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Contents of Reels


Aunt Carry’s Ballads for Children:Adventures of a Wood Sprite, together with The story of Blanche and Brutikin.   With illustrations by John Absolon.

54pp + 8 illustrations.   Joseph Cundall, London, 1847.

The Child of the Islands, a poem.

xvi +238pp.   Chapman & Hall, London, 1845.

The Coquette, and other Tales and Sketches in prose and verse.

Reprinted from the Court Magazine.

2 vols, 247pp and 264pp.  Edward Churton, London, 1835.


The Dream, and other poems.

x + 301pp.   Henry Colburn, London, 1840.

The Lady of La Garaye (a True Story.)

2nd ed, 128 + (16)pp.  Macmillan & Co, Cambridge, 1862.

The English Annual for 1836.

(vi) + 376pp.  Edward Churton, London, 1836.


The Sorrows of Rosalie or, Love’s Sacrifice, a Tale, with other poems.

xiv + 134pp.  John Ebers & Co, London, 1829.

The Undying One, and other poems.

2nd ed, viii +272pp.  Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, London, 1830.

A Voice from the Factories, in serious verse.

Dedicated to the Right Honourable Lord Ashley. (Published anonymously.)

40pp.   John Murray, London, 1836.

A Plain Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the Infant Custody Bill, by Pearce Stevenson, Esq (pseudonym.)

124pp, James Ridgway, London, 1839.

Letters to the Mob, by Libertas (pseudonym.)

Three Anti-Chartist letters reprinted from the Morning Chronicle, 1848.

21pp.  Thomas Bosworth, London, 1848.

A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranworth’s Marriage and Divorce Bill.

155pp.  Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, 1855.

Remarks upon the Law of Marriage and Divorce, suggested by the Hon Mrs Norton’s letter to the Queen.

47pp.   James Ridgway, London, 1855.


The Wife and Woman’s Reward.

3 vols, 308, 311 and 297pp.  Saunders and Otley, London, 1835.

Tales and Sketches in prose and verse.

(Churton’s Library for the Million, Part III. 

Part I was A History of Charlemagne by G P R James and Part II was History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Revd J Hobart Caunter.)

vi + 188pp.  Churton, London, 1850.


Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times.

3 vols, xii + 290, 299 and 345pp.   Colburn & Co, London, 1851.

The Rose of Jericho.(Translated from the French.)

Called by the Germans, “Weinachts-Rose;” or, Christmas Rose.

viii + 162 + xvipp.  Tinsley Brothers, London, 1870.


Lost and Saved.

3 vols, x +294, vi + 301 and vi + 308pp.  Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, London, 1863.


Old Sir Douglas.

3 vols, vii + 308, 307 and 308pp.  Hurst and Blackett, London, 1868.



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