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Part 1: Including The Searight Collection of Drawings and Prints and Material from The Drawings, Prints

           and Drawings Department and The National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum

Editorial Notes

This catalogue of the Searight Collection of paintings, watercolours, drawings, prints and books relating to the Near East, was compiled within the Collection of Prints, Drawings and Paintings at the Victoria and Albert Museum between 1985 and 1987, with subsequent corrections and additions. The cataloguing was carried out by Jenny Elkan, Briony Llewellyn and Tanya Szrajber, under the direction of Charles Newton, and with contributions from Cecile Bloomfield, Judith Bronkhurst, Hala Cochrane and James Taylor. Checking and editing was carried out by Briony Llewellyn and Charles Newton.

The information in the Catalogue draws on Rodney Searight’s research contained in his notes and papers now in the Searight Archive (also in the VAM, DPD). Using a variety of other sources, the compilers amended and added to Rodney Searight’s valuable research. Much care was taken to achieve accuracy, but inevitably there are gaps. Although preliminary checking and editing has been undertaken, lack of resources has prevented this task from being carried out as thoroughly as the compilers would have wished. For the same reason it has not been possible to ensure total editorial consistency. This Catalogue, therefore, is not intended as a definitive account of the Searight Collection, but it is hoped that it will provide students and scholars with a foundation on which to base further research.




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