Sources from the Public Record Office
Parts 3 and 4: Equal Opportunities and Pay
Contents of Reels - Part 3
ADM 1/11878 RN Officers (71): Removal of Marriage Bar for Lower deck candidates on promotion to permanent commissions, 1942.
ADM 1/14616 Question of rate of pay for women employed on men’s work at Admiralty Research Laboratory, 1942-1943.
AIR 2/9422 Airwomen should be paid RAF rates, 1940-1943.
BL 2/1006 Proposed legislation on equal pay, 1969.
BL 2/1053 Equal Pay; National Superannuation and Social Insurance Bill;
Industrial Relations Bill and National Health Service, 1970.
BL 5/123 Proposed legislation on equal pay, 1969.
BL 8/231 Legislation to give effect to the government’s pledge to give equal pay to women (involving reference of disputes to a tribunal) leading to Equal Pay Act 1970; comments by the Council, 1969-1971.
BN 72/107 Equal Pay Bill, 1970.
CAB 21/2108 Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1950
CAB 23/7 War Cabinet Minutes, 22 August 1918,
see item 8 on Women’s Wages in Relation to Men’s: Omnibus and Tramway Strike.
WC 463 [folios 79-82 only, including verso of folio 82].
CAB 23/7 War Cabinet Minutes, 3 September 1918,
see item 11 on Women’s Wages in Relation to Men’s.
WC 468 [folios 94-97 only].
CAB 23/15 War Cabinet Minutes, 24 October 1919,
see item 5 on the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Bill.
WC 634A [folios 277-278A only].
CAB 24/79 Women’s Emancipation Bill. Memorandum by Civil Service Commissioners opposing Women’s Emancipation Bill. 8 May 1919.
G.T. 7239 [part of file only; folios 121-131 only].
CAB 24/201 Offices of the Cabinet and Committee of Imperial Defence:
C.P. 15 (29): Equal Pay for Men and Women in the Teaching Profession.
Memorandum by Lord E. Percy (President of the Board of Education),
25 January 1929.
[Just this one Cabinet Paper; one item only; ie: folios 274-275 only].
CAB 26/1 War Cabinet: Committee of Home Affairs. Minutes, 16 May 1919. H.A.C. 28. Discussion of Women’s Emancipation Bill; the appointment of women in the
Civil Service and Reports of the Atkins and Gladstone Committees on Women in Industry, see especially item 6.
[see H.A.C. 28] [part of volume only].
CAB 27/226 Proceedings of Cabinet Emergency Business Committee, 19 November 1923,
with Report covering Temperance Questions, Friendly Societies Questions,
Civil Service Questions, Matters referred to Lord Scarborough’s Committee,
Equal Opportunities for men and women in the Civil Service, and the provisions of the Sex Disqualification Removal Act; also letters examined before Committee regarding Women’s Questions and Appendices containing texts of letters discussed, especially Bonar Law to E Rathbone, 9 November 1922 and Stanley Baldwin to
Six Point Group, 16 November 1923.
[part of volume only] [just the minutes for 19 November 1923 and the attached papers and appendices in this section].
CAB 117/151 Correspondence on the post-war position of women in industry and the professions, 1942.
CAB 118/75 Participation of women in post-war planning and reconstruction, 1943.
CAB 123/213 Proposals for Equal Compensation for Men and Women under the Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme, 1942-1943.
CAB 128/44 Cabinet Minutes, 4 September, 1969. CC(69)42, see minute 3 on Equal Pay.
[part of volume only; just CC(69)42].
CAB 128/44 Cabinet Minutes, 25 September, 1969. CC(69)45, see minute 6 on Equal Pay.
[part of volume only; just CC(69)45].
CAB 129/144 Cabinet paper by Barbara Castle on ‘Equal Pay’
Cabinet Memorandum, 28 August, 1969. C(69)113.
[part of volume only; just C(69)113].
CAB 129/144 Cabinet paper by Barbara Castle on ‘Equal Pay’
Cabinet Memorandum, 22 September, 1969. C(69)120.
[part of volume only; just C(69)120].
CAB 134/209 Ministerial Committee on Equal Pay:
Minutes of Meetings 1-2, 20 January – 19 May 1947.
Papers 1-4, 8 January – 7 May 1947.
CAB 134/3118 Management Committee Minutes, "Equal Pay", 28 July 1969.
PM(69) 11th meeting [part of volume only; just the Minutes of the 11th meeting].
CAB 134/3118 Management Committee paper, "Equal Pay", 25 July 1969.
PM(69)3 [part of volume only; see under Memoranda, item 3 only].
CAB 164/792 Interdepartmental group on equal pay for women,
29 July 1969 – 28 September 1970.
CO 323/1177/1 Deputation to secretary of state from the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship to discuss questions affecting women, 1932.
CO 850/212/4 Women civil servants; Women employed in the Colonial Service: marriage bar, 1946-1947.
ED 11/33 Report of the Departmental Committee for enquiring into the Scales of Salaries for Teachers in Elementary Schools: Evidence and Memoranda; including the National Federation of Women Teachers testimony to the 1918 Departmental Committee on Teachers Salaries.
ED 11/211 Unemployment. Pensionable service of supply teachers.
Sabbatical year. Equal pay. Nursery schools and classes.
Memorandum by National Union of Teachers on second part of Education Act, 1936. Travelling and subsistence allowances. Age of retirement. Liability for accidents. 1924-1926.
ED 11/212 Unemployment. Pensionable service of supply teachers. Sabbatical year. Equal pay. Nursery schools and classes. Memorandum by National Union of Teachers on second part of Education Act, 1936. Travelling and subsistence allowances. Age of retirement. Liability for accidents. 1926-1934.
ED 11/309 Unemployment. Pensionable service of supply teachers. Sabbatical year. Equal pay. Nursery schools and classes. Memorandum by National Union of Teachers on second part of Education Act, 1936. Travelling and subsistence allowances. Age of retirement. Liability for accidents. 1935-1943.
ED 23/282 Women's staff associations: representations about employment of women clerks and marriage bar, 1910-1934.
ED 23/671 Committee on Women’s Questions: operation of the marriage bar, 1937-1943.
ED 23/847 Women inspectors: retention after marriage, 1945-1946.
ED 24/830 Education Bill 1918: prohibition of differentiation of salary on grounds of sex.
ED 24/1783 Equal pay for equal work for men and women teachers: papers and reports, 1919-1935.
ED 24/1784 Equal pay: note of a deputation to the President of the Board of Education from the National Federation of Women Teachers, 1920.
ED 100/69 Equal Pay for Women Bill: Papers and Correspondence, 1951-1954.
ED 138/76 Release of teachers from H M Forces. Cost of equal pay for women teachers,
Mr Flemming’s file, 1944-1945.
ED 188/325 Briefing material to introduce a Sex Discrimination Bill; Proposals for legislation, 1974-1975.
FO 371/95870 UN Commission on the Status of Women: debate in the Fifth Session on equal pay; questions concerning HMG failure to support resolution on equal pay; draft convention on the political rights of women, 1951.
FO 371/95871 UN Commission on the Status of Women: debate in the Fifth Session on equal pay; questions concerning HMG failure to support resolution on equal pay; draft convention on the political rights of women, 1951.
FO 371/95872 UN Commission on the Status of Women: debate in the Fifth Session on equal pay; questions concerning HMG failure to support resolution on equal pay; draft convention on the political rights of women, 1951.
FO 371/95873 UN Commission on the Status of Women: debate in the Fifth Session on equal pay; questions concerning HMG failure to support resolution on equal pay; draft convention on the political rights of women, 1951.
FO 371/123799 UN Commission on the Status of Women, 1956, including papers on Equal Pay (Folder 1).
FO 371/123800 UN Commission on the Status of Women, 1956, including papers on Equal Pay (Folder 2).
HO 45/17957/477303 Equal pay for men and women, 1925-1939.
HO 186/1038 Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme: Equal compensation for men and women civil defence personnel, 1942-1943.
HO 186/1471 Civil Defence Volunteers: Different rates of pay for men and women,
LAB 2/244/10 Controlled Establishments: Section 6 of Munitions of War Act: Employment and remuneration of women on men’s work (213), 1917. [sub-file LR2264/17].
LAB 2/249/7 Committee of enquiry into women's wages in relation to men: advance in wages to women munition workers, 1917-1918.
LAB 2/252/4 War Cabinet: wages: memoranda by Conciliation and Arbitration Board for Government employees on remuneration of men and women engaged on similar duties (213), 1918. [sub-file LR19160/18].
LAB 2/252/5 Special Arbitration Tribunal: Memorandum on payment of semi-skilled time workers. Suggestion for provisions in Consolidated Order regarding equal pay for equal work, 1918. [sub-file LR19160/2/18].
LAB 2/1804/4 National Whitley Council: Reorganisation Report 17 December 1920.
Letters from Women’s Association regarding the position of women under the above memorandum by Permanent Secretary Sir J. Masterton Smith; deputation to Minister. [sub-file CEB737].
LAB 2/1804/6 Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919: Temporary Regulations under Order in
Parts I & II Council, 22 July 1920, prescribing made after admission of women to Civil Service debate in House of Commons (226), 1938.
[two files: reference S&E556/1938 Parts I & II].
LAB 8/378 Question of rates of pay and recruitment of women in the engineering branch of the munitions industry and their retention in these industries, 1941.
LAB 8/380 Meetings and memoranda of the Women’s Consultative Committee, 1941.
LAB 8/584 Minutes and memoranda of the Women’s Consultative Committee, 1942.
LAB 8/716 Minutes and memoranda of the Women’s Consultative Committee, 1943.
LAB 8/755 Minutes and memoranda of the Women’s Consultative Committee, 1943-1944.
LAB 10/816 International Labour Conference: 34th session, Geneva: Convention (100) and Recommendation (90) covering equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value; Papers for 1948-1954.
LAB 10/1077 Introduction of equal pay into the Civil Service, 1951-1953.
LAB 10/1143 Charles Pannell MP: motion on equal pay in the public services, 1952.
LAB 10/1203 Ministry of Labour: Wages Information Branch:
Equal pay for government industrial employees, 1953-1955.
LAB 10/2094 Equal Pay: Correspondence, 1955-1965.
LAB 10/2382 Working Party on Equal Pay: draft report, 1964-1965.
LAB 10/2514 Working Party on Equal Pay: preparation of final report, 1965.
LAB 10/2529 Working Party on Equal Pay: report and papers, 1965-1966.
LAB 10/1724 Common Market: proposals for legislation on equal pay, 1962-1963.
LAB 10/1735 Industrial Relations and Equal pay aspects of the European Economic Community, 1962-1967.
LAB 10/2582 Report of Working Party on Equal Pay: discussions with TUC and CBI; notes of meetings and papers, 1965-1966.
LAB 10/3131 Equal Pay: Joint Meetings with TUC and CBI, 1967-1968.
LAB 10/3482 Equal Pay: proposed legislation; notes and papers, 1969-1970.
LAB 13/238 International Labour Organisation: Montreal 1946:
Equal pay and work for women.
LAB 13/358 International Labour Organisation: Conference, 31st session 1950:
Report V (1): Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value.
LAB 13/407 International Labour Organisation: Conference, 34th session 1951:
Report XII (1) on equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. (Folder 1)
LAB 13/408 International Labour Organisation: Conference, 34th session 1951:
Report XII (1) on equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. (Folder 2)
LAB 13/867 Equal Pay Campaign Committee: correspondence from the committee and other organisations, 1951-1952.
LAB 13/886 Governing Body 117th Session: Convention No: 100 and Recommendation No: 90 covering equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value; Government action 1948-1959.
LAB 13/2616 EEC: equal pay, papers for 1966-1969.
LAB 14/254 Request from Women's Organisations for clause to give women equal pay and opportunities to be included in the Factories Bill, 1937.
LAB 16/464 International Labour Office: Remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value: Convention 100. Papers for 1950-1970.
LAB 43/369 Trades Union Congress: concern at slow progress towards equal pay for equal value, 1961-1962.
LAB 43/544 Equal pay: draft paper for Cabinet, 1969.
LAB 43/577 Sex Discrimination in Employment: Study Group on Discrimination against Women. Legislation for Equal Opportunity, 1969-1970.
LCO 2/388 Right of women to sit in the House of Lords; Women’s Emancipation Bill, 1918-1919.
LCO 2/439 Sex Disqualification (Removal) Bill, 1919.
LCO 2/604 Memorandum regarding the appointment of Women Judges, 1922-1925, including request for information from the Czechoslovak Chargé d’Affaires.
LAB 80/22 Ministry of Labour and National Service: Papers, reports, forms and procedures regarding legislation, 1944-1975, pertaining to employment and pay. The material ranges from the Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act of 1944, Papers on Industrial Rehabilitation, Redundancy and the Disabled, to the
Sex Discrimination Act, 1975. See especially the document on the Questions Procedure and Appendix on the scope of the Sex Discrimination Act, 1975.
MAF 39/99 Royal Commission on the Civil Service; Committee on Women’s Questions: marriage bar, 1934-1947.
LAB 110/43 Study of the effects of the Equal Pay Act 1970 and its impact on the employment of women: London School of Economics (Baroness N Sear), Papers for
January 1973 - December 1979.
MEPO 2/5582 Police Service: The four year marriage bar, 1931-1938.
MEPO 2/6167 Royal Commission on Equal Pay: effects on the police service; equal pay for women police, 1944-1945.
MEPO 2/10474 Equal pay for women police:
Home Office request for comments on the right to equal pay for men and women in the police service, 1965.
MH 78/53 Establishment. General Appointment of Staff – National Insurance Commission. See in particular M.L. Cale to R. Morant, 9 December 1911, and related correspondence and papers.
MH 137/525 Equal pay in NHS:
Dates of introduction and transitional scales, 1955-1956.
MUN 5/83/342/112 Memorandum of Special Arbitration Tribunal on recommendations relating to employment and pay of women in munitions work not previously recognised as women's work, 1916.
PIN 15/2800 Equal compensation for men and women in respect of war injuries: appointment of Select Committee, December 1942.
PREM 3/506/1 Women’s Service: discharge on marriage, 1940.
PREM 4/16/14 Equal pay, March – May 1944.
PREM 8/1053 Suggested creation of Life Peers and of admission of women to the
House of Lords, 1946-1949.
PREM 8/1396 Equal Pay, 1946-1951.
Parts I and II (2 folders)
PREM 11/1700 Equal pay for women in the engineering industry, 1956, and Wages Policy, 1956.
PREM 13/3554 Equal pay for equal work: discussions on equal pay for women,
27 May 1965 – 27 May 1970.
T 1/11381/1695/12 Female Assistant Medical Officers in the Post Office.
Levels of Salary to be paid. January 1912.
See especially E. Crabb, Post Office to Treasury, 22 January 1912 and
Treasury minute by A.W.H., 29 January 1912; also Treasury response to
Post Office officials seeking advice on how to resist demands for equal pay.
[sub-file Treasury 1695, 24 January 1912; one sub-file only].
T 1/11785/12358/15 Treasury resistance to granting physician Janet Campbell equal pay;
see especially A. Selby-Bigge to T.L. Heath, 7 May 1914 and
Treasury minute by C. L. S., 22 May 1914.
[sub-file Treasury 9632, 8 May 1914, one sub-file only].
T 1/12084/34595/17 Minute on Employment of women in the Civil Service:
Treasury Circular of 10 July 1916, and replies by all departments respecting the number employed before the War and at present, duties on which engaged, suggestions for future staffing. (The Treasury feared action to defend the position won by women during wartime – in particular the Reconstruction Committee’s Subcommittee on Women’s Employment, on which Miss Haldane ‘is already showing signs of determination to pursue the subject’ …). 1916.
T 1/12144/10749/18 Conciliation & Arbitration Board. Increase of pay of temporary postmen and postwomen (376/18). Examination of the issues under consolidation of rates of pay, inclusive of War Bonus, and equal pay for women, 1918.
T 1/11750/5409/15 Memoranda. Interpretation of the Fair Wages Clause in relation to granting Government contracts, with particular reference to women employed by
sub-contractors of the Stationery Office (and Annexe; 6680/14; 4510/14; 17022/13). This includes accounts of delegations of printers' unions to the Chancellor of the Exchequer; the problem as perceived by the unions was two-fold and two-edged - either keeping women's wages at sweated rates and losing ground as women took over jobs formerly defined as men's or supporting the 'invidious' position of equal pay for equal work. Papers for 1912-1915.
T 1/12265/50322/18 Minutes of the Committee on Recruitment for the Civil Service After the War.
- 29th Meeting: Minutes of 30 October 1918 (Evidence of G.E.P. Murray);
- 31st Meeting: Minutes of 13 November 1918 (Evidence of Warren Fisher,
Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue);
- 32nd Meeting: Minutes of 20 November 1918 and Memoranda on the employment
of women. Report of the National Health Service Insurance Commissioner
(Evidence of Mona Wilson);
- 35th Meeting: Minutes of 17 December 1918 (Discussion of G.E.P Murray’s
- 39th Meeting: Minutes of 4 February 1919 (Views of S. Leathes).
[Just the Minutes of these 5 meetings; part of box only; documents for each meeting are held together separately with Treasury tags].