From the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University
The American Civil Liberties Union and International Affairs
Detailed Listing
Series 1: Correspondence
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
1-5 Miscellaneous 1925-1981
6-9 Academic Requests 1953-1981
10 Act for Peace 1959
11 Addams, Jane 1974
12 Addams, Jane Hall of Fame 1967-1968
13 Adelphi University 1968
14 Adenauer, Konrad 1949
15 Affidavits & Statements 1950-1952
16 Allen, William H. 1915
17 Allison, Brent 1920
18 America 1954-1968
19 American Academy of Arts & Sciences 1951
20 American Christian Palestine Committee 1952-1955
Series 1: Correspondence
1-4 ACLU 1972-1981
5 ACLU 1971
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
6 ACLU 1970
7 ACLU 1969
8 ACLU 1952-1968
9 ACLU 1948-1951
10 ACLU - 50th Anniversary 1976
11 ACLU Foundation 1972
12 American Emergency Committee
for Tibetan Refugees 1964-1977
13 American Friends of Ichud 1957-1958
14 American Fund for Public Service 1941
15 American Guild for German
Culture Freedom 1937
16 American Jewish Committee/
American Liberties Medallion 1973-1974
Series 1: Correspondence
1 American League for Peace and
Democracy 1939
2 American League to Abolish
Capital Punishment 1938
3 American Political Science
Association Caucasus 1968
4 American Proportional
Representation League 1919
5 American Veterans’ Committee 1950
6 American Whig-Cliosophic Society 1979
7 Americans for Democractic Action 1955-1962
8 Angell, Ernest 1959-1960
9 Bailey, Forrest (Resignation) 1926-1932
10 Baker, Josephine 1962-1977
11 Balabanoff, Angelica 1927
12 Baldwin, Carl 1974
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
13 Baldwin, Dick 1953
14 Baldwin, Evelyn Preston 1938-1978
15 Baldwin, F. F. 1934-1939
16 Baldwin, Lucy Cushing Nash 1927-1934
17 Baldwin Family 1979
18 Baldwin, Roger N.: Autobiography 1958-1959
19 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings,
Thank You’s 1938-1980
20 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 80th
Birthday, Miscellaneous 1964
21 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 80th
Birthday, Detroit, Michigan, Dinner 9 May 1964
22 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 80th
Birthday, Bernstein Celebration 15 May 1964
23 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 85th
Birthday, International Rights of Man
Dinner 6 Dec 1968
24 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 86th
Birthday 1970
25 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings 90th
Birthday 1974
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 91st
Birthday 1975
2 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 92nd
Birthday (from grandchildren) 1976
3 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 94th
Birthday (includes Jimmy Carter) 1979
4 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 95th
Birthday 1978-1979
5 Baldwin, Roger N.: Greetings, 97th
Birthday/60th Anniversary of ACLU 1980-1981
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
6 Baldwin, Roger N.: Letters of Tribute
at Resignation from ACLU 1949-1950
7 Roger N. Baldwin: Personal Papers 1954-1970
8 Bellair, Harry 1919
9 Benitez, Jaime 1963
10 Benton, William 1947
11 Bergendall, Tom 1978
12 Berkman, Alexander 1916-1974
13 Betancourt, Romulo 1963-1964
14 Bethune, Mary McLeod 1945-1955
15 Biddle, Francis 1952-1969
16 Birds: Miscellaneous 1944-1978
17 Birds: Audubon Society 1944-1964
18 Birds: Audubon Society
Emergency Conservation Committee 1931-1933
19 Birds: Baldwin Sanctuary 1962-1964
20 B’nai B’rith 1952-1955
21 Bowles, Chester 1948-1960
22 British Visas 1927-1938
23 Brandeis University 1952-1969
24 Brazier, Richard 1964
25 Brooks, John Graham 1933
26 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters 1950
27 Brown, Harold Z. 1926-1930
28 Brown, William 1964
29 Buck, Pearl 1964
30 Bulkey, Mary E. 1923-1970
31 Bundy, William P. 1964
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Cabot, Richard C. 1922
2 California Trip 1956
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
3-4 Caribbean Conservation 1968-1974
5 Caribbean Tour 1954
6 Casals, Pablo 1966-1973
7 Chaplin, Ralph, Edith, Ivan 1925-1967
8 Citizens’ Council for a Democratic
Germany 1951
9 Citizens’ League for America and the
Allies 1916
10 Children’s Code 1914
11 Civil Rights Defence Committee 1948
12 Clark, Grenville 1967-1981
13 Club Organisation 1911
14 Coe, George 1951
15 Coffin, William 1966
16 College of the Virgin Islands 1967-1968
17 Columbia Lecture Bureau 1949-1950
18 Columbia University Oral History 1971
19 Columbus Citizen 1950
20 Committee for a Fair Trial for
Draja Mihailovich 1946
21 Commission for International Due
Process of Law 1971
22 Committee of 100 Against Communist
Inhumanity 1953
23 Committee on Criminal Courts of the
Charity Organisation Society 1915
24 Communism: Miscellaneous 1934-1964
25 Communism: American Medicine &
Political Scene 1949
26 Communism: New Milford CT
Controversy 1948
27 Congratulatory/Sympathetic Letters 1934-1971
28 Conscientious Objection 1936-1970
29 Congress on Racial Equality 1964-1966
30 Cox, Marshall 1972
31 Daniel, Jonathan 1951
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
32 Davis, Philip 1915
33 Debs, Eugene 1964-1965
34 Dell Brook (Family Farm) 1947-1980
35 Democracy 1952
36 “Democratic Germany” Organisations 1945-1951
37 Dennis, Eugene (Daily Worker) 1961
38 Dennis, Lawrence 1953
39 Denver Post 1950
40 Department of Justice 1918
41 Department of State 1918
42 deSchweinitz, Dorothea 1968-1980
43 DeSilver, Albert & Margaret 1924-1951
44 Dewey, Thomas E. 1945
45 Dissenters, The (Organisation) 1962-1966
46 Distinguished New Yorker Medal 1967
47 Dominican Republic 1967
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie 1925-1978
2 DuBois, W. E. B. 1944
3 Duran, Gustavo 1969
4 Eastman, Crystal 1918
5 Eastman, Max 1969-1972
6 Edwards, Forest 1915
7 Eliot, Thomas D. 1911-1915
8 Encampment for Citizenship 1966
9 Environment and Civil Rights 1969
10 Environmental Conference 1972
11 Ernst, Morris 1951-1968
12 Ethical Culture Society 1949-1969
13 European Peace 1946-1951
14 European Tour 1950
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
15 Fairleigh Dickinson University 1964-1965
16 Fargo-Moorhead Open Forum 1954
17 Farnum, Fred 1922-1979
18 Federal Union (of Democracies) 1939-1940
19 Felicani, Aldino 1948-1967
20 Fighting Group Against Inhumanity 1951
21 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield 1945
22 Fisk University 1949
23 Flax, Dorothy Ellin 1960
24 Florina Lasker Award of NYCLU 1957
25 Florina Lasker Fellows Program 1958-1959
26 Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley Reinstatement 1972-1976
27 Ford Hall Forum 1971
28 Frankfurter, Felix 1936
29 Franklin Lecture Series 1961
30 Freeman, Joseph 1931-1938
31 Fry, Varian 1951
32 Fullerton, Hugh 1930
33 Galbraith, John Kenneth 1968
34 Gartz, Cran E. 1922-1924
35 Gay Rights 1950
36 Gellhorn, Edna 1967-1970
37 Geneva Conference for World Peace
Through Law 1967
38 Genocide Convention 1970-1971
39 George Washington Carver National
Monument 1953
40 Georgetown University 1980
41 Germany 1950
42 Germany 1950
43 Giberti, Louis 1940-1942
44 Goldman, Albert 1948
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Goldman, Emma 1909-1940, 1968-1980
2 Gollancz, Sir Victor and Lady 1967
3 Greek War Relief Association 1940-1941
4 Greenbaum, Edward S. 1957
5 Grose, Laurence Rich 1960-1972
6 Harris, Professor, W. F. 1916
7 Harvard: Miscellaneous 1933-1978
8 Harvard: Class of 1905 1954-1973
9-11 Harvard: Economics Dept.
Overseers’ Committee 1937-1950
12 Haskell, Natalie 1963-1972
13 Haverford College 1976
14 Hays, Arthur Garfield 1881-1954
15 Haywood, William D. 1962-1963
16 Heidenberger, Peter 1951-1972
17 Hennacy, Ammon 1952-1970
18 Holmes, John Hayes 1944-1966
19 Hoover, J. Edgar 1948
20 Hopkins Charitable Fund 1956-1959
21 Huebsch, Ben 1964
22 Huntley, James 1955
23 India: Miscellaneous 1931-1972
24 India: Friends of Freedom for India 1921
25 India: Gandhi, Mahatma 1964-1969
26 India: Gandhi Foundation 1949
27 India: Ghose, Shalian 1937
28 India: Gregg, Richard 1931
29 India: India League of America 1956
30 India: Nehru, Jawaharlal 1939-1967
31 India: Raghuram, Neal 1966
32 India: Rai, Lajpat 1969
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
33 Inter-American Conference for
Democracy & Freedom 1950
34 Intercollegiate Socialist Society 1917
Series 1: Correspondence
1 International Fellowship of Reconciliation 1954-1966
2 International League Against Imperialism 1927-1928
3 International League Against Imperialism 1928-1929
4 International League for the Rights of Man
(& Inter-American Association, American
Fund for Czechoslovak Refugees) 1954-1969
5 International Relations/International Issues 1961-1966
6 Israel/Palestine 1947-1971
7 Jackson, Gardner 1928-1929
8 James, William Oral 1918
9 Japan 1949-1952
10 Japan Civil Liberties Union 1971
11 Japan & Korea 1947
12 Japanese-American Issues 1964-1968
13 Jewish Issues 1945-1950
14 Jones, Mother 1929-1930
15 Juvenile Court Matters: Miscellaneous 1967-1978
16 Juvenile Court Matters: American
Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology 1911
17 Juvenile Court Matters: Juvenile Civil
Rights 1957
18 Juvenile Court Matters: Juvenile Courts
and Probation (book materials) 1912-1913
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Juvenile Court Matters: Missouri
Juvenile Court Laws 1909-1914
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
2 Juvenile Court Matters: Missouri State
Legislation on Supervision of Private
Charities 1913
3 Juvenile Court Matters: National
Committee for Standardizing
Children’s Laws 1915-1916
4 Juvenile Court Matters: National
Probation Association (Bernard Flexner) 1914-1915
5 Juvenile Court Matters: Probation 1919-1922
6 Juvenile Court Matters: St. Louis
Children’s Commission 1910
7 Kades, Charles 1958-1961
8 Kasama, Frank A. 1954
9 Kennedy, John F. 1960
10 Kenyon, Dorothy 1972
11 Kim, Andrew 1948-1952
12 Kipp, Mrs. Albert 1935
13 Kizer, Benjamin H. 1969
14 Korea 1950-1957
15 Kropotkin, Peter 1961
16 Krutch, Joseph Wood 1961
17 Kunstler, William M. 1962
18 Labadie, Laurance 1936
19 Labor Colleges 1938-1972
20 LaGuardia, Fiorello H. 1941
21 Laski, Harold 1945
22 League Against War and Fascism 1933-1935
23 League for Industrial Democracy Award 1960
24 Lehman, Fritz 1917
25 Lehman, Herbert 1958-1962
26 Liberalism 1962
27 Lilienthal, David 1979
28 Lindeman, Edward C. 1953-1955
29 Lippman, Walter n.d.
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
30 Litchfield, Edward 1968
31 MacArthur, Douglas 1947-1981
32 Mack, Julian W. 1964
33 Martha’s Vineyard Gazette 1953
34 Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union 1964
35 McCarthyism 1952-1958
36 McCloy, John J. 1950
37 Medal of Freedom (Presidential) 1981
38 Medical Discrimination 1970
39 Meiklejohn, Alexander 1965
40 Morgenthau, Hans J. 1965
41 Merrill, C. H. 1915
42 Munzenberg, Willi 1938-1940
43 Murrow, Edward R. 1959
44 National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People 1914
45 Nagel, Charles 1954
46 National Alliance on Shaping Safer Cities 1970-1971
Series 1: Correspondence
1 National Civil Liberties Bureau 1918
2 National Committee for a Sane
Nuclear Policy 1952-1959
3 National Convocation on Free Speech 1978
4 National Endorsement Committee 1915-1916
5 Native American Issues 1969-1979
6 Navy Department 1969
7 Nearing, Scott 1963
8 Nettlau, Max 1927
9 New Deal 1934
10 New School for Social Research 1940-1954
11 New York University 1969-1970
12 Niebuhr, Reinhold 1933-1960
13 Northwestern University 1974
14 Offers of Jobs 1908-1915
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
15 O’Hare, Frank P. 1959-1981
16-18 Okinawa and Ryukyus Islands -
Civil Rights 1959-1970
19-20 One World Award Committee 1950-1951
21 Order of the Rising Sun 1963
22 Outdoors 1965
23 Pacifica Foundation 1960
24 Pacifist Organisations: (SANE, Voluntary
Organisation and World Without War
Conference, Turn Toward Peace, etc.) 1942-1970
25 Pacifist Organisations 1966
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Palmer, A. Mitchell 1966
2 Panel of Americans 1968
3 Pearson, T. Gilbert 1959
4-5 Personal 1917, 1929-1981
6 Planetary Citizenship Campaign 1971-1974
7 Pol, Heinz 1950-1955
8 Political Prisoners: Miscellaneous 1934-1970
9 Political Prisoners: International
Committee for, 1927
10 Post-War World Council 1950
11 Pozner, Vladimir 1938
12 Prison: Miscellaneous 1918-1919
13 Prison: Acquaintances or Strangers 1918
14 Prison: Articles about Baldwin’s
Prison Term 1918
15 Prison: Friends and Associates in
St. Louis 1918-1919
16 Prison: Friends and Associates in Social
Work 1918-1919
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
17 Prison: Friends in Civil Liberties Work 1918-1919
18 Prison: Immediate Family 1918
19 Prison: James, Oral and Stoltz, Otto 1918-1919
20 Prison: Mother, Baldwin’s letters 1918
21 Prison: Mother, Others’ letters to
Baldwin’s 1918-1919
22 Prison: Personal Friends 1918
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Prison: Other Political Prisoners 1918-1919
2 Prison: Non-Political Prisoners 1919
3 Prison: Relatives 1918-1919
4 Publishers 1932-1956
5 Puerto Rico: Miscellaneous 1948-1969
6 Puerto Rico: Bird Pinero, Enrique 1977
7 Puerto Rico: Civil Rights 1959-1965
8 Puerto Rico: Civil Rights 1966-1969
9 Puerto Rico: Civil Rights 1970-1971
10 Puerto Rico: Civil Rights 1972-1973
11 Puerto Rico: Civil Rights 1974-1978
12 Puerto Rico: Draft Case 1970
13 Puerto Rico: Garcia Rodriguez, Pablo 1970
14 Puerto Rico: Inter-American
University of Puerto Rico 1965-1966
15 Puerto Rico: Inter-American
University of Puerto Rico 1967-1970
16 Puerto Rico: Munoz Marin, Luis 1953-1973
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Puerto Rico: Presidential Vote 1969-1970
2 Puerto Rico: Presidential Vote 1971
3 Puerto Rico: University Demonstrations 1966
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
4-8 Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico
Law School 1966-1973
9 Radicalism 1915-1922
10 Race Relations 1969
11 Reedy, William Marion 1963
11 Reedy, William Marion 1963
12 References 1952-1964
13 Reissig, Herman F. 1939-1973
14 Remington, William W. 1948-1950
15 Requests for Legal Aid 1970
16-17 Robert Marshall Civil Liberties Trust 1956-1971
18 Rockefeller, Laurance S. 1956
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Roger N. Baldwin Civil Liberties
Foundation 1967-1970
2 Roger N. Baldwin Civil Liberties
Foundation 1969-1970
3 Roger Baldwin Foundation of the
ACLU, Inc., Illinois 1969-1972
4 Roosevelt, Eleanor 1948-1964
5 Rose, Milton C. 1956
6 Ryman, Charlotte M. 1896-1898
7 Ryman, Charlotte M. 1898-1899
8 Ryman, Charlotte M. 1899-1918
9 Ryman, Rosalyn 1897
10 Sacco-Vanzetti Case 1922-1976
11 Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial Award 1981
12 St. Louis Correspondence: Miscellaneous 1911-1977
13 St. Louis Correspondence:
Fischel, Martha Ellis 1939
14 St. Louis Correspondence: St. Louis
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
14 Neighbourhood Association 1915
15 St. Louis Correspondence: St. Louis
School of Social Economy 1916
16 St. Louis Correspondence: Taussig,
Dr. William 1940
17 St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1925-1955
18 Salvemini, Gaetano 1933-1934
19 Sanger, Margaret 1916, 1952-1967
20 Scales, Junius (Petition for Pardon) 1962
21 Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. 1954-1961
22 Schroeder, Theodore 1970
23 Sinclair, Upton 1939-1971
24 Smith, Luther Ely 1941-1951
25 Sobell, Merton 1958
26 Social Service Conference 1915
27 Social Work - Miscellaneous 1937
28 Socialist Party 1918
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Spanish Democracy/Refugees 1939-1944
2 Speaking Engagements 1953-1979
3 Speaking Engagements 1948-1963
4 Speiser, Lawrence 1969
5 State Conference of Charities and
Corrections 1912
6 Stoeker, Helene 1943
7 Stolz, Otto 1925-1930
8 Strachey, John 1933-1940
9 Strong, Anna Louise 1969-1981
10 Sumeris, Edward, Jr. 1949-1958
11 Supreme Court 1927
12 Survey, The 1915-1971
13 Thant, U 1971
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
14 Thomas, Norman 1925-1971
15 “Tokyo Rose” Book 1978
16 Tony Colket Fund 1927-1968
17 Tran Van Dinh 1963-1974
18 Tresca, Carlo 1945-1964
19 United Nations Treaty on Racial
Discrimination 1970
20 University of the West Indies in Barbados 1971
21 Urey, Harold C. 1944-1955
22 Valtin, Jan 1941
23 Van Kleeck, Mary 1938
24 Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 1927
25 Vietnam 1969-1970
26 Villard, Oswald Garrison 1947
27 Virgin Islands 1966-1970
28 Virgin Islands - Immigrant Labor 1969-1971
29 Von Trott, Adam 1963-1970
30 Vonnegut, Franklin 1952
31 Wallace, Roy 1917
32 Warbasse, James Peter & Agnes 1941,
33 Warburg, James P. 1949-1950
34 Ward, Harry 1961-1963
Series 1: Correspondence
1 Warren, Earl 1970-1972
2 Washington University 1903-1958
3 Washington University: Honorary Degree 1968
4 Westchester Committee for Human Rights 1952
5 West Coast Tour 1950
6 Wilkie, Wendell 1941-1942
7 William C. Whitney Foundation 1956
8 Williams, Chester S. 1968
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
9 Williams, George H. 1948
10 WINS News Conference 1968
11 Winston, Henry 1960-1961
12 Wirin, Al 1963
13 Woltman, Fred 1968
14 Women’s International League for
Peace and Freedom 1950-1965
15 World Federation 1942-1965
16 World War II 1942
17 Worth, Patience (alter ego of Mrs. John
Curran) 1918-1964
18 Yale Political Union 1967
19 Yale University 1968-1970
20 Young Men’s Christian Association 1939
21 Young Males 1911
22 Miscellaneous (Printed) 1917
23 Africa 1960
24 African Americans in St. Louis:
Industrial Conditions Among African
Americans in St. Louis 1914
25 Africans Americans in St. Louis: National
League in Urban Conditions Among
Negroes 1913-1914
26 African Americans in St. Louis:
St. Louis Committee for Social
Service Among Colored People 1911-1912
27 African Americans in St. Louis:
Segregation 1912-1916
28 African Americans in St. Louis: State
Conference for Social Welfare -
Committee on the Problems of Negroes 1913
29 African Americans in St. Louis:
Washington University - Segregation
of Classes 1911
30 ACLU: Chronology 1917-1945
31 ACLU: International Issues 1948-1953
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
32 American Union Against Militarism
(Printed) 1917
33 Assembly of Captive European
Nations Award 1964
34 Bill of Rights Education 1963
35 Conscientious Objection
(Miscellaneous printed) 1917
36 Drinking Songs (Harvard) n.d.
37 Egypt 1969
38 Europe (Notes) 1952
Series 2: Subject Files
1 Farewell Dinner 1950
2 First American Conference on
Democracy and Terms of Peace (Printed) 1917
3 Germany and Austria: Circular Letter 1948
4 Germany and Austria: Austria -
Miscellaneous 1945
5 Germany and Austria: Austria - Notebook 1948
6 Germany and Austria: Austria - Report 1948
7 Germany and Austria: Germany - Materials 1948
8 Germany and Austria: Germany -
Notebook 1948
9 Germany and Austria: Germany - Notes 1948
10 Germany and Austria: Germany -
Reports and Memoranda 1948
11 Germany and Austria: Germany -
Miscellaneous 1950
12 Germany and Austria: Germany - Materials 1950
13 Germany and Austria: Germany -
Memoranda 1950
14 Germany and Austria: Germany - Notes 1950
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
15 House Committee on Un-American
Activities 1958
16 Human Rights 1949-1951
17 Human Rights 1970
18 International Affairs and Foreign
Policy Memoranda 1965
19 International Organisation/United Nations 1941
20 International League for the Rights of Man 1950
21 Interview with David Frost
22 Israel and Egypt 1960
23 Japan and Korea: Civil Liberties Issues 1947
Series 2: Subject Files
1 Japan and Korea: Articles About Baldwin 1930
2 Japan and Korea: Circular Letter 1947
3-4 Japan and Korea: Notes and Materials 1947
5 Japan and Korea: Japan - Notes and
Materials 1947
6 Japan and Korea: Japan - Printed Matter 1946
7 Japan and Korea: Japan - Reports 1947
8 Japan and Korea: Korea - Notes and
Materials 1946-1947
9 Japanese-Americans in World War II 1943-1947
10 List of Publications by Roger N. Baldwin 1931
11 MacDonald, Dwight article in
New Yorker about Roger N. Baldwin 1950-1953
12 Micronesia 1969-1970
13 Middle East - Notes and Materials 1952
14 Missouri Social Legislation 1916
15 National Civil Liberties Bureau (Printed) 1917
16 National Civil Liberties Bureau (Printed) 1918
17 National Conference of Charities and
Corrections: National Conference 1913
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
18 National Conference of Charities and
Corrections: Committee on Kindred Groups
19 National Conference of Charities and
Corrections: Publicity and Publications 1916
20 People’s Council of America for
Democracy and Peace (printed) 1917
Series 2: Subject Files
1 Point Four Program 1949
2 Police and Human Relations
(NYU Conference) 1959
3 Radicalism: Miscellaneous 1919, 1952
4 Radicalism: Cooperative Farms, Inc. 1939-1935
5 Radicalism: Industrial Division -
National Conference of Social Work 1918-1924
6 Radicalism: Industrial Workers of the
World 1919-1967
7 Radicalism: Kuzbas Autonomous
Industrial Colony 1922-1924,
8 Radicalism: League for Industrial
Democracy 1920-1938
9 Radicalism: League for Mutual Aid Plan n.d.
10 Rosenberg Case 1952-1953
11 St. Louis Civil League
(Organisational Material) n.d.
12 Soviet Union: Miscellaneous 1928
13 Soviet Union: Friends of Soviet Russia 1922-1923
14 Soviet Union: Censorship 1927
15 Soviet Union: Georgia 1927
16 Soviet Union: Government 1926
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
19 17 Soviet Union: “Liberty Under the
Soviets” - Material 1927
18 Soviet Union: National Minorities 1921
19 Soviet Union: Pacifism and the Military 1926
20 Soviet Union: Political Opposition
and Political Prisoners 1927
21 Soviet Union: Religion 1924-1926
22 Soviet Union: Rights of Peasants and
Workers 1928
23 Soviet Union: Trip 1927
24 Soviet Union: Trip 1967
Series 2: Subject Files
1 Soviet Union: World Congress
Against War 1932
2 Soviet Union: Youth 1927
3 Student Liberties 1969
4 White House Luncheon 1963
5 World Tour 1959
6 World Tour: Notes 1959
7 World Tour: Report and Circular Letter 1959
Series 3: Writings and Speeches
Subseries 1: Writings
8 Miscellaneous 1933-1969
9 ACLU 1955-1967
10 Oral History (Part II), Columbia University 1963
11 Autobiography (1884-1920) - Manuscript 1950s
12 Autobiography (1920-1931) - Manuscript 1950s
13 Autobiography (1947-1950) - Manuscript 1950s
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
Series 3: Writings and Speeches
Subseries 1: Writings
1 Autobiography (1947-1950) - Manuscript 1950s
2 Autobiography (1947-1950) and -
Index - Manuscript 1950s
3 Autobiography - Galley Proof 1950s
4 Autobiography - Galley Proof w/notes
by William Frankel 1950s
5 Autobiography Comments 1955-1959
6 Autobiography - Outlines and Notes 1963
7 Biographies 1909-1969
8-9 Book Reviews 1931-1965
Series 3: Writings and Speeches
Subseries 1: Writings
1-4 Civil Liberties 1923-1979
5 Civil Liberties and Industrial Conflict
(Book Reviews) 1938
6 Education 1933
7 Foreign Issues: Africa 1923-1942
8 Foreign Issues: Canada 1924
9 Foreign Issues: Europe 1935-1946
10 Foreign Issues: Germany and Austria 1933-1951
11 Foreign Issues: India 1945
12 Foreign Issues: Japan and Korea 1947-1948
13 Foreign Issues: Japan 1947-1948
14 Foreign Issues: Korea 1947-1950
15 Foreign Issues: Latin America n.d.
16 Foreign Issues: Middle East 1953-1955
17 Foreign Issues: Soviet Union 1935-1953
18 Human Rights 1950-1966
19 International Organisation 1948-1975
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
20 Letters to the Editor 1940-1975
21 Liberty Under the Soviets - Reaction 1928-1929
22 Prison 1918-1919
23 Race Relations 1943-1946
Series 3: Writings and Speeches
Subseries 1: Writings
1 Radicalism 1922-1949 2 2 St. Louis 1917
3 Social Work 1912-1936
4 War, Pacifism and Military 1922-1966
Series 3: Writings and Speeches
Subseries 2: Speeches
5 Miscellaneous 1940-1976
6 ACLU 1955-1957
7-9 Civil Liberties 1922-1978
10 Foreign Issues: Africa 1946
11 Foreign Issues: Asia 1957-1959
12 Foreign Issues: Europe 1928-1958
13 Foreign Issues: Germany 1933-1951
14 Foreign Issues: Japan n.d.
15 Foreign Issues: Middle East n.d.
16 Foreign Issues: Soviet Union n.d.
17 Foreign Policy 1960
18 Human Rights 1951-1973
Series 3: Writings and Speeches
Subseries 2: Speeches
1 International Organisation 1947-1978
2 Notebook (Human Rights, United
Nations, United States, General) n.d.
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
3 Radicalism 1931-1954
4 Social Work n.d.
5 War, Pacifism and the Military 1942-1968
Series 4: Miscellaneous
6-9 Articles About Roger Baldwin 1931-1978
10 Autobiographical Sketches of
Roger N. Baldwin 1940-1979
11 Diamond, Benjamin David: “Conflicts
Resolved: Roger Nash Baldwin and the
Founding the ACLU” (senior thesis) 1974
12 Simmers, Paul: Interview with
Roger N. Baldwin 1963
13 Madeleine Doty: Chapter about
Roger N. Baldwin n.d.
14 Memoranda on Baldwin’s public life
(1965 collection) 1965
Series 4: Miscellaneous
1 Memoranda on People 1965-1974
2 Memoranda on Baldwin’s personal
and public life and views 1950-1978
3-9 FBI Records 1922-1965
(a few items are censored, with a few
sections blacked out)
10 Passports 1963-1977
11 Drawings of Roger N. Baldwin,
Drawing of his farm Dell Brook 1886-1973
12 Drawings of Roger N. Baldwin at
91st Birthday 1975
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
Series 5: Photographs
1 Events: One World Award Committee 1950
2 Events: ACLU 30th Anniversary Dinner 1950
3 Events: Fairleigh Dickinson University 1958
4 Events: ACLU 40th Anniversary 1960
5 Events: ACLU Conventions 1960s
6 Events: Detroit ACLU Dinner 9 May 1964
7 Events: Illinois ACLU Dinner and Award 12 May 1966
1 Events: Human Rights Dinner 1968
2 Events: Marietta Tree’s Dinner 1968
3 Events: ACLU 50th Anniversary 1970
4 Events: International League Award 1978
5 Events: Honorary Degrees n.d.
6 Events: Birthday Party n.d.
1 Personal: Roger N. Baldwin Baby Pictures 1885?
2 Personal: “Mother Baldwin” and
siblings of Roger Nash Baldwin n.d.
3 Personal: Family Vacation to Europe 1905
4 Personal: Family Homes n.d.
5 Personal: Madeleine Doty,
Eve Preston Baldwin, Helen Baldwin,
Otto and Oral (Adopted children) n.d.
6 Personal: Roger N. Baldwin Outdoors n.d.
7 Personal: Roger N. Baldwin’s
80th Birthday 1964
7 Personal: Roger N. Baldwin and
granddaughter Alexandria Mannoi (4) 1970
8 Personal: Miscellaneous n.d.
9 Personal: Chaplin Family n.d.
Box Folder Contents Date(s)
1 Political Activity: Prison Photographs 1919
2 Slides of Roger N. Baldwin n.d.
3 Political Activity: Prison Photos of
Julius Gruenberg (WWI conscientious
objector) 1919
4 Political Activity: Pacifist Activity 1920s
5 Political Activity: Roger Baldwin
and Colleagues n.d.
6 Political Activity: Japan Trip 1947
7 Political Activity: Post War Japan -
Miscellaneous 1944-1947
8 Political Activity: Korea Trip 1947
9 Political Activity: Germany Trip 1950
10 Political Activity: United Nations Related 1956-1979
1 Portraits: Formal Portraits of
Roger Nash Baldwin 1901-1975?
2 Portraits: Informal Portraits of
Roger Nash Baldwin 1906-1970
3 Portraits: Cooking Pictures of
Roger Nash Baldwin 1968
4 Portraits “Lively Libertarian” UPI set of 4 1970
Series 6, Tribute Album
31 Volume 1 1950
32 Volume 2 1950