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Part 3: The Correspondence and Literary Manuscripts of Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861)

from the Bodleian Library, Oxford


Contents of Reels


General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900

MSS. Eng. lett. c.189-90, d. 175-78, e. 74-76
c. 189 1829-40 (214 leaves)
d. 175 1841-45 (234 leaves)


General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900

MSS. Eng. lett. c.189-90, d. 175-78, e. 74-76
c. 190 1846-48 (288 leaves)
d. 176 1849-50 (219 leaves)


General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900

MSS. Eng. lett. c.189-90, d. 175-78, e. 74-76
d. 177 1851-June 1853 (201 leaves)
e. 74 July 1853-1857 (170 leaves)
e. 75 1858-October 1861 (183 leaves)


General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900

MSS. Eng. lett. c.189-90, d. 175-78, e. 74-76
d. 178 November 1861-January 1866 (180 leaves)
e. 76 February 1866-1900, n.d. (181 leaves)

Correspondence between Clough and his wife, 1851-52

MSS. Eng. lett. e. 77-79
e. 77 December 1851-February 1852 (174 leaves)


Correspondence between Clough and his wife, 1851-52

MSS. Eng. lett. e. 77-79
e. 78 March-June 1852 (197 leaves)
e. 79 July-October 1852 (181 leaves)

Letters from Clough in America to his wife, 1852-1853

MSS. Eng. lett. e. 80-81
e. 80 November 1852-January 1853 (117 leaves)


Letters from Clough in America to his wife, 1852-1853

MSS. Eng. lett. e. 80-81
e. 81 February-July 1853 (280 leaves)

Letters to Clough from his wife, 1852-1853

MSS. Eng. lett. d. 179
d. 179 November 1852-June 1853 (368 leaves)


Correspondence between Clough and his wife, 1853-57, 1858-61

MSS. Eng. lett. e. 82-83
e. 82 1853-1857 (124 leaves)
e. 83 1858-1861 (153 leaves)

Letters from Henry Sidgwick to Blanche Clough, 1866-84

MS. Eng. lett. e. 84
e. 84 1866-84 (125 leaves)


Lectures by Clough on language and literature, n.d.

MS. Eng. misc. d. 511
d. 511 n.d. 238 leaves

Essays on social and literary topics, n.d.

MS. Eng. misc. d. 512
d. 512 n.d. (177 leaves)

Three exercise books on English essays written at Balliol College, Oxford, 1837, 1839, 1840

MSS. Eng. misc. d. 513-515
d. 513 1837 (44 leaves)
d. 514 1839 (44 leaves)
d. 515 1840 (22 leaves)


Miscellaneous papers, 1830-1860

MS. Eng. misc. c. 359
c. 359 1830-1860 (168 leaves)

Two printed copies of the 1850 re-issue of Clough’s poems in Ambarvalia, with his manuscript corrections.

MSS. Eng. poet. e. 88-89
e. 88 1850
e. 89 1850


Notebooks containing rough drafts and fair copies of poems, 1843-1851

MSS. Eng. poet. d. 117-23
d. 117 1843 (35 leaves)
d. 118 1844 (30 leaves)
d. 119 1845 (30 leaves)
d. 120 1847 (45 leaves)
d. 121 1851 (A) (26 leaves)
d. 122 1851 (B) (24 leaves)
d. 123 1851 (C) (22 leaves)

Notebooks containing drafts and fair copies of ‘Adam and Eve’

MSS Eng. poet. d. 124-25
d. 124 (46 leaves)
d. 125 (27 leaves)

Notebooks containing fair copies of poems, 1839-52

MSS. Eng. poet. d. 126-28
d. 126 1839-42 (47 leaves)
d. 127 1849-50 (64 leaves)
d. 128 1852 (22 leaves)

Rough drafts and fair copies of poems, arranged by Mrs A H Clough, junior

MSS Eng. poet d. 129
d. 129 (132 leaves)


Notebooks containing early drafts of Amours de voyage

MSS. Eng. poet. d. 130-31
d. 130 (70 leaves)

d. 131 (34 leaves)

Earlier drafts of Amours de voyage, removed from d. 130

MS. Eng. poet. d. 132
d. 132 (9 leaves)

Notebooks containing rough drafts and fair copies of Dipsychus

MSS. Eng. poet. d. 133-38
d. 133 Rough notes (96 leaves)
d. 134 First revision (i) (38 leaves)
d. 135 First revision (ii) (62 leaves)
d. 136 Second revision (66 leaves)
d. 137 Third revision (i) (20 leaves)
d. 138 Third revision (ii) (23 leaves)

Loose papers, including drafts of parts of Dipsychus
MS. Eng. poet. d. 139
d. 139 (30 leaves)

Three notebooks and (d. 143) loose papers containing drafts and fair copies of ‘Songs in absence’

MSS. Eng. poet. d. 140-43
d. 140 (23 leaves)
d. 141 (14 leaves)
d. 142 (21 leaves)
d. 143 (11 leaves)


Diary of 1861 and four notebooks containing drafts and fair copies of Mari magno

MSS. Eng. poet. d. 144-48
d. 144 1861 124 leaves
d. 145 (94 leaves)
d. 146 (48 leaves)
d. 147 (22 leaves)
d. 148 (82 leaves)

Four notebooks and (c. 47) loose papers containing translations from Homer

MSS. Eng. poet. c. 43-47
c. 43 (20 leaves)
c. 44 (47 leaves)
c. 45 (20 leaves)
c. 46 (23 leaves)
c. 47 (127 leaves)



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