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Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women, 1450-1837

Part 1: Early Womens Journals, c.1700-1832, from the Bodleian Library, Oxford


Detailed Listing


Catalogue of a Collection of Early Newspapers & Essayists formed by the late John Thomas Hope Esq. 1865.

The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio

By Henry Denham, 1577. 

Shelfmark:  Hope 8° 256

An English translation of Castiglione’s ‘Courtier’.

Four books set in black letter:

1 – “entreateth the perfect qualities of a Courtyer”

2 – “of the use of them, and of mery Jestes and Pranckes”

3 – “of the condicions and qualities of wayting Gentlewoman”

4 – “of the ende of a Courtyer, and honest love”.

Cover, bookplate, handwritten title, 7 pp

The Epistle of the Author, 9 pp

Contents, 1p

The First Booke (some annotations, but trimmed), 67pp

The Seconde Booke, 98 pp

The Third Booke, 67 pp

“what ye Gentlewomen of the Palace ought to be”

“I saye that for hir that liveth in Court, me thinke there belongeth unto hir above all other things, a certaine sweetenesse in language that maye delite, whereby she may gently entertaine all kinde of menne wyth talk worth the hearing and honest, and applied to the time and place, and to the degree of the person she communeth withal.  Accompanying with sober and quiet maners, and with the honesty that must alwayes be a stay to hir dedes, a ready liveliness of wit, whereby she may declare hir selfe far wide from all dulnesse:  but with suche a kind of goodnesse,  that she may bee esteemed no lesse chaste, wyse and courteise, than pleasaunt, feat conceited and sober: and therefore must shee keepe a certaine meane verye harde, and (in a maner) dirived of contrarie matters, and come just to certaine limits, but not passe them.”

“Women not inferiour to men”

The Fourth Booke, 68 pp

The Ladies Cabinet Enlarged and Opened: Containing Many Rare Secrets and Rich Ornaments of several kindes and different uses.

By the late Right Honourable and Learned Chymist, the Lord Ruthven. 2nd edition. 1655. 

Shelfmark:  8° All Med 4.BS

London, printed by TM for G Bedell, and T Collins, at the middle Temple-Gate, Fleet Street.

An instructional book arranged into three sections concerning:

1 – Preserving, Conserving, Candying etc

2 – Physicks and Chirurgery

3 – Cookery and Housewifery

Each section comprises a collection of brief recipes and instructions (“each Jewel in his peculiar box”).  There is a full list of contents at the end of each section.

(viii) + 252 + (xv) pp

Section 1 includes instructions:

“To preserve black Cherryes”, “To preserve green Walnuts”, “To dry Apricocks”, “To make Paste of Almonds”, to make “Syrup of Popies” etc.

Section 2 discusses:

“Aqua Mirablis”, “Water of Snails”, “The use of the oyl of Camomil”, “An oyntment for a Rupture”, “For the worms”, “A Gargle for an unsavory breath”, “For the Canker in a womans brest”, “How to order a woman with child, before, in and after her labour”, “To bring a woman to a speedy birth” and other issues.

Section 3 discribes:

“A Lemmon Sallet”, “Barberry cakes”, “Hoe to make an Italian pudding”, “How to make a fine Crystal Jelly” and other recipes.

The Ladies Behaviour.  A Dialogue. Written, Originally in Italian, above an hundred and fifty years agoe,


Shelfmark:  8° T107(2)Art

London, Printed and sold by Randall Taylor, near Stationers-Hall.

(vi) + 154 pp

“To the Fair Sex.

I Humbly present you, Ladies, with a small Piece, which (if not spoyl’d in the Translation) will, I hope, not only give you some diversion, but be usefull to you all; whether you profess the most rigid value, or give greater indulgence to your Appetites.”

In the form of a dialogue from an old lady to a young lady.  It touches upon dress, pleasures, suitable employment in the home, hygiene, husbands, and correct and sensible behaviour.

The Ladies Mercury

Vol 1, No’s 1-4, 1693.

Shelfmark: Nichols Newspapers 8A: (195, 201, 206, 213)

London, Printed for T Pratt.

No 1 – 28 February 1693, 2 pp

No 2 – 6 March 1693, 2 pp

No 3 – 10 March 1693 – 2 pp

No 4 – 17 March 1693 – 2 pp

Possibly the first journal entirely devoted to the interests of women, The Ladies Mercury was a weekly news sheet making two pages an issue.  It has much of the outward appearance of other contemporary news sheets such as The Athenian Mercury (1691-1697), printed in London for John Dunton; The Jovial Mercury (1693), printed in London for John Randall; and The Lacedemonian Mercury (a continuation of The London Mercury) (1692), printed and sold in London by Randal Taylor:  All feature a mixture of didactic instruction, comment, poetry and advertisements aimed to please, instruct or enlighten their readers.

The first issue opens with an address to “The Athenians”.


Your Worth and Learning to which we must pay a just Esteem, is the occasion of this Address, in which we desire you to excuse this Undertaking, as not at all intended to enchroach upon your Athenian Province.  We acquiess to yield up to You that fair and larger Field: the Examination of Learning, Nature, Arts, Sciences, and indeed the whole World; being contented to bound our narrow Speculation, to only that little sublunary, Women.  Whilst Religion and Heaven, and other Sublimer Points, are your Gamaliel Studies; We are for sitting down with Martha’s humbler part, a little homely Cookery, the dishing up of a small Treat of Love, &c.  Nay, we are ready to give you that Satisfaction, that we will not only confess ourselves unwilling, but if You please, unable to take up any of your Cudgels, as too unwieldy for our weaker Arms….”

The address continues in this vein and is followed by an address “To the Ladies”.

“As the following design is purely Dedicated to Your Service, to court Your Encouragement, and endear  Your good Graces towards us; we think it our Duty to your fair Sex, to avow, that we shall not only, with all the zeal and Expedition imaginable, be ready to Answer all Questions You shall vouchsafe to send us; but we shall likewise make it our Study to avoid even the least offensive Syllable, that may give any rude shock to the chastest Ear.  We declare ourselves such Religious Homagers of Virtue and Innocence that we would not force a Blush into a Virgin-Cheek, having that true value for Beauty, as to adorn it with no other Vermilion but its own.”

There then follow a series of questions, beginning with one from a lady asking whether she should reveal to her husband, to whom she is devoted, that she had been seduced by “a lewd and infamous Rifler”, prior to her marriage.  The nature of the question and the answer given are extremely revealing.  Three questions provide the content of the first issue, with a further three in the second, five in the third and five in the fourth and final issue.

The final question, to give a further idea of the content of the journal, is from a Lady who wonders whether she is entitled to persuade her husband not to engage in any activity with her which may put her in child, as learned physicians have counselled that this might place her life at risk.

A Legacy for the Ladies. Or, Characters of the Women of the Age

By the late ingenious Mr Thomas Brown, 1705. 

Shelfmark:  Hope 8° 1094

“With a Comical View of London and Westminster: Or, The Merry Quack; wherein Physick is Rectified for both the Beaus and Ladies.  In Two Parts.  The First Part by Mr Thomas Brown: The Second Part by Mr Edward Ward, Author of the London Spy &c.

Printed in London by  H Meere, for S Briscoe and sold by J Nutt, near Stationers-Hall.

Dedicated to Madam Dorathea Hubert.

(32) + 192 + (4) pp

“Some Characters may however seem to reflect upon the Sex, and would be Libels, if spoken of the Ladies of this Nation; but they were written in France, where Gallantry, as it is call’d by them, is esteem’d the chief Accomplishment, and Coquetry, clearly carried the Perfection of Female Prudence.”

The Character of:

A Wanton Woman

A Modest Woman

A pretended Godly Woman

A Religious Woman

A Witty Woman

A Prudent Woman

A House-Wife, or a Penurious Woman

A Good House-Wife

A Gaming Woman

A Diligent Woman

A Litigious Woman

Self-Love; or, the Predominant Passion of Women

A Comical View of the Transactions That Will Happen in the Cities of London and Westminster:

First Part, by Thomas Brown

Second Part, by Edward Ward

The Character of:

- A True-Born Dutch, Skipper, a Poem

- A Welsh-man, a Poem

A Satyr upon a Fart

The Character of a Barren Adultress, a Poem


The Female Tatler

By Mrs Crackenthorpe, a Lady that knows everything.

No’s 1-115.  ff 1-142. 1709-10

Shelfmark: Hope fol. 91, item 1

(Modern Philosophy, February 1931 (XXVIII, 354-60) reveals that Mrs Phoebe Crackenthorpe is probably – at least in part – by Mrs Delarivier Manley).

Published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays:

No’s 1 – 18; 8 July – 17 August 1709

By Mrs Manley, published by B Bragge.

No’s 19 – 44; 19 August – 17 October 1709 (two issues of each)

One by Thomas Baker (a rival), published by B Bragge.

One by Mrs Manley, published by A Baldwin.

No’s 45 – 51; 19 October – 2 November 1709

By Mrs Manley, published by A Baldwin

No’s 52 – 111 (really 115 due to faulty numeration); 4 November 1709 – 31 March 1710

By “A Society of Ladies”, published by A Baldwin.

“I hope Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; will not think I invade his Property, by undertaking a Paper of this kind, since Tatling was ever adjudg’d peculiar to our sex”;

“The Variety of  our Conversation affords general satisfaction; Books are canvass’d, Removals at Court suggested, Law Cases disputed, the Price of Stocks told, the Beaus and Ladies inform us of new Fashions, and the first long Pocket that was seen in Town received its Reputation from being approv’d of at Mrs Crackenthorpe’s Drawing Room.”

bound with:

The Tory Tatler

No’s 1 – 16.   ff 143 – 158.  1709.

Shelfmark: Hope fol 91, item 2

Bound with:

The Tatler

By Isaac Bickerstaffe

No’s 1 – 330.  ff 159 – 497.  1709 – 1711.

Shelfmark: Hope fol. 91, item 3

Reviewed in The Isis (Reel 15) V 1 No 12, 28 April 1832 p 192:

“This publication was the first attempt made in England, or in any country, to instruct and amuse learned readers by short papers, appearing at stated intervals, and sold at a cheap rate.  The Tatler was the first Penny Magazine; and some of the ablest writers which England has produced did not think it beneath them to contribute to this good work of enlightening a large body of their countrymen, to whom this little paper was devoted.”

It included contributions by Addison, Steele and Swift.

The Ladies Journal

No’s 1 – 22.  1727

Shelfmark:  Hope 8º 550

Dublin.  Printed by W Wilmot, on the Blind-Key, near Fishamble Street.

(4) + 177 + (10) pp

A Collection of Songs but “also a variety of the most Entertaining Subjects, Beautiful Allegories, and agreeable verses on Several Ocassions”.  The volume includes 10 pages of manuscript entries – songs and poems by Waller, and one anonymous poem.

“This Paper will be continued weekly, till a sufficient Number be publish’d, in order to make a neat Pocket volume.”

as well as for the Instruction and Amusement of the Ladies”

This publication is very good for the letters it contains on women, by women.

The Mirrour

No’s II-V, VII-X, XII, 1719

Shelfmark:  Hope fol 72(2)

Printed for W Chetwood at Cato’s-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal; and sold by Tho Warner at the Black Boy in Pater-noster-Row.

No II – Thursday, 12 February, 1719,  2pp

No III – Thursday, 19 February, 1719, 2 pp

No IV– Thursday, 26 February, 1719, 2 pp

No V – Thursday, 5 March, 1719, 2 pp

No VI1 – Thursday, 19 March, 1719, 2 pp

No VII1 – Thursday, 26 March, 1719, 2 pp

No IX – Thursday, 2 April, 1719, 2 pp

No X – Thursday, 9 April, 1719, 2 pp  (contains Amelia’s sad story)

No XII – Thursday, 23 April, 1719, 2pp

“Of all the reigning Follies of the Age, there is non so Universal as Affectation in some kind or other: Especially amongst that Sex which is accounted the Weaker; but I must be so far a Champion for the Fair, as to maintain, that the Little Vanities too many of them are guilty of (and which draw a general Reflection upon all) are not Born with ‘em, or any way Incident to their Sex, but meerly acquir’d.  First imbib’d by the prejudice of Education, then strengthen’d by the influence of Example, and afterwards completed by a wrong Application of Time and Study….”

This journal examines these follies and suggest remedies.  Letters from readers commence in Number IV.

The Parrot.

By Mrs Prattle.  1728.

Shelfmark:  Hope fol 72(12)

No 1 - Wednesday 25 September, 1728, 2 pp

No 2- Wednesday 2 October, 1728, 2 pp

No 3 - Wednesday 9 October, 1728, 2 pp

No 4 - Wednesday 16 October, 1728 – 2 pp

“I hope the World will not be so rude to demand a Reason at a Woman’s Hands, why she should assume the Character of an Intelligencer, and set Pen to Paper at this Time of Day, when the number of Journals and News Letters are even cumbersome to shops and coffee houses: But to anticipate Enquiry, I give my Reason (that is) I cannot hold my Tongue; for I must speak and write when the Humour takes me; I have a natural Fondness to hear any thing novel for the Sake of telling it, and have for some time past spent the whole Saturday morning in reading the Weekly Papers which are then brought me.”

“I allot to my self the Work of a Reformer in every Vice and Foible that occurs to my Observation.  I shall harp upon no single subject; the villain in love, the Ape in dress, the knave in Politicks, shall come under my lash in their several Turns."

Subjects covered include the Liberty of the Press and Men.


The Female Spectator

 By Eliza Haywood. Vols 1-4, 1744 – 1746.

Shelfmark:   Hope  8º   390-3

Vol 1 – (4) + 322 + (12) pp.  Books 1 – 6

Vol 2 – (4) + 324 + (8) pp.    Books 7 – 12

Vol 3 – (4) + 328 + (12) pp.  Books 13 – 18

Vol 4 – (4) + 318 + (10) pp.  Books 19 – 24

Printed for T Gardner, at Cowley’s-Head, near St Clements-Church in the Strand.

Dedicated to “Dutchess of Leeds”

“the chief view in Publishing these Monthly Essays, is to rectify some Errors, which, small as they may seem at first, may, if indulged, grow up into greater, till they at last become vices, and make all the Misfortunes of our Lives.”

“reading is universally allowed to be one of the most improving, as well as agreeable amusements.”

This publication claims to be by a lady, not beautiful or young.

“With this experience, added to a genius tolerably extensive, and an education more liberal than is ordinarily allowed to persons of my sex, I flattered myself that it might be in my power to in some measure both useful and entertaining to the public.”

“my business therefore, was to hit this reigning humour in such a manner, as that the gratification it should receive from being acquainted with other people’s affairs, might at the same time teach everyone to regulate their own.

Assisted by Mira, married to a gentleman a widow of quality, and, a daughter of a wealthy merchant.



The Parrot. With a Compendium of the Times

By the authors of ‘The Female Spectator’. (Eliza Haywood)

No’s I-IX.  1746

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 761

London, Printed and published by T Gardner, at Cowley’s-Head, opposite St Clements-Church in the Strand.

230 pp

Written in the form of a letter to the readers, it covers many subjects including victory at Culloden, Panegyric & Satire, Life after Death, Murders and Bankruptcy.

The Lady’s Weekly Magazine

Published under the direction of Mrs Penelope Pry.  1747

Shelfmark:  Hope fol 106(154)

One issue, dated 19 February, 1747.  (4 pp).

To the ladies of Great Britain:

“This being the first Weekly Paper of the kind that was ever yet attempted, and calculated intirely for the service and Amusement of your sex, permit us, with humble submission to lay it before the Publick under Your Patronage:”

A major part of the first issue is:

The Present Political History of the World: For the Entertainment of the Fair Sex

Dialogue I, by Lady Manley, Miss Bloom, and Mrs Pry.

The Midwife. Or, Old Woman’s Magazine.

Vols I-III. 1751-1753.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 741

Volume 1 was printed for Mary Midnight and sold by T Carnan in St Paul’s Church Yard.  Volumes II and III, printed for Thomas Carnan, at J Newbery’s, the Bible and Sun, in St Paul’s Church-yard.  The author as been identified as Christopher Smart.

“Containing all the Wit and all the Humour and all the Learning and all the Judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be inserted in all the other magazines or the Grand Magazine of Magazines, or any other Book whatsoever, so that those who buy this book will need no other.  Published pursuant to several Acts of Parliament, and by permission of their most Christian and most Catholic Majesties, the Great Mogul and the States General.  Embellished with CUTS according to Custom."

Vol I – 285 pp; Vol 2 – 282 pp; Vol 3 – 151 pp.  Each volume indexed at end.  A collection of essays, poems, reviews, travel writings and reader’s letters.

To volume III is added:

An Index to Mankind or MAXIMS – selected from The Wits of all Nations.  For the Benefit of the Present Age and of Posterity.  By MRS MARY MIDNIGHT Author of the Midwife; or Old Woman’s Magazine.  Intermixed with some Curious Reflections by that Lady and a Preface by her good Friend the late Mr Pope.  Printed in London by T Carnan at Mr Newberry’s.  The Bible and Sun, in St Paul’s Church-yard, 1751.


The Ladies Library

Written by a Lady. 6th edition.  1751

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 551-3

Published by Sir Richard Steele.  Printed by J & R Tonson & S Draper in the Strand.  (First published in 1714, an anthology compiled by George Berkeley – the only female author identified is Mary Astill.)

Vol 1 – (12) + 344 + (18) pp

Vol 2 – (16) + 271 + (18) pp

Vol 3 – (20) + 344 + (24) pp

The volumes claim to offer:

“general Rules for Conduct in all the Circumstances of the Life of Woman.” (Steele).

I am only her Gentleman – Usher, and if I can be so happy as to lead the Fair into their Closets, to the Perusal of this useful as well as delightful Entertainment, I shall be in as high Joy, as ever I observed any young Man in leading out from a Play or an Opera.”  (Steele).

“…a work, which, if carefully perused, will improve the Readers, as Daughters, Wives, Mothers and Widows.”

Subjects covered in the first of the three volumes are Employment, Wit and Delicacy, Recreations, Dress, Chastity, Modesty, Meekness, Charity, Envy, Detraction, Censure, and Reproof, Ignorance, Pride.

“Musing one Day in this Tract or Thought,  I turned over some Books of French and English, written by the most polite Writers of the Age, and began to consider what Account they gave of our Composure, different from that of the other sex.  But indeed, when I dipped into those Writings, were it possible to conceive otherwise, I could not have believed, from their general and undistinguish’d Aspersions, that many of these Men had any such Relations as Mothers, Wives, or Sisters.”

The author aims to provide a guide to conduct based on the teachings of the Divines.

Volume 2 discusses The Daughter, The Wife, The Mother, The Widow, and The Mistress and Volume 3 contains pieces covering Religion, Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, The Sacrament, Zeal, Perfection, and Scruples.

Each of the three volumes contains an Index.


The Student, or the Oxford Monthly Miscellany

Vol I, No’s I-IX, 1750.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 956, 957

Oxford.  Printed for J Newbery in St Paul’s Church-yard, London; and J Barrett in Oxford.

400 + (8) pp with indexes to prose and poetry at the end.

“to promote learning in general.”

This publication includes poems and essays on many subjects, including:

Arabick Language; On Beauty; Introduction to a new system of castle building; On a Clergyman’s family – giving the history of each member; Letters in defence of religion; John Locke – letters relating to his expulsion; Wife, an advertisement for one.

Continues as


The Student, or, the Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany

Vol II, No’s I-X, 1751.

(includes essays by Female Student and Old Maids).

400 + (8) pp with index at end.

Have At You All; or, the Drury Lane Journal

By Madame Roxana Termagant.  No’s I-XIII, 1752.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 317

286 pp.  First number dated 16 January, 1752, and last dated 9 April, 1752.

London.  Printed and sold at the Publick Register Office in King Street, Covent Garden, where letters to the authoress are taken in.  Addressed to Sir Alexander Drawiansir, Author of the Covent Garden Journal

A weekly journal providing Domestic News, Foreign News, Advertisements, Letters, and Reviews.


The Lady’s Curiosity; or, Weekly Apollo

By Nestor Druid, Gent.  No’s I-XIII, 1752.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 1067

London.  Printed by C Sympson, at the Bible, in Chancery-Lane, Fleet-Street.

286 pp.  With extensive engravings at the end of the volume.

No I contains essays on:

I - The Unhappiness of Forced Marriages, and the miserable consequences of being overruled by Persuasion, Interest, the Influence or Authority of Friends, to marry contrary to inclination, and the Affections already settled; exemplified in a true Narrative of the unhappy Differences between a certain Baronet and his Lady.

II – The Unreasonableness of confining courtship to the Men only, set forth in a petition of several single women, remonstrating against this barbarous custom.

Also fables, (such as the Lady and the Wasp, and the Solitary Lover), poetry, songs, articles (on The Errors of Modern Education, the Deadly Vapours, and a surprising Desire of Death), and love letters.

Please note that this volume has been bound out of sequence.  The sequence as bound is:

P 1-64; pp 82-184; pp 210-238; pp 256-270; pp 286-292 (leaving no XIX incomplete); pp 185-192; pp 301-308; pp 194-208; pp 279-286; followed by a series of illustrated fables (I-VII; XIX-XVIII; XVII; XVI; XV; XIV; XIII; XII; XI; X; XX-XXIV; XXVI-XXVIII; XXXI-XXXII; XXXV-XL); and finally some illustrated sheet music.  (Issues V, XVI and XVIII appear to be missing).

The Spring – Garden Journal

By Miss Priscilla Termagent (a near relation of the late Mrs Roxana), No’s I-IV, 1752

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 949

London.  Printed and sold at Mr Meyers’ Library in May’s-Buildings, St Martin’s Lane; where letters to the Authoress are taken in.

pp 1-76

Followed by:

The New Female Spectator

No III, 1752, pp 77-92

A direct continuation of The Spring-Garden Journal featuring the same mixture of essays, poems and reviews.

The Inspector

No’s 1-152, 1753

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 527-8

Vol I – (vi) + 338 + (xii) pp.  No’s 1-78.  Index at end.

Vol II – (iv) + 321 + (vi) pp.  No’s 79-152.  Index at end.

A bound volume containing the original numbers.  The Advertisement notes that these began to appear in March 1751, in the London Daily Advertiser and continued without intermission.  Dr John Hill was the solitary author.  It deals with a variety of subjects, including reflections on women.  Whilst it is not a women’s journal, it is useful for comparative purposes and to see how  male essayists addressed their readers.  Relevant numbers include:

No 2 deals with the story of Thyrsis and Saccharissa – “He admired her as a woman of sprightliness and gaiety, a daughter of the muses, and the mistress of forty thousand pounds.”

No 8 deals with:

“A late article of news, the story of a woman’s insisting on the utmost severity of the law, against a trivial offence in her lover; committing to a prison the man who had raised her from indigence, supported her in affluence, and even ruined his fortune in her service;”

No 10 deals with virtues, including that of being a wife.

No 17 is a letter to the Inspector from a Woman.

Other numbers deal with Billets-doux; the Distress of a Lady; Duels; the behaviour of Gentlemen; the instability of the Heart of man; Marriage; Modesty; Rural Rambles; a Toad in the belly of a young woman; Wit; and Women.

The second volume continues this with numbers on Adonis, the favourite of Venus; Beauty; Miss Bellamy, the player; Cleora’s letter to the Inspectoress; Courtship; Fan – the management of it necessary to the coquette; the Inspectoress; Ladies advised to court the man; Love; Marriage; Parents; a Prostitute; Reptiles discovered in Frozen Vegetables; Sylvia’s story; and Venus compared to Fanny Murray.


The Matrimonial Preceptor.  A Collection of Examples and Precepts relating to the Married State from the most celebrated writers, ancient and modern.

No’s 1-65, 1755.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 611

London.  Printed for J Payne, at Pope’s Head in Pater-Noster Row.

315 pp

Subjects covered include:

Personal beauty produced by moral sentiment; the causes of disagreement in marriage; Courtship, the pleasantest part of a man’s life; Jealousy described; On female gamesters; On the tyranny of husbands; On marriage and divorce; On the brutality of husbands; The duties of a good wife.

The Old Maid

By Mary Singleton, Spinster. No’s I-XXXVII, 1755-1756

Shelfmark: Hope fol 64

London.  Printed for A Millar, in the Strand, and sold by S Bladon, in Pater Noster Row. Issued weekly.

222 pp

Includes letters written by subscribers and replies, poems and reviews.

The Wife

By Mira, one of the Authors of ‘The Female Spectator’, and ‘Epistles for Ladies.  (Eliza Haywood).  1756

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 1085

Printed for T Gardner, at Cowley’s Head facing St Clements Church in the Strand.

(v) + vi + 282 pp.

On the institution of marriage and proper behaviour.  In three books.

Book I

I – Concerning the first weeks after Marriage, vulgarly call’d the honey-moon

II – Difference of Opinion in matters of Religion

III – Difference of Opinion in affairs of Government

IV – Dress

V – Neatness in genral

VI – Behaviour to the Husband’s kindred in particular circumstances

VII – The danger of living in the same house with any Relation of the Husband’s

VIII – Servants

IX – Talkativeness and Taciturnity

X – Giving and receiving Visits

XI – Places of publick Entertainment

XII – Economy, and the means by which that virtue may be rendered and doubly pleasing to a Husband

XIII – The great advantages of Sincerity, both to ourselves and others.

Books II and III continue in the same vein with sections on Rambles to Bath, Tunbridge, Scarborough Spaw (sic), and other places of public resort; Coquetry; Prudery; Secrecy; Temperance and Sobriety; On being over-fond of Animals; Gaming; Sloth; Sleeping in different Beds; Husband’s Falshood; Separation and other topics.

The Young Lady

By Euphrosyne.  No’s I-VII, 1756.

Shelfmark: Hope 4º 78

Issued every Tuesday, starting 6 January, 1756.  It contains brief views on all manner of subjects:

Abraham Cowley, people worthy of praise, Dryden, Addison, virtues, etc.

42 pp



The Invisible Spy

By Explorabilis (Eliza Haywood).  2 vols, 1759.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 535

London.  Printed for T Gardner, at Cowley’s Head facing St Clement’s Church in the Strand.

Vol I, pp 1-292.  Books I-IV

Vol II, pp 1-291.  Books V-VIII

Contains “some premises very necessary to be observed by every reader”.  The editor of this journal takes up the role of “an invisible spy” – much like a modern fly-on-the-wall camera – enabling conversations to be eaves-dropped and scenes to be witnessed without the participants realising.  This leads to numerous revelations, for instance:

“Shows, that the remissmess of care in the bringing up of children, can scarce fail of being attended with very bad consequences; yet, that an over exact circumspection in minute things, may prove equally pernicious to their future welfare”.

(Book I, Chap V)

“The author, by the help of his Invisibility, has discover’d such a contrast in the behaviour of two married couples of distinction, as he thinks would be the utmost injustice to the public to conceal”.

(Book II, Chap I)

“In which the consequences of Cleara’s elopement are fully shown, and an end put to that suspense which the former pages may have excited in the mind of every interested and curious reader.”

(Book III, Chap III)

Each adventure is related through narrative, letters and dialogue.

The Friend: or, Essays Instructive and Entertaining for Youth of Both Sexes; on the Most Important Subjects: Exemplified with Stories from Real Life.  1774.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 418, item 1

London.  Printed for R Snagg, no 29, Pater-noster Row.

(vi) + 172 pp

A moral guidebook for both sexes with brief essays on topics such as “Friendship”, “Self-knowledge”, “Pity”, “Pride and Luxury”, “Swearing”, “Education” etc.  Of particular interest are the final two items – “Happiness incompatible with a State of Celibacy” and “Woman the chief Source of human Happiness”.

Followed by


An Essay on Laughter, wherein are displayed, its natural and moral causes, with the arts of Exciting it

1769.  Shelfmark: Hope 8º 418, item 2

London.  Printed for T Davies in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, and L Davis near Gray’s-Inn, Holborn.

(iii) – xii + 140 pp

This purports to be translated from the French.  It is addressed to Madame ****

“Your boundless passion for all the refined departments of human knowledge, as well as a superior taste for the polite arts, have always influenced you to enquire into the cause of that pleasure which you derive from them.”

It continues as a philosophical enquiry into the cause of laughing, quoting contemporary French intellects – such as Des-Touches, Fontenelle and Montesquieu, and classical authors.

The Female Guardian.  Designed to correct some of the foibles incident to Girls and supply them with innocent amusement for their hours of leisure

By a Lady.  2nd edition.  No’s I-XXXIII, 1787.    Shelfmark: Hope 8º 381

London.  Printed and sold by John Marshall and Co at No 4 Aldermery Church Yard, in Bow-Lane.

viii + 130 + (2) pp

Contains Family Anecdotes; Improving Exercises; Sensibility; Parental Watchfulness; Erroneous Management; Thoughtless Cruelty; The Negligent Mother; The Scourge; Early Rising; Heedlessness.



The Pharos: A collection Periodical Essays

By the author of ‘Constance’ (has been attributed to Eliza Kirkham Mathews, known as Mrs Charles Mathews, but this is not certain).  2 vols, 1786-1787.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 769-770

London.  Printed for T Hookham, New Bond Street

Vol I, No’s I – XXV, pp 1-280

Vol II, No’s XXXVI – L, pp 1-295

The writer takes on the mantle of “a censor of public manners”, acting as a lighthouse to warn those approaching danger.  Volume I contains:

1   Introduction

2   Acceptance of correspondence

3   Advertisement of a singular action

4   On the permanency of opinion and the characters of Theophrastus

5   Letters from correspondents

6   Mr Steady’s Three Sons

7   On modish asservation

8   On condolence

9   On avarice

10 The misery of a disgraceful marriage – Letters from Harriet ****** and her husband

11  Men happier under the dispensation of Providence than by their own choice.  The story of Segued and Ali.

12  The story of Segued and Ali continued

13  Letters from David Meek and A B on the improper employment of footmen

14  Mental cultivation necessary in sickness and solitude.  Letter from M T

15  The folly of displaying the importance of others: a visit to Eliza

16  Unenviable greatness: Lady ******’s story of her marriage

17  Lady ******’s story concluded

18  On the magnifying powers of description and detail

19  Penelope’s cautious aunt

20  On the views with which young females are now educated

21  Letters from M P and Patient Meggot on matrimonial grievances

22  On the eager pursuit of pleasure

23  Modern emendations of the church service

24  On decorum in the female character

25  The effects of sudden wealth: a visit to Sempronius

Volume 2 contains:

26  Arabella Single’s history

27  On the politeness of the present age

28  Mr Blazon’s pedigree mania

29  Thoughts on shewing kindness to the vicious

30  Ben Listless’s search for a lodging

31  The search concluded

32  On genius

33  Characters in the Serpent family

34  Letters on female dress, and on Not at home

35  Father account of the Serpent family

36  On the manner of celebrating the Sabbath

37  Fashionably Sensibility

38  Instance of fatal imposition: the story of Aurelia

39  On the various manners of attention

40  Letters on inaccuracy in painting inscriptions and in the use of terms

41  Beacons

42  The inconviences of a mauvaise honte: complaint of Timidisssima

43  A scholar rivalled by a Beau

44  The danger of educating highly young women who have no certain provision

45  Character of a wit, and of a retired citizen

46  On fashion

47  Men-artificers employed about women

48  The story of Eugenio and Prudentia

49  On retirement

50  On the force of habit – Conclusion

The Female Mentor: or, select conversations

3 vols,   1793.   Shelfmark:   Hope 8º 382-4

London.  Printed for T Caddell, in the Strand.

“If the following conversations should afford you some amusement, and if you should think them calculated to lead the youthful and unbiased mind in the ways of virtue, I shall feel highly gratified.”  Honoria.

Vol I, Conversations 1-15., pp 1 – 235

Vol II, Conversations 16-29, pp 1 – 242

Vol III, Conversations 30-43, pp 1 – 232

The Conversations are as follows:


1   On the Influence of Education.  p 1

2   Sketch of the Life of Fenelon.   p 20

3   Anger. p 55

4   Oracle of Delphos.  p 65

5   The Old Man and his Dog Trim.  p 78

6   Instances of Benevolence.  p 92

7   (continued) p 102

8   On Novels.  p 110

9   On the Queen Consorts of England. – Bertha, Philippa of Hainault, Eleanor of Castile.  p 120

10  On Learned Ladies.   p 131

11  Maxims of Fenelon on Female Education.  p 142

12  Margaret of Anjou, Consort of Henry the Sixth.  p 156

13  On Novelty – Lake of Zirnitz.  p 173

14  Lady Elizabeth Gray.  p 183

15  On the Character of Imogen.  p 212


16  Jacqueline of Hainault.  p 1

17  Madame de Sevigné.  p21

18  Catherine of Arragon, Queen Consort of Henry the Eighth.  p 33

19  On Modesty.  p 50

20  On the study of Nature.  p 58

21  Anne Bolen, Queen Consort of Henry the Eighth.  p 72

22  On Dancing.   p 97

23  Catharine Parr.  p 111

24  On Contentment.  p 119

25  Maria Beatrice d’Este, Consort of James the Second.  p 129

26  On Music.  p 149

27  Queen Mary, Consort of William the Third.  p 185

28  On Marriage.  p 220

29  On Dissipation.  p 227


30  Annals of the Poor.  p 1

31  On the Fear of Death.  p 9

32  On Vanity.  p 31

33  On Politeness.  p 43

34  On Covetousness and Profussion.   p 67

35  On the Rein-Deer.  p 80

36  On Genius and Industry.  p 96

37  On Humane Institutions.  p 111

38  On Taste.  pp 127

39  On Female Friendship.  p 146

40  On Maternal Affection.  p 160

41  On Funeral Rites.  p 181

42  On Simplicity.  p 193

43  Death of Amanda.  p 224


The Lady’s Miscellany.  Or, Pleasing Essays, Poems, Stories and Examples for the Instruction and Entertainment of the Female Sex in General, in every station of life

By George Wright, Esq, author of the Rural Christian, Pleasing - Melancholy, etc. 

1793   Shelfmark: Hope 8º 1092

London.  Printed for Chapman and Co. No 161 Fleet Street.

A compendium selected from fugitive publications in prose and verse, intended to both instruct and amuse.  The contents are too lengthy to list, but they include:

On the studies most ornamental to the Fair Sex.  p 1

On the Danger of Female Beauty.  p 4

On the Education of a Tradesman’s Daughter.  p 6

On the Happiness of the Marriage State.  p 9

Memoirs of the Life and Death of Amanda.  p 20

On Female Fashion.  p 25

On Scandal: a Poem.  p 47

Flora’s Lessons to Young Ladies.  p 55

Lady Jane Grey’s Letter to her Sister, written the Night before her Execution.  p 69

Reflections on Charity.  p 90

Female Patriotism.  p 91

A Father’s Advice to his Daughter.  p 105

Remarks on Female Chastity.  p 147

On the Causes of Matrimonial Differences.  p 160

A Letter from a Lady in the Country, to a Friend in Town.  p 170

Popish folly display’d.  By a Lady.  p 181

On Gaiety and Melancholy.  p 198

Patterns for the Great of both Sexes.  p 209

On a Library in a Summer-house.  p 220

Lines written in a Grotto.  p 235

Epitaph on a young married Lady.  p 238

Epitaph on a young Lady, aged 18.  p 240

The Parlour Window, containing Original Essays, Poetry, and part of an Instructive Tale

(By Mrs Eustace and Her sister).  No’s 1-5. 

1795.   Shelfmark:   Hope 8º 760

Dublin.  Printed for the Editors by J Whitworth, no 14 Exchange Street.

iv + 176 pp

“If to amuse a vacant hour,

And lounge the time away,

When waiting, should a sudden show’r,

Have caused you some delay;

Or if your party makes you wait,

When you are ready first,

Or that your servants stay to prate,

(A thing they often durst)

Or let the cause be what it will,

That keeps you at this place,

Take up this book, and with it fill,

Of time that empty space,

Its name will tell you where it lies,


and tho’ a guide of humble guise’

‘Tmay chance to lead you right.”

(The title pays mock reference to Montaigne who dreaded that his work should become “A Book for a Parlour Window” – “his dread is this Author’s ambition”).

The journal includes a number of romances and gives a list of subscribers.

The Parental Monitor

By Mrs Bonhote, author of Olivia, etc, 3rd edition.  4 vols. 

1796   Shelfmark:   Hope   8º 111-114

London.  Printed for William Lane, at the Minerva Press, Leadenhall Street.

Vol 1 – 214 pp; Vol 2 – 214 pp; Vol 3 – 227 pp; Vol 4 – 236 pp

It contains:

Essays on various subjects (eg The Love of Pleasure and The Importance of Time).


Instruction and moral manual from mother to her children.

An account of a trip to Brighton.

An Excursion to a bathing place.

The Masonic Mirror

(Original essay from The Lady’s Magazine),

1797   Shelfmark:   Hope    8º 610

Edinburgh.  Printed for and sold by Alexander Kincaid; a member of St David’s Lodge, Edinburgh and by Alexander Lawrie, Bookseller, Parliament Square.

iv + 32 pp

A picture of one of the chief patriarchial organisations, its business and morals.

“Free-Masonry, from the stability, and the excellent principles it has held forth and exhibited to the world, justly claims the countenance and approbation of every good man.

The universality of the Institution, cannot be considered as a matter of surprise, seeing that the virtues, whether moral or social, which it enjoins, are intimately connected with the happiness of human society.”


The Lady’s Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction: Being an assemblage of whatever can tend to please the fancy, interest the Mind, or exalt the Character of the British Fair

By a Society of Ladies.  Vols 1 & 2. 

1798 – 1799   Shelfmark:   Hope 8º 555-6

(including The Old Woman No’s I-XII).

London.  Published by Vernor and Hood.

Vol 1.  pp 1 – 498 + Index  July 1798 – December 1798

Vol 2.  pp 1 – 504 + Index  January 1799 – June 1799

The Old Woman is an essay series within the volume – answering readers’ problems, appearing as follows:

No I – Vol I, p 25

No II – Vol I, p 93

No III – Vol I, p 185

No IV – Vol I, p 288

No V – Vol I, p 353

No VI – Vol I, p 437

No VII – Vol II, p 25

No VIII – Vol II, p 129

No IX – Vol II, p 209

No X – Vol II, p 290

No XI – Vol II, p 373

No XII – Vol II, p 463

A Literary and Educational Journal for women which claimed that “the acquisition of languages, simple mathematics, astronomy, natural and experimental philosophy, with history and criticism may be cultured by the sex with propriety and advantage.”

Volume I includes Reviews of works by Burke, Edgeworth, Johnson & others; Poetry; Essays; Romans/Gothic Tales; Review of Female Literature and an article on Hannah More amongst other items.

Volume 2 includes more reviews, and articles on Rousseau, the Discovery of America and Mrs Inchbold amongst other items.

The Lady’s Monthly Museum also contains notes on fashion, fashion plates, letters to the editor, notes on theatricals and accounts of “Celebrated British Ladies” (inspirational role models).


The Lady’s Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction: Being an assemblage of whatever can tend to please the fancy, interest the Mind, or exalt the Character of the British Fair.

By a Society of Ladies.    Vols 3 & 4.  1799 – 1800

(including The Old Woman No’s XIII=XXIV and The Inspector No’s I-II)

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 557-8

London.  Published by Vernor and Hood.

Vol 3.  pp 1 – 502 + Index  July 1799 – December 1799

Vol 4.  pp 1 – 490 + Index  January 1800 – June 1800

The Old Woman continues within the journal as follows:

No XIII – Vol III, p 6

No XIV – Vol III, p 89

No XV – Vol III, p 173

No XVI – Vol III, p 301

No XVII – Vol III, p 355

No XVIII – Vol III, p 426

No XIX – Vol IV, p 6

No XX – Vol IV, p 87

No XXI – Vol IV, p 173

No XXII – Vol IV, p 242

No XXIII – Vol IV, p 326

No XXIV – Vol IV, p 461

The Inspector is another essay series within the journal.

No I – Vol IV, p 170

No II – Vol IV, p 245

Volumes 3 & 4 include more poetry, reviews, essays and theatricals, as well as articles on Seduction, Celibacy, Ghosts and Grottos.  The Celebrated British Ladies series continues and the Review of Female Literature looks at the value of commonplace books and the reception of popular romances and travel writing.  Anecdotes include The Chaste Nun: An Eastern Tale.



Essays on the Art of Being Happy, Addressed to a Young Mother

By Eugenia de Acton, author of ‘Microcosm’, ‘A tale without a title’, etc. (Alethia Lewis). 2 vols, 1803.   Shelfmark: Hope 8º 314

London.  Printed at the Minerva Press, for Lane, Newman & Co, Leadenhall-Street.

Vol I – xvi + 272 pp

Vol II – iv + 276 pp

Essays including “Expectation too highly raised, one great Cause of Infelicity”, “On conjugal Happiness”, “Contrasted Female Education”, “On the danger of not being explicit”, “The Fear of Death impressed on youthful minds”, “On novels”, “On the still, small voice”, “Marriage, and relative duties”, “Severity to children seldom requisite”.

Essays and Letters on important and interesting subjects

By Juliana Yonge, author of ‘A Short Commentary on the Bible’, ‘On the Importance of the Baptismal Vow’.  2 vols, 2nd edition.  1806 (first appeard 1783)

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 1106

London.  Printed for E Williams, Strand, Bookseller to the Duke and Duchess of York, and Successor to the Late Mr Blam and sold by all Booksellers.

219 pp

Moral essays and letter.

The Scrinium

By Rebecca Edridge.  Vol 1.  1822.

Shelfmark:   Hope   8º 329

London.  Printed for G & W B Whittaker, Ave-Maria-Lane

Vol I – vii + 355 pp

Short essays on various subjects.  Volume I includes:

The Letter; Depravity; The Billet-Doux; The Old Maid; Sensibility; The Haunted Castle; The Bed of Death; Observations on Education



The Scrinium

By Rebecca Edridge.  Vol II.  1822.

Shelfmark:   Hope 8º   330

London.  Printed for G & W B Whittaker, Ave-Maria-Lane.

Short essays on various subjects.  Volume II includes:

Man and Wife; Mothering Sunday; The Elopement; Lines for the Tomb of a Goldfinch; Bons Mots; Country Wit.

“A book should stand like a blazing beacon to warn the world of danger; and when, like a faithless phantom, it glitters to betray, the hue and cry of all honest men should detect its fallacy.”


The Isis, A London Weekly Publication

Edited by a Lady.  Vol I No 1 – Vol I No 39.  1832.

Shelfmark: Hope 8º 37

London.  Printed and Published by David France, 1 Bouverie-Street, Fleet-Street.

Dedicated “To the Young Women of England for Generations to Come, or until Superstition is extract.”

This journal attacks religious and political issues in a way unmatched by any of the other journals in this collection (although it is interesting to compare this with The Female Tatler on Reel 2).  It preaches materialism, co-operation, and disestablishmentarianism.  For instance, it claims, “Church-going, as a habit, is a waste of time, and a waste of time is a sin”.

It fights for the release of Rev Robert Taylor, imprisoned for blasphemy, and Richard Carlile.  Carlile’s articles appear regularly in the journal as it progresses.  The journal also argues vehemently for a re-assessment of the news of Thomas Paine, and publishes texts of the lectures of Frances Wright, the outspoken American activist.  However, the main part of the journal are the addresses of the Editoress – “the Lady of the Rotunda” on religion and politics.  Carlile claims of the writer: “you are destined to be the greatest moral teacher of mankind that has yet come on earth; superior to Socrates; superior to Confucius” (p 202).  There are also articles on the rural poor and on phytozoology, and a series of letters to Adelaide, Queen of England, and the Government.

The journal is formidably indexed in the opening pages of the volume.

It runs from Vol I No I (Saturday 11 February, 1832) to Vol I No 39 (Saturday 15 December, 1832).  xx + 624 pp.

It argues that:

Women, should enjoy the liberty of speech everywhere: “of politics!  politics from a woman!  some will exclaim YES, I will set before my sex the example of asserting an equality for them with their present lords and masters, and strive to teach all, yes, all, that the undue submission, which constitutes slavery, is honourable to none….”


Reels 16 and 17 contain two large miscellaneous volumes offering sample issues of over 180 journals published in the period 1807-1837.  This was a period which witnessed the explosion of the popular press in Britain – with new journals springing up daily, targetted at particular segments of the market.

The reasons that these miscellaneous volumes have been included are threefold.

Firstly, they contain a number of journals of direct relevance to women.  Particularly:

Reel 16, item 15 The Briton’s Friend: or, Moral and Oeconomical Register (detailing women’s industrial employment in 1807)

Reel 16, items 63 & 64 The Isis: A London Weekly Publication.  Edited by the Lady of the Rotunda

Reel 16, item 82 The Maids, Wives, and Widow’s Penny Magazine, and Gazette of Fashion (the coming of domestic economy)

Reel 17, item 47 The Regenerator, or Guide to Happiness

Secondly, they contain a large number of journals aimed at the family as a whole; or relating to domestic/general issues.  Over 90 titles fall into this category, including:

Reel 17, item 18 The Cabinet of Life, Wit and Humour (Liverpool)

Reel 17, item 22 The Christian Moralist


Reel 17, item 42 The Family Gazette; and Literary & Philanthropic Journal

Reel 17, item 57 The True Half-Penny Magazine, of a Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

Reel 18, item 1 The National Magazine


Reel 18, item 19 The Phrenologist

Reel 18, item 47 The Regenerator, or Guide to Happiness


Reel 18, item 68 The Truth.  A Weekly Radical, Christian, and Family Newspaper

Reel 18, item 79 The Weekly Miscellany; or New National Magazine of Instruction and Amusement


Thirdly, they provide a good sample of the whole range of journals produced in this period, enabling the women’s journals to be seen in context.  It is interesting, for instance, to compare The Isis (Reel 15, produced by the Lady of the Rotunda) with mainstream political/satirical journals such as The Black Dwarf (Reel 17, item 9), Bronterre’s National Reformer (Reel 17, item 16) Carpenter’s Political Letters (Reel 18, items 22-36) and The Rump Chronicle (Reel 18, item 50).  Also, it is interesting to contrast the moral advice given to women with general exhortations for a better world from figures such as John Wesley (in The Evangelical Penny Magazine, and Bible Illustrator, Reel 17, item 41), Robert Own (The Crisis; or the change from Error and Misery. to Truth and Happiness, Reel 17, item 31) and others.  (The New Moral World, and Official Gazette of the National Association of Industry, Humanity and Knowledge, Reel 18, item 3).

Here follows a complete list of the titles:

A Miscellaneous Volume containing short runs of 97 magazines published in the period, 1807-1837.

Shelfmark: Hope 4º A-M

Item 1  The Advocate, or, Artizans’ and Labourers’ Friend

No 1, 16 February 1833, 8 pp

Item 2  Eighth Report of the American Temperance Society (Preston)

nd, 8 pp

Item 3  The Annals of Crime, and New Newgate Calender

No 1, 24 August 1833, 8 pp

Item 4  The Antiquarian

No 1, 26 May 1832, 8 pp

Item 5  The Anti-Unionist; A Weekly Magazine (Dublin)

No 9, 28 March 1818, 16 pp

No 14, 2 May 1818, 16 pp

Item 6  The Argus

No 1, 6 October 1832, 8 pp

Item 7  The Bazar, or Literary and Scientific Repository (Birmingham)

No 1, Vol 1, 26 June 1823, 8pp

Item 8  The Benefit Societies’ Magazine, and Mechanics’ and Labourers’ Adviser

No 1, 1 November 1834, 16 pp

Item 9  The Black Dwarf

No 1, 29 January 1817, 8 pp

No 15, Vol II, 15 April 1818, 8pp

Extra, 23 March 1818

containing the last public legacy of Major Cartwright to the Reformers

No 33, 10 September 1817, 8 pp

No 35, 24 September 1817, 8 pp

Item 10  The Bristol Job Nott; or Labouring Mans Friend (Bristol)

No I, 15 December 1831

riot in Bristol, 4 pp

No V, 12 January 1832, 4 pp

Item 11  The Bristol Loyalist (Bristol)

No 1, 7 December 1836, 8 pp

No 7, 1 February 1837, 4 pp

Item 11*  The Bristol Policeman: To show Vice her own Feature (Bristol)

No 1, 6 August 1836, 8 pp

Vol II, No 27, 4 February 1837, 8 pp

Item 12  The Bristolia (Bristol)

No 1, 31 October 1829, 4 pp

Item 13  The British Freeholder

No 1, 5 February 1820, 16 pp

Item 14 The British Mirror (Kelso)

No 1, 4 April 1836, 8 pp

Item 15  The Briton’s Friend: or Moral, and Oeconomical Register

No 1, 5 September 1807, 12 pp

Gives a list of Women’s Industrial Employment

No 2, 12 September 1807, 12 pp

Advice to a daughter

No 3, 19 September 1807, 12 pp

Addressed to labouring classes and farm folk

No 4, 26 September 1807, 12 pp

Item 16  Bronterre’s National Reformer, in Government, Law, Property, Religion and Morals

(Ed) James Bronterre O’Brien

No 1, Vol 1, 7 January 1837, 8 pp

Item 17  The Cab

No 1, 3 March 1832

Satirical, with splendid woodcuts, 4 pp

No 5, 31 March 1832, 8 pp

Item 18  The Cabinet of Life, Wit and Humour (Liverpool)

Vol 1, No 1, 12 September 1829, 8pp

Vol 1, No 8, 31 October 1829, 8 pp

Item 19  Caledonian; or Scottish Literary and Political Investigator

No 1, 2 January 1819, 10 pp

Item 20  Captain Rock in London, or, The Chieftan’s Weekly Gazette

No 1, 5 March 1825, 8 pp

No 14, 4 June 1825, 8 pp

No 52, 25 February 1826, 8 pp

No 56, 25 March 1826, 8 pp

Item 21  The Champion

No 452, 2 September 1821, 16 pp

Item 22  The Christian Moralist

No 1, 1 January 1820, 16 pp

Item 23  The Christian’s Penny Magazine

No 13, 1 September 1832, 8 pp

Item 24  Church and State

No 1, 16 January 1836, 16 pp

Item 25 Church Examiner and Ecclesiastical Record

No 1, Vol 1, 19 May 1832, 4 pp


Item 26 The Comet; or Falvey’s Liverpool Observer (Liverpool)

No 2, 11 August 1832, 8 pp

Item 27  The Comet or Falvey’s Liverpool Observer (Liverpool)

No 6, 8 September 1832, 8 pp

Item 28  The Companion to the Newspaper

No 1, 1 March 1833, 16 pp

Item 29  The Commentator

No 1, 14 February 1818, 8 pp

Item 30  The Conductor (Ed) Thomas Macconnell

No 1, 17 September 1836, 4 pp

Item 31  The Crisis: or the change from Error and Misery, to Truth and Happiness

(Ed) Robert Owen

No 1, Vol 1, 14 April 1832, 4 pp

Item 32*  The Critical Figaro of Paris and London…

No 1, 21 January 1832, 8 pp

Item 32  The Curious Man: A Daily Paper

No I, 8 April 1822, 4 pp

No XII, 20 April 1822, 4 pp


Item 33  The Democratic Recorder, and Reformers’ Guide

No 1, 2 October 1819, 8 pp

Item 34  The Devil in London

No 1, 29 February 1832, 4 pp

No 13, 26 May 1832, 4 pp

No 15, 9 June 1832 (2 editions) 8 pp

A Satirical Journal with outstanding woodcuts

Item 35  The Devil’s Walk!  Edited by a Member of Parliament

No 1, 17 February 1832, 4 pp

Item 36  T Dibdin’s Penny Trumpet

No 1, 20 October 1832, 4 pp

Item 37  The Dublin Halfpenny Journal (Dublin)

Part 1  , 3 November 1832-24 November 1832, 16 pp

Item 38  The Dublin Literary Gazette… (Dublin)

No 6, 6 February 1830, 16 pp

Item 39  The Dublin Penny Journal (Dublin)

No 12, Vol 1, 15 September 1832, 8 pp

Item 40  The Dublin Weekly Journal (Dublin)

No 1, Vol 1, 3 November 1832, 8 pp

Item 41  The Evangelical Penny Magazine, and Bible Illustrator (Ed) John Wesley

No 1, 13 October 1832, 8 pp

Item 42  The Family Gazette; and Literary and Philanthropic Journal

No I, 6 October 1821, 16 pp

No XXXV, 1 June 1822, 8 pp

Item 43  The Fashionable Magazine (Limerick)

No 1, Vol 1, 16 November 1833, 4 pp

Item 44  Figaro in London

No 1, 10 December 1831

  Satirical, 4 pp

No 55, 22 December 1832, 4 pp

Item 45  The New Figaro

No 1, 17 March 1832, 4 pp

Item 46  To the Electors of the Borough of Finsbury

November 1834, 4 pp


Item 47  To the Electors of the Borough of Finsbury

December 1834, 4 pp

Item 48  The Fool’s-Cap

No 1, 13 October ----, 4 pp

Item 49  The Gallant

No 1, 10 May 1832, 8 pp

Item 50  The Gauntlet

No 1, 10 February 1833, 16 pp

Item 51  The Georgium Sidus and Patriotic Censor (Tralee)

(Vol 1, No 1), 9 October 1819, 8 pp

Vol 1, No 6, 18 December 1819, 8 pp

Item 52  Giovanni in London….


Vol 1, No 1, 18 February 1832, 4 pp

Vol 1, No 2, 25 February 1832, 4 pp

Vol 1, No 3, 3 March 1832, 4 pp

Vol 1, No 4, 10 March 1832, 4 pp

Vol 1, No 5, 17 March 1832, 4 pp

Vol 1, No 6, 24 March 1832, 4 pp

Item 53  God’s Revenge Against Murder

No 1, 27 April 1833, 8 pp

Item 54  The Gracchus; or, Advocate of the People

No 1, 27 June 1818, 8 pp

Item 55  The Green Man; or, Periodical Expositer

No 1, 31 October 1818, 8 pp

Item 56  The Halfpenny Library…

No I, 4 May 1832, 8 pp

No III, 11 May 1832, 8 pp

No IV, 15 May 1832, 8 pp

No V, 18 May 1832,  8 pp

Item 57  The True Half-Penny Magazine, of a Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

No 1, 4 May 1832, 8 pp

No 2, 11 May 1832, 8 pp

Item 58  The Harp of Erin; or, Faithful Irishmen

No 1, March 1818, 16 pp

Item 59  Holt’s Magazine.  A Journal of Literature, Science and Education

No 1, 24 August 1836, 16 pp

Item 60  Lecture on the conduct of the Whigs, to the working classes by Henry Hunt, Esq, MP. (Birmingham) 1832  

Item 61  The Idler

Vol 1, No 1, 24 May 1832, 4 pp

Item 62  The Independent: A London Literary and Political Review

Vol 1, No 1, 6 January 1821, 16 pp

Item 63  The Isis.  A London Weekly Publication Edited by the Lady of the Rotunda

Vol 1, No 1, 11 February 1832, 16 pp

Item 64  The Isis, A London Weekly Publication Edited by the Lady of the Rotunda

Vol 1, No 4, 3 March 1832, 16 pp

Item 65  The Inspector, A Weekly Dramatic Paper: Advertisement, 2 pp

Item 66  The Inspector, A Weekly Dramatic Paper

No 1, 2 January 1819, 8 pp

Item 67  John Bull’s Picture Gallery.  Political, Satirical and Humuorous

No 1, May 1832, 4 pp

No 2, 1832, 4 pp

No 3, 1832, 4 pp

No 4, 1832, 4 pp

Illustrated with many fine woodcuts

Item 68  The Kaleidoscope; or Literary and Scientific Mirror (Liverpool)

Vol IV NS No 164, 19 August 1823, 8 pp

Vol X No 491, 24 November 1829, 8 pp

Item 69 The Lawyer, a Legal Penny Magazine

No 1, 26 January 1833 8pp

Item 70  The Literary Chronicle and Weekly Review

No 1, 22 May 1819, 16 pp

No 3, 5 June 1819, 16 pp

Item 71  The Literary Gazette, and Journal of the Belles Lettres

No 1, 25 January 1817, 16 pp

Item 72  The Literary Journal….

No 1, 29 March 1818, 16 pp

No 41, 2 January 1819, 16 pp

Including The Portland or Barberini Vase and a portrait of George Alexander,

the extraordinary spotted boy

No 54, 3 April 1819, 12 pp

Item 73  The Literary Guardian

No 1, 1 October 1831, 16 pp

Item 74  Literary Register

No 1, 6 July 1822, 16 pp

Item 75  The Literary Test… (Second Edition)

No 1, 1 January 1832, 16 pp

Item 76  The London Penny Journal

No 1, 12 May 1832, 8 pp

Item 77  The London Museum…

No 1, 27 April 1822, 16 pp

Item 78  The London Politician

No 1, 31 May 1815, 10 pp

Item 79  The London Weekly Review; and Journal of Literature and the Fine Arts

No 1, 9 June 1827, 16 pp

Item 80  The London Policeman

No 1, 6 July 1833, 8 pp

No 2, 13 July 1833, 8 pp

Item 81  The Magazine of Interest

No 1, 31 August 1833, 8 pp

Item 82  The Maids’, Wives’, and Widows’ Penny Magazine and Gazette of Fashion

Poetry, advice to women, domestic economy, etc.

Vol 1, No 1, 27 October 1832, 8 pp

Vol 1, No 14, 26 January 1833, 8 pp

Item 83  The Man.  A Rational Advocate

Vol 1, No 1, 7 July 1833, 8 pp

Item 84  The Man of Kent, or Canterbury.  Political and Literary Weekly Miscellany

Vol 1, No 1, 19 September 1818, 8 pp

Item 85 Advertisement for The Man of Kent, 2 pp

Item 86  Merle’s Commercial Register

No 1, 18 November 1832, 4 pp

Item 87  Merle’s Weekly Register

No 1, 18 November 1832, 4 pp

Item 88  Merle’s Police and Law Register

No 1, 18 November 1832, (1832?) 4 pp

Item 89  Le Constitutional de Londres

No 1, 18 November 1832, 4pp

Item 90  Merle’s Church Register

No 1, 18 November 1832, 4 pp

Item 91  Merle’s Medical Register

No 1, 18 November 1832, 4 pp

Item 92  Merle’s Sporting Register

No 1, 18 November 1832, 4 pp

Item 93  Merle’s Literary Register

No 1, 18 November 1832

Item 94  The Milton Advertiser; or Literary Cabinet

No 1, (January 1837), 2 pp

Item 95  The Mirror

No 1, 21 October 1821, 16 pp

Item 96  The English Musical Gazette, or Monthly Intelligencer

1 January 1819, 22 pp


A Miscellaneous Volume containing short runs of 84 magazines published in the period 1808-1837.

Shelfmark: Hope 4º N-Y

Item 1  The National Magazine

No 1, 5 October 1833, 8 pp

Item 2  The National Register

No 37, 11 September 1808, 16 pp

No 41, 9 October 1808, 16 pp

No 335, 3 July 1814, 16 pp

No 398, 13 August 1815, 16 pp

No 410, 5 November 1815, 16 pp

Item 3  The New Moral World, and Official Gazette of the National Association of Industry, Humanity and Knowledge

No 1, 30 August 1834, 8 pp

Item 4  Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Northumberland Weekly Mirror of the Times, and Retrospect of Public Events

(No 1), 22 November 1817, 4 pp

Item 4  (sic) The New Penny Magazine…

No 1, 22 September 1832, 8pp

Item 5  The Old Bailey Reporter, or Annals of Crime

No 1, Vol 1, May 1832, 8pp

Item 6  The Opera Glass…

No V, 30 October 1826, 10 pp

Item 7  Original.  A Weekly Magazine of Literature and the Fine Arts

No 1, 3 March 1832, 16 pp

Item 8  Paddy Kelly’s Budget; or, A Penny-Worth of Fun!! (Dublin)

No I, Vol I, 14 November 1832, 10 pp

No II, Vol I, 21 November 1832, 8 pp -

  Includes The Spinster’s Alphabet (p 13)

No III, Vol I, 28 November 1832, 8 pp

No VIII, Vol I, 2 January 1833, 8 pp

No IX, Vol I, 9 January 1833, 8 pp

No XXVIII, Vol I, 7 August 1833, 8 pp

No XXX, Vol I, 21 August 1833, 8 pp

No LII, Vol I, 22 January 1834, 8 pp

Item 9  The Parochial Herald, and Marylebone and Finsbury Anti-Republican Journal

No 1, 16 January 1836, 4 pp

Item 10  The Parthenon

No 1, 26 October 1836, 16 pp


Item 11  The Pasquini; or General Satirist

No 1, 24 February 1821, 16 pp

Item 12  The Patriot (Manchester)

No 1, 28 August 1819, 8 pp

Item 13  The Patriot

No 1, 27 August 1831, 8 pp

(no No) The Patriot.  The Friend of the People and the Enemy of Corruption

No 1, 4 February 1832, 8 pp

Item 13 (sic)  A Penny Paper for the People, by the Poor Man’s Guardian

(No 1), 18 March 1831, 8 pp

Item 14  The Penny Biographical Dictionary

I, 29 August 18--, 8 pp

Item 15 The Penny Cyclopaedia

nd, 8 pp

Item 16  The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

No 1, 31 March 1832, 8 pp

Item 17, The Penny School-Book

No 1, 29 August 1832, 8 pp

Item 18  The Penny Magazine of the Society of the Diffusion of Useful Knoweledge

No 50, 12 January 1833, 8 pp

Item 19  The Phrenologist

Vol 1, No 1, 16 February 1833, 8 pp

Item 20  The Physician

No 1, 3 November 1832, 8 pp

Item 21  The Political Argus

Vol 1, No 1, The Political and Literary Argus, 8 February 1823, 18 pp

Vol 1, No 2, The Political and Literary Argus, 15 February 1823, 16 pp

Items 22-36 were all published by William Carpenter at the Office of Political Letter, Paternoster Row.

Item 22  A Political Letter

(No 1) 4 February 1831, 16 pp

Item 23  A Political Miscellany

9 December 1830, 16 pp

Item 24  A Political Pamphlet

26 February 1831, 16 pp

Item 25  A Letter of the Right Hon the Chancellor of the Exchequor

18 February 1831, 16 pp

Item 26  A Political Olio

5 March 1831, 24 pp

Item 27  A Political Reflector

18 March 1831, 16 pp

Item 28  A Political Director

30 April 1831, 16 pp

Item 29  A Political Guardian

22 April 1831, 16 pp

Item 30  A Political Omnibus

* April 1831, 16 pp

Item 31  A Political Repertory

1 April 1831, 16 pp

Item 32  A Letter to Lord Althorpe

4 December 1830, 16 pp

Item 33  A Second Letter to the Duke of Wellington

11 November(1830?), 16 pp

Item 34  A Letter to the Aristocracy of England

6 November 1830, 24 pp

Item 35  A Monitory Letter to the People of England

29 October (1830?),  16 pp

Item 36  Reform.  Supplement to Carpenter’s Political Compendium

nd, 8 pp

Item 37  The Political Penny Magazine

No 1, 3 September 1836, 8 pp

No 2, 10 September 1836, 8 pp

“The working people of England require something stronger than the mere pabulum which the Education and Improvement-of-Society-Mongers are now cramming down the throats of the public.  It may please women and children very well to see pictures of cabbage trees and cauliflowers, wild beasts and Arabs, and Hindoo temples, but I trust my readers will not think unpalatable or dull those which I shall occasionally lay before them”.

No 3, 17 September 1836, 8 pp

Item 38  The New Political Register by John Bell

No 1, Vol 1, 17 October 1835, 16 pp

Item 39  The Poor Man’s Guardian.  A Weekly Paper for the People

No 8, 27 August 1831, 8 pp

No 15, 8 October 1831, 8 pp

Item 40  The Prodigy

No 1, 2 August 1833, 8 pp

Item 41  The Public Communicator, and General Advertiser

No 1, 14 January 1832, 8 pp


Item 42  Punch in London

No 1, 14 January 1831, 8 pp

No 16, 28 April 1832, 8 pp

Well illustrated with woodcuts

Item 43 Punchinello!

No 1, 20 January 1832, 8 pp

Item 44 The Quiz

No 1, 4 February 1836, 4 pp

Item 45, The Quizzical Gazette Extraordinary!!! And Wonderful Advertiser

No 1, (1 April 1819), 12 pp

No 2, (1 April 1820), 12 pp

No 3, (1 April 1821), 12 pp

No 4, (1 April 1822), 12 pp

No 5, (1 April 1822), 12 pp  (supplement)

No 6, (1 April 1823), 12 pp

No 7, (1 April 1824), 12 pp

No 8, (1 April 1825), 12 pp

No 9, (1 April 1826), 12 pp

No 10, (1 April 1827), 12 pp

No 11, (1 April 1828), 12 pp

Item 46  The Reformer, or Schoolmaster Abroad

No 1, 2 June 1832, 16 pp

Item 47  The Regenerator, or Guide to Happiness

No 1, August (1832), 4pp

Item 48  The Republican

No 26, 17 September (1831), 8 pp

Item 49  The Republican Magazine

No 1, 16 February 1833, 8 pp

No 2, (supplement), 8 pp


Item 49a Roman Catholic Expositor, and Friend of Ireland (Dublin)

No 1, 21 February 1825, 8 pp

Item 50 The Rump Chronicle

No 1, 26 February 1819, 2 pp

No 2, 27 February 1819, 2 pp

No 3, 1 March 1819, 2 pp

No 4, 2 March 1819, 2 pp

No 5, 3 March 1819, 2 pp

Item 51  Salmagundi

No 1, 17 May 1823, 8 pp

Item 52  The Saturday Magazine

No 34, 12 January 1833, 8 pp

Item 53  The Scourgel! or, The Public Censor of the Drama, Music and “Things in General”

No 1, 22 June 1833, 4 pp

Item 54  Shadgett’s Weekly Reviews of Cobbett, Wooler, etc

No 1, 1 February 1818, 8 pp

Item 54a  Prospectus for above, 4 pp

Item 55  The Shamrock; or Songster’s Repository (Dublin)

No 7, nd, 4 pp

Item 56  The Shepherd

No 1, 30 August 1834, 8 pp

Item 57  The Sketch Writer

No 1, 20 July 1832, 8 pp

Item 58  A Slap at the Times   By Robert Cruikshank

No 1, (April 1832), 4 pp

Item 59  A Slap at the Church

No 1, (21 January 1832), 8 pp

Item 60  This number has been missed

Item 61  The Squib

No 1, 13 July 18--, 4 pp

Item 62  The Spirit of the Times or Universal Mirror

30 April 1818, 16 pp

1 June 1818, 16 pp

Item 63  The Theatrical John Bull, and Weekly Journal of Amusements

No 1, 12 October 1822, 8 pp

Item 64  The Thief:  A London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Weekly Journal

No 1 NS, 8 September 1832, 16 pp

No 5 NS, 6 October 1832, 16 pp

No 14 NS, 8 December 1832, 16 pp

Item 65  The Tourist; or, Sketch Book of the Times

Vol 1, No 1, 17 September 1832, 8 pp

Includes “The Housewife” – directions on treatment of illness

Vol 1, No 3, 1 October 1832, 8 pp

Matrimonial correspondence

Vol 1, No 19, 7 January 1832, 8 pp

Item 66, The Trades’ Newspaper and Mechanics Weekly Journal

No 1, 17 July 1825, 16 pp

Item 67, The Truth!

No 1, 22 August 1832, 4 pp


Item 68  The Truth, A Weekly Radical Christian, and Family Newspaper

No 1, Vol 1, 10 February 1833, 16 pp

Item 69  Variety

No 1, 10 September 1814, 12 pp

With an article on Joanne Southcott, the religious writer

Item 70  Verbatim Report, &c

nd, 8 pp

Item 71  The Ulster Register; A Political and Literary Magazine (Belfast)

2 July 1816, 4 pp

Item 72  The Umpire

No 1, 4 January 1823, 20 pp

Item 73  Union

No 1, 26 November 1831, 16 pp

Item 74  Useful Knowledge for the People!

nd, 8 pp

Item 75  The Wanderer

No 1, 1 December 1832, 8 pp

Item 76  The Warder; or, Constitutional Observer

No X, 19 May 1821, 16 pp

Item 77  Ward’s Miscellany of Literature, Science and Religion

No 1, 4 January 1837, 16 pp

Item 78  The Wasp

No 1, 4 May 1837, 8 pp

Item 79  The Weekly Miscellany; or, New National Magazine of Instruction and Amusement

No 1, 7 July 1832, 8 pp

Item 75 (sic)  The Weekly Show-up; or, Political, Satirical & General Humourist

No 1, 20 June 1832, 4 pp

Item 76 (sic)  The Weekly Visitor and London Literary Museum

No 1, 21 January 1832, 8 pp

Item 77 (sic)  The Whig-Dresser

No 1, 5 January 1833, 4 pp




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