The Reconstructed Libraries of European Scholars, 1450-1700
Series One The Books and Manuscripts of John Dee, 1527-1608
Parts 4 to 6: John Dee's Annotated Books from the Library of the Royal College of Physicians, London
Detailed Listing - Part 4
Annotated Books
The number in brackets at the end of each shelf-mark is the Roberts & Watson Catalogue number. Please see John Dee’s Library Catalogue, edited by Julian Roberts and
Andrew G Watson, (The London Bibliographical Society, 1990).
For the printed books the shelf mark for the individual volume is given before the comma
e.g. D5/8 and the numbers and letter after the comma refer to the shelf location in the Dorchester Library e.g. 48f where 48 is the number of the bay in the Library and where
for instance each bay has five shelves: a = the top shelf, f = the bottom shelf.
The bold type for printed books is the direct transcription from John Dee’s Library Catalogue.
The italic type gives the modern equivalent of the title.
D5/8, 48f (238)
Cosmographie d’Andre Thevet. f°. en françois. 2 volumes. Paris.
Thevet, André, La Cosmographie Universelle, (Paris, 1575).
The title page reads: “La Cosmographie Universelle D’Andre Thevet. Cosmographe du Roy. Illustrée de diverses figures des choses plus remarquables revës par l’Auteur, & incogneuës de noz Anciens & Modernes. Tome Premier. (A Paris, chez Guillaume Chaudiere, rue
S. Jaques, à l’enseigne du Temps, & de l’Homme Sauvage. 1575. Avec Privilege du Roy.)”
Dee’s copy of volume 1 only is located in the RCP Library and is reproduced here.
It is unsigned but has Dee’s annotations, particularly towards the end.
Roberts & Watson suggest the note “metezeuma” on folio 281 is Saunder’s.
D5/9, 47a (205)
Cosmographie universelle de François de Belle-forest. f°. gallicé. 2(?) volumes. Paris.
Muenster, Sebastian, La Cosmographie Universelle, or Cosmographia,
edited by François de Belleforest (Paris, 1575).
The title page reads "Cosmographie Universelle, Tome 1. Part 2. La Cosmographie Universelle de Tout le Monde. Second volume du premier Tome contenant les autres pays des Gaules, non compris sous la Couronne de France, avec plusieurs autres Provinces. Recueilly tant par Sebastien Munster, que recherche par Francoys de Belle-Forest, Comingeois. (A Paris, chez Nicolas Chesneau, rue S. Jaques, au Chesne Verd. MDLXXV. Avec Privilege du Roy, & de la Cour.)"
D9/10, 47d (103)
Guido Bonati di astronomia. f°. Basileae. 1550.
Bonatti, Guido, De Astronomia Tractatus.
The title page reads "Guidonis Bonati. Foroliviensis Mathematici de Astronomia Tractatus X Universum quod ad iudiciariam rationem nativitatum, Aëris, Tempestatum attinet, comprehendentes. Adiectus est Cl. Ptolemaei liber Fructus, cum Commentarijs Georgij Trapezuntij. (Basileae, Anno MDL.)" This is definitely Dee's copy. An inscription beginning "Joannes Deeus Anglus" has been bleached from the title page. There is occasional underlining. Bound in 16th century calf.
D9/9, 47d (228 ?)
Euclidis geometrica. anglice per Joh(n) Dee. f°. Londini.
Euclid. Dr J. Dee's Elements Euclid.
First to fifteenth Booke of Euclides Elementes with the sixteenth Booke of the Elementes of Geometry, added by Flussas, with John Dee, His Mathematicall Praeface. (1574 ?)
D9/12, 47d (96)
Glareani Musica. f°. Basileae. 1547.
Glareani Dodecachordon. (Basileae 1547). This volume is signed "Joannes Dee 1556.
4 decemb. Londini." and contains a few underlinings and notes.
D10/1, 47d (167)
Archimedis opuscula nonulla latine per commandinu. f°. Ven. 1558.
Archimedes, Opuscula, (Venice, 1558).
Title page reads: "Archimedis Opera. Non Nulla. A Federico commandino urbinate nuper in Latinum conversa, et commentariis illustrate, (cum privilegio in Annos X. Venetiis, apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi F. MDLVIII.)" Signed "Joännes Dee 1559." There are a few notes and underlinings.
D13/17, 48b (316)
Hieronymi Hangest liber proportionu. f°. Paris.
Hangest, Jérôme de. Title page reads: "Liber proportionu magistri hieronimi de hangest. Venundatur parisiis a iohanne paruo sub signo leonis argentei in vico diui Jacobi.
Jehan Petit." This volume is signed "Joannes Dee 1557. 4 Maij. Londini."
D14/1, 48b (79)
Andreae Alexandri Ratisponesis Mathemalogia & c. f°. Lipsiae. 1504.
Alexander, Andreas, Mathemalogium.
Title page reads: "Mathemalogiu ... 1504. Andreas Alexander",
signed "Joannes Deeus 1551 Londini." Lots of annotations and marginalia.
D15/5, 48b (193)
Cypriani Leovitii Eclipses. f°. Augustae. 1556.
Leowitz, Cyprianus von, Eclipses.
Title page reads: "Eclipsium Omnium Ab Anno Domini 1554 usque in Annum Domini 1606 accurata descriptio & pictura, ad meridianum Augustanum ita supputata, ut quibusuis aliis facillime accommodari possit, una cum explicatione effectuum tam generalium quam particularium pro cuiusque genesi. Autore Cypriano Leovitio. 1556."
Dee's signature has been erased, but there are a few underlinings and notes in his hand.
D15/11, 48c (2115)
Gl' Ordini della militia Romana, tratti da polibio in figure di rame. f°. Ven. 1573.
Ordini della militia Romana, (Venice, 1573).
Title page reads: “Ordini della Militia Romana. Tratti da Polibio in figure di Rame (in Venetia
Ali' Elefanta. MDLXXIII).” The volume contains good illustrations.
D15/16, 48c (87)
Ptolomesi almagestu & reliqua opera praeter Geographiam. f°. Basileae. 1551.
Ptolemy, Almagest, (Basileae 1551).
The title page reads: "Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Alexandrini omnia quae extant opera, praeter Geographiam, quam non dissimili forma nuperrime aedidimus: etc... (Basileae 1551)."
D16/1, 48c (1790)
Sextj Empyricj adversus Mathematicos. f°. Paris. 1569.
Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos, (Paris 1569).
Title page reads: "Sexti Empirici viri longe Doctissimi Adversus Mathematicos... (Paris, 1569)."
Signed "Nich Saunder" at the foot of the title page, this copy probably belonged to John Dee.
D16/8, 48d (106)
Lucius Bellantius de astrologica veritate. f°. Basileae. 1554.
Lucius Bellantius, De astrologica veritate, (Basileae 1554). Title page reads: "Lucii Bellantii.
Senensis Mathematici ac Physici de Astrologica Veritate Liber Quaestionum. (Basileae 1554)."
(Please note final page is incorrectly numbered 270).
D18/1, 48e (311)
Caroli Bouilli de intellectu & alia varia eiusdem. f°. Paris. 1510.
Bouelles, Charles de, De Intellectu, (Paris 1510).
Title page reads: “De Intellectu. Carolus Bouillus. Paris 1510.”
(Please note folio 175 is incorrectly numbered as folio 157).
D18/5, 48e (43 & 149)
There are five different items bound together in this volume:
1. Horoscopion Apiani (the title page reads: “Horoscopion Apiani Generale Dignoscendis Horis Cuiuscumque etc…)
2. Petri Apiani introductio Geographica & c. f°. Ingolstadt. 1533.
(This is Roberts & Watson Catalogue number 43).
Apianus, Petrus, Introductio geographica, (Ingolstadt, 1533).
3. Petri Apiani primu mobile. f°. Norib. 1534.
Instrumentum primi mobilis a Petro Apiano (also including Gebri Filii Affla Hispalensis Astro etc…). (This is Roberts & Watson Catalogue number 149).
Apianus, Petrus, Instrumentum primi mobilis, (Noriberg, 1534).
4. Quadrant Apiani Astronomicus et iam recens inventus et nunc primum editus.
5. Textus de sphaera Ioannis de Sacrobosco. Introductoria Additione etc…
The spine of the volume carries the words: “Opera Astronomica 1521-33.” The volume contains some excellent illustrations.
D18/7, 48e (147)
Ptolemaei astrologica per proclum & porphyreium explicata graecolatine.
f°. Basil. 1559.
The volume has the general heading: Ptolemaei Astrologica. It contains three different items bound together:
1. In Claudii Ptolemaei quadripartitum enarrator ignoti nominis, quem tamen proclum fuisse quidam existimant.
Proclus, On Ptolemy’s T?tpáβiβλo?.
2. Porphyrii Philosophi introductio in Ptolemaei opus de effectibus astrorum.
Porphyry, Introductio in Ptolemaei opus de effectibus astrorum.
3. Hermetis Philosophi de Revolutionibus nativitatum libri duo incerto interprete.
Hermes Trismegistus, De revolutionibus nativitatum, (Basileae 1559).
The spine of the volume refers to the works of “Proclus, Porphyrius and Hermes.”
The volume is signed “Nich: Saunder: 1583” over another bleached out name. This is probably Dee’s copy.
D18/8, 48e (37)
Ptolemaei quadripartitu &c. f°. Ven. 1519.
Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), Quadripartitum, (Venice, 1519).
Title page reads: “Quadriparti Ptolo.”
The spine of the volume reads: “Ptolemeieus 1519. Ms Notes. John Dee.”
The volume is heavily annotated throughout the first 100 folios.
Dee’s signature has been erased.
A note on the flyleaf is dated by Dee “1551. Meloni 14 Septembris.”
The binding is of contemporary blind-tooled calf.
D18/16, 48e (359)
Polygraphie de Tritheme, en françois. 4°. Paris. 1561.
Tritheim, Johann, Polygraphia, (Paris, 1561).
Title page reads: “Polygraphie et Universelle escriture Cabalistique de M. I. Trithem Abbé (Paris 1561).”
D19/3, 49a (111)
Marij Nigri Geographia. f°. Basil. 1557.
Niger, Dominicus Marius, Geographia, (Basilieae, 1557).
The title page reads: “Dominici Marii Nigri Veneti Geographiae.”
This is definitely Dee’s copy and is heavily annotated in parts, especially “Commentarius VII Asiae.” The binding is of contemporary vellum, lettered up the fore-edge.
D19/7, 49a (2124)
Francesco Ferretti dell’ osservanza militare. 4°. Ven. 1568.
Feretti, Francesco, Della Osservanza Militare, (Venice, 1568).
The title page reads: “Della Osservanza Militare del Capitan Francesco Ferretti
(Venetia 1568).”
D21/9, 49b (2158)
Bernardin Rocque du maniement & conduite de l'art militaire, en françois par François de Belle-forest. 4°. Paris. 1571.
Rocca, Bernardino, Du Maniement et Conduite de l’Art Militaire, (Paris, 1571).
Title page reads: "Du Maniement et Conduite de L’Art et Faictz Militaires, Bernardin Rocque (Paris 1571)."
D23/16, 49d (346)
Cosmographie de Levant par André Thevet. 4°. Lugd. 1554.
Thevet, André, Cosmographie de Levant, (Lyon 1554).
The title page reads: "Cosmographie de Levant. André Thevet. Lyon 1554."
This is definitely John Dee's copy and it is signed "Joannes Dee 1557. 20 Januarij. Lon(dini)."
D25/5, 49e (340)
Alphonsi tabulae astronomicae. 4°. Paris. 1545.
Alphonso X, king of Castile and Leon, Tabulae astronomicae, (Paris 1545).
Title page reads: "Diui Alphonsi. Romanorum et Hispaniarum Regis, astronomicae tabulae in propriam integritatem restitutae etc… (Paris 1545)."
There are a few annotations in the text by Dee. Bound in 16th century calf.
(Please note that this volume is very fragile in the original, with a damaged spine).
D28/17, 45b (606)
Blanchini Tabulae. 4°. Ven. 1495.
Blanchinus, Johannes, Tabulae, (Venice, 1495).
Title page bears the details: "Tabule Blanchini. (1495)."
D28/18, 45b (556)
Jordani opusculus de ponderositate per Nicol: Tartaleam. 4°. Ven. 1565.
Jordanus Nemorarius, De ratione ponderis (?)
The title page of this volume reads: "De Ponderibus, nummis et mensuris Libri V.
Jacobo Capello (Frankfurt 1606)." There is a discrepancy between the catalogue which reads Venice 1565 and the volume actually filmed which is dated Frankfurt 1606.
D30/15, 45c (352, 355 & 1850)
This volume, signed “Joannes Dee 1553. Londini 17. Sep.”, contains three items bound together:
1. Antonii Mizaldi planetologia. 4°. Lugd. 1551.
Mizauld, Antoine, Planetologia, (Lyon, 1551).
(Dee’s 1583 Catalogue shows that he possessed 2 copies of this item;
see Roberts & Watson Catalogue numbers 352 and 1850).
The title page reads: “Antonii Mizaldi Monsluciani Planetologia, rebus Astronomicis, Medicis, et Philosophicis erudite referta etc... (1551).” The RCP Library copy contains underlinings and marginalia in Dee’s hand.
2. A much later item is bound in at this point. The title page reads: “Astrologicorum.
R. P. Campanellae Ordin. Praedic. Astrologicorum Libri VII etc. Frankfurt MDCXXX (1630).”
3. Jofracus Offusius de divina astroru facultate. f°. Paris 1570.
(Roberts & Watson Catalogue number 355).
Offusius, Joannes Franciscus, De Divina Astrorum Facultate, (Paris, 1570).
The title page reads: “Iofranci Offusi Germani Philomatis. De Divina Astrorum Facultate.”
D32a/2, 45e (342)
Fracastorii opera med. 4°. Ven. 1555.
Fracastoro, Girolamo, Opera Omnia, (Venice, 1555).
The spine reads: “Frascatorii opera. (Ven. 1555).”
The title page reads: “Hieronymi Fracastorii Veronensis. Opera Omnia.” This volume also includes: “Andreae Naugerii Patricii Veneti, Orationes duae carminaq. nonnulla etc...” The volume is stamped “I.D.” on the cover.
D32a/5, 45e (638)
Pittati supplementu Ephemeridu. 4°. Ven. 1542.
Pitatus, Petrus, Supplementum Ephemeridium, (Venice, 1542).
The title page reads: “Supplementum Ephemeridium Petri Pitati Veronensis Mathematici etc...” The words “Nich. Saunder 20 Augusti 1583” have been written over another name.
D32b/9, 45e (2130)
dell' arte militare libri tre. 4°. In Brescia. 1571.
Cataneo, Girolamo, Della Arte Militare, (Brescia, 1571).
The title page reads: “Dell' Arte Militare Libri Tre. Girolamo Cataneo (Brescia 1571).”
In his catalogue, Dee has written a note “there is such a boke printed 1567. But none [?] of these two”. The volume reproduced here is a copy of the 1571 edition.
Please note that the foliation in this volume is rather strange: ff1-18; 49-50; 47-48;
ff45-20 (bound backwards); ff51-81; then ff1-40; 3; 1-29.
D35/2, 45f (666)
Joh. Taisnier. de annulo sphaerico. 4°. Antw. 1560.
Taisnier, Johannes, De Annuli Sphaerici Fabrica, (Antwerp, 1560).
Title page carries the following details: "Ioannis Taisnier Athensis. Poëtae Laureati, vitriusq; Iuris doctoris, de annuli sphaerici fabrica & usu libri tres geometrici, omnibus Mathematices assectis non minus utiles iucundiatq; neccessarii. (Antwerp 1560)."
The spine (very fragile) reads: "De Annuli Sphaerici Fabrica - J. Taisnier. 1560."
D35/10, 45f (579)
Nicolai Copernici de triangulis, libellj. 4°. Witeb. 1542.
Copernicus, Nicolaus, De triangulis, (1542).
Nicolai Copernici. 1542. This volume is signed “Joannes Deëus 1553. 9. Februar. Londini.”
There is one Dee note in the text.
[Original is missing from Library and could not be found at the time of filming; not filmed].
D37/13, 45g (668)
De astrologia judiciaria, varii authores. 4°. Paris. 1549.
De Astrologia judiciaria, varii authores, (Paris 1549).
The volume contains three works on the subject of astrology: “Tria Opuscula Astrologica”:
1. This item carries the dedication “Clarissimo Ac Doctissimo Viro D. Philippo Melanthoni” (Philipp Melanchthon). The manuscript title is “Albohali Arabis Astrologi Antiquissimi ac clarissimi De judiciis Nativitatum Liber unus.”
2. Stellae Peregrinae. The title reads: “iam primum exortae et caelo constanter haerentis…”, compiled by Cornelius Gemma, Lovanii 1573.
3. Marstallerus, Gervasius, ed., Artis divinatricis, quam astrologiam seu iudiciariam vocant, encomia & patrocinia. (Paris 1549).
The title page reads: “Artis divinatricis quam Astrologiam seu iudiciariam vocant, encomia & patrocinia”. This item is annotated to note that the editor is "Gervasio Marstallero."
D39/10, 46a (522)
Valentin Nabod in Alcabiciu. 4°. col. 1560.
Nabod, Valentinus, Elementorum Astrologiae (?), (Coloniae [?] 1560).
The title page reads: “Enarratio Elementorum Astrologiae. Valentino Nabod. (1560).”
D39/16, 46b (539)
Lucas Gauricus de nativitatibus. 4°. Ven. 1552.
Gauricus, Lucas, Tractatus astrologicus (De praeteritis hominum accidentibus),
(Venice, 1552).
The title page reads: "Lucae Gaurici Geophonensis episcopi civitatensis,
Tractatus Astrologicus. (Ven. 1552)."
The spine of this volume is damaged and some of the spine is missing from the original. There are also some slight anomalies with the foliation of this volume.
Dee’s signature seems to have been washed out from the title page. There are notes signed “J.D.” on folios 2v and 3. Chapter 5 is “De Biothanatis, hoc est violenta strage peremptis” and Roberts and Watson argue that Dee’s study of this may explain his answer to
Queen Elizabeth’s question on Alençon as a possible suitor and Dee’s reference to portents of “violent death.”
D40/2, 46b (440)
Cardani astrologica, de supplemeto almanach &c. 4°. Norib. 1547.
Cardano, Girolamo, De supplemento almanach, (1547).
The spine reads "Libelli Quinque. Cardani. 1547."
Title page details are: “Cardani Astrologica. Hieronymi Cardani Medici Mediolanensis,
Libelli Quinque.”
This bound volume comprises five separate items as follows:
1. De Supplemeto Almanach
2. De Restitutione temporu & motuum coelestium
3. De Iudiciis geniturari
4. De Revolutionibus
5. De exemplis centum genitararum
There a few annotations by Dee at various points throughout this volume, but the manuscript annotations and notes on the rear page are virtually illegible and difficult to decipher. One of the notes in this volume records the date, February 1552, of Dee’s entering the service of William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. Dee’s name seems to have been erased from the title page of this volume.
D40/14, 46b (1137)
Joh. Taisnier. de astrologia judiciaria. 8°. col. 1559.
Taisnier, Johannes, De astrologiae judiciaria, (Coloniae, 1559).
The title page reads: “Astrologiae Iudiciariae Ysagogica. Autore Joanne Taisner. (1559).”
The original signature “Joannes Dee 1559” has been altered to read “Nich Saunder 1589.”
D40/13, 46b (2109)
Th. Diggesei Alae siue scalae Mathematicae &c. 4°. Londini. 1573.
This volume comprises two items bound together:
1. Digges, Thomas, Alae Seu Scalae Mathematicae, (London, 1573).
The title page reads: “Alae Seu Scalae Mathematicae. Thoma Diggeseo. 1573.”
2. Dee, John, Parallaticae commentationis praxeosque nucleus quidam, (London, 1573).
The title page reads: “Parallaticae Commentationis Praxeosque Nucleus Quidam,
Authore Joanne Dee, Londinensi. 1573. (Thomas Diggseus, Benevolo).”
D43/3, 46c (709)
Apomasaris apötelesmata latine. 8°. Wechel. 1577.
Apomasar, Apotelesmata sive de significatis et eventis insomniorum, (Frankfurt, 1577).
The title page carries the following wording: “Apomasris Apotelesmata siue De Significatis et Eventis Insomniorum, ex Indorum, Persarum, AEgyptionumque disciplina. (Frankfurt 1577).”
D44/8, 46d (1036)
Dasypodii dictionariu mathematicu. 8°. Arg. 1573.
Dasypodius, Conradus, Lexicon mathematicum, (1573).
Title page reads: “Dasypadii. Lexicon mathematicum.”
D45/16, 46e (1148)
Annuli Astronomici usus, variorum authorum. 8°. Paris. 1557.
This volume comprises two items bound together:
1. Hamellius, Paschasius, Commentarius in Archimedis, (Paris, 1557).
The title page reads: “Paschasii Hamellii Regii Mathematici Commentarius in Archimedis. 1557.”
2. Annuli Astronomici, with contributions from various authors, (Paris, 1557).
The title page reads: “Annuli Astronomici, instrumentiorum certissimi, tum commodissimi, visus, ex variis authoribus, Petro Béausardo, Gemma Frisio, Joanne Dryandro,
Boneto Hebraeo, Burchardo Mythobio, Orontio Finaeo, una cum meteoroscopio per Ioanne Regiomontanum etc…”
(The authors include Petrus Beausardus and Reinerus Gemma Frisius).
Roberts & Watson cite that this volume belonged to Henry Billingsley.
D46/12, 46e (1891)
Paschasij Hamellij commentarius in Archimedis librum de numero arenae.
8°. parisijs. 1557.
Hamellius, Paschasius, Commentarius in Archimedem, (Paris, 1557).
The title page reads: “Hamellius in Archimedem. Paschasii Hamellii Regii Mathematici Commentarius in Archimedis Syracusani praeclari Mathematici libru de numero arenae, multis locis per eundem Hamellium emendatum. 1557.”
D46/13, 46e (1091)
Gemma Frisius de principijs astronomiae. 8°. Antwerpiae. 1553.
Gemma Frisius, Reinerus, De principiis astronomiae et cosmographiae, (Antwerp, 1553).
The title page gives the following details: “Gemmae Phrysii Medici ac Mathematici, De Principiis Astronomiae & Cosmographiae etc... (Antwerp 1553).” There are two versions of this work by Frisius at the Royal College of Physicians. Both are reproduced here.
The 1578 Cologne version (Accn. 7414) comes first; then the 1553 Antwerp version
(Accn. 7415) comes after this. It is the vellum bound Antwerp volume with the following spine details: "Phrysii Gemma Astronomica" that includes a few Dee underlinings and notes.
D46/14, 46e (729)
Borrhai cosmographia. 8°. oporin.
Borrhaus, Martinus, Cosmographia.
The title page gives the following details: “Martini Borrhai in Cosmographiae Elementa Commentatio. (Basileae n.d.).”
D46/17, 46e (1059)
Hartmani Beyeri quaestiones in sphaera &c. 8°. fracoforti. 1571.
Beyer, Hartmann, Quaestiones in libellum de sphaera, (Frankfurt, 1571).
The title page of the volume reproduced here reads: “Quaestiones in Libellum de Sphaera Ioannis de Sacro Busto ... (Frankfurt 1571). Hartmannus Beyer.” This item seems to be Roberts & Watson Catalogue number 1059.
Please see also D147/6, 21c (1061) for another copy of this work:
Sacrobosco, Johannes de, De sphaera, (Antwerp, 1547), which seems to be Roberts & Watson Catalogue number 1061. Both volumes are probably John Dee’s.
Appended to the version reproduced here is a short note by Hartmann Beyer: “Tabula de speciebus continuae Quantitatis ex Euclide & alijs bonus authoribus collecta.”
D47/4, 46f (2083)
Antonii Molinii physiognomia, seu de diversa hominu natura. 8°. Lugd. 1549.
Du Moulin, Antoine, De diversa hominum natura, (Lyon, 1549).
The title page gives the following details: “De Diversa Hominum Natura; Prout a Veteribus Philosophis ex corporum speciebus reperta est, etc... Antonii Molinii (Lugd. 1549).”
[Molinius, Antonius = Du Moulin, Antoine].
D47/6, 46f (1898)
Henrici Rantzovij catalogus astrologoru. 8°. pl. 1580.
Rantzau, Heinrich, Catalogus astrologicam, (Antwerp, 1580).
The title page gives the following details: “Catalogus Imperatorum regum ac Principum qui Astrologicam artem amarunt. Henrico Rantzovio. (Antwerp 1580).”
D47/7, 46f (2119 and 2120)
Two items bound together:
1. Camillo Agrippa della Scienza d’arme. 4°. Ven. 1568.
Agrippa, Camillo, Della scienza d’arme, (Venice, 1568).
The title page gives the following details: “Trattato Di Scienza D'Arme et un Dialogo in Detta Materia Camillo Agrippa. (Venetia 1568).”
2. Achille Marozzo dell’ arte dell’ armi. 4°. Ven. 1568.
Marozzi, Achille, Della arte della armi, (Venice, 1568).
The title page gives the following details:“Arte dell' Armi di Achille Marozzo Bolognese. (Venetia 1568).”
D47/10, 46f (353)
Two items bound together:
1. Thomas Boderius de ratione dieru criticorum. 4°. Paris. 1555.
Boderius, Thomas, De ratione, (Paris, 1555).
The title page reads: “De ratione & usu Dierum Criticorum opus recens natum, in quo mens tum ipsius Ptolemaei, tu aliorum astrologorum hac in parte dilucidatur. Authore Thoma Boderi Rhotomagensis Dioecesis.”
2. Hermes Trismegistus de cubitu infirmorum. 4°. Paris. 1555.
Hermes Trismegistus, De decubitu infirmorum, (Paris, 1555).
The title given on folio 52 is: “Hermetis Trismegisti ratio iudicandi de morbis et infirmorum decubitu ex mathematica scientia ad Amonem Aegyptium.” (Paris 1555). This volume contains a few notes and underlinings in Dee’s hand. A name has been cut from the title page.
D48/6, 46f (691, 692 & 693 respectively)
Three items bound together:
1. Joh. Hispalesis Epitome totius astrologiae. 4°. Noribergae. 1548.
John of Seville, Epitome Totius Astrologiae, (Noriberg, 1548).
The title page provides the following details: “Epitome Totius Astrologiae, Conscripta a Ioanne Hispalensi Hispano Astrologo celeberrimo, etc... Hispalensis. (1548).” Johannes Hispalensis = John of Seville. This item is signed: “Joannes Deëus 1548./ Decembre. Antwerpiae. xijd ijs./.” It has a few Dee underlinings and notes.
2. Munsteri canones in Novu instrumentum Luminariu. 4°. Basileae. 1534.
Muenster, Sebastian, Canones super novum instrumentum luminarium, (Basileae, 1534). The title page provides the following details: “Canones Super Novum Instrumentum Luminarium... Sebastianus Munsterus. 1534.”
3. Albohaly Arabs de judicijs nativitatu. latine. 4°. Norib. 1546.
Albohaly, Arabis Astrologi antiquissimi, (Noriberg, 1546).
The title page reads: “Albohali Arabis Astrologi antiquissimi ... Albohalus. (1546).”
This item has a few Dee marginalia and underlinings. At the end are the meteorological and astronomical observations made by Dee at Louvain in August and November 1548.
D48/1, 46f (2108)
Two items bound together:
1. Joh. Dee Monas hieroglyphica. 4°. Antw. 1564.
Dee, John, Monas hieroglyphica, (London, 1564).
The title page reads: “Monas Hieroglyphica. Ioannis Dee, Londinensis. 1564.”
This item is annotated by Dee and inscribed: “Amico suo singulari Joanni <Lewisio?> Joannes Dee, dono dedit A° 1567.”
2. Dee, John, Propaedeumata Aphoristica, (London, 1568). The title page reads: “Propaedeumata Aphoristica. Ioannis Dee, Londinensis. MDLXVIII.” (1568).
D49/5, 46f (372)
Postelli de universitate. 4°. Paris. 1563. (Second edition).
Postel, Guillaume, De universitate, (Paris, 1563).
This volume includes two items by Guillaume Postel. The title page of the first item reads: “De Universitate liber, in quo Astronomiae doctrinaeúe coelestis Compedium Terrae aptatum ... Guilielmo Postello (Paris 1563).” Dee’s name has been erased from the front of this volume and “Nich. Saunder 1586” written over it. There are marginal notes and underlinings by John Dee. The title page of the second item reads: “Alterius sive secundae partis operae Guilliemi Postelli de Universitate expositio, cui nomen imposuit, Ptolemeolus.” (Paris 1563).
D49/6, 46f (386)
Postelli cosmographia. 4°. Oporin. 1561.
Postel, Guillaume, Cosmographia, (Basileae, 1561).
Title page reads: “Cosmographicae Disciplinae Compendium. Gulielmo Postello.
(Basileae 1561).” Dee’s name has been bleached out. Nicholas Saunder has written his name in its place and over Dee’s “Londini.” This volume is heavily annotated by John Dee.
D88/7, 8b (188)
And. Baccius de Thermis. f°. ven.
Bacci, Andrea, De thermis, (Venice, 1571).
The title page reads: “De Thermis. Andreae Baccii. Venice. MDLXXI.” (1571).
This volume is unsigned, but has a few annotations, mainly in book 5 chapter 12,“De aquis atramentosis naturalibus.” This volume is lettered down the fore-edge in
Dee’s hand, and bound in contemporary vellum with a blind-stamped shield.
D89/6, 8c (299)
Arnaldi de villa nova opera. f°. ven. 1527.
Arnaldus de Villa Nova, Opera, (Venice, 1527).
The title page reads: “Opera Arnaldi De Villa Nova Medici (Venice 1527).”
The signature “Joannes Dee 1557. Aprilis 20. Londini” has been partially erased.
Dee’s notes are on the flyleaf and in the text, particularly in the sections “Expositio visionum que sunt in somnis”, “Rosarius philosophorum”, “Novum lumen”, “Flos florum” and “Epistola super alchimia.”
D92/5, 9f (244)
This volume contains four items:
1. Volcheri Coiteri anatomicarum exercitationu. tomus primus. f°. Noriberg. 1573.
Coeiter, Volcherus, Anatomicae Exercitationes, (Noriberg, 1573).
The title page provides the following details: “Externarum et Internarum Principalium Humani Corporis Partium Tabulae, atque Anatomicae Exercitationes Observationesque Variae, Novis, Diversis, Ac Artificiosissimis Figuris Illustratae, Philosophis, Medicis, in primis autem Anatomica Studio addictis summè utiles. Volchero Coiter. Noriberg MDLXXIII.” (1573).
2. Lectiones Gabriellis Fallopii. De Partibus Similaribus Humani Corporis, ex diversis exemplaribus a Volchero Coiter summa cum diligentia collectae. (Noriberg 1575).
3. “de quadrupedum aliquot animalium sceletis.”
4. “de avium sceletis.”
D96/1, 10a (70)
Paracelsi cheirurgia Magna &c. latine. f°. Bas. 1573.
Paracelsus, Chirurgia magna, (Basileae, 1573). The title page provides the following details:“Paracelsus. Chirurgia magna. 2 tom. 1573. with Chirurgia minor ... 1573.”
[Sent for rebinding in September 1984; now missing; not found].
D96/6, 10b (154)
Cheirurgia Joh. And. à Cruce. f°. ven. 1573.
Croce, Giovanni Andrea dalla, Chirurgia, (Venice, 1573). The title page provides the following details: “Chirurgiae. Ioanis Andreae a Cruce. (Venice 1573).”
D99/3, 10e (313)
Bound in this volume are 6 items, no:3 of these is Roberts & Watson Catalogue number 313:
1a. Lupeii Annotationes in Omnia Opera Galeni. Alfonsus Lupeius. (1548).
1b. Naturae Querimonia (Caesar Augustae 1565). Alfonsus Lupeius.
2. Lupius. De Re Medica. (Pompelone 1586). Alfonsus Lupeius.
3. Lucas Gauricus de diebus decretorijs. f°. Romae. 1546.
Gauricus, Lucas, De diebus criticis, (Rome, 1546). The title page reads: “Gauricus. De Diebus Decretoriis. (Rome 1546).” Lucae Gavrici.
4a. Germani. Alle Figure Anathomiche (Naples 1625). Gio: Germano Fracese.
4b. Dell’ Eccellenza del Microcosmo col suo discorso anatomico. nd.
The reference in brackets at the end of each manuscript entry is the Roberts & Watson Catalogue number or page reference.
MSS 390 (M89 ?)
ASHENDEN, John, Summa de accidentibus mundi, 1347-1348, (Venice 1489).
Written on vellum in double columns. This manuscript item possibly belonged to John Dee.
MSS 398 (M121ii)
HIGDEN, Ranulf, Polychronicon. A chronicle of England beginning with Julius Caesar and ending with the year 1333. (14th century). Written on vellum. This manuscript item probably belonged to Nicholas Saunder and perhaps, before that to John Dee.
John Dee’s hand is on folio 84.
MSS 404 (p.70 n.7)
BOOK OF HOURS. (14th century) Illuminated manuscript written on vellum.
(Please see Roberts & Watson, especially p.70 n.7, and also pp50-52 of their Introduction, for
explanation of the connection between manuscripts and printed books in the possession of Nicholas Saunder and those belonging to John Dee). This item is signed by
Nicholas Saunder, Papal Legate during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
MSS 409 (p.70 n.7)
THE WILTON PSALTER. Written, probably at Salisbury, for use at Wilton Abbey, (c1250).
Illuminated manuscript. The principal contents include a Discourse in French on the
Pater Noster, the Wilton Kalendar, the Psalter, Canticles, the Wilton Litany, numerous Collects, Commendatio animarum, Office of the Dead, Psalms, Anthems and Prayers to be said at and before the burial of a corpse. The decoration is elaborate and features twelve roundels in the Kalendar of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Occupations of the Months,
two large historiated initials to Psalms 26 and 52, a small historiated initial to every Psalm,
a great variety of line-endings including some patterns of birds and dragons. The magnificent miniature to Psalm 52 represents David arguing with a fool. On the fly leaf is the following note: “This was my great grandmother’s fathers booke, and therefore for the antiquityes sake, I keepe it. Nich. Saunder.”
(Please see Roberts & Watson, especially p.70 n.7. It is possible that this item may have belonged to John Dee before it came into the possesion of Nicholas Saunder. E G Millar, in discussing two manuscripts, MSS 404 and 409, which had belonged to the Saunder family, noted the connection between Saunder’s printed books and Dee’s. See Bulletin de la Société française de manuscripts à peintures iv, no.2 ,1914-1920, pp.81-149).