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From the British Library, London

Part 1: Plays, Poems, Novels and Short Stories

Part 2: Critical Writings, Essays and Fabian Society Material

Part 3: Journalism, Lectures and Autobiographical Material

Contents of Reels - Part 1



Plays of George Bernard Shaw

Add Ms 50593 Passion Play 1878

Add Ms 50594 Widowers’ Houses 1884

Add Ms 50595 A The Cassone 1889-1890

Add Ms 50595 B The Cassone. Typescript 1889-1890


Add Ms 50596 A-G The Philanderer 1892-1893

Add Ms 50597 The Philanderer. Published copy with autograph rehearsal notes 1906


Add Ms 50598 A-C Mrs Warren’s Profession 1893

Add Ms 50599 Mrs Warren’s Profession.
Proofs for the Collected Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw(Vol 7 1930)

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50600 Plays; Pleasant and Unpleasant (Vol 1) 1900

Add Ms 50601 A-C Arms and the Man 1893

Add Ms 50602 Arms and the Man. Published copy with autograph Rehearsal notes 1905


Add Ms 50603 A-C Candida 1894

Add Ms 50604 A Man of Destiny 1895

Add Ms 50605 A-C You never can tell 1895


Add Ms 50606 A The Devil’s Disciple. Scenario: mainly shorthand 1896-1897

Add Ms 50606 B-D The Devil’s Disciple. Playscript 1896-1897

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript

Add Ms 50607 The Devil’s Disciple. Producer’s copy, Queen’s Theatre 1907

Add Ms 50608 The Gadfly or, the Son of the Cardinal. Typescript 1898

Add Ms 50609 A-D Caesar and Cleopatra 1898


Add Ms 50610 Caesar and Cleopatra 1899, 1912, 1930, 1926, 1944-1945

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50611 Caesar and Cleopatra

Published copy with autographed rehearsal notes 1904

Add Ms 50612 A-C Captain Brassbound’s Conversion 1899

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50613 The Admirable Bashville.

Prompt Book for Stage Society performances. Typescript with some autograph rehearsal notes 1903

Add Ms 50614 How he lied to her husband 1904

Add Ms 50615 John Bull’s Other Island. Instructions to the Producer 1904

Preface to the Home Rule Edition. Shorthand, typescript and printed with autograph revisions 1912


Add Ms 50616 A-E Major Barbara 1905

Add Ms 50617 Major Barbara. Filmscript 1940-1941


Add Ms 50618 Major Barbara. Screen version prepared for publication c1945

Add Ms 50619 A-D The Doctor’s Dilemma 1906

Add Ms 50620 The Doctor’s Dilemma. Draft film script Typescript nd

Due to their condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following two manuscripts.

Add Ms 50621 Getting Married 1908

Add Ms 50622 The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet 1909


Add Ms 50623 Press Cuttings Typescript with manuscript additions and corrections in another hand 1909?

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50624 Misalliance 1909

Add Ms 50625 The Glimpse of Reality. Shorthand and incomplete 1910

Add Ms 50626 The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 1914. Printed proof with autographcorrections and additions. Poem, The Dark Lady Printed proof with unidentifiedamendments 1934

Add Ms 50627 Androcles and the Lion. Film scenario. Typescript 1950

Add Ms 50628 Pygmalion Preface. Typescript draft with autograph amendments and shorthand 1916 Film scenario 1934

Add Ms 50629 Pygmalion. Performing copy. Printed with autograph rehearsal notes 1913

Add Ms 50630 Annajanska: the Wild Grand Duchess. Typescript with autograph corrections 1917

Add Ms 50631 Back to Methuselah 1919-1945

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50632 Back to Methuselah. Printed edition with autograph amendments for the 1928 revival 1927-1928


Add Ms 50633 St Joan 1923-1948, nd

Add Ms 50634 St Joan. Typescript with manuscript alterations in unidentified hands 1934?


Add Ms 50635 Too True to be Good. Shorthand and typescript with autograph corrections 1931

Add Ms 50636 Too True to be Good. Printed rough proof with autograph corrections 1931

Add Ms 50637 The Simpleton (of the Unexpected Isles). Printed proofs with autograph corrections 1934

Add Ms 50638 The Millionairess 1934-1942

Add Ms 50639 The Millionairess. Printed rehearsal copy of 1940 with autograph revisions for BBC production 1942

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50640 Geneva. Printed rehearsal copy of 1938 revised in Mrs Shaw’s hand 1938


Add Ms 50641 Buoyant Billions 1936-1949

Add Ms 50642 Farfetched Fables 1948

Add Ms 50643A Arms and the Man. Make-up volume 1923-1945

Add Ms 50643B The Devil’s Disciple. Make-up volume 1939

Add Ms 50643C Man and Superman. Make-up volume 1902

Add Ms 50643D Passion, Poison and Petrifaction, or the Fatal Gasolene. Make-up volume 1905

Add Ms 50643E The Doctor’s Dilemma. Make-up volume 1910

Add Ms 50643F The Inauguration Speech: An Interlude. Make-up volume 1907

Add Ms 50643G Getting Married. Make-up volume 1910

Add Ms 50643H The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet. Make-up volume 1909

Add Ms 50643I Winifred. Make-up volume 1909

Add Ms 50643J Scenario for G K Chesterton 1909

Add Ms 50643K Misalliance. Make-up volume 1910?

Add Ms 50643L Sketches by J M Barrie. Make-up volume 1914

Add Ms 50643M Glastonbury Gag. Make-up volume 1916

Add Ms 50643N Jitta’s Atonement. Make-up volume 1923?

Add Ms 50643O On the Rocks. Make-up volume 1933?

Add Ms 50643P Geneva. Make-up volume 1938, 1939

Add Ms 50643Q Miscellany. Make-up volume nd


Add Ms 50644 Rehearsal Notes Various plays 1911-1937

Due to their condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following four manuscripts.

Add Ms 50645-48 Rehearsal Notes Various plays 1911-1937

Add Ms 50649 Notebook containing lists of theatrical companies permitted to perform Shaw’s plays 1915-1925


Poems, Novels and Short Stories

Add Ms 50650 Poems, epigrams and Notes on novels 1883-1946, nd

Add Ms 50651 Immaturity. Preface 1930

Add Ms 50652 Immaturity. Books I-II 1930


Add Ms 50653 Immaturity. Books III-IV 1930

Add Ms 50654 The Irrational Knot 1905

Add Ms 50655A, B Cashel Byron’s Profession 1882-1883

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50656 An Unsocial Socialist 1883


Add Ms 50657 Unfinished novel nd

Add Ms 50658 Short stories 1885-1937

Add Ms 45923 St Joan 1923

Add Ms 48201 Why She Would Not: A Little Comedy 1950

Add Ms 59901 Heartbreak House 1917



Add Ms 63179 More Common Sense about the War 1915

Add Ms 63180 More Common Sense about the War 1915

Add Ms 63181 Diary of Bernard Shaw 1917


Add Ms 63182 Notes for St Joan nd. Notebook 1950. The Limitation Conference II: After you, sir 1921? Printed proofs and articles 1888-1948

Add Ms 63183 Miscellaneous notes, printed ephemera etc 1895-1947

Add Ms 63184 Corrected worksheets in Shaw’s hand 1924, 1928

Add Ms 63185 French translation of Mrs Warren’s Profession nd


Add Ms 63186 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1905-1949

Add Ms 63187 Accounts, letters etc relating to the tenancy of a flat 1934-1943, nd

Add Ms 63728 Miscellaneous letters



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