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SEX & SEXUALITY, 1640-1940
Literary, Medical and Sociological Perspectives

Part 1: Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London



REEL 1: Sexual Habits
M D T de Bienville M D
Nymphomania, or a Dissertation concerning the Furor Uterinus. trans. Edward Sloane Wilmot. J Bew, London, 1775, MSL TR 218.3

Jacques Ferrand M D
Erotomania, or a Treatise discoursing of the Essence, Causes…and Cure of Love, or Erotique Melancholy.1640, 2219

John Marten
Gonosologium Novum: Or, a New System of all the Secret Infirmities and Diseases, Natural, Accidental, and Venereal in Men and Women…with a further warning against Quacks.
N Crouch, London, 1709, EPB/MSL/MAR

Onania; or the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution, And all its frightful Consequences, in both Sexes, consider’d with Spirittual and Physical Advice to those, Who have Already Injur’d Themselves by This Abominable Practice. And seasonable Admonition to the Youth of the Nation (of both sexes) and Those Whose Tuition They are Under, Whether Parents, Guardians, Masters, or Mistresses.
Mrs Cooke, W Pedtingham, W Corbett, 1776, EPB/Suppl B./ONA

A supplement to the Onania, or The Heinous sin of self-pollution, and all its frightful consequences, in both sexes consider’d… Containing, some further remarks of the mischiefes, by this practice…refuting the malicious charges in a late scurrilouis libel, intitled Onania examin’d and detected…:to which is added, a curious piece…translated out of the Latin from L Sckmeider…:as, also, De Quincy’s translation of Dr Carr’s remarkable answer to a letter sent him by a divine, concerning two nuns at Rome, reported to have chang’d their sex: Likewise, Dr Drake’s and several other physicians opinions of hermaphrodites, and women brought to a resemblance of them, by the practice of self-pollution….
The fifth edition. J Isted, Book-seller, Mr Crouch, Bookseller, who us’d also to sell it, being dead! c. 1729, 39162/B

Onania examined, and detected: or the ignorance, error, impertinence and contradiction of a book called Onania discovered and expounded…By Philo-Castitatis. Second edition.
J Marshall and J Roberts. London, 1724, 39162/B

REEL 2: Sexual Habits
G Archibald Douglas
The Nature and Causes of Impotence in men, and Barrenness in Women, Explained.
Third edition. J Brett, London, 1758, 20800/B

M Tissot M D
Onanism; or, a Treatise upon the Disorders produced by Masturbation or, The Dangerous effects of secret and excessive venery.
J Pridden, London, 1766, EPB/B/TIS/18/B

M Tissot M D
A New Guide to Health and Long Life, or Advice to families: being a treatise upon the disorders produced by the dangerous effects of a secret and excessive venery among youths of both sexes.
T Willis, London, 1808, EPB/Hunterian Soc/TIS (A Hunterian Society deposit)

M Tissot M D
A Treatise on the Crime of Onan, illustrated with a Variety of cases together with the
method of Cure by M Tissot. Trans. from the third edition of the original. B Thomas, London, 1766, EPB/B/TIS/111/B

James Graham
Lecture on the Generation, Increase and Improvement of the Human Species. 1783, 25278/A

James Graham
The Guardian goddess of health: or the whole art of preventing and curing disease; and of enjoying peace and happiness of body and of mind to the longest possible period…with precepts for the preservation and exaltation of personal beauty…To which is added, an account of the composition, preparation, and properties of the three great medicines prepared and dispensed at the Temple of Health, Adelphi, and at the Temple of Hymen. Printed for the People, London, c.1782, 25283/P

James Graham
Il Convito Amoroso! Or a serio-comico-philosophical lecture on the causes, nature and effects of love and beauty…As delivered by Hebe Vestina….To which subjoined a description …of the celebrated celestial bed. Third edition. Printed for Hebe Vestina, London, 1782, 25282/B

James Graham
Sketch of the Plan &c. the Temple of Health! In the Centre of the Royal Terrace, Adelphi.
London, 1780?, EPB/SupplD/GRA

James Graham
A Sketch: or Short Description of (Dr) Grahams’ medical apparatus, &c Erected about the beginning for the year 1780 (in his house) on the Royal (Terrace) Adelphi.
Mr Almon, Mr Becket and Messr Richardson and Urquhart 1780, 25281/B/1and 2

REEL 3: Advice Books
Aristotle’s Masterpiece or The Secrets of Generation as played in all the parts thereof.
J Howe, London, 1690, 11217/A

Nicolas de Venette
The Mysteries of Conjugal Love Reveal’d. Third edition. 1712, EPB/VEN

Samuel Solomon
Guide to Health or, advice to both sexes with an essay on a certain disease, seminal weakness, and a destructive habit of private nature. Also an address to parents, tutors, and guardians of youth. To which one added, observations on the use and abuse of cold bathing.
Fifty second edition. 1800, 48928/B


REEL 4: Advice Books
Thomas Beddoes
Hygeia: or Essays Moral and Medical, on the causes affecting the Personal State of our middling and affluent classes. 3 vols Bristol, 1802-1803, 1672 e. 421-423

REEL 5: Advice Books
Aristotle’s Masterpiece or the Secrets of Generation Display’d. London, 1694, Vet A3f. 163

J H Meibomius
A Treatise of the Use of Flogging in Venereal Affairs. London,1718, Vet a 4 f. 2147

Michael Ryan
The Philosophy of marriage, in its social, moral and physical relations; with an account of the diseases of the genito-urinary organs. London, 1837, 37.261

H A Allbutt
The Wife’s Handbook: How a Woman should order herself during Pregnancy.... 1886, 162.e.211

Moral Guidance

Moral and Instructive tales for the improvement of young ladies. 1790, Vet. A5 f. 307

Madame Gatti de Gamond
The Phalanstery; or Attractive Industry and Moral Harmony. London, 1841, 41.260

REEL 6: Moral Guidance
William Lovett
Social and Political Morality. 1853, 270 b. 99

Lionel Beale
Our Morality and the Moral Question. 1887, 26521 e.9

Medical Works

William Rowley
A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Breasts of Women.... London, 1772, Vet.A5e.159 (4)

William Rowley
The New Method of curing the Venereal Disease..... London, 1772, Vet.A5e. 159(5)

William Acton
A complete practical treatise on venereal diseases. London, 1841, 41.1125

Samuel La’mert M D
Self Preservation: A Medical Treatise on the Secret Infirmities and Disorders of the Generative Organs .... London, 1852, 160.c.37

REEL 7: Medical Works
William Acton
The Functions and Disorders of the reproductive organs. London, 1857, 160 a.3

William Goodell
Lessons in Gynaecology Philadelphia. 1887 3rd ed, (Radcl)

Robert Bell
Woman in Health and sickness. Glasgow, 1889, 1619 e. 83

Robert Bell
Sterility. London. 1896, 16199 e. 4

REEL 8: Literary Treatments
Daniel Defoe
A Treatise Concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed. London, 1727, Vet A4.e.609

Daniel Defoe
Conjugal Lewdness; or Matrimonial Whoredom.London, 1727, 24731e.612

Dinah Mulock (Craik)
A Woman’s Thoughts about Women. 1858, 270 b. 119

REEL 9: Literary Treatments
J Ewing Ritchie
The Night Side of London. 1858, G A Lond.8° 288


The Society for the Suppression of Vice
The constable’s assistant, being a compendium of the duties and powers of constables.
London, 1807, Vet.A6 e. 561

William Hale
Considerations on the causes and the prevalence of female prostitution. 1812, 232 e. 184

Michael Ryan
Prostitution in London, with a comparative view of that of Paris and New York.
London, 1839, 39.278

William Bevan
Prostitution in the Borough of Liverpool. 1843, 43.1266 (9)

REEL 10: Prostitution
William Acton
Prostitution considered in its moral, social and sanitary aspects in London and in other large cities. 1857, 232 a. 71

James Miller
Prostitution considered in relation to its cause and cure. Edinbugh, 1859, G Pamph 2446 (26)

The Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children
Licensing Prostitution. Nottingham, 1869, 24728 e 15

John Chapman
Prostitution, governmental experiments in controlling it. London,1870, 200 h. 106 (4)

William Acton
The Contagious Diseases act: Shall the contagious diseases act be applied to the civil population? London, 1870, 150 f. 2 (4)

Frederick W Lowndes
Prostitution and venereal diseases in Liverpool. London, 1886 , 24728 e.19

Abraham Flexner
Prostitution in Europe. London, 1914, 24728 e. 48

REEL 11: Sociology of Sex
George Drysdale
The Elements of Social Science; or Physical, Sexual and Natural Religion. 1861
250 c.164

REEL 12: Sociology of Sex
Charles Darwin
The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. 1871 2 vols, 189f.40,41

Hon Edward Lyttelton
The Causes and Prevention of Immorality in Schools. 1887, 126521.d.2(6)

Charles Knowlton M D
Fruits of Philosophy: An Essay on the Population Question. 1888, Radcl.

REEL 13: Sociology of Sex
Patrick Geddes/ J Arthur Thomson
The Evolution of Sex. 1889, 189129 e.10

Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Psychopathia Sexualis: With especial reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct. A Medico-Forensic Study. London, 1892, Radcl.

REEL 14: Sociology of Sex
Edward Carpenter
Homogenic Love. 1894

Edward Carpenter
Love’s Coming of Age. 1896

Edward Carpenter
The Intermediate Sex. 1908, 1912

REEL 15: Sociology of Sex
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Psychopathia Sexualis: with especial reference to Antipathic Sexual Instinct.
A Medico-Forensic Study. London, 1899

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