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Part 1: Minute Books of the Regions Beyond Missionary Union, 1903-1955

Part 2: Correspondence and Reports of Regions Beyond Missionary Union: The Congo Mission,


Part 3: Correspondence and Reports of Regions Beyond Missionary Union; Peru, Argentina, India, Nepal,

            Kaliminta and Irian Jaya, 1893-1955

Part 4: Regions Beyond, 1878-1981, and Horizons, 1981-1990

Part 5: Correspondence and Reports of Regions Beyond Missionary Union: All Regions, c1955-1990


Contents of Reels - Part 5


Directors Minute Books

Minutes of the meetings of the directors of the RBMU, referring to all aspects of the administration and policy of the mission, including the training college; missionaries and mission fields; theological principles; membership of the board and councils; publications; finance; auxiliaries and branches and relationships with other missions and bodies in the UK and in the fields. Indexed to 1972. Includes in v. 17 (2.17): Sub-committee/section minutes (June 1973-74); and in v. 18 (2.18): Finance Committee minutes (1969-73).

3 vols. 1955-1980 (CSCNWW 33/2/16-18)

v16 Nov 1955 – Dec 1963
v17 Jan 1964 – Apr 1974
v18 June 1974 – Oct 1980


Attendance Books
Signatures of the directors attending meetings.

2 vols. 1945-1971 (CSCNWW 33/3/1-2)

Nov 1945 – Nov 1957
Dec 1957 – Mar 1971

Finance Committee Minutes

Minutes of the meetings of the Finance Committee (from June 1973 known as the Policy and Finance Section, from Sept 1978 as the Finance Section and from 1982 as the Finance Committee) referring to all aspects of financial policy but not including statements or accounts (first volume includes a meeting of the Premises Committee 1954). Indexed. See Directors Minute Book v. 18 (2.18) for 1969-1973 and Directors Minute Book v. 17 (2.17) for 1973-1974

1 vol. Dec 1954 – Dec 1968 (CSCNWW 33/5/1)


Directors Papers: G W Forbes Smith

Papers collected by Forbes Smith (director), mainly papers circulated to directors before meetings including agendas; copies of correspondence; minutes and letters from other councils and the fields; reports by secretaries and others; and some accounts and prayer letters; early material concerns UK administration and personnel.

2 files 1932, 1952 – 1966 (CSCNWW 33/6/1-2)
1967 – 1973


Finance Committee: Executive Secretary’s File

Working file consisting of minutes (unsigned) and papers relating to committee meetings and finance including statements, budgets and accounts.

2 files Oct 1979 – Apr 1984 (CSCNWW 33/6/3)
Jul 1984 – Sept 1988 (CSCNWW 33/7/1)

Publicity Committee/Information Section Minutes

Minutes of the meetings of the committee (known after 1973 as the Information Section), referring to publications such as Regions Beyond, leaflets and books; promotional items such as calendars, cards and diaries; audio tapes and films; and meetings and conferences. (Some missing). See Directors Minute Book v. 17 for 1973-1974

1 file 1963, Nov 1966 – Dec 1981 (CSCNWW 33/7/2)


Board/Council Correspondence

Correspondence between the Secretaries (Fred Dean, Ernest Oliver and Geoff Larcombe), the Chairman, board members, affiliated councils and others about matters to be discussed and arising at board meetings including some papers, reports, circulars to missionaries and directors’ responses to key draft documents.

2 files Feb 1959 – Dec 1973 (CSCNWW 33/7/4)
Jan 1974 – Dec 1980 (CSCNWW 33/8/1)


Ernest Oliver, Articles and Policy Papers

Papers prepared or circulated by Oliver to board members, missionaries and others concerning: overseas visits; the fields and missionaries, their support and children; indigenous churches; the future of missions and the centenary and history of the mission; also includes biographical details about Oliver.

½ file Oct 1961 – 1984 (CSCNWW 33/8/2.2)

Extension and Deputation

Papers relating to the home activities of the RBMU, especially to strategies to increase and extend support and interest.

½ file 1976, 1984 (CSCNWW 33/8/3.1)


Material relating to conferences organised by the mission in the UK such as for the diamond jubilee (1939) and centenary (1973), spring, national and youth conferences and local meetings; includes programmes, papers, lists of delegates and publicity material.

½ file 1939, 1959 – 1989 (CSCNWW 33/8/3.2)


Regional Councils and Branches

RBMU UK Scottish Regional Council Minutes

Minutes and papers relating to the meetings of the SRC, referring to: finance (with some statements); relation to the London Council; mission policy; visits from missionaries and missionaries appointed from Scotland; deputation work and conferences and negotiations with EUSA with the appointment of a Joint Scottish Secretary and a Joint Scottish Advisory Committee (JSAC, with minutes from 1985) to organise joint events.

1 file Mar 1959 – Mar 1990 (CSCNWW 33/9/1)

RBMU UK Scottish Regional Council Correspondence

Correspondence between London and the SRC referring to the organisation and role of the Scottish office; Scottish missionaries in various fields; finance and donations; publicity and mission policy; also includes some newsletters.

2 files May 1957 – Dec 1967 (CSCNWW 33/9/2)


RBMU UK Scottish Regional Council Correspondence (continued)

Jan 1968 – Dec 1979 (CSCNWW 33/9/3)

RBMU UK Northern Ireland Regional Council Minutes and Correspondence

Minutes of the meetings of the Council (1974-89) and correspondence (1970-1991), referring to organisation of regional work and conferences; donations; co-operation with other societies; mission policy and news of missionaries.

1 file Jan 1970 – Jan 1991 (CSCNWW 33/10/1)


RBMU North West and Merseyside Auxiliaries

Minutes of the meetings of the auxiliary group in the north west of England (1985-90) and material relating to meetings, talks and conferences organised by the Merseyside Auxiliary and North West Auxiliary (also Partners group); also includes material on annual North of England Conferences.

½ file May 1964 – Nov 1990 (CSCNWW 33/10/2.1)

RBMU North-East Youth Committee

Minutes of meetings referring to conferences and resources for young people.

½ file May 1985 – Jan 1988 (CSCNWW 33/10/2.2)

RBMU Overseas Councils and RBMU International

At the start of the 20th century there were councils promoting the work of the RBMU in the US, Canada and Australia, but these were fairly informal and depended on the commitment of the individuals involved. In 1943 the Australian Nepalese Mission began working closely with the RBMU and in 1948 the ANM was formally taken over and an RBMU council established in Australia. The visit of Ebenezer Vine, General Secretary, to America and Canada in 1947 led to the establishment of formal councils, the first meetings being held in 1948. By 1971 half of the RBMU’s missionaries were from the US and Canada. In 1972 the Councils became autonomous and, despite the formation of an International Council (1977), after a series of discussions about methods, areas and theological principles, the UK and overseas councils formally split (1979), the latter becoming RBMU International.

USA Council Minutes

Minutes of the meetings of the Council and committees; also includes articles of incorporation (1956) and by-laws and some minutes of joint council meetings.

2 files Apr 1955 – Dec 1966 (CSCNWW 33/10/3)


USA Council Minutes (continued)

Jan 1967 – Dec 1973 (CSCNWW 33/10/4)

USA Correspondence

Correspondence between London and America referring to the administration of fields and to missionaries especially in Irian Jaya but also in other fields; to matters of policy and belief; and to relations between Councils including the granting of autonomy and a separate constitution (1972).

2 files Aug 1958 – Dec 1962 (CSCNWW 33/11/1)


USA Correspondence (continued)

Oct 1967 – Apr 1975 (CSCNWW 33/11/2)

Canada Minutes

Minutes of the meetings of the Council referring to administration of the work in Canada; appointment and support of missionaries; and relations with the American and British Councils.

2 files July 1948 – Nov 1966 (CSCNWW 33/11/3)


Jan 1967 – May 1980 (CSCNWW 33/12/1)

Canada Correspondence

Correspondence between the Canadian and London offices, includes early correspondence about Vine’s work in America and Canada (1951-52); early circular letters to Canadian missionaries and copies of correspondence with the American office and the fields.

1 file 1951 – 1952, Jan 1968 – Nov 1979 (CSCNWW 33/12/2)


Australia Minutes

Minutes of the meetings of the Australian Council.

1 file Feb 1959 – Feb 1983 (CSCNWW 33/12/3)

Australia Correspondence

Correspondence between the London office and Australia includes: News Bulletins (1959); references to missionaries and fields in particular to Irian Jaya; correspondence about literature and publicity and relations with other councils and the Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship; and copies of correspondence with RBMU International.

2 files Feb 1958 – Dec 1969 (CSCNWW 33/13/1)


Australia Correspondence (continued)

Jan 1970 – Nov 1979 (CSCNWW 33/13/2)

International Council

Correspondence and papers relating to the Council and to RBMU International, referring to: relation of overseas councils to the UK with proposals for an International Council (from 1965-67 and formation 1977), autonomy of North American Councils (1971-72), and separation of RBMU International (1979); theological principles; the fields (in particular Peru, Kalimantan and Irian Jaya), and later British appointees to RBMU International; possible UK expansion to new fields; joint concerns such as the Project Timothy program; and the effect of the dissolution of RBMU UK (1980-1990).

1 file Oct 1965 – Dec 1979 (CSCNWW 33/13/3)


RBMU International New Fields Correspondence

Material relating to the possibility of RBMU International working in new areas especially in Indonesia, the Philippines and India, the material is mainly copies of correspondence generated by RBMU International but also includes correspondence about the role of British RBMU in these expansion plans.

1 file Dec 1978 – Jan 1984 (CSCNWW 33/13/4)

Formulation of International Policy/International Conference 1977

Material relating to the formulation of international policy including Principles and Practice, to the role of the mission, and to international meetings, in particular to the 1977 International Conference, includes reference to issues such as the charismatic movement, total abstinence, ecumenicism, relations with other bodies and between the national councils, and the sharing of work in the fields.

1 file May 1969 – March 1979 (CSCNWW 33/14/1)


Co-operation with other organisations and missions

The RBMU worked closely with other bodies in various fields on several occasions and at times considered formal co-operation or merger. By the latter part of the 20th century there were frequent discussions about the role of the mission in relation to other agencies and on a practical level RBMU moved into new offices (Whitefield House) which it shared with the number of organisations. (See also files on Scotland above).

Inter-Mission Co-operation/Whitefield House, London

Correspondence, minutes, and reports relating to the co-operation or merger with other missions, includes: discussions with the Unevangelized Fields Mission (UFM), the Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship (BMMF, later BMMF Interserve, later Interserve), EUSA (Evangelical Union of South America, with the Andes Evangelical Mission), INF (International Nepal Fellowship), and the International Christian Fellowship (ICF); material on sharing of offices at Whitefield House with the Evangelical Alliance (EA), BMMF, EUSA/AEM, and the Church Society (from 1980 held in trust by COST Christians in Overseas Service Trust, includes a plan of the building); and discussions about possible further co-operation such as an umbrella name, shared personnel or seconded missionaries; from 1980 the bulk of the material is on the management of the building.

3 files Apr 1968-Dec 1981 (CSCNWW 33/14/2)

Jan 1982 – Dec 1986 (CSCNWW 33/15/1)


Inter-Mission Co-operation/Whitefield House, London (continued)

Jan 1987 – Dec 1989 (CSCNWW 33/15/2)

Switzerland: Swiss Missionary Fellowship

Material relating to contact with the SMF or Schweizerische Missions-Gemeinschaft (SMG, founded 1951), in particular correspondence with and about Swiss missionaries accepted by RBMU for work in Congo referring to all aspects of work in the field including relations with the Zaire Mission (later the United Evangelical Mission) and with CADELU; joint projects such as those supported by TEAR fund or with the Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF); and RBMU withdrawal from Congo and the involvement of Action Partners; also includes occasional references to other fields and to missionaries for Peru (from 1984). (See also files on West Germany for more correspondence and reports of a visit to Switzerland 1977).

1 file May 1955 – Dec 1976 (CSCNWW 33/15/3)


West Germany

Material relating to the Zaire Mission which in 1980 became part of the Vereinigte Evangelische Mission (VEM, United Evangelical Mission) mainly correspondence about relations with CADELU and joint projects in Congo such as scholarships for theological students and support for missionaries. (See also files on Switzerland).

1 file Jan 1973 – Dec 1976 (CSCNWW 33/16/1)


Material relating to the Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund, includes correspondence, circulars, reports and minutes concerning TEAR supported RBMU workers and grants for building and other development projects and for biblical and theological scholarships; some of the earlier material relates to Oliver’s work as a member of the TEAR Fund committee.

2 files Jan 1974 – Dec 1983 (CSCNWW 33/16/2)


TEAR Fund (continued)

Jan 1984 – Dec 1990 (CSCNWW 33/16/3)


Correspondence about possible work in Tibet with references to meetings of the EMA China group and to the formation of the Central Asian Fellowship (CAF, 1988).

1 file Nov 1986 – Mar 1990 (CSCNWW 33/17/1.1)


Correspondence about missionary work in Pakistan and possible RBMU involvement including contact with the Pakistan Christian Fellowship (later International Christian Fellowship), ARP (Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church Mission) and other missions already at work in Pakistan.

1 file Feb 1983 – Nov 1990 (CSCNWW 33/17/1.2)


Evangelical Missionary alliance

Material relating to the EMA, includes minutes and reports on EMA meetings and conferences; newsletters, bulletins and circulars produced by the Alliance; and some correspondence with RBMU about the role of EMA and its relation to other bodies such as the Evangelical Alliance (EA) and TEAR Fund.

2 ½ files Jan 1976 – Dec 1984 (CSCNWW 33/17/2-3)
Jan 1985 – Dec 1987


Evangelical Missionary alliance (continued)

Jan 1988 – Apr 1991 (CSCNWW 33/18/1.1)

Evangelical Missionary Alliance: Africa Group

Minutes, notes and papers relating to meetings of the Africa Group of the EMA consisting of representatives of missions with an interest in Africa.

½ file June 1975 – Sept 1990 (CSCNWW 33/18/1.2)

Evangelical Missionary Alliance: Asia Group

As above relating to the EMA Group concerned with Asia.

½ file June 1978 – Feb 1991 (CSCNWW 33/18/2.1)

Evangelical Missionary Alliance: Latin America Co-ordinating Committee

Material relating to the meetings of the Co-ordinating Committee for Latin America (EMALACC) with some correspondence between members.

½ file Nov 1974 – Oct 1990 (CSCNWW 33/18/2.2)


Congo Field Minutes and Correspondence

Material sent to and received from Congo, includes:

Minutes of the annual conferences of the field committee held until 1966, with some minutes of later committees, conference minutes, station committee minutes and reports. (See minute books above for early field reports and file on early Congo Documents and Statistics for report of 1920 conference, no conference held in 1940, minutes for 1951 and 1954-58 missing).

Correspondence with missionaries in the field, especially after 1959 relating to all aspects of the mission in Congo and, in particular after 1960, to the African church and other bodies including: L’Association des Eglises Evengéliques de la Lulonga (CADELU), the Congo Protestant Council (CPC) later the Church of Christ in Zaire (ECZ), the Université Libre du Congo, the Evangelical Theology School of Kinshasa, and other missions such as the SMF and the VEM, often including reports and circulars issued by these bodies. (See files on Switzerland and West Germany for more correspondence and file on CPC/ECZ below for church co-operation).

Reports on visits to Congo by personnel from the UK.
See October 1970 for interview with Alice Harris about early years of the mission.

6 files Oct 1944 - Oct 1960 (CSCNWW 33/32/3-4)
Apr 1961 - June 1962


Congo Field Minutes and Correspondence (continued)

July 1962 – Dec 1964 (CSCNWW 33/33/1-2)
Jan 1965 – Dec 1966


Congo Field Minutes and Correspondence (continued)

Jan 1967 – Dec 1969 (CSCNWW 33/34/1-2)
Jan 1970 – Dec 1975


Congo Protestant Council/Eglise du Christ au Zaire and Co-operation with Other Bodies
Circulars and other printed material issued by the CPC, later the ECZ then ECC, including some copies of minutes, newsletters and journals; and some material relating to other bodies promoting mission and church co—operation in Congo, with some correspondence. (See also file Congo Field Minutes and Correspondence above)

1 file 1949, June 1959 – Apr 1976 (CSCNWW 33/35/2)


The PIM and RBMU


Correspondence between RBMU in London and members of the Peru Inland Mission (Misión del Perú Interior) in the field:

until 1967 correspondence is with RBMU’s treasurer and mainly concerns finance and donations with some detailed budgets and accounts and with a limited amount of news from the field.
After 1967 correspondence is with RBMU’s Executive Secretary concerning missionary activities and movements, with papers and reports on work in Peru and other South American countries such as Colombia and Ecuador, circular letters from missionaries, some copies of field minutes, and material on schemes such as the Project Timothy (from 1974), later material includes some correspondence about prisoners in Peru.

2 files Dec 1955 – Nov 1967 (CSCNWW 33/39/4)
Jan 1968 – Dec 1975 (CSCNWW 33/41/1)


Reports to Field Conference

Annual reports prepared by missionaries for the field conferences in Peru detailing their work during the year, also includes some circular and prayer letters. (Further reports, if received, filed in RBMU Peru files above).

½ file 1967 – 1976 (CSCNWW 33/41/2.1)

River Rover Hovercraft

Material relating to the hovercraft used in a 1982 Joint Services expedition to Peru and then given to CEMMA (Evangelical Centre for Andean and Amazonian Missiology, affiliated to RBMU) to be used among the tribes of the Ucayali River systems.

½ file Sept 1981 – May 1985 (CSCNWW 33/41/2.2)


India Field Minutes

Minutes of the field conferences and other meetings of missionaries held in India (1957-72) and accompanying correspondence with London; also includes annual accounts (1966-69, 1971), annual station reports (1953, 1954 and 1957 including reviews of the work in Nepal), and some station and other reports submitted to conferences (in 1970 and 1972 only). (From 1973 minutes are filed in correspondence file below).

1 file 1953 – 1972 (CSCNWW 33/44/1)


India Correspondence

Correspondence and other material (mostly from 1965), includes: correspondence with the field about missionaries and policy; field conference reports and minutes; circular letters and prayer letters; correspondence with representatives of the church and the Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA); reports and minutes of the EGA and Duncan Hospital (see also files below); material on mission property (see also Early India Papers above for more material to 1974); correspondence about co-operation with other agencies such as the Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship (BMMF), Friends Missionary Prayer Band, TEAR fund, the United Mission to Nepal (UMN) and the Leprosy Mission; and material on the future of RBMU in India. (Some circular letters relating to India in the 1950s are filed in the Nepal correspondence file below).

2 files 1932 – c 1934, 1958, 1965 – 1970 (CSCNWW 33/44/4)

Jan 1971 – Dec 1975 (CSCNWW 33/45/1)


Duncan Hospital, Raxaul and Leprosy Hospital, Muzaffarpur

Material includes: Duncan Hospital annual reports; a Golden Jubilee commemorative brochure (1980); a report by a medical student on his placement at the hospital (1986); and reports produced by the Leprosy Hospital (1974, 1979).
(See also Indian Correspondence file above which includes more Raxaul reports and India pamphlets and display material below).

1 file 1974, 1979 – 1987 (CSCNWW 33/45/2)

Emmanuel Hospital Association, European Fellowship

Correspondence, reports, circulars and other material relating to the EHA and European involvement, including EGA annual reports, newsletters and minutes of meetings, and papers of the EHA European Fellowship (from 1983).
(See also India Correspondence files above for more EHA reports and minutes and India pamphlets below).

2 files 1981 – c 1986 (CSCNWW 33/45/3)


Emmanuel Hospital Association, European Fellowship (continued)

1984 - 1991 (CSCNWW 33/46/1)

Operation Mobilisation

Material, mainly newsletters, relating to the work of OM in Bihar, also includes correspondence about RBMU involvement in their GO 83 project. (See also files on India Correspondence above).

1 file c 1974, 1982 – 1990 (CSCNWW 33/46/2)


Nepal Minutes, Correspondence and Publications

Nepal Correspondence

Correspondence and other material relating to the mission’s work in Nepal, early material is mainly articles, news and prayer letters referring to the progress of the work (some include references to India as well as Nepal); later material is increasingly correspondence with RBMU missionaries and with United Missions to Nepal (MN) workers about missionary personnel, projects, finance and the relations of RBMU with UMN; also includes some minutes of field conferences (see also file below) and some UMN reports and papers (see also UMN below); there is very little material for 1963-1965.

3 files May 1953 – Aug 1966 (CSCNWW 33/48/6)
May 1967 – Dec 1971 (CSCNWW 33/48/7)


Nepal Correspondence (continued)

Dec 1971 – Dec 1975 (CSCNWW 33/49/1.1)

Field Committee Minutes

Minutes of the meetings of the Nepal Field Conferences of RBMU missionaries (first separate conference in Nepal held in 1962, previous matters discussed at Indian Field Conferences), includes some statements of accounts.
(Some field minutes also in correspondence files above).

1 file 1960 – 1974 (CSCNWW 33/49/1.2)


The United Mission to Nepal

Minutes, reports, annual plans and other papers relating to the meetings of the Board of Directors and executive committee of UMN (at first known as the United Christian Mission to Nepal). (See also correspondence file above for minutes of the first UMN organising committees and other UMN material).

26 items May 1954 – 1968 (CSCNWW 33/50/1 - 1st part)


The United Mission to Nepal

Minutes and other papers relating to the meetings of the Board of Directors and executive committee of UMN; also includes minutes of meetings of the member groups of the UMN in Europe and North America (1977, 1980) and UMN constitutions and bye-laws.

10 items 1969 – Nov 1987 (CSCNWW 33/50/1 - 2nd part)


Irian Jaya Correspondence and Minutes

See Administrative History for history of the mission’s involvement in Nepal. No missionaries were sent to Kalimantan (Borneo) by the mission in the UK, there are no correspondence files or minutes relating to the country. Some correspondence can be found in the general files above, particularly correspondence with the American council. RBMU UK did keep its supporters informed of the work in Kalimantan hence the presence of some photographs and publications. Irian Jaya has also been known as Netherlands New Guinea, Dutch New Guinea, Dutch New Guinea, West New Guinea, West Irian, and Irian Bayat.

Correspondence and Minutes

Correspondence and other material relating to the mission in Irian Jaya, includes minutes of field conferences and station and committee reports (1959, 1961-76, minutes filed separately after 1976); newsletters and pamphlets; correspondence with missionaries and copies of American correspondence, in particular regarding mission policy towards new areas, the indigenous church, field committee organisation and finance and allowances; and correspondence and minutes relating to other organisations in the field such as The Missions Fellowship, the Irian Jaya Bible and Vocational Institute and TEAR fund; there is very little material 1965-67 but a comparatively large amount of correspondence after 1976 as the mission sought to clarify its relationship with RMNU International and the missionaries in Irian Jaya. (See also American and Australian Council files above).

4 files c1951 - Dec 1962 (CSCNWW 33/51/1-2)
Dec 1962 - Dec 1967


Correspondence and Minutes (continued)

Jan 1968 - Dec 1972 (CSCNWW33/51/3) Feb 1973 – Dec 1975 (CSCNWW 33/52/1)



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