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The Alexander Duff Collection of Missionary Pamphlets

Contents of Reels


Book 1 - Miscellaneous Missions, 1872-1873

(Handwritten manuscript index at front)

Various pamphlets including:

The Gospel in Spain

The American Board of Foreign Missions in Turkey – Rev G Wood

Syria and Lebanon Schools

French Protestant Missions Relief Fund

Mission premises at Constantinople

Statement and appeal on behalf of the North-East Coast Mission


Kolapoor Mission 1872

British Syrian Schools

Hungarian and Bohemian Bursaries

The Mission of Inquiry of the Lebanon Schools

Spanish Evangelization Society

Mount Lebanon Schools

The Evangelical Church of America in Turkey

A short report of the Protestant Deaconess Hospital in Alexandria

The French Canadian Missionary Society

Female Education in India and South Africa

Jottings on Colportage in connection with a Metropolitan Tabernack Colportage Association

Waldensian Mission in Venice

Missions in the mining districts

A sketch of the Buxton Mission and Elgin Settlement, Raleigh, Canada West

England’s East African Policy

Letters from the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Cape Town, and the Bishop of Natal

British Syrian Schools

Miss Clugston and her work – Rev W G Blaikie

Notes of a visit to Norfolk Island, the Head Quarters of the Melanesian Mission in November 1872 – from the journal of the Bishop of Auckland


The proposed mission to Lake Nyassa by A Duff

Proposed mission at Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa


Necessity of a mission building fund for India and Africa


Book 2 - Indian Missions

Various pamphlets including:

Urgent claims of India for more Christian missions

Indian Missions: their modes of operation

Brief memorial of the Rev J MacDonald

Brief review of the Madras Free Church Mission during 1857

American missions in Burmah

Letter by Duff

Notes of a visit to Satrunjaya Hill, near Palitana in 1868 by J Burgess

Converts from the Government and Missionary Colleges and Schools

Continued history of the Lodiana Mission

Military missionaries for India

Scottish missions in India by Rev W Miller

History of the Church Missionary Society in Bengal

Free Church Female Institution and Orphan Home

Mission success in Java

Madras Free Church Mission

Association for Promoting the Spiritual Welfare of Europeans in India

The Santals

Anglo-Indian Christian Union – Winter mission to India

The history and present position of the Bombay Medical Mission


Book 3 - Indian Missions

Various pamphlets including:

Madras Mission

Voice from Ceylon – the present State of British connexion with idolatry in the Island of Ceylon

Church Missionary Society

Brief memoir of Rev Rodolph De Rolt

Statistics of missions in India and Ceylon

History of the Serampore Mission

Claims of the missionary enterprise on the medical profession

Education as a missionary agency in India

The Missionary Societies of Great Britain

Religions of India

8th report of Female Society of the Free Church of Scotland for Promoting Christian Education of the Females in India

Sermon preached at St Paul’s, Calcutta

Brief account of the Jubilee of the Church Missionary Society








Chittagong and Akyab




Brief exposition of the principles, operation and prospects of the Church of Scotland India Mission



Book 4 - Indian Missions

Various pamphlets including:

Petition of the Calcutta Missionaries

Continued History of the Lodiana Mission

China and the Chinese Mission

Indian Missions

Statistics of missions in India and Ceylon

The first Protestant Missionary to Bengal

The Baropakhya Christians and Judge Kemp’s unrighteous decision

Memorial respecting a mission from the Free Church of Scotland to Nagpur in Central India

Free Church Mission, Bengal

Memoir of the late Rev G Weigle

Urgent claims of India for more Christian missions

Brief exposition of the principles, operation and prospects of the Church of Scotland India Mission

The faithful missionary

Statistics of missions in India and Ceylon

List of works lately published by W H Dalton

Subscribers to the Duff Memorial Fund

The results of missionary labour in India

Hindu Medical Missions

Explanatory Statement respecting the recent proceedings of the missionaries of the Church of Scotland in Calcutta

Speech on foreign missions and America

Present state of the Tinnevelly Mission

Observations on the extension and present condition of the ... mission of the Church of Scotland in [India]

The Missionary’s warrant and the Church’s duty – a sermon


Book 5 - Indian Religions

Various pamphlets including:

Sermon preached in the Free Church, Calcutta

Hindu Idolatry

Separation from the Church of England

The Bible in India

Propositions regarding marriage and divorce as they affect native converts to Christianity


Observations on the Hindoo and Moohummudan Laws of Inheritance

The objects and constitution of the Calcutta Temperance Home

Decrees of the Supreme Court and the order of the Board of Revenue in the matter of Pacheapah’s charities

Discourse delivered at the Hindoo College

Christianity in India

Public scripture examination, Benares

Relation of Islam to the Gospel

Converts from the Government and Missionary Colleges and Schools

First fruits of India unto Christ

Works by Rev Duff


Book 6 - Indian Education

Various pamphlets including:

British system of instruction as adapted to native schools in India

Scholarship exams of the Government Colleges and Schools in Bengal

Present state and results of Government Public Instruction in India

Principles of historical evidence and the paramount importance of the study of history to the educated natives of India

Rules of the Calcutta Public Library

Papers connected with the questions of erecting a university building

The educated native; his position and responsibilities

History of female education in Calcutta

Past and present state of education and civilization in Ceylon

Programme of the 26th annual exam of pupils attending Free Church of Scotland Institution in Calcutta

Roman letters to the languages of Asia

The Romanizing System

The Anglo-Hindustani Alphabet

Letter to Senate of the University of Calcutta


Book 7 - Indian Education

Various pamphlets including:

Hints on Government education in India with special reference to school books

Memoir on the education of natives of India

Means of ascertaining public opinion in India

The educated classes of Calcutta

Female education in Bengal

One Alphabet for all India

Hindu Vedas

Sub-divisions of knowledge and their mutual relations

Idolations and immoral teaching of some Government and university textbooks in India

Substitution of the Roman for the Indian characters

Study of living languages

Report of meeting pupils

New era of English language and English literature in India

Inaugural lecture

Calcutta unit - classical languages

Rise and progress of rational, medical education in Bengal

Scientific principles of agriculture considered as a branch of public education in India

Rev Duff’s letter on subject of native education

A specimen of a new method of the differential calculus called a method of constant ratios


Book 8 - Foreign Mission Methods

Various pamphlets including:

Fifth memoir of Serampore translations

The Friend of India

Ministration of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel

Sermon preached in the Free Church, Calcutta

Sermon – Jesus, the resurrection and the life

Works by Dr Wilson

A missionary’s wife

Memorial – Kenneth Bruce Stuart


Memorial discourses

The Christian’s work and day

Origin of Gossner’s Evangelical Missionary Society

Letters of Indophilus

German Lutheran Mission

Duff on education in India

Sermon on missionary education in India

Jews of Cochin

Hindu Medical Missions

Missionary Herald

Indian Christian Workers in CMS Missions with special reference to the CMS Native Church Council in Punjab and Sindh

Missions to women in India

Women’s work in India

Borneo Church Mission

Century of Protestant Missions


Book 9 - Foreign Missionary Appeals

Various pamphlets including:

Evangelization in the world - closing address

Sermon preached at the opening of the Free Church general assembly – “Thankfulness”

The Great Commission and its fulfilment by the Church

Extract from “London Bicycle Club Gazette”

Mission to the Mohammedans of Arabia and Somaliland

Address on missions

Report – The Keith Falconer Mission, South Arabia

Keith Falconer building fund

Evangelization of Arabia

Report of journey to the Red Sea ports, Somaliland, and Southern and Eastern Arabia

Quarterly missionary paper

Co-operation in foreign missions

Memorials to two Christian soldiers

Charge delivered at the Third Clerical and Lay Synod

Proposed company of the ministry of Jesus, for the Diocese of Lahore

Speeches delivered in the Free Assembly Hall, Edinburgh


Book 10 - Missionary Pamphlets Volume 1

Various pamphlets including:

Lecture – India and its Evangelization

Home organisation for foreign missions

Claims of Christian missions and their relation to the unity of the church – a speech

Letter by Rev Dr Duff on the present state in India

Evangelistic Theology

An inaugural address

World-wide crisis

Closing address

Hindoo Castle

Preaching to the Hindus

The field or home and Heathen populations contrasted

Evidences of Hinduism examined

The Zend-Avesta and the religion of the Parsis

Hindu religion

Hints on mental discipline

Salvation and faith viewed from Christian and Hindu standpoints

Thoughts on idolatry

Light for the Heathen and the Church’s duty – a sermon

Glimpses of the missions of the Free Church of Scotland in Nagpur, East Berar and the Nizam’s dominions


[Book 11] - Missionary Pamphlets, Volume 2

Various pamphlets including:

Spiritual Autobiography

Romance of modern missions

New College Missionary Society, Edinburgh

First fruits of India unto Christ

Incidents illustrative of the progress of the foreign missions of the Free Church

An address urging the claims of the Heathen upon the students and pastors of the reformed Presbyterian church of Scotland

New Hebrides – Is France or Britain to annex them?

England’s sins and India’s martyrs


Short account of the opposition to Christian mission work

Short historical view of the Baptists

Letters from the Lady of an Officer of Engineers

Lecture to children and youth on the history and character of Heathen Idolatry; with some references to the effects of Christian missions

The Brahmo Somaj vindicated

Theism examined

An essay on sincerity

Ali and Beebi – a story of the Indian mutiny

Doctrines of the Salvation Army compared with scripture


Choice Missionary Pamphlets from 1709

Various pamphlets including:

The Epistle Dedicatory


Memoir, relative to the translations of the sacred scriptures to the Baptist Missionary Society in England

William Carey

The Incarnation

Success of Christianity and modern explanations of it

Hindu religion

The Zend-Avesta and the religion of the Parsis

Duff’s Leben und Birken

Dr John Wilson’s Leben

The inner citadel of religion

A cry for missions and missionary spirit



India Volume I, 1801-1853

Various pamphlets including:

Remarks on Mr Dick’s sermon

Church of Scotland's foreign missions

List of contributions to the fund for the support of the General Assembly’s Indian Mission

Brief exposition of the principles, operation and prospects of the Church of Scotland’s India Mission

Church of Scotland’s India Mission


Funeral Sermon

A vindication of the Church of Scotland’s India Missions being the substance of an address

Female education in India


Conversion of a Brahman

An appeal to Christian sympathy on behalf of the thousands of sick and diseased natives in Calcutta and its neighbourhood

A discourse

Report of proceedings at a special meeting in the society in connection with the Doveton College

Warning from the East or the Jesuits as missionaries in India

History of native education in Bengal


Memorial for Rev W C Fyfe

Auguste Comte – the positivist

Educated classes of Calcutta

Urgent claims of India for more Christian missions

Native female education


India Volume II, 1835-1885

Various pamphlets including:

Narrative of a missionary journey

Cave-temples and monasteries

Research in the West of India and adjoining countries

Six schools of Indian philosophy

Hazors of Jabin and Kedar

Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Society


Indian Military revolt


Memorial discourse on the death of Rev S Hislop

Hindu Gods and their incarnations


Address to Mr Mitchell

Recent investigations in Zend Literature

Journal of the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Society

Observations on the extension and present condition of the Scottish Church in India and on the mission of the Church of Scotland in that country

Brahmanism: creation and sacrifice

Review of Dr Wilson’s book on Indian Caste

Notes of missionary work and experience in 1863

Extract letters from the Rev Dhanjibhai Navroji


The Parsee religion

Manners and customs of Parsees

Monument to the memory of G Edsall

Inquiry into the Parsi religion

The true devotee, described being extracts from the Dnyáneswarí - a commentary on the Bhagvadgítá with an English translation and explanatory notes


India Volume III, various dates

Various pamphlets including:

Jesus Christ; Europe and Asia

The Jubilee meeting of the Free Church institution, 13th July 1880

Church of Scotland General Assembly’s Institution, Calcutta

Report of the annual distribution of prizes to the pupils of the General Assembly's Institution, 6th April 1880 and a letter to the members of St Andrew’s Church and other recent reports, 1880

Report – distribution of prizes, 1879

Report of meeting held in the General Assembly’s Institution, 8th February 1879

St Andrew’s Bengali Church, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta

Annual report of the Calcutta Mission to the Foreign Missions Committee, Church of Scotland, 21st April 1880

Calcutta open-air preaching case

Legend of Harry and the Missionaries, 1882

Open-air preaching in the public squares of Calcutta and an explanatory statement by the Revs G Kerry, K S Macdonald and A J Bamford, 1881

Rajah Ram Mohun Roy, the Bengali religious reformer, 1879

Corrected statistics of the Church of Scotland, 1874

Report of the Copalgunge Evangelistic Mission, 1879

The Bengal Church Council

Church Missionary Society in lower Bengal held at Chupra, Krishnagar, May 20th and 21st 1880

Regulations for Native Church Councils for North India were published by the Church Missionary Society in London on the 20th July 1876

Formularies of churches compiled for the Indian Presbyterian Alliance by Rev G M Rae, 1880

Appeal by the Foreign Missions Committee of the Free Church of Scotland for the formation of a mission building fund, 1874

Infidel literature and proposed effort to bring Christian truth before university students in India

Proposed circulation of the scriptures among university students in India

The Evangelization of Arabia

The dark places of Calcutta

A sermon preached in St Andrew’s Church on Thursday July 28th, 1859

Letter for Rev James Chalmers Herdman

Letter to the Christian instructor

The religions of India – plea for India missions

Missions of the Free Church of Scotland in India and Africa (maps)

First Indian report of the Bauleah Mission in connection with the Presbyterian Church of England, 1863


India Volume IV

Various pamphlets including:

Letter from Rev J Braidwood, 1841

Meeting to present a farewell address to Mrs Anderson of the Madras Free Church Mission

Sermon preached by the Rev Alexander B Campbell, 1862

Honesty in the ministry of the Gospel: an address to students

Our Scandinavian forefathers: two lectures, 1862

Letter from Rev William Miller

Opportunity the authorative guide of the church, 1877

Female education in India, 1878

The greatest of the judges

Hinduism and Christian education – two lectures

Caste in its relation to the church

Memorial respecting a mission from the Church of Scotland to Nagpur in Central India

Mission work among the Mahars, Bhandara

The despatch of 1854 on “General education in India”

Brief narrative of the origin and progress of the church

Report of the committee appointed by the Conference on Foreign Missions, 20th and 21st November 1861

Report of the Glasgow Ladies’ Association in aid of the mission building fund of the Free Church, January 1874

Statement and appeal from the general conference

Christianity in Ceylon

Introduction to the Rig-Veda Sanhita, 1852

Legend of Khoolnah – an original tale for the Christmas vacation, 1862

Poems by R F F, 1855


India Volume V

Various pamphlets including:

Opening address

“Watchman, what of the night?”  1885

Evangelization for the world, 1886

Report on educational works and appliances

India since the mutiny, 1874

Narrative of the Mutiny of Bolarum in September 1855

Journal of Volunteer, 1857

Who is to blame for the Indian mutinies? by K Macqueen

Letter on foreign missions

Christian education for India in the mother tongue

The government of India and the Christian movement in the 24th Punjab Native Infantry

Memorial to the Queen

Letter on the religious neutrality of the government in India


India Volume VII (Volume VI appears to be missing)

Various pamphlets including:

Many sermons

List of members of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

Sermon, 1779

Sermon, November 30th 1817

Missionary Intelligence, September 1829

Farewell Sermon

Introduction on missionary discourse preached in St Paul’s Cathedral, Calcutta, January 23rd 1845

A pastoral letter from the Bishops of Calcutta

Obituary notice

Suggestions regarding the necessity of an accurate and uniform Bengali Christian terminology


India Volume VIII

Various pamphlets including:

Vindication of the Church of Scotland’s India Missions – being the substance of an address, Wednesday May 24th 1837

New era of the English language and English literature in India

Duff’s letters to Lord Auckland about native education


The cause of Christ and the cause of Satan

Appeal to Christian sympathy on behalf of the thousands of sick and diseased natives in Calcutta and its neighbourhood

What is meant by the indiscriminate circulation of the Holy Scriptures?

Proposal for a monument to John Knox

Duff speech

Proceedings of the Union Missionary Convention

Duff speech on foreign missions and America, May 29th 1854

Duff farewell address

What is caste? How is a Christian government to deal with it?

Duff’s Hindu girls’ school

Explanatory statement

Proposed mission to Lake Nyassa

Foreign missions


Quarterly Missionary Paper, 1852-1900

Foreign missions of the Free Church of Scotland (India and Africa)

Quarterly Missionary Paper, March 1858 to December 1872


Madras pamphlets

The Madras Free Church Mission

Report of the Madras girls’ day school and Balica Latasala, 1867

Madras Free Church of Scotland Mission, 1869

Appeal, more especially addressed to the Christian females of the country

Madras Mission, Free Church of Scotland, 1870

Madras Mission, Free Church of Scotland, 1872

Madras Mission, Free Church of Scotland, 1873

Madras Mission, Free Church of Scotland, 1874

Report – Madras Medical Mission, December 31st 1873

Report of work among Caste Hindu females in Madras, 1874

Free Church of Scotland Poona Mission, 1874

Report – Madras Medical Mission, December 31st 1875

The royal visit to Madras, December 13th to 18th 1875


Pamphlets 1900

Report of Santal Mission, 1898

Report of Bengal Mission, 1898

Report of Bengal Rural Mission, 1898

Assembly address, 1899-1900

Presbyterian Church of England – reports of church work and financial statements, September 1897 – December 1898

Claims of Christian literature in India, appeal to missionary societies

Essay of principles of translating the Holy Scriptures

Vernacular studies in Madras

The duty of public service, 1898

The King of the world or Christian imperialism, 1899

Things Primary and Secondary and other church matters, 1899

The Indian loyalty - a lecture

Mysore under the Wodeyers

Mononmanigam: the first Tamil play after the Shakespearean model

Radicals in English poetry: Byron

Radicals in English poetry: Shelley

Report on the Madras Observatory for the year 1897-98 and Eclipse Expedition of January 1898

The training of mission workers while in school, 1899

Encouraging of vernaculars, November 1898

Dedication Day 27th January 1900, tenth anniversary of the young men’s Christian association

The place of Christian education in the story of India

Letter to former students of the Madras Christian College


Assembly Addresses, 1866-1872

Addresses, India

Miscellaneous, 1852-53

Proposed modes of extending the foreign mission operations of the Free Church of Scotland with an appeal for increase of means and more fervent prayer by Duff

Addresses: Foreign Missions, June 1866

Addresses: Foreign Missions, May 1867

Addresses: Foreign Missions, May 1869

Addresses: Foreign Missions, May 1872

The Evangelization of India

Popery and Jesuitism: the enemies of true knowledge and consequently of mental, moral and social improvement

Calcutta temperance tracts

The recent religious movements in Norway, 13th August 1873

Foreign missions of the Free Church of Scotland

Historical sketch of the foreign missions of the Free Church of Scotland

Light for the Heathen and church’s duty – a Sermon, October 1872

2nd annual report of the Scottish Anti-State Church Association, February 1851

The coming struggle among the nations of the earth

The Bible or Rome? A question for 1852

Protestant religion - no novelty

Edinburgh Irish Mission and Protestant Institute

Memoirs of the public and private life of King George IV

Description of the view of the Naples and scenery, 1825

New era in medical science

Medical works:

  Consumption curable

  Pulmonary diseases


  Other disorders of the chest

  Whooping cough

The press on Mr Macaulay and the Edinburgh Election

The People, the Parliament, and the Lords of the Treasury

The peace party

The cost of warlike armaments and panics

2nd annual report of the Scottish Anti-State Church Association

Medical testimony

13th annual report of the Edinburgh Total Abstinence Society, September 1836

14th annual report of the Edinburgh Total Abstinence Society, 1857

16th annual report of the Edinburgh Total Abstinence Society, 1859

17th annual report of the Edinburgh Total Abstinence Society, 1860

Report of the Committee of the Grassmarket Evangelical Mission, 1850


Minor works of Rev John Wilson D D of Bombay (many of the texts are damaged)

British Sovereignty in India, a sermon, 8th November 1835

The Oriental Christian Spectator, January 1841

Jesus, the resurrection and the life, a sermon, 1st March 1863

Memorial discourse on the death of Rev S Hislop of Nagpur

Two addresses (opening and closing) of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland in May 1870

Report of an address on Indian missions, May 1818

British and foreign evangelical review, July 1871

Presentation of a testimonial to the Rev John Wilson, 15th February 1869

Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 17th February 1870

Address to India

Lecture on the religious excavations of Western India

The life and labours of Rev Dr J Wilson of Bombay

Repression of female infanticide in the Bombay presidency

Aboriginal tribes of the Bombay presidency

Catalogue of J Wilson’s library, April 1876

Catalogue of other various libraries (belonging to missionaries)



Annual report of missionary, educational and benevolent institutions connected with the United Presbyterian Church

Report – United Presbyterian Theological Hall Missionary Society, September 1804

Proceedings of the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church, May 1857

Disestablishment and disendowment of the established churches of England and Scotland

17th report of United Presbyterian Mission in Rajpootana, 1868

Annual report of the home and foreign missionary operations of the United Presbyterian Church




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