmore, 8 Jan., 22 Feb. 1678/9 , ff. 46, 49. 14. M Conway to Viscount Conway; Eton, 25 July, s.a., f. 54. Paper; XVIIth cent. Folio.
Add Ms 23214
ORIGINAL letters from Anne Conway [1st wife of Edward, 3rd Viscount Conway] to her husband; Kensington and Ragley, 10 May, 1653-13 Feb. 1678/9 . Paper; XVIIth cent. Folio.
Add Ms 28023
MEDICAL case-book of a physician, practising apparently in Hampshire; 1565-1573. Among the names of patients are:-Jane (Wriothesley], Countess of Southampton, f. 8 b;-Mrs.
Mylton, f. 10 b;- Pawlett, f. 33 b;-Richard Ticborne [Tichborne, afterwards Bart.], f. 34 b;-[Elizabeth] Lady Saundes [Sandys], f. 45 b;- Lady Mabell Wriothesley ?], f. 62 b;-Wurseley [Worsley], of the Isle of Wight, f. 63 b;-[Mary Wriothesley] Countess of
Southampton,f.68;- Mr.Warden of the [Winchester] Collegge," f.82. At f. 86 b is a song to an infant, with corrections; at f. 98 b, a catalogue of the owner's books; and, at f. 102, a note of debts owing to him from members of New College, Christchurch and Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and others. At the end are
general medical prescriptions; and, in another hand, numerous recipes for waters, oils, ointments, plasters, etc. On the original outer cover was written, "De magistro Polewheele prisonar[io] in Fleta London Physica et Chirurgeria." Paper; xvith cent. Folio.
Correspondence and Records (continued)
Add Ms 34657-34659
RELIGIOUS CONVERSATIONS at Little Gidding between John Ferrar, his sister Susanna Collet and her daughters, under the assumed names of Guardian, Moderator, Cheerful, etc. For some account of these "Conversations" see Mayor, Nicholas Ferrar, Cambridge, 1855, pp. 275, 294-301, 362-376; and Nicholas Ferrar, his Household and his Friends, 1892, pp. 147-165. Three volumes. Vol. I. also includes the following
writings by the same hand, presumably that of Mary or Anne Collet:-(a) Dedication from Mary and Anne Collet to their
grandmother, Mary Ferrar, dated 2 Feb. 1631[2], with her reply. ff. 2, 3;-(b) A fresh dedication, at Mrs. Ferrar's. desire, to their sister Susanna, wife of Joshua Mapletoft; 2 Feb. 1631[2]. f. 4;-(c) Letter from Nicholas Ferrar to Susanna Mapletoft, confirming the gift. f. 4b. The names of the writers have been supplied by Dr. John Mapletoft, who has also inserted (ff. 4, 4 b) two notes, signed and dated 22, 23 Jan. 1715[6], the second being as
follows: "This book was presented by my Great Grandmother, my honoured Mothers two sisters (the daughters of John and Susanna Collet) and their vnkle Nicholas Farrar, who was my Godfather, to my ever-honoured Mother Susanna Mapletoft the same year in which I was born. And I desire my son to whom I do give it, with the Great Concordance and other story books, that they may be preserved in the family as long as may be." All the above letters, together with Mapletoft's two notes, are printed in Nicholas Ferrar, 1892, pp. 151-157. Paper; ff. 140, 187, 114. Belonged successively (see f. 1 of each volume, and N. Ferrar, 1892, pp. 150, 156-8), after the death of Susanna Mapletoft in 1657, to John Collet, Elizabeth Kestian (ob. 1715), John Mapletoft, as above (ob. 1721), and later to Richard
Mapletoft (bookplate). In the original Little Gidding binding of black leather, slightly tooled. Folio.
Correspondence and Records (continued)
Egerton Ms 1634
LETTER from Helena Southwell to her father, Sir Robert; dat. King's Weston, 3 Aug. 1690, f. 1; "Some particulars of Sir Robert Southwell's life," by his daughter, Helena Le Grand, f. 3; Extracts from letters of Sir Robert Southwell, 1666-1669, 1671, 1680; with other notes, f. 34. Paper. Quarto. From the
Farnborough Fund. [Bibl. Eg. 1,634.] Folio.
Lansdowne Ms 1237
A Volume containing Letters, &c. written by foreign sovereign Princes, and other eminent Strangers, during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. 1. A proclamation of Charles the Ninth, King of France, for the enforcing an edict against
sedition among his subjects; with the royal signature. St.
Germain en Laye, Aug. 6, 1561. fo. 1. (French.) 2. Charles IX. King of France, to Queen Elizabeth, informing her of his
intended marriage with the Emperor's daughter. Amboise, Aug. 15, 1569. fo. 2. (French.) 3. Christian IV. King of Denmark, to Prince Henry, his nephew; a letter of civility and compliment. Cronenbourg, Aug. 12, 1601. fo. 3. (Latin.) 4. The Duke of Vendosme to Prince Henry; complimentary. Paris, July 20, 1602. fo. 5. (French.) 5. Henry Duke of Lorraine to Prince Henry; a letter of compliment and civility. Nancy, June 25. 1603. fo. 7. (French.) 6. Charles Cardinal of Lorraine to Prince Henry; congratulating him on his father's accession to the crown of England, &c. Nancy, June 27, 1603. fo. 9. (French.) 7. Sophia, Queen-mother of Denmark, to Prince Henry;
acknowledging the receipt of his letter by Sir Wm. Stuart, with her good wishes, &c. Nicoping, June 27, 1603. fo. 11. (Latin.) 8. The Queen of Denmark to the Lady Arabella Stuart; thanking her for expressions of kindness sent by the King her husband on his return to Denmark. Copenhagen, Aug. 29, 1606. fo. 13. (Latin.) 9. Christian IV. King of Denmark to the Lady Arabelia Stuart; giving her an account of his safe return to his own
dominions. Copenhagen, Aug. 30, 1606. fo. 15. (Latin. 10. Christian IV. King of Denmark, to Prince Henry; with a present or some brass cannon. Copenhagen, Oct. 23, 1607. fo. 17. (Latin.) 11. The Prince of Tuscany to Prince Henry; informing him of his intended marriage with the Archduchess Mary
Malydalen of Austria, Aug. 10, 1608. fo. 19. (Italian.) 12.
Christian IV. King of Denmark, to Prince Henry; that he wishes to hear often of his prosperity, &c. Schanderburg, Oct. 30, 1608. fo. 21. (Latin.) 13. Victor Amedeo, Prince of Savoy, to Prince Henry; by the Count de Cartigran, his father's ambassador; with assurances of esteem, &c. Turin, Feb. 10, 1611. fo. 23. (French.) 14. Christian IV. King of Denmark, to Prince Henry; with a present of four horses. Copenhagen, April 1, 1611. fo. 25. (Latin.) 15. Count Oldenburg to Prince Henry;
complimentary. June 1, 1611. fo. 27. (Latin.) 16. The Count de Vaudemont to Prince Henry complimentary. Nancy, Sept. 6, 1611. fo. 29. (French.) 17. The Duke de Vendosme to Prince Henry; with assurances of affection, &c. Chamberry, Nov. 8. fo. 31. (French.) 18. The Duke de Rohan to Prince Henry,
requesting his favour, &c. No date. fo. 33. (French.) 19. Charles Duke of Lorraine to Prince Henry; by Mons. de Breval his
gentleman of the chamber, and M. de Marinvill his secretary, with assurances of affection, &c. July 26. fo. 35. (French.) 20. Louis XIII. King of France, to Prince Henry; by the Duke de Bouillon, with assurances of, attachment and esteem. Paris, April 18, [1612], fo. 37. (French.) 21. Frederick Elector
Palatine to Prince Henry; announcing his intention of paying him a visit. Hague, Oct. 1, 1612. fo. 38. (French.) 22. The Duke of Savoy to King James I. thanking him for a letter of friendship received from him, and discussing various political matters. Turin, March 15, 1617. fo. 40. (French.) 23. The Prince of Orange to King James I.; concerning the
ecclesiastical disputes in Holland. Hague, Dec. 12, 1617. fo. 42. (French.) 24. Victor Amedeo, Prince of Savoy, to King James I.; by Mr. Isaac Wake, acknowledging his great
obligations to him, &c. fo. 44. (French.) No date, but certainly written in 1619. 25. Mons. de Plessis to the Marques of
Buckingham; thanking him for a letter by Mons. de Baron, &c. Saumur, April 30, 1620. fo. 46. 26. Mons. de Crequy to the Marques of Buckingham, Lord High Admiral; expressing his
regret on the departure from France of the bearer, M. Montagu, whom he strongly recommends to him. No date. fo. 48. 27. Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia to her father, King James I.; that the Baton de Dona will state to him the particulars of the
misfortune that has compelled her husband and herself to leave Prague, and requesting his assistance to prevent their ruin. That she is resolved never to quit her husband, but, should he perish, to perish with him. Breslaw, 13-23 Nov. [1620?] fo. 50. (French.) 28. The Prince of Orange to King James I.; for a supply of artillery for the States General, who had been exhausted by their assistance to the Venetians and their great expeditions against pirates. Hague, Jan. . . . . . 1621. fo. 52. (French.) 29. The Prince of Orange to the Marques of Buckingham; that the States were about to send ambassadors to Britain for the settlement of differences. Nov. 10, 1621. fo. 54. (French.) 30. A duplicate of a letter from the States to General Fairfax and the Council of war; recommending to the favour and protection of the Parliament the Ambassadors they had sent to treat for peace. January 29, 1649. fo. 56. An
indorsement on this letter states that it "was never opened, but found among the waste papers in the Clerk of the Parliament's Office [where it had remained till opened by Wm.
Goldesborough, Esq. Clerk of the Parliament, March 21, 1682-3." 31. The Republick of, Genoa to the Parliament of England; to restore one of its ships captured by the English fleet. April 18, 1651. fo. 59. (Latin.) A memorandum on this paper states that it was read 29 July, 1651. 32. Philip IV. King of Spain. to King Charles II.; recommending to his favour the Baron de
Batevila, Ambassador to England. Madrid, July 12, 1660. fo. 61. (Latin.) 33. Philip IV. King of Spain, to King Charles II.; a letter of civility and compliment in answer to one of the 6 Aug. from His Majesty. Madrid, Sept. 20, 1660. fo. 63. (Latin.) 34. Louis XIV. to Prince Rupert; that he could not have done better than, to place in his hands the command he had given him; with
assurances of esteem, &c. May 6, 1673. fo. 65. (French.) 35. The Prince of Orange to. . . . . . . . .by M. de Sylvius, with
assurances. of his services, &c. Hague, April 10, 1676. fo. 67. 36. The Prince of Salm to Madame. . . . . . . .that he had
complied with the request of the citizens of Aix in
sending a letter with theirs, to the King of Great Britain, a copy of which he incloses. June 8, 1676. fo. 69. (French.) 37. The Prince of Orange to Prince Rupert; with recommendation of Col. Slauffenbach. Boom, March 18, 1678. fo. 71. 38. An original treaty of alliance, offensive and defensive, between Spain, Austria, and the States General, against France. Signed by the King of Spain, &c. Madrid, Dec. 31, 1690. fo.73. (Latin.) 39. Frederick IV. King of Denmark, to Queen Anne; an
answer to Her Majesty's letter of notification.
Copenhagen, April 22, 1702. fo. 79. (Latin.) 40.
The Empress Eleonora Theresa to Queen Anne;
recommending to her favour the Count de Jörger, the Emperor's Ambassador extraordinary, May 26, 1702. fo. 81. (Latin.) 41. A copy of Charles XII. King of Sweden's
appointment of Count Nicholas de Lilieroot to be his
Ambassador to the Court of Great Britain Jan. 20, 1703. fo. 83. (Latin.) 42. The Emperor Leopold to Queen Anne; requesting her interference concerning the treaty with Portugal that pressed too hard on the Spanish
interest. Vienna, March 12, 1703. fo. 85. (Latin.) 43. Charles XII. King of Sweden to Queen Anne; thanking her for congratulations on the progress of his arms, &c. Levartow in Poland, March 1703. fo. 87. (Latin.) 44. The Emperor Leopold to Queen Anne; on the death of his daughter Maria Josepha. Vienna, April 18, 1703. fo. 89. (Latin.) 45. Augustus King of Poland to Queen Anne; credentials for his Ambassador Christopher Dierich Bose, Nov. 4, 1702. fo. 91. (Latin.) 46. Charles III. King of Spain to Queen Anne; to request some favour, referred to as in another paper, for Henry Nugent, Count de Valdesotto. Lisbon, 23 April 1704. fo. 93. (French.) 47. Charles III. King of Spain to Queen Anne;
notifying the departure of her Admiral and what he had done for the security of his kingdom, &c. Lisbon, May 7, 1704. fo. 95. (French.) 48. Charles III. King of Spain to Queen Anne;
thanking her for a loan, and stating how he had disposed of it, &c. Lisbon, May 14, 1704. fo. 97. (French.) 49. Baron Schutz to. . . . . . .inclosing a copy of the renunciation of Prince Charles of Denmark, Jan. 15, 1706-7. fo. 99. (French.) 50. Augustus King of Poland to Queen Anne; credentials for his Ambassador
extraordinary Nischwiz. Warsaw, April 6, 1707. fo. 101. (Latin.)
Correspondence and Records (continued)
Harleian Ms 7001
A Folio, Vol. XIII. consisting (as the preceding) of original Letters from several considerable Persons relating to public
Transactions, both foreign and domestic, & likewise to private & Family Affairs, from 1633 to 1634. It would be too serious to
defend to particulars; the following Matters may be observed in general.
1. A Letter from Mr. Secretary Coke to Meffrs De Vie & Augier at
Paris, rebuking them for congratulating the Cardinal on the Success of the French King’s Arms towards the Rhine, & c. Whitehall, 20 Jan.1633. 1.
2. Letters from Mr. Bouillon & Sir Wm Boswell at the Hague to Meffrs De Vie & Augier at Paris, concerning the Transactions in Germany, Holland, the Weft Indies, &c. 16 Jan. 1633, &c. 3, &c.
The following are chiefly Letters of Civility, Kindness, mutual good Offices, & common Compliment:
3. Wm A~Bp. Of Canterbury to Sir Wm, Bellasys Sherif of the
Bishoprick of Durham. Lambeth, June 3, 1634. 38.
4. Wm Crofts to Mr. De Vie, 3 May 1635. 41
5. Lord Stanforde to Monfr De Vie, London 9 June 1635. 43.
6. Lord Carnarvon to Monfr De Fruge, 13 July 1635. 44.
7. Sir Peter Osborne to Mr. De Vie. Castle Cornet, 12 Sept. 1635. 45.
8. Wm Bishop of London to Mr. De Vie, London House. 15 April 1636. 47.
9. E. of Salisbury to Mr. De Vie, 23 April 1636, &c. 48 .50 .53.
10. Lord Grandison to ………..London, 27 April 1636. 49.
11. Lord Scudamore to Monsr De Vie. Paris Dec. 26, 1636. 54.
12. Sir Wm Boswell to Mr. Selden, &c. Hagh, 4/14 Dec.1637. 75.
13. Countess of Pembroke to the E. of Bedford. Ramsbury,
14 Jan. 1638 82.
14. ________ to the Countess Dowager of Kent. Appleby
Castle, 10 Jan. 1649. 121.
15. Letter from the Committee at York, to Lord Fairfax,
June 11, 1642. 88.
16. Mowbray to Mr. John Selden. Oxford, 17 March 1642. 91.
17. Lord Fairfax to Mr. Rushworth. York, 12 May 1645. 111.
18. Draughts of letters of Mr. Walsth, 3 Sept. 1650. 120.
19. Conway & Kilulta to Mr. Selden. Petworth, July 20 1652. 124.
20. Mr. John Ogle to Mr. Gunning, Northtonsh. Croydon,
21 Feb. 1654. 134. 145.
21. Sir Tho, Carnaby to Sir Edw. Walker, Paris, 9 Aug.1659. 140.
22. Wm Victor to Sir Edw. Walker. Paris, 19 Mar 1660. 141.
23. Mr. Bushell to the Lady St. Ledger, Oct. 21, 1665. 149.
24. Sir Tho. Osborne to the Honble Mrs. Fra. Frescheville.
Lond. 5 Dec. 1668. 155.
25. Sir P. Rycaut to Col. Tho. Colepeper, 5 June 1671. 158.
26. Pereg. Short in Latin……..Jul. 9, 1672. 168.
27. Lord Chefterfield to Mr. Rob. Streeter, June 13, 1678. 179.
28. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Henry Savill to his Uncle
Mr. Secretary Coventry, Paris, Aug.12, 1678. 180.
29. Mrs. Mary Culpeper to Col. Culpeper, 6 Jan. 1680. 181.
30. Mr. Rob. Felgate to Mr. Gregory King, Jamaica, 21 Aug. 1680. 182.
31. Letters between the Countess of Warwick & others, June 1682. 185, &c.
32. Copy of Father Con’s Letter to the Provincial of the Jesuits at Rome, in Italian, Lond. 10 Dec.1688.
33. Hen. Heidegger in Italian, 16 Sept, 1688.
34. Mr. Cha. King to Wm Hanbury Esq. Dec 11, 1689. 197,&c.
35. Mr. Cha Hutchinson to the E. of Clare, Owthrop, 3 Oct. 1687. 198.
36. Mr. Tho. Arnold to Dr. Fowke at Salop, Nov. 25, 1686. 220.
37. Wm Chetwynd Efq. To Wm Hanbury Esq. Grendon, July
1688. 221,&c.
38. Letter to Dr. South, March 28 1693. 236.
39. Bri. Leeds to Mr. Afton, 1 Dec, 1698. 237
40. Hen. Wharton to Mr. Rich Chiswell. 238.
41. Tho. Cade to Sir Edw. Walker, Hague, 7 March. 1660. 240.
42. Ro. Brabant to Simon Harcourt Esq. Nov 11, 1690. 241.
43. Master & Fellows of Trinity College in Cambridge to ……., about their Library. 243.
44. Letters to Dr. Browne from his Son & others. 245.&c.
45. Baron de Neusville, in French …..Lond. 23 July 1709. 265.
46. Mr Ra. Barker to Dr. Bradford, Brasted, Oct 2. 272.
47. Mr. Morgan & Mr. Barber to Mr. Hugh Thomas, 16 Aug, 1715, &c. 273. Here follow letters of Private Business of
various kinds.
48. Sir Hen. Spelman to Mr. Jer. Stephens at Wotton,
Northamptonshire. Barbican, 16 July 1634 39. 46.
49. E. of Bedford to Mr. Carr, & Mr. Carr to the E. of Bedford, 20 Aug. 1636 51. 56.
50. Mr. Jo. Hunt…………….. Lond. 3 June 1636. 52.
51. Wm ABp. of Canterbury to Dr. Potter, Provost of Queen’s College Oxford. Lambeth, 12 May 1637. 60.
52. Th. Fotherley to Sir Tho. Colepepper, Rickmansworth,
5 June 1637. 61.
53. Dr. Williams Bp. Of Lincoln to Mr. Jo. Selden, Westminster, 9 June 1637. 62.
54. Letters between Geo. Digbye & Lord & Lady Bath, 1637. 63, &c.
55. Lord Scudamore………….. Paris, 2 Oct. 1637. 72.
56. Wm Miller to the E. of Bedford, Thornhaugh, 10 Dec. 1637 74.
57. James Welshe to the E. of Bedford, Alscott 18 Dec. 1637. 76.
58. Jo. Bankes to Sir Jo. Borroughs, Gray’s Inn, 20 Dec.1637 77.
59. Richard Strode to the E. of Bedford, 30 Jan. 1637. 78.
60. A Prebendary of Durham to Dean Steward at the Hague,
5 May 1651. 125.
61. E. of Northumberland…………..Petworth, 30 Aug. 1654. 131.
62. Franciscus Junius to Mr. Selden, Amsterdam, 8 July. 1652. 132.
63. Steph. (Gardiner) Chancellor of Winchester, &c. to the
Students of Christ-church, Ox. 133.
64. Sir Tho. Cotton to Mr. Wm Witherington, 7 Aug. 1656. 135, &c.
65. Geo. Sley to Mr. Tho. Weaver, Lond. 9 Aug. 1658. 137.
66. Ja. Berry to Hen. Scobel Esq. 5 Oct 1658. 138.
67. Jo. Bp. of Litchfield & Coventry to Sir Hen. Puckering, Feb.3, 1662. 143.
68. Rich. Neile………..1 Feb. 1664.146.
69. S. Pepys to the Lord Hinchinbrooke at Calais, Navy Office, 25 July 1665. 148.
70. Mr. Hen. Saville to Mr. Thynn, Paris, Oct. 26, 1672. 161.
71. J. Berkenhead to Dr. Barrow, Master of Trinity College,
Cambridge. Whitehall, 13 May 1674. 166.
72. Wm Penn to John Fenwick, 20th of the 11th 1674. 174.
73. Wm Reeves to Sir John Boroughs, June 16, 1675. 175.
74. R. French to Mr. Barker at Cambridge, Dec, 1677. 177. 178.
75. E. of Danby to Col. Colpepper, March 27, 1684. 216
76. Wm Lewes to Mr. Hugh Thomas Lhwyd, 7 Feb. 1710-11. 266.
77. J. Dixon to Capt. Fulk Grosvenor, Portsmouth, Feb. 22, 1710. 268.
78. Wm Bray to Geo. Paul, Nov. 3, 1713. 271.
These next are Letters upon Medical Subjects:
79. Dr. Walter Needham to Dr. Phinehas Fowke, June 24, 1668. 152, &c.
80 .Dr. L. Eales………Welwyn, June 2, 1670. 156.
81. Dr. J. Lewis……….13 May 1673. 163.
82. Sir John Micklethwaite……….. 13 June 1672. 164.
83. Mr. Morgan to Mr. Hugh Thomas, upon Dr. Cheyne’s Book. Oct 10, 1734. 275.
84. James Copley to his Brother, upon the due Observance of Lent. 20 Mar. 1669. 157.
85. An Account of Coster’s first printed Book at Haerlem: and of Hester Koolart born deaf & dumb, yet taught to read & speak very intelligibly both Dutch & Latin. Amsterdam, 23 June 1699. 239.
Letters concerning State Affairs, & public Occurrences both
domestic & foreign:
86. Secretary Coventry to Sir John Boroughs, Canbury,
23 Aug. 1634. 40. 42.
87. To the E. of Leicester, concerning the League with the French King & the States General for the Recovery of the Liberty of Germany. Oxford, 30 Aug. 1636. 55.
88. Mr. Secretary Coke to the Ambassador at Hamburgh,
26 Oct 1637. 73.
89. Wm Middleton to Matthew Bp. of Norwich, Feb. 24, 1637. 79.
90. Sir Fra. Windebank………… Westminster, 17 Nov. 1637 80. 81. 85
91. Gilbert Talbot,……..Venice, 3 June 1639. 83.
92. Ro. Reade to Mr. Tho. Windebank, Paris, 19 Apr. 1641. 84. 86.
93. Marquis of Hamilton to his Majesty, 23 Oct. 1641. 87.
94. Tho. Glenham to Lord Fairfax, York, 11 March 1642. 89.
95. Wm Lentall, Speaker, to Lord Fairfax, 10 Dec. 1642. 90.
96. Sir John Goodricke, &c. to Lord Fairfax, Manchester, 4 May 1643. 92.
97. Lord Goring to Lord Fairfax, 29 May. 93. 95
98. Lord…….to Lord Fairfax, Cottingham……Nov. 1643. 94.
99. E. of Manchester to the E. of Lenox, Doncaster, 24 July 1644. 96.
100. E. of Manchester to Lord Fairfax, Doncaster, 24 July 1644 97, 98.
101. Committee at Durham to Lord Fairfax, 31 Oct. 1644. 99. 100. 102. 170.
102. Col. Lambart to Sir. Tho. Fairfax, Lond. Jan.21,1644. 101.
103. Wm Osborne to Gent. Fairfax. 103.
104. Lord Fairfax to Mr. Rusheworth, 2 May 1645. 111.
105. Committee at Beverley to Gen. Fairfax, 27 March 1645.112.
106. Sir Arthur Hasilrige to Mr. Rushworth, 12 May 1645. 113.
107. Recruits for Col. Pickering’s Regiment, 29 June 1645. 114.
108. E. of Manchester & Lauderdale to Major Gen. Browne,
10 Jan. 1645. 115.
109. Order to Sir Tho. Cotton from Parliament, 22 July 1646. 116.
110. Richard Prettey to Sir Tho. Cotton, 20 Jul. 1646. 117
111. ………to Lieutenant Gen. Massey, Hague, 15 Feb 1648 118.
112. Prince Charles Lodovic to the E. of Manchester, Somerset House, 12 May 1648. 119.
113. E. of Ormond to Major Gen. Massey, 7 March 1653 126, &c. 151.
114. Edward Wogan to Major Gen. Massey, Paris, 28 March 1653. 129.
115. D. of Richmond to Mr. Culpeper, Cobham Hall, Oct. 11 1670. 159.
116. The Duke to Col. Lovelace, 9 Dec. 1672. 173.
117. Myn Heer Fagel Pensioner to the States of Holland, &c. to the Marquiss of Albeville, Envoy Extraordinary of the K. of Great Britain to the States-General, concerning a Suggestion in a Book, intitled, “Parliamentum pacificum,” relating to the Test & penal laws, 9 Apr. 1688. 183.
118. Copies of 2 Letters of the E. of Clarendon; one to the King, Nov. 1667, concerning the King’s Displeasure with him, which his Majesty burnt as soon as he read it; the other to the Bishop of Worcester in vindication of his Countess touching Queen Mary’s Mifcarrying. 234.
119. The D. of Buckingham to Dr. Pearson, Master of Trinity
College in Cambridge. 244
120. Sam.Smith to Wm Hawes, Edgware, 7 June 1705. 252.
121 .Representations of Church Affairs to the Bishop of London, Dr. Kennet Dean of Huntingdon, &c. 253.
122. Alex Irvine, Moderator of the Presbytery of Fordyce to the E. of Seafield, &c. Banff, 5 May 1708. 260.
123. Edward Llhryd to Mr. Hugh Thomas, Oxford 10 Apr. 1709. 262.
124. Submission of Abel Roper, concerning an Article in the Post Boy. 267.
125. Dan. De. Foe to J. Dyer, Author of the Newsletter. 269.
126. Copy of a Letter to the Queen, written from Paris, 26 Mar. 1711. 270.