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The Correspondence and Literary Manuscripts of Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897) from the National Library of Scotland

Detailed Listing



MS.581 Single letter from autograph album of William Finlay Watson, an Edinburgh bookseller. (no 529, 2ff)

A letter from Margaret Oliphant (henceforth MOWO) as follows:


MOWO Mrs MorrisLondon 27 Jan ?

MS.741 Autograph album of Professor George Buchanan (70ff)

This volume consists of 312 items pasted in a folio album. There are original letters by statesmen, artists, authors and scientists including: Richard Hutton, Palmerston, Disraeli, Rosebery, Playfair, Chamberlain, Gladstone, Balfour, Montrose, Birket-Foster, Burne-Jones, Lockhart, Oliver Wendell Homes, Kelvin, Thomson, Lister and others. Item 128 is a letter as follows:


MOWO Dr Macleod Windsor nd

MS.966 19th century celebrities. (382ff)

A miscellaneous collection of letters of the 19th century, with a few later. They are unconnected except that several are addressed to Samuel Carter Hall and his wife, and to Jane Loudon, the horticultural writer. While many are of interest only as autographs others give biographical and other information. The writers include politicians, novelists, writers of light verse, pre-Raphaelites, mmembers of the staff of Punch, and actors and playwrights associated with the Adelphi Theatre. The letters have been arranged in alphabetical order of writers.

The following authors are represented (but this is not an exhaustive list):

Gilbert à Beckett, John Absolon, J Aikin, A Alison, Edward Arnold, Edwin Arnold, Alfred Austin, William Black, Blessington, John Bowring, A E Bray, Ford Madox Brown (2), F C Burnard, Thomas Fowell Buxton, Byron, Thomas Campbell, |Jane Carlyle (f49), John Carne, Thomas Chalmers, Mary Cholmondeley, Mary Clarke, Frances Power Cobbe (f60), George Colman (f66, plus two pages of verse entitled The Spruce Mr Clark), Sidney Colvin (2), G Combe, Jonah Conder (verse for Anti-Corn Law Bazaar), Thomas Cooper, Marie Corelli, Georgiana Craik (2), Thomas Croker, Allan Cunningham (2), Peter Cunningham, Dilke, Austin Dobson, P Fitzgerald (3), John Forster, J A Froude, Elizabeth Gaskell (f119), George Gilfillan, Edmund Gosse, Sabine Baring Gould, Mrs Hamilton Gray (f128, part of the manuscript of Etruria), W Grote (2), F Guizot, Anstey Guthrie, Anna Maria Hall (4), S C Hall (6), J O Halliwell, Frederic Harrison, Will Hay (includes verse: To Spring, a sonnet and To My Harp), A Hayward, Felicia Hemans (f161), Tom Hood, Laurence Houseman, Mary Howitt (3 letters and two verses), Thomas Hughes, Joseph Hume, Jean Ingelow (3), W Jerdan, Anna Jameson, Douglas Jerrold (3), Benjamin Jowett, J Keble, S Knowles, D Lang, Edward Lear, W H Lecky (3), Mark Lemon (3), G H Lewes, Frederick Locker, Macaulay, G Mackay, W H Mullock, Anne Marsh, Theodore Martin (2), J S Mill, Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton) (2), Mary Mitford, Count de Montalembert, Montgomery, Sydney Morgan (2), Lewis Morris, Caroline Norton, Laurence Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (f276 - see below), Amelia Opie (2 letters - including verse), Henry Philips, John Philips, J Planche, W H Prescott, B W Procter, E Pusey, J Raine, Rabindranath Tagore, Samuel Rogers (5), Thomas Roscoe, Christina G Rossetti, Walter Scott (f306), Elizabeth Sewell, Henry Shorthouse, Catherine Sinclair, Samuel Smiles (4), Sydney Smith, Herbert Spencer, Stanhope, D Steinbeck (German verses), T N Talfourd, William Tennant, Anne Thackeray, Camille Toulmin, William Thoms, Martin Tupper, A J Valpy, Henrietta Ward, Marie Watts, T Watts-Dunton, C Wordsworth, Edmund Yates (4) and Charlotte Yonge (6).  F126 contains a letter as follows:


MOWO Mr Nattali Windsor nd


MS.1774 Correspondence of Jane Welsh Carlyle (319ff)

Letters to Jane Welsh Carlyle from various persons, 1822-1866, nd. Several letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle and of Thomas Carlyle are included. Correspondents include: B Bell, Mary Anne Paton, Jane Dodds, Charlotte Cushman, Lady Downshire, W Fielding, Elizabeth Anne Russell, Kate Stanley, Blanche Airlie, George Sinclair, Georgiana Craik, Mrs Macready, J Cooke, Samuel Smiles, A Saffi, Mrs Donaldson, John Barlow, George Rennie, Julia Stirling, Julia Strachey, Emily Taylor, Munro, and J Erskine.

There are six Oliphant letters:


f206 MOWO Jane Carlyle 17 Fettis Row, Edinburgh7 May 1861

f214 MOWO Jane Carlyle Uxbridge Row, Ealing14 Nov 1861

f304 MOWO Jane Carlyle 17 Fettis Row, Edinburgh28 Dec ?

f306 MOWO Jane Carlyle Ealing nd

f308 MOWO Jane Carlyle St Andrews nd

f310 MOWO Jane Carlyle Ealing nd


MS.2636 Correspondence of John Stuart Blackie (360ff)

This is one volume out of a twenty-three volume sequence of the Correspondence of John Stuart Blackie, 1798-1915, nd. This volume covers letters received between 1885 and 1836. There is much concerning articles written from journals ranging from a local educational journal to the Pall Mall Gazette. Many letters are from France and Belgium and key topics are education, literature and science. Correspondents featured are: Henry Drummond, John Tatlock jr, W Harcourt, J W Mackail, John Tulloch, Donald MacIntosh, Alex Anderson, Ewan Macgregor, Edith Lytton, Edith Holman Hunt, W T Marchant, Eva Rose Innes (together with verses on leaving Loch Baa), [Chas] Wallace Baillie, James Murray, Richard H Hutton, Edwin Arnold, Donald Macleod, Isabella Bishop, S Goschen, Dugald Cowen, Theodore Martin, Robert Bird, Dalhousie, W T Stead, Emily Pfeiffer, Benjamin Jowett, Milly Childers, C Collini, Constance Wilde, John Murray, James Bruce Glasier, Piotr Kropotkin and G Bunsen.

There are two Oliphant letters:


f193 MOWO John Stuart BlackieThe Crescent, Windsor13 March ?

f267 MOWO John Stuart Blackie Gibson Place, St Andrews 12 Sep ?

(regarding her book on Tulloch)


MS.3925 19th century miscellany (348ff)

This is an aggregation of smallcollections and single letters. They include: letters of Scottish botanists to James Sowerby, 1793-1814; letters to William Blackwood, Publisher (d1834), and his sons, 1816-1874; correspondence relating to John Murray, of Bowling Bay, and the Anti-Slavery Movement, 1824-1850; letters to the 7th, 8th and 9th Lords Napier, 1810-1865; and letters to David Milne-Home, of Milne Graden, from men of science, 1837-1873.

Among the correspondents are:

James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose, Elizabeth Montagu (letters to Dr Gregory - f3, dated 1757; f5, dated 1770; and f11 dated 1791), James Beattie, James Brodie, John Mackay, G Don, T Brown, George Johnston, Thomas Campbell (verses), Robert Southey, James Hogg (f93, dated 1818 including My Peggy), Thomas Carlyle (f102, dated 1837; and f311, to Mrs Rich, dated 1838), Lady Lansdowne, Thomas Moore, A Kinglake, Caroline Norton (f140, a wonderful letter on reviews to Mr Delane, dated 1864; and another to Blackwood, nd), Laurence Oliphant (6 letters to Blackwood, f146-f157, dated 1864-1877), Charles Lever (f158, to Blackwood), R D Blackmore (f161, to Blackwood, dated 1874), Margaret Oliphant (see below), Sir Walter Scott (f168, dated 1818; f190, to James Miller, dated 1820; and f194 dated 1828), J G Lockhart, Charles Reade, James Nasmyth, Lord Kelvin, Palmerston, New-England Anti-Slavery Convention, Grey, Lauderdale, Aberdeen, Minto, Caroline Napier, Lord Napier, and William Lloyd Garrison (f343, dated 1865; and f345, dated 1877, both to Professor Nichol.)

There are two Oliphant letters:


f162 MOWO BlackwoodWindsor1874?

f164 MOWO BlackwoodWindsornd

MS.4855Laurence Oliphant Mss (235ff)

Manuscript of The Trans-Caucasian Campaign of the Turkish Army under Omar Pasha. A personal narrative (Edinburgh, 1856). Pages of Blackwood’s Magazine, November 1855, containing Oliphant’s article, The Eastern Shores of the Black Sea and press-cuttings from Oliphant’s articles in The Times have been incorporated into the manuscript, with emendations and additions. Retitled as A Campaign with the Turkish Army under Omar Pasha in the Trans-Caucasian provinces - a personal narrative (f1).

(ii) Corrected pages of his pamphlet, the Coming Campaign (Edinburgh, 1855), with page proofs of an introduction, printed as an appendix to the second edition of The Trans-Caucasian Campaign (f223).


MS.4856 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - Margaret Maitland (48ff)

Manuscript of chapters i-iii of Passages in the Life of Mrs Margaret Maitland (London, 1849). The manuscript differs slightly from the printed text.

MS.4857 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - Zaidee (227ff)

Manuscript of Book 1, chapters I-XXXV (f1-154) and Book 2, chapters I-XV (f155-227) of Zaidee: A Romance, first published in Blackwood’s Magazine, December 1854 to October 1855.

MS.4858 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - Zaidee (224ff)

Manuscript of Book 2, chapters XVI-XXXV (f1-102) and Book 3, chapters I-XXII (f103-224) of Zaidee: A Romance, first published in Blackwood’s Magazine, December 1854 to October 1855.


MS.4859 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - The Quiet Heart (131ff)

Manuscript of chapters ix-xxxvii of The Quiet Heart, first published in Blackwood’s Magazine, January to May, 1854.

MS.4860 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss Articles for Blackwoods Magazine comprising:

  • Manuscript of an article, Bulwer, published in Blackwood’s Magazine, February, 1855 (f1).
  • Manuscript of an article, Theology: The Broad Church, published in Blackwood’s Magazine, July, 1855, as part of the series ‘Modern Literature’ (f24).
  • Manuscript of the second part of an article, Macaulay, published in Blackwood’s Magazine, September, 1856; the opening paragraph differs from the printed text (f52).
  • Manuscript of an article, Siena, published in Blackwood’s Magazine, July, 1898 (f88).
  • Fragments of manuscript relating to Annals of a Publishing House: William Blackwood and his Sons (Edinburgh, 1897) (f103).
  • A list of Mrs Oliphant’s contributions to Blackwood’s Magazine, (f111), less complete than the list published in the Autobiography and Letters of Mrs M O W Oliphant (1st edition, Edinburgh, 1899).

MS.4939 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - Annals of a Publishing House: William Blackwood and his sons, chapters 1-12 (239ff)

This corresponds roughly to the first volume of the printed version (Edinburgh, 1897). The manuscript text differs, in some places considerably, from the final form, both in matter and in the arrangement of the material, especially in the last five chapters. A few leaves are missing. A few miscellaneous notes associated with the text have been placed at the end of the volume.


MSS.7171-7172 Autograph albums of D Macdonald (155ff) and (77ff)

No 93 is a letter by MOWO.

MSS.7174-7175 Correspondence of Sir Henry Craik (205ff) and (195ff)

General correspondence of Sir Henry Craik, politician, with letters by Balfour, Curzon, Roberts and others. Included are letters by MOWO to Craik.


MS.7178 Autograph album of Isabella Bishop (189 items, including autograph letters and manuscripts by Arnold, Byron, Martineau, More and Oliphant). No 112 is a letter by MOWO.

MS.9752 19th century miscellany including letter of Margaret Oliphant to an actress and items by Crabbe, Gissing and others

MS.9754 section (vii) (f126-145) only. Correspondence with Helen Brodie, Mrs Craik and Robert and Margaret Story


MS.9828 Correspondence of Donald Macleod, DD, (1831-1916), minister of the Park parish, Glasgow, 1869-1909, and editor of Good Words, 1872-1905. Editorial correspondence and poems. Included are letters from MOWO to Macleod (f34-39). (95ff)

MS.10994 Letters of artists (258ff)

There is a letter by MOWO at f94.

MS.23183 19th century miscellany (204ff) including letters by Oliphant


MSS.23193-23208 comprise the correspondence and literary papers of Margaret Oliphant, 1846-1897, nd, as presented to the National Library of Scotland in 1972 by Mrs Emily Valentine of Perthshire.

MSS.23193-23204 contain her correspondence, including: Letters to Mrs Oliphant from John and William Blackwood, 1852-1878, nd (MS.23193); correspondence with various people, including some of her relations, 1862-1892, nd (MS. 23194); and family correspondence, with her sons Cyril Francis (‘Tiddy’) and Francis Romano (‘Cecco’), 1870-1890, nd (MS.23195), and with her nieces Madge, later Mrs William R F Valentine, and Janet Mary (‘Denny’) Oliphant, 1878-1897, nd (MSS.23196-23198); correspondence of her nieces, 1875-1897, 1907-1909, nd (MSS.23199-23203); and letters and papers to her husband, Francis W Oliphant, followed by letters and papers of and concerning various members of her family, 1822-1869, 1893, nd (MS. 23204).

MS.23193 Blackwoods correspondence (156ff)

MS.23194 General correspondence (303ff)


MS.23195 Correspondence with her sons (246ff)

MS.23196 Correspondence with her nieces (217ff)

MS.23197 Correspondence of her nieces, 1889-93 (170ff)


MS.23198 Correspondence of her nieces, 1894-97 and nd (203ff)

MS.23199 Correspondence of her nieces (Madge to Denny), 1879-90 (199ff)

MS.23200 Correspondence of her nieces (Madge to Denny), 1891-93 (193ff)


MS.23201 Correspondence of her nieces (Madge to Denny), 1894 (179ff)

MS.23202 Correspondence of her nieces (Madge to Denny), 1895 and nd (188ff)

MS.23203 Correspondence of Madge and Denny from various correspondents (223ff)


MS.23204 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers

MS.23205 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - including parts of A Child’s History of Scotland and Jeanne d’Arc (190ff)

Autograph manuscripts of (i) chapters ix-xxii (last) of A Child’s History of Scotland, which was published in London, 1895 (f1); (ii) The Life and Death of Jeanne d’Arc, the maid of France which was published under the title Jeanne d’Arc: Her Life and Death (London, 1896) (f65). Some of the sheets used are fragments and some of these are stuck together to form composite sheets.

MS.23206 Francis R Oliphant Literary Mss (i + 103ff)

Autograph manuscripts of Francis R Oliphant. Apart from two drafts of parts of articles which were published in Blackwood’s Magazine in 1892 and 1893 (ff1, 4) all the writings appear to be unpublished. All are undated, some are incomplete. Contents lists have been added to both this and the following manuscript.


MS.23207Francis R Oliphant Literary Mss (i + 115ff)

As per MS.23206 above.

MS.23208 Francis R Oliphant Literary Mss (161ff)

Corrected typescript of an apparently unpublished children’s tale entitled The Princess of the Golden Mountain, or, The Wonderful Black Beetle.

MSS.23209-23219 are a further set of correspondence and papers of Margaret O W Oliphant and others, 1754, 1762, 1844-1921 and nd, as presented to the National Library of Scotland in 1973 by Miss M O Valentine. The collection consists of letters of and to, and papers of Mrs Oliphant and her family (MSS.23209-23211), her bank pass-book (MS.23212), diaries (MSS.23213-23216) and manuscripts of two of her works (MSS.23217-23219).

MS.23209 General correspondence - with family and with William Blackwood, Francis W Cornish, Anna Lady Ritchie and R H Story (226ff)

Letters of Mrs Oliphant, c1878-1897, nd, to members of her family (f1), including her son Francis Romano (‘Cecco’), her nephew Frank Wilson, and her nieces Madge, later Mrs William R F Valentine, and Janet Mary (‘Denny’) Oliphant, and a few to others (f213) including William Blackwood, Francis W Cornish, Anna Lady Ritchie and R H Story. Most of the letters are undated.


MS.23210 General correspondence (218ff)

Letters to Mrs Oliphant, 1849-1897, nd, from various correspondents, including a few from members of her family, arranged in chronological order.

MS.23211 General correspondence and papers (161ff)

Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1754-1921, consisting of:

(i) letters of various friends and contemporaries of Mrs Oliphant, 1844-1868, nd (f1);

(ii) letters to Janet M Oliphant, 1895-1921, nd (f19);

(iii) memorandum of agreement with Henry Colburn, 1849, and death certificate of Mrs Oliphant (f.46);

(iv) photographs and other depictions of Mrs Oliphant and her family and other subjects, 1851, 1874, nd (f50);

(v) extracts in Janet M Oliphant’s hand of Mrs Oliphant’s Autobiography (f58);

(vi) press-cuttings containing reviews of Mrs Oliphnat’s books, 1869-1882, and obituary notices, 1897 (f67);

(vii) speech by Sir James Barrie, c1908?, for a memorial ceremony to Mrs Oliphant in St Giles’s, Edinburgh (f104);

(viii) papers of Francis W Oliphant, 1856, nd, relating to work carried out on stained glass windows (f109);

(ix) sketches by Francis Tarver, 1872, nd, a friend of Mrs Oliphant (f115);

(x) papers concerning Thomas Oliphant, wright, Anstruther, 1754, 1762, nd (f148);

(xi) various papers found elsewhere in the collection, 1905, nd (f153).

The news cuttings are badly mottled. One gives an account of Trollope’s visit:

“On one occasion, when Mr & Mrs Anthony Trollope were staying with her, there was a jesting contention as to which had produced the greatest number of books, Mr Trollope thinking himself, with some reason, one of the most prolific of writers. But it proved easy to demonstrate that Mrs Oliphant’s books were considerably the most numerous.”

The Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1897.

Her contribution to the Victorian period is captured by the Times:

“No wom, and perhaps no writer of either sex, has been so long and so intimately associated with the literature of the Victorian era. ... By turns, she was the novelist and the historian, the biographer, the critic, and the poet.”

The Times, 28 June 1897

MS.23212 Bank pass book, 1877-79 of Mrs Oliphant with Messrs Cocks, Biddulph & Co, London, 1877-1879 (ii + 20ff)


MSS.23213-23216. Diaries of Mrs Oliphant, 1883, 1887-1888 and 1896. None contains many entries. Extracts, being MS.23214, ff2-3v; MS.23215, ff1v-2v; and MS.23216, ff8-10; are printed in The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant, ed Elisabeth Jay, 1990.

MS.23213 Diary of Mrs Oliphant, 1883

MS.23214 Diary of Mrs Oliphant, 1887

MS.23215 Diary of Mrs Oliphant, 1888

MS.23216 Diary of Mrs Oliphant, 1896

MS.23217 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss

Jerusalem: It’s History and Hope (i + 244ff)

Manuscript of Jerusalem: It’s History and Hope which was published in 1891. According to a note dated 1896 at f.i, it was given to her son Cecco, and, after his death, to her niece Madge. The manuscript is bound in black with ‘Jerusalem MOWO’ stamped on the upper board. Some of the leaves are made up of fragments stuck together. A printed form recording the exhibition of the manuscript in the Historical Loan Exhibition at Grosvenor House, London, 1905, which was formerly loosely enclosed, is now at MS.23211, f158.

MSS.23218-23219. Reminiscences of Mrs Oliphant. It is not clear whether they were intended for publication in this state, or at all: substantial portions of the material in MS.23218 and almost all of MS.23219 were published in pp1-150 of The Autobiography and Letters of Mrs M O W Oliphant, which was arranged and edited by her cousin, Annie, Mrs Harry Coghill, 1899. Some additions on separate sheets and a few press-cuttings are contained amongst the leaves of MS.23218, which was originally a lockable note-book. Leaves found loosely enclosed in MS.23219 are now at MS.23211, ff153-157.

A photographic reprint of the first edition, with an introduction by Q D Leavis, was published by Leicester University Press, 1974, and the Autobiography alone was republished in 1988 by the University of Chicago Press with a forword by L Langbauer. The complete text contained in MSS.23218-23219 was published, with notes by Elisabeth Jay, as The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant, 1990.

MS.23218 Reminiscences of Mrs Oliphant (i + 108ff)

MS.23219 Reminiscences of Mrs Oliphant  (88ff)


MS.30968 Blackwoods correspondence (f51-104 - letters of Mrs Oliphant)

Letters of Mrs Oliphant to Blackwood’s, 1863-1897.

MS.30973 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - Volume 2 of Annals of a Publishing HouseRevised autograph manuscript of Annals of a Publishing House: William Blackwood and his Sons (Edinburgh, 1897), volume


MSS. 4119-4725 - Oliphant letters from the Blackwoods’ Correspondence files. One of the largest archives at the National Library of Scotland are the Blackwood Papers (MSS.4001-4940). A substantial part of this archive are a series of letterbooks (MSS.4001-4734) which are arranged chronologically from 1805 to 1900. The letters within each volume are arranged alphabetically by author. Given Margaret Oliphant’s close association with the firm of Blackwood, there are many letters from her to the company which cast significant light on her publishing career and her domestic life. These are spread widely over MSS.4119-4725. Given the large number of volumes involved it was not possible to film all of these volumes in their entirety, so we are most grateful to the National Library of Scotland to film just the relevant sections from each volume. this proved to be a much larger undertaking than originally envisged and these letters are now spread over seven reels (reels 18, 18A, 19, 19A, 19B, 19C, and 19D). In addition to letters by Margaret Oliphant (MOWO) there are letters by: Laurence Oliphant (LO); Alice Oliphant (LO’s wife); Arthur Craigie Oliphant (cousin of LO); Lucy Mary Oliphant (cousin of LO); Denny Oliphant (cousin of MOWO); and Francis Romano Oliphant (Cecco, son of MOWO).

Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4119-4213

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1851-1866


Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4225-4295

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1867-1872


Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4309-4366

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1873-1877


Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4380-4449

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1878-1883


Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4462-4523

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1884-1888


Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4540-4643

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1889-1896


Miscellaneous correspondence with Blackwoods taken from MSS.4650-4725

Correspondence of Margaret, Francis Romano and Denny Oliphant, 1896-1900 & nd


Acc.5772 Letter


MOWO? Windsor nd

Acc.7384 Article on Recent Books: French and English. (19ff)

Corrected article by Margaret Oliphant.

Acc.7385 Margaret Oliphant Literary Mss - The Looker On (23ff)

Corrected article by Margaret Oliphant.

Acc.7828 Letter to Lang concerning a short story she has written.


MOWO (Andrew?) Lang Windsor(1885-1886?)

Acc.8201 3 letters (one to Geraldine Jewsbury)


MOWO (Geraldine) Jewsbury np(1860?)

Proposing to call her after meeting Janet Welsh Carlyle.

MOWO (a lady) Windsor 16 Nov (1893?)

Regarding a trip to Palestine collecting material for her memoir of Laurence Oliphant.

MOWO Mr Houseman Windsor (c1895?)

Brief letter regarding a book publication.

Acc.88073 letters to William Ibister concerning publishing and copyright


MOWO William IbisterWindsor (1877?)

MOWO William IbisterWindsor 28 July (1877?)

MOWO William IbisterLondon 25 Oct (1877?)

Acc.9047 Letter


MOWO? Nice 22 Feb ?

Acc.93575 letters to Walter Besant


MOWOW alter Besant Bodighera 27 Feb (1884?)

On the proposed formation of the Author’s Society, to protect authors from unscrupulous publishers.

MOWO Walter Besant Venice 12 June (1884?)

On the position of novel writing in academic circles and the “absence of honours to novelists.” As a “mere woman” she had found it difficult to see Turgenev receiving his honorary degree from Oxford.

“Some years ago I saw Tourgurneff (a most worthy recipient) receive an honorary degree at Oxford, but I don’t think such a thing was ever offered either to Dickens or Thackeray. I am a mere woman, uncapable of honour, but it was with difficulty that I got a humble place from which to see this honour confirmed.”

MOWO Walter BesantWindsor27 Oct (1886)

On a literary album to be presented to Queen Victoria to mark her Jubilee.

MOWO Walter BesantWindsor18 June (1890)

Concerning the publishing problems of an aspiring authoress who has confided in her.

MOWO Walter BesantWindsor3 July (1877/8)

On an English edition of works by French humorists (Rabelais etc).

Acc.9811 4 letters


MOWO Sister Jean FrancisWindsor nd

MOWO Mr Oliphant np nd

MOWO Mr Johnstone np nd

MOWO Mrs Price np nd

Acc.10329 Letter to Blackwood


MOWO John?) Blackwood Windsor 15 July?

Concerning a piece that she has written.

Acc.11119 Letter to Mrs Armitage

Acc.117037 letters to Dr Charteris (1 by Oliphant)



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