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Part 1: Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 1989-1994

Part 2: Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 1994-2000

Publisher's Note

The issue of nuclear disarmament did not die away with the end of the Cold War. Far from it. Huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons were left in the hands of increasingly unstable countries. Prospective members of the ‘nuclear club’ grew unabated, and those with nuclear weapons continued to test and refine their systems – with apparent disregard for the damage that such tests might inflict, or the opinions of those living close to the test areas.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has always been one of the most outspoken critics of those wielding nuclear power – both as weapons and as energy resources. Their marches, protests, publications and political lobbying have made a difference to the climate of opinion – but they will not rest until they achieve their aim of worldwide nuclear disarmament.

The earlier records of CND have already been microfilmed and we are delighted to be able to continue this venture by offering the complete CND archive from 1989-2000. These document the first ten years after the end of the Cold War, a period that began with much rejoicing as the Berlin Wall fell. Countries such as the former Czechoslovakia and Poland gained independence, and nuclear weapons destruction treaties were signed by America and Russia.

However, a new sense of realism soon set in, as CND and others understood that their task was not over – it has just become more urgent and more complicated – with issues such as Trident nuclear submarine warheads, the threat of the militarization of space, and the availability of plutonium and its worldwide transportation.

Part 1 of this project brought together full runs of the National Council and National Executive Committees on CND: papers of its sub-committees, and Annual Conference Programmes and Papers. It included all of their periodicals and printed sources such as: Sanity, 1989-1991 (at which point it was replaced by) Campaign, 1991-1994 and CND Today, 1991-1994; CND Information/Defence Briefings, 1989-1995; and CND Press Releases, 1990-1994. The Archives also include valuable local and regional material.

Part 2 continues the CND archive with coverage of the period 1994-2000, charting the progress of the movement during the next five year period. Some archives for 1994 were not available for inclusion in Part 1, and these have now been included in Part 2. This new publication continues with full coverage of the National Council and National Executive Committees of CND, and Campaigns Group reports for Strategy and Forward Planning, and Events.

Specialist Sections include valuable material for Christian CND, Youth CND, Ex-Services CND and Parliamentary CND. Publications include Annual Conference Reports, Press Releases and the official CND journals, Campaign and CND Today.

In Scotland and Wales the campaign is recorded in Nuclear Free Scotland and Heddwch Action News, CND Cymru. While at local level journals and local group newsletters reflect the views of the ordinary CND member in issues such as ‘The Croyden Peace News’, and ‘Early Warning’ from Greater Manchester & District.

As such this project enables a detailed analysis of the activities of CND from the top-down and from the bottom-up. The interest of CND in International issues is balanced with accounts of their activities at national and local levels.

Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is an essential source for all those libraries collecting in the area of Peace Studies. It will be of value to those working in the area of Modern Politics, Pressure Group tactics and Popular Opinion, and cannot be ignored by anyone concerned with issues arising from nuclear power and nuclear weapons in the period 1989-2000.



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