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From the British Library, London

Part 1: Correspondence Relating to the Crimea, India and Public Health Reform
Part 2: Family Letters and Correspondence with Clough, Jowett, Martineau, Mill and others
Part 3: Writings on Nursing, India, Religion, Philosophy and other subjects with correspondence regarding the Nightingale Fund
Part 4: Correspondence with Nursing Staff and Papers Relating to St Thomas's Hospital and other subjects

Contents of Reels - Part 3


Add Ms 45816

Statistical diagrams, plans of hospitals etc 1857-1889

Add Ms 45817

Manuscript notes for the 1861 and 1868 editions of Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes (1861) and notes for Notes on Lying-In Institutions (1871)

Add Ms 45818

Notes and manuscripts of works on miscellaneous subjects 1858-1890


Add Ms 45819

Notes and manuscripts of works on miscellaneous subjects 1892-1899

Add Ms 45820

Notes relating to civilian hospitals in the British Isles and Canada 1867-1898


Add Ms 45821

Drafts of sections of Notes on Matters affecting the Health...of the British Army published in 1858

Add Ms 45822

Drafts of sections of Notes on Matters affecting the Health...of the British Army published in 1858


Add Ms 45823

Papers relating to the Army Sanitary Commission 1857

Add Ms 45824

Papers relating to the War Office and the Army 1853-1890


Add Ms 45825

Papers relating to military hospitals and nursing 1855-1883

Add Ms 45826

Drafts of unpublished articles, notes and memoranda on the Army Hospital Services
Inquiry Committee and the Egyptian Campaign 1882-1885

Add Ms 45827

Accounts by Florence Nightingale of interviews with experts on military nursing and Indian affairs 1877-1898


Add Ms 45828

Papers relating to the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India

Add Ms 45829

Papers relating to the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India

Add Ms 45830

Imperfect draft by Florence Nightingale and John Sutherland of Suggestions in regard to Sanitary Works required for improving Indian Stations 1864

Add Ms 45831

Drafts of the earliest version of Florence Nightingale’s unpublished work The Zemindar, the Sun and the Watering Pot as Affecting Life or Death in India


Add Ms 45832

Four imperfect sets of proof sheets containing numerous manuscript additions of Florence Nightingale’s unpublished work The Zemindar, the Sun and the
Watering Pot as Affecting Life or Death in India

Add Ms 45833

Another draft of Florence Nightingale’s unpublished work The Zemindar, the Sun and the Watering Pot as Affecting Life or Death in India 1878-1879


Add Ms 45834

Drafts of articles on Indian sanitation, land tenure and education 1865-1879

Add Ms 45835

Drafts of articles on Indian sanitation, land tenure and education 1882-1891


Add Ms 45836

Notes and memoranda on sanitation and land tenure in India 1860-1899

Add Ms 45836 cont

Notes and memoranda on the duties of the Viceroy 1888-1889

Reminiscences by Florence Nightingale of her work with successive Viceroys and
Secretaries of State 1897

Add Ms 45837

Notes used for the compilation of Vols I and II of Suggestions for Thought to the Searchers after Truth among the Artizans of England


Add Ms 45838

Notes used for the compilation of Vols I and II of Suggestions for Thought to the Searchers after Truth among the Artizans of England

Add Ms 45839

Notes used for the compilation of Vols I and II of Suggestions for Thought to the Searchers after Truth among the Artizans of England


Add Ms 45840

Proof sheets of Suggestions for Thought to the Searchers after Truth among the
Artizans of England

Add Ms 45841

Drafts of the unpublished Notes from Devotional Authors of the Middle Ages, collected, chosen, and freely translated by Florence Nightingale 1872-1874

Add Ms 45842

Notes prepared for The School and Children’s Bible (1873) 1871

Drafts of three articles on religious subjects 1873

An unpublished essay on Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet 1874


Add Ms 45843

Essays on religion and philosophy 1870-1872

Add Ms 45844

Notes and memoranda on religious and other subjects 1860-1901


Add Ms 45845

Notes and memoranda on religious and other subjects 1860-1901

Add Ms 45846

Florence Nightingale’s diary 1850

Add Ms 45847

Florence Nightingale’s diary 1877

Add Ms 45848

Florence Nightingale’s Commonplace Book 1836

Add Ms 45849

Florence Nightingale’s Household Book July 1888- Feb 1889


Add Ms 46123 A

A presentation copy of Notes on Hospitals written by Florence Nightingale 1863

Add Ms 46123 B

A presentation copy of Introductory Notes on Lying-in Institutions 1871


Add Ms 47714

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte 1861- July 1867

Add Ms 47715

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Aug 1867- July 1868


Add Ms 47716

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Aug 1868- July 1871

Add Ms 47717

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Sept 1871- Feb 1873


Add Ms 47718

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Mar-Dec 1873

Add Ms 47719

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund

Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Jan1874-
Aug 1878


Add Ms 47720

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Mar 1879-

Add Ms 47721

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte 1884-
June 1889


Add Ms 47722

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte July 1889-
May 1890

Add Ms 47723

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte June 1890-
Dec 1891


Add Ms 47724

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Jan 1892-
Mar 1893

Add Ms 47725

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Apr 1893-
Apr 1894


Add Ms 47726

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte May 1894-
Dec 1895

Add Ms 47727

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Jan-Nov 1896

Add Ms 47728

Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Fund
Correspondence with her cousin, Henry Bonham Carter, as Secretary of the Nightingale Fund including five letters from his wife, Sibella Charlotte Dec 1896-
July 1902, nd




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