Series 1, Special Operations in Western Europe
Part 1: France: The Jedburgh Teams and Operation Overlord, 1944-1945,
Part 2: France: Political and Planning Files, Circuits and Missions, 1940-1947
Part 3: Germany, 1936-1945
Part 4: Holland, 1940-1949
Part 5: Italy, 1941-1948
Brief Listing - Part 1
REEL 1 HS 6/471-512
REEL 2 HS 6/513-551
REEL 3 HS 6/552-565
REEL 4 HS 6/566-573
REEL 5 HS 6/574-582
REEL 6 HS 6/583-592
REEL 7 HS 6/593-596
REEL 8 HS 6/597-606
REEL 9 HS 6/607-612
REEL 10 HS 6/613-616