Parts 2 and 3: The Searight Collection of Prints
Introduction to the Microfiche
In these two parts will be found all the prints held in the Searight Collection. Part 2 contains all the black and white prints, except for a small number, which were either oversize or not available at the time of photography. These were included in the colour section. Part 3 comprises the coloured prints and the exceptions mentioned above. All coloured prints are also included in the black and white section in order to make it possible to view the works of each artist as a whole.
Part 2
The material is arranged on the fiche in the same order as the Catalogue of the Searight Collection, that is, alphabetically by artist then by Searight Print (SP) number. Two volumes, SP340 and 341, by Laborde, which were slightly oversize, were photographed twice; once the correct way, which crops the edges of some images and then sideways, giving a full image. The black and white fiche were photographed on a 98 frame format, which allows seven double page spreads per row, but where the material was small enough, the double page spread has been used as two separate frames.
Part 3
The material follows the same order as that in Part 2. However in this part the format is 84 frame, giving 12 separate frames to each row.
This printed catalogue covers both Parts 2 and 3 and contains a listing of the entire Searight Print numbers, with the appropriate fiche/frame reference. As some prints appear in both parts, they will have two references. References marked with an asterisk are to the colour fiche.
At the end of the microfiche will be found on COMfiche the full Catalogue of the Searight Collection of Prints, giving details of all objects. These entries can be related to the microfiche through the Searight Print number in the printed catalogue.
Both the Searight numbers and the two sets of fiche/frame references run in numerical order alphabetically, thus enabling the user to retrieve information on a particular object starting from the microfiche or to locate an object on the microfiche starting from the catalogue.
As a final aid to retrieval, the header strip on each fiche has details of the contents of the first and last frame on that fiche.