Manuscript Sources from the Public Record Office
Parts 1 and 2: Empire and Suffrage
Contents of Reels - Part 1
AR 1/38 Wallace Collection: Re-opening of Galleries closed because of suffragists, 1913-1914
AR 1/528 Wallace Collection: Descriptions and Photographs of Militant Suffragists; Correspondence from Home Office; and from the Commissioner of Police, 1914
CAB 21/217 History of the British Empire Delegation and its work in Paris during the Peace Conference, 1921-1923
CAB 32/18 Nationality Committee. Imperial Conference, 1923
CAB 32/125 Records of the Committee on India, 1923
[folios 42-52 only]
CAB 134/430 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1947
IOC(S.W.) 47 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/431 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1948
IOC(S.W.) 48 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/432 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1949
IOC(S.W.) 49 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/433 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1950
IOC(S.W.) 50 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/434 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1951
IOC(S.W.) 51 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/978 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1952
IOC(S.W.) 52 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/979 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1953
IOC(S.W.) 53 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/980 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1954
IOC(S.W.) 54 [part of volume only]
CAB 134/981 Cabinet Steering Committee on International Organisations:
Working Party on the Status of Women, papers for 1955
IOC(S.W.) 55 [part of volume only]
CO 37/277/3 Bermuda: Enfranchisement of Women, 1931
CO 37/282/5 Bermuda: Women's Organisations in Bermuda: Suffrage,
Birth Control, Deputations; papers for 27 May 1935 -
19 February 1936
CO 37/293/20 Bermuda: Constitutional Reform: Changes in Bermuda since start of the War, including female suffrage; papers 16 February 1943 -
2 April 1944
CO 37/296/5 Bermuda: Constitutional change: The Women’s Suffrage Act, 1944; qualifications for the franchise reconsidered, 1944-1945
CO 54/892/12 Ceylon: franchise for men; Donoughmore Report;
papers for September 1928- January 1929
CO 54/894/13 Ceylon: Franchise for men and women; Constitutional reform:
Indian franchise; papers for March 1929- January 1930
CO 54/899/14 (I) Ceylon: Constitutional reform and Indian franchise, 1930
(Folder 1)
CO 54/899/14 (II) Ceylon: Constitutional reform and Indian franchise, 1930
(Folder 2)
CO 54/899/14 (III) Ceylon: Constitutional reform and Indian franchise, 1930
(Folder 3)
CO 54/978/7 Ceylon: Indian franchise, 1940-1941
CO 54/984/9 Ceylon: Indian franchise: revision of electoral registers, 1940, and electoral reform proposals; papers for 1941-1942
CO 54/988/2 Ceylon: Indians in Ceylon: question of franchise, rights, and status; proposed resumption of Indo-Ceylon negotiations; 1944-1946
CO 54/988/13 Ceylon: Education: new system; Education Policy, 1945-1946
CO 67/218/4 Cyprus: Advance report on venereal disease by the
British Social Hygiene Council, 1926-1927
CO 67/220/5 Cyprus: Venereal disease; Report by British Social Hygiene Council delegation and appointment of specialist, 1927
CO 83/180/9 Fiji: Proposed extension of franchise to include women, 1927-1928
CO 83/185/22 Fiji: Municipal franchise in relation to Indian community, 1928
CO 83/187/3 Fiji: Demand for common franchise by Indian population, 1929
CO 83/189/10 Fiji: Municipal franchise for Indians, 1929-1931
CO 83/202/5 Fiji: Indian political situation with particular regard to the issue of the common franchise, 1933-1934
CO 323/960/2 International agreement for treatment of venereal disease among seamen, December 1924
CO 323/964/5 Campaign against venereal disease in the colonies, 1926-1927
CO 323/970/5 Venereal disease: Memorandum from British Social Hygiene Council, May 1927, and other papers, 1927-1928
CO 323/978/7 Colonial Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene: recommendation to abolish brothels, 1927
CO 323/978/8 Nationality: Status of “locally” naturalised British subjects who afterwards become naturalised in a foreign country, 1927
CO 323/998/8 Venereal disease: campaign by British Social Hygiene Council; expenditure estimates, 1927-1929
CO 323/1018/1 C E Anderson, assistant district officer, Tanganyika: charges of misconduct and concubinage with native women;
notes of proceedings, 1928
CO 323/1067/1 Status of indigenous women and children: practice of
female circumcision, 1929-1930
CO 323/1067/2 Status of indigenous women and children: East Africa, 1930
CO 323/1067/3 Status of indigenous women and children: East Africa, 1930
CO 323/1067/4 Status of indigenous women and children: East Africa, 1930
CO 323/1067/5 Status of indigenous women and children: West Africa, 1930
CO 323/1067/6 Status of indigenous women and children: reports on population, health and welfare, 1930
CO 323/1071/8 Slavery of Women, 1930-1931
CO 323/1083/4 Nationality of Married Women, 1930
CO 323/1083/10 British Social Hygiene Council; venereal disease; participation in International Colonial Exhibition; papers and grants, 1930
CO 323/1083/13 Discipline under Colonial Regulations: Leung Tum-Sheung,
second class interpreter in office of Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Hong Kong: receiving illicit payments from brothel keepers and prostitutes, 1930
CO 323/1111/17 Colonial Office: appointment of adviser on women’s affairs,
CO 323/1121/12 Labour: employment of women and children in East Africa, 1931
CO 323/1177/1 Deputation to Secretary of State from the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship to discuss questions affecting women, 1932
CO 323/1177/6 Nationality of persons born outside the Dominions, 1932
CO 323/1177/7 Nationality of persons born outside the Dominions:
polygamous marriages, 1932-1933
CO 323/1177/15 Amendment of British Nationality and Status of Aliens Acts of
1914-1922, Papers for 1932
CO 323/1177/20 British protected persons: question of enactment of Nationality Law in the Malay States, 1932-1933
CO 323/1177/21 Health and progress of native populations, 1932
CO 323/1320/4 Status and rights of women throughout the empire, especially Africa, papers for 1935
CO 323/1323/15 Legal condition of women in British colonies: questionnaire from the Institute of Comparative Law, Paris, 1935
CO 323/1365/3 Missionaries: Roman Catholic - Training of Missionaries for Educational Work in the Colonies, 1936
CO 323/1365/10 Resolutions from unofficial bodies concerning women’s rights, 1936
CO 323/1426/4 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention,
General papers, 1937-1938
CO 323/1426/5 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention,
Papers regarding East Africa, 1937-1938
CO 323/1426/6 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention,
Papers regarding West Africa, 1937-1938
CO 323/1426/7 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention,
Papers regarding the Pacific and the Mediterranean, 1937-1938
CO 323/1426/8 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention,
Papers regarding the West Indies, 1937-1938
CO 323/1426/9 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention:
Eastern, 1937-1938
CO 323/1439/1 League of Nations enquiry into the status of women, 1937-1938
CO 323/1439/2 League of Nations enquiry into the status of women: women’s rights, 1937
CO 323/1525/4 Imperial Conference, 1937: Nationality: Status and rights of women;
Six Point Group papers; interdepartmental committee on intra-imperial relations, 1937
CO 323/1525/7 The Colonial Empire: Memorandum by the Secretary of State, 1937 (Folder 1)
CO 323/1525/8 The Colonial Empire: Memorandum by the Secretary of State, 1937
(Folder 2)
CO 323/1538/1 Employment of women during the Night: Revised 1934 Convention,
Papers regarding East Africa, 1938
CO 323/1632/11 Status of women: League of Nations enquiry, 1939
CO 323/1632/12 Women’s rights: resolutions from unofficial bodies, 1939
CO 323/1694/2 Extension of the franchise to women in the colonies, 1939
CO 533/384/9 Kenya: Johnstone Kenyatta; Kikuyu Central Association;
Native Lands Trust Bill; papers for 1929
CO 533/392/1 Kenya: Kikuyu Central Association: Political Activities, 1929
CO 533/392/10 Kenya: Operation on Kikuyu Girl (Circumcision), 1929
CO 533/392/11 Kenya: Operation on Kikuyu Girl. Parliamentary sub-file, 1929
CO 533/394/10 Kenya: Kikuyu Circumcision Ceremony, 1930. (Part I)
CO 533/394/11 Kenya: Kikuyu Circumcision Ceremony, 1930. (Part II)
This second file includes material on the Conference of Governors of East African Dependencies (Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda) 1930; the Paper circulated by the Governor of Kenya; extracts from the
East African Medical Journal, October 1929 and from the
Medical Journal for 1926; also as an Appendix: Memorandum by the Native Affairs Department, Kenya.
CO 533/395/6 Kenya: Native Lands Trust Bill: Johnstone Kenyatta, 1930
CO 533/398/11 Kenya: Kikuyu Unrest, 1930
CO 533/407/14 Kenya: Kikuyu Circumcision Ceremony, 1931
CO 533/418/2 Kenya: Kikuyu Circumcision Ceremony, 1932 (especially the Church of Scotland: Memorandum prepared by the Kikuyu Mission Council on Female Circumcision and related correspondence and papers)
CO 554/84/18 Report by Miss E S Fegan on the education of women in West Africa, 1930
CO 554/1578 Introduction of universal adult suffrage in Sierra Leone, 1958-1959
CO 733/169/10 Status of Women in Palestine, 1929
CO 733/239/5 (I) Palestine: Disturbances, 9 October to 22 December 1933:
Disturbances at Jaffa, 27 October 1933 (Folder 1)
CO 733/239/5 (II) Palestine: Disturbances, 9 October to 22 December 1933, including correspondence of Inspector-General of Police to Chief Secretary, October 1933 (Folder 2)
CO 733/239/5 (III) Palestine: Disturbances, 9 October to 22 December 1933
(Folder 3)
CO 733/346/8 Palestine: Disturbances in 1933, including Report of the Commissioner, 7 February 1934, Palestine Gazette Supplement; papers for 1933-1937
CO 733/482/1 Palestine: Arab reactions; status of women in the Arab world: includes copies of the Arab Bulletin between May 1947-March 1948, Arab World Review, September 1947, and Palestine: The Solution, 1947-1948. See especially: “Women of the Arab World” by G P Dickson in Arab World Review, Volume 1, September 1947.
[item 58]
CO 822/1133 Local Government in Kenya, 1954-1956
CO 822/1134 Development of Local Government in Tanganyika, 1954-1956
CO 822/1135 Development of Local Government in Zanzibar; includes 74 page booklet entitled “Report on Local Government Advancement in Zanzibar Township”, 1954
CO 822/1136 Witchcraft legislation in Uganda, 1956
CO 822/1137 Legislation for control of female circumcision in Kenya, 1956-1957
CO 822/1138 Social Welfare in Kenya, 1954-1956
CO 822/1139 Advancement of African women in Kenya, 1954-1955
CO 822/1140 The Social Development Department of Tanganyika, 1955-1956
CO 822/1141 Community Development in Kenya, 1954
CO 822/1142 Community Development in Uganda: Establishment of a
Training Centre, 1954-1955
CO 822/1152 African Education in Kenya, 1954-1956
CO 822/1153 Five-year (1957-1961) plan for African education in Tanganyika, 1956
CO 822/1472 Zanzibar: extension of the franchise to women, 1959
CO 847/5/6 Status of women in Africa, 1935
CO 847/6/8 Education of African communities, 1936
CO 847/6/11 Status of women in Africa, 1935
CO 847/9/5 Africa: Status of women in Africa, 1937
CO 847/9/9 Education in tropical Africa: memorandum by Sir F Lugard, 1937
CO 847/11/12 Africa: Status of women of native races, 1938
CO 847/14/11 Africa: Status of women of native races, 1939
CO 859/123/5 Status of women in the colonies: customs, marriage and employment;
Social Welfare Work in the Colonies, 1944
CO 859/123/6 Social Welfare Work in the Colonies: Far Eastern, 1944;
Paper on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 1944
CO 859/1593 Slavery, 1960
CO 859/1594 UN Convention on Slavery, papers for 1960-1962
CO 873/67 Wei-Hai-Wei: Venereal disease, incidence of, 1903
CO 873/218 Wei-Hai-Wei: Footbinding, 1906
CO 873/373 Wei-Hai-Wei: Footbinding, proposed proclamation, 1913
CO 873/505 Wei-Hai-Wei: Venereal disease, measures to control, 1917
CO 873/655 Wei-Hai-Wei: Footbinding, proclamation against, 1922
CO 936/43/1 UN Commission on the Status of Women, 1951
CO 956/537(2) Map of Empire, 1927
CO 1009/191 Fiji: Social Development Projects: Women’s interests, 1958-1959
CO 1009/759 Fiji: Social Development Projects: Women’s interests, 1957-1967
CO 1009/760 Fiji: Social Development Projects: Women’s interests, 1959-1960
CO 1009/761 Fiji: Social Development Projects: Women’s interests, 1960-1962
CO 1015/1244 Slavery in the Middle East, 1956
CO 1031/466 Proposal to amend law so as to allow women to serve on juries in Trinidad, 1952
CO 1031/2140 Bahamas: votes for women, 1957-1959
CO 1031/3082 Bahamas: extension of the franchise to women, 1960-1961
CO 1031/3541 Bahamas: female suffrage movement, 1960-1961
CO 1032/98 Constitutional development: terminology; use and meaning of terms "full self-government" and "independence” in all references to the Constitutional Development of Colonial Territories, 1955-1956
GEN 174/203/01
CO 1032/103 Suffrage arrangements in Colonial Territories, 1954-1955
CO 1032/104 Suffrage arrangements in Colonial Territories, 1955
CO 1032/105 Suffrage arrangements in Colonial Territories, 1955-1957
CO 1032/106 Citizenship in Colonial Territories, 1955, 1956
CO 1032/156 Voting qualifications in the Colonies, 1957-1959
CO 1032/265 Suffrage arrangements in Colonial Territories, 1960-1962
DO 35/114/3 South West Africa: franchise qualifications, 1930-1936
DO 35/234/12 British Empire Development Association, 1930-1931
DO 35/349/10 Status of native women in Colonies and Protectorates, 1930
DO 35/350/1 Status of native women in Colonies and Protectorates, 1930-1935
DO 35/385/4 Divorce laws of the British Empire: jurisdiction of New Zealand courts, 1930
DO 35/402/12 Native Women's Restriction Act, Basutoland, 1930
DO 35/1208/570/1 Instructions given to Service personnel going to South Africa, Association with Native Women, 1943-1946
DO 35/1208/570/3 R.A.F. Marriages with Cape Coloured, 1943-1946
DO 35/1383 Minutes of Meetings of the Committee of officials on nationality questions set up by the Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, papers for 1943-1946
DO 35/1384 Proposals for changes in the British Nationality Law: Joint memorandum by the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, papers for 1943-1946
DO 35/1385 Consultations with Dominions on proposals for reform of the British Nationality Law affecting the status of women, 1943-1946 (Folder 1)
DO 35/1386 Consultations with Dominions on proposals for reform of the British Nationality Law affecting the status of women, 1943-1946 (Folder 2)
DO 35/1387 Consultations with Dominions on proposals for reform of the British Nationality Law affecting the status of women, 1943-1946 (Folder 3)
DO 35/4974 Overseas Migration Board, 1954: Views of the 1820 Memorial Settler's Association, Southern Africa and Views of the Society for Overseas Settlement of British Women, 1954
DO 35/7685 Franchise in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia, 1956-1959
DO 117/24 Canadian political crisis, 1926; position of women; women in
New South Wales, Australia, 1926
DO 117/55 Indian question in South Africa, 1927
DO 117/75 Political situation in South Africa, 1927
DO 117/120 Imperial interests in South Africa, 1928
DO 119/92 Indians in South Africa; Natal: Indian traders in Natal and Swaziland; question of franchise, 1891-1897
DO 119/586 South Africa: Rhodesia. Reports of the Native Commissioners for 1900
DO 119/587 South Africa: Rhodesia. Reports from Barotseland; legislation to curb prostitution; ordinance regarding 'lung sickness' in cattle; and report on the 'lobolo' system in southern Rhodesia, 1900
DO 119/588 South Africa: Rhodesia. Reports of the Native Commissioners for 1901
DO 119/845 Basutoland Marriage Law; proclamation proposed to put law on proper footing, 1909
DO 119/998 South Africa: Joint Council memorandum on native franchise, 1928
DO 119/1004 Native labour: conditions of recruitment; information for International Colonial Institute at Brussels, 1928
DO 133/114 Review of Indian elections, 1951-1952
(four years after independence)
DO 133/115 Review of Indian elections, 1951-1952 (four years after independence)
DO 133/125 India: Union of Greater Rajasthan: Reports on tours,
22 November 1949 - 14 August 1952
DO 158/41 Franchise in Southern Rhodesia, 1960-1962
DO 190/6 Letters from E T Critchley to Amery; also copy of Treasury memorandum on the cost of assisted migration under the
Empire Settlement Act 1922; papers for 1929-1931
FO 93/1/473 Convention on the Political Rights of Women, signed in New York,
31 March 1953
FO 141/511/14083 Political views and activities of Egyptian Women, 1921-1928
FO 141/511/14086 Egypt: General Correspondence; Cairo, 1922;
Political views and activities of Egyptian Women;
Madame Saad Zaghlul Pasha; Appeal to Safia Zaghlul;
papers for 1921-1928