Part 1: The Papers of Edmund Burke, 1729-1797, from Sheffield Archives and Northamptonshire Record Office
Note on Citation
All references should make it clear that original material is held at Sheffield Archives, Sheffield Libraries and Information Services, 52 Shoreham Street, Sheffield, S1 4SP, or comprises photocopies of material held elsewhere (please see the Chronological List of the Correspondence of Edmund Burke reproduced on Reel 1 of this microfilm edition, to identify where the originals of such photocopies are held).
The majority of these photocopies, some 765 items, comprise copies of original letters held at the Northamptonshire Record Office, Wootton Hall Park, Northampton, NN4 8BQ.
In the Chronological List originals held at Sheffield are identified by the letter 'S'; Where the originals are held by Northamptonshire Record Office the letter 'N' is used. Letters codes for other repositories are indicated at the front of the Chronological List.
Whilst the full Chronological List appears on Reel 1, the appropriate section of the List (covering items relevant to each particular subsequent reel) is repeated on subsequent reels.
All rights in the original materials are vested with the copyright owners. No unauthorised reproduction from this microfilm edition is permitted.
All requests to reproduce any material from this publication should be submitted to Adam Matthew Publications or Sheffield Archives or Northamptonshire Record Office.
The correct citations for material in the Burke Papers are as follows:
Wentworth Woodhouse Muniments - WWM (abbreviated)
Burke Papers - Bk P (abbreviated)
eg: Bk P 1/1-53
Bk P 1/573-638
Frequently the Burke Papers have been cited as Bk, the P for 'Papers' being dropped. However, please note that Bk stands for Burke and not Book. Bk P is definitely the form of abbreviation preferred by the Archives.