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Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women, 1450-1837

Part 2: Advice Books, Manuals, Almanacs and Journals, c.1625-1837 from the Bodleian Library, Oxford


Women’s Rights & Status

A Womans Woorth, defended against all the men in the world. Prooving them to be more perfect, excellent and absolute in all vertuous actions, [than] any man of what qualitie soever. Written by one that hath heard much, seene much, but knowes a great deal more. London, John Wolfe, 1599. Mal.518(1)

Woman triumphant: or, the excellency of the female sex; asserted in opposition to the male. By a lady of quality. London, Charles Stokes, 1721. Vet.A4.f.1691

Female Rights Vindicated; or, the equality of the sexes morally and physically proved, by a lady. London, G Burnet, 1758. Vet.A5.f.379

Female Restoration, by a moral and physical vindication of female talents, by a lady. London, (Sold at Free-Mason’s Coffee House), 1780. Vet.A5.d.1198

Female Union Society. Rules & articles. Bristol, W Major, 1803. 24786.f.19

Female Friendly Society of Elgin. Rules, etc. Inverness, John Young, 1804. Vet.A6.e.105

Ladies Association: First Establishment under the auspices of the Ladies Association. Bath, E Smith, 1817. G. pamph. 531(2)

Mrs Maddocks. The Female Missionary advocate, a poem. London, B J Holdsworth, 1827. 14770 f.194(14)

Women's Health

The Ladies dispensatory: or, Every Woman her own physician. London, 1739, 12 Vet A4.f44

Advice on diet and regimen by a physician. London, Joseph Mallett, 1824. 24.543

A guide for the sick chamber. Edinburgh, Fraser & Co, 1837. 37.270

Every woman’s book; or, Female’s physician, by a surgeon. London, H Hetherington, 1839. 39.340


Two Essays on Love and Marriage. London, Henry Brome, 1657. Wood 750(1)

An Account of Marriage.... London, Allen Bancks, 1672. Wood 750(2)

A Discourse of the Married and Single Life. London, Jonas Man, 1621. Wood 750(3)

The XV Comforts of Rash and Inconsiderate Marriage. London, Walter Davis, 1682. Wood 750(4)

The Women’s advocate: or, Fifteen real comforts of matrimony. (Quinze Joies). London, Benjamin Alsop, 1683. Wood 750(5)

Marriage asserted: In answer to a Book entitled Conjugiuni Conjurgium.... London, Henry Herringman, 1674. Don f.54

Marriage prompted. In a discourse of its ancient and modern practice. London, Richard Baldwin, 1690. Vet.A3.e.1447

Advice to the fair: an epistolary essay, ... on dress, converse and marriage. London, J Wilford, 1738. G Pamph. 1667(23)

Marriage and its vows defended, by a female Christian, but no Methodist; a Poem. London, J Rozea, 1781. 2799.d.78

Giles, William. The guide to domestic happiness. 9th ed. London, William Button, 1811. 24727.f.8

The Marriage Almanack; and mothers manual: by an English physician. 2nd ed. London, A Schloss, 1838. 162.g.16

Women & the Law

The lady’s cabinet lawyer; being a familiar summary of the exclusive and peculiar rights and liabilities, legal and equitable, of women, as infants, unmarried; - As Single Women, of full age; As wives, and as widows. By a barrister of the Middle Temple. London, John van Voorst, 1837. [L.157]

Mothers & Daughters

the School of Grace; Or, a Book of Good Nurture, for the Admonition and the Instruction of Youth and Age.... (London), W Thackeray & T Passinger, [16--]. Vet. A3 f.491(8)

The Mother’s Blessing: Being Several Godley Admonitions given by a Mother unto her Children upon her Death-bed, a little before her departure. (London), Clarke, W Thackeray & T Passinger, 1685. Vet.  A3 f.491(9)

The advice of a father: or, Counsel to a child. London, Brabazon Aylmer, 1688. 8 M197(2) Art

A mother’s gift. London, Carnan & Newberry, 1769. Douce adds. 300 (Pt1)

A mother’s gift. London, Carnan & Newberry, 1775. Vet. A5 g.23 (Pt3)

The Flight of a Ladybird. London, Newbery, 1799. Vet. A5 g.24

The Pleasing History of Prince Almanzor. Coventry, Luckman & Suffield, nd. Vet. A5 g.25

Harlequin’s metamorphoses. London, E Tringham, 1780. Vet. A5 g.26

Counsel to Friends’ Children.... London, Darton & Harvey, 1799. 110.K.80(5)

A mother’s advice to her children. Dublin, Robert Jackson, 1778. 110.K.80(6)

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Marriage State. Dublin, Robert Jackson, 1778. 110.K.80(6)

A mother’s portrait: sketched soon after her decease, for the study of her children. London, Knight & Lacey, 1823. 8 W 345 BS

The Girl’s and Boy’s Penny Magazine. No 1. London, W Strange, 1832. Per. 3974.d.444(15)

Female Excellence; or, Hints to daughters, by a mother. London, The Religious Tract Society, 1838. 38.68


The compleat drawing book. London, Robert Sayer, 1755 [owned by "Eliza Danby"]. Vet.A5.e.2257

Lady’s and Gentleman’s Scientifical Repository…. By a Society of Mathematicians. Newark, 1782. Vet.A5.e.2708

The Female instructor; or, Young woman’s companion. Liverpool, Fisher & Dixon, 1811. Soc.133d.147(13)

Mudie, Robert. The complete governess. A course of mental instruction for ladies. London, Knight & Lacey, 1826. 388.e.35

Advice to governesses. 1827 27.109

Religion & Morality

The ladie’s blush: or, the History of Susanna, the Great Example of Conjugal Chastity. An Heroick Poem by W.V. London, Robert Robinson, 1670. Vet A3.e.109

Female Piety and Virtue, a poem. London, J Roberts, 1725. Harding C1273

Female Honour, an epistle to the lady in favour from the lady lately kick’d-out. London, J Huggonson, 1742. Firth.c.8(21)

The Female Moralist: A Poem. London, J Robinson, 4, 1744. G Pamph 1722 (1)

A lady’s religion, in two letters to … Lady Howard. 1704. 3rd ed., To which is added, A Letter to a Lady on the Death of her Husband. London, W Owen, 1748. Vet A4 f.322

The ladies advocate, or, Wit and beauty a match for treachery and inconstancy. London, C Long, 12, 1749. Vet.A4.f.347

Marriott, Thomas. Female conduct: Being an Essay on the Art of Pleasing, to be practiced by the Fair Sex, Before, and After Marriage. A poem in two books. London, w Owen, 1759. 2799.e.391

A guide to health, beauty, riches and honour. London, S Hooper, 8, 1785, Y 657 (8) BS

Advice to unmarried women: to recover and reclaim the fallen; and to prevent the fall of others, into the snares and consequences of seduction. London, J F &C Rivington, 1791. 26521.f.58(1)

Female Friendship, A Tale for Sundays. London, J Harris & Son, 1824. 24.345

Religion & Morality (continued)

Woman: as she is, and as she should be. 2 vols. London, James Cochrane & Co, 1835. 35.420

Pigott, Charles. The Jockey Club, or, A sketch of the manners of the age. Parts 1-3. London, A D Symonds, 1792. (1792) G Pamph. 2174 (1-3)

Called The Jockey Club "as the whole human species may be fairly considered and treated as Jockeys, each running his race to the best advantage… [Neither] confined to space or limited to sex." Full of satirical portraits of leading personalities including Louis XV, Marlborough, Thomas Paine, Burke, Pitt, Marie Antoinette, The Duchess of Gloucester, etc. Part III deals with "The Female" Jockey.

Cookery & Domestic Life

Wolley, Hannah. The accomplish’t lady’s delight in preserving, physick, beautifying & cookery. London, B Harris, 1675. Douce. P.412

"Though there have been many Books Extant of this kind, yet I think something hath been deficient in them all, I have therefore adventured to make another, which I suppose comprehends all the Accomplishments necessary for Ladies, in things of this Nature. For you have here: 1. The Art of Preserving and Candying all Fruits and Flowers… 2… some excellent Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery, for curing most Diseases… some Rare Beautifying Waters, Oyls, Oyntments and Powders… some Choise Secrets and Experiments in the Art of Angling; a Recreation which many Ladies delight in… Lastly, You have here a Guide to all manner of cookery, both in the English and French mode…."

Wolley, Hannah. The gentlewoman’s companion; or, A guide to the female sex. London, Edward Thomas, 1675. 8 D 2 (1) Art

"Containing Directions of Behaviour, in All Places, Companies, Relations and Conditions, from their Childhood Down to Old Age; Viz: as Children to Parents; Huswives to the House; Scholars to Governors; Mistresses to Servants; Single to Servants; Mothers to Children; Virgins to Suitors; Widows to the World; Married to Husbands; Prudent to All. With Letters & Discourses upon all Occasions."

Wolley, Hannah. The queen-like closet: or rich cabinet, stored with all manner of rare receipts for Preserving, Candying and Cookery. London, R Chiswell, 1684. 70.c.64

Cookery & Domestic Life (continued)

Wolley, Hannah. The Compleat Servant-Maid; or, The Young Maiden’s Tutor: Directing them how they may fit, and qualifie themselves for any of these Employments. Viz. Waiting-Woman; Nursery-Maid; House-Keeper; Dairy-Maid; Chamber-Maid; Laundry-Maid; Cook-Maid; House-Maid; Under-Cook-Maid; Scullery-Maid." 4th ed. London, Tho Passinger, 1685. Vet.A3.f.1783

The compleat caterer; or, Instructions how to chuse the best provisions. London, J Nutt, 1701. Douce c.24

Wolley, Hannah. The Accomplish’d Lady’s Delight in Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, Cookery and Gardening. 11th Edition. London, J Willis & J Doddington, 1715. Douce c.384

"Inlarged" – contains "The Lady’s Diversion in her Garden: Or the compleat Flowerist, with the Nature and Use of all sorts of Plants and Flowers [by Thomas Harris, Gardn’r at Stockwell in Surrey]."

The lady’s companion; or, An infallible guide to the fair sex. The Fourth Edition, with Large Additions. London, T Read, 1743. 1781.f.134

Female Aegis; or, The duties of woman from childhood to old age, and in most situations of life exemplified. London, J Ginger, 1798. Vet. A5 e.89

Letter Writing

The ladies complete letter writer. Dublin, James Hoey, Junior, 12, 1763. Vet.A5 f.182

The complete letter-writer. Edinburgh, John Reid, 1768. Vet. A5 f.3122

Language & Literature

Female Excellence; or, Woman display’d, in several satyrick poems. London, Norman Nelson, 1679. Vet.A3.c.26(2)

The Ladies Dictionary. London, John Dunton, 8, 1694. Douce DD31 8

"… a compleat Dictionary to the Female Sex in all Relations, Companies, Conditions and States of Life; even from CHILDHOOD down to Old-Age, and from the Lady at Court, to the Cook-maid in the Country…." The volume is an encyclopaedic dictionary with many remarkable entries. To select but 2 examples from the "A" section, these range from "Apparel or the Ladies Dressing Room: Apparel and Ornaments are not only for shrouding Nakedness, and screening the pinching Cold, but for setting out the shape and proportion of the Body, and rendering the Fabrick of mortality more Airy and Charming…" (followed by a further 11 pages on the topic) to "Adultery and Uncleanness; The dangerous consequences that attend it, and the dishonour it puts on the Fair Sex, and Revenge it stirs them up to;" (followed by 7 more pages). There are also many entries describing women from fiction and history (eg "Anyle, an Epigrammatick Poetess"), who may or may not be suitable role-models for the reader.

The Female Garland or, The Virgins Monitor. No publisher, no place, [17--]. Douce pp. 161 (3)

The Ladies Catechism. London, 1703, 8 Vet A4.e.761(1)

The Town Misses Catechism. 1703. Vet A4.e.761(2)

The Beau’s Catechism. 1703. Vet A4.e.761(3)

Love’s Catechism. 1707. Vet A4.e.761(4)

The French King’s Catechism. 1709. Vet A4.e.761(5)

The ladies miscellany, a collection of original poems, novels, and other curious tracts, by the most eminent hands. 3rd ed. London, E Curll, 1732. 12 THETA 836

Woman in miniature: a satire. London, J Huggonson, 1742. 85. 6. 26

The Lady’s poetical magazine, or, Beauties of British poetry. 4 vols. London, Harrison & Co, 1781-1783. Volumes I & II. Vet.A5 e.2735-2736

"Too long has man, engrossing ev’ry art, Dar’d to reject the Female’s rightful part; As if to him, alone, had been confin’d Heavn’s greatest gift, a Scientifick Mind. The rougher arts, ‘tis true, men justly claim; But let the smooth and tranquil paths to fame, Which ask not strength of body, but of mind, Be, as the soul, to neither sex confin’d."
Introductory Address

An Author Index appears at the end, including not only the names of established male poets such as Dryden, Gay, Johnson, Pope and Swift, but also of the numerous female poets included such as Lucy Aitkin, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Darwell, Frances Greville, Judith Maden, Emma Roberts, Elizabeth Scott, Hester Thrale and Phillis Wheatley.

Language & Literature (continued)

The Lady’s poetical magazine, or Beauties of British poetry. 4 vols. London, Harrison & Co, 1781-1783. Volumes III & IV. Vet.A5 e.2737-2738


The Ladies cabinet, or A companion for the toilet. To which is added, The character of a true gentleman. London, J Robinson, 8, 1743. Douce C 545 (1)

John Gay. The Beggar’s Opera. London, John Watts, 1735. Douce C 545 (2)

The Lucky Discovery – A Comedy. London, Ward & Chandler, nd. Douce C 545 (3)
(All 3 items from Douce C 545 have been included for the sake of completeness).

The ladies polite songster; or, Harmony for the fair sex. London, T Shepherd, 1770. Douce S 18

A volume containing a collection of songs and song-books of the period, c1810. Douce pp 163 (1-45)
(This includes: (8) The ladies’ evening companion, being a choice collection of the newest songs; and, (41) The ladies’ evening companion, being an entire new and choice collection of the most admired songs)

Fashion & Beauty

On the ladies hoops and hats new worn, an epigram. London, J Roberts, 1719. Firth b.22 (f.20a)

The Woman of Fashion, a poem. 3rd ed. London, J Bew, 1778. Vet.A5.d.967

The Female Gamester; or, The pupil of fashion. 2 vols. London, Vernor & Hood, 1796. Jessel.e.502

Fashion & Beauty (continued)

The ladies’ pocket magazine. Parts 1 & 2. London, Joseph Robins, 1829. Per. 2705.f.201

The Ladies, penny gazette; or Mirror of fashion, and miscellany of instruction and amusement. No’s 1,7. London, G H Davidson, 1832. Hope 4 96(10) Hope 4 96(27)

The Ladys’ gazette of fashion. (50 i11.) London, I T Payne, 1834-5. Per 17503.c.6


A volume of miscellaneous tracts and pamphlets relating to women. 33 items, 1615-1683. Wood 654a (1-33) This includes:
A Discourse of Marriage and Wiving. 1615.
Hollands Leaguer: or, An Historical Discourse of the Life and Actions of Dona Britanica Hollandia the Arch-Mistris of the wicked women of Utopia. 1632.
The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward (sic), and Unconstant Women … 1637.
The Taming of a Shrew; Or, The only way to make a Bad Wife Good. nd.
A discoverie of Six Women Preachers. 1641.
St Hillaries Teares Shed upon all Professions … 1642.
The Virgins Complaint for the losse of their Sweet-Hearts, by these present wars. 1642.
The Mid-Wives just Petition … 1643.
The Parliament of Ladies … 1647.
The Ladies, A Second Time, Assembled in Parliament. 1647.
Match me these two; Or the Conviction and Arraignment of Britannicus and Lilburne, with an Answer to the Pamphlet, entitled, The Parliament of Ladies. 1647.
The City-Dames Petition … 1647.
The Cuckoo’s Nest at Westminster, or the Parlement between the two Lady-Birds. 1648.
A Dialogue between Mistris Macquerella, a Subyrb Bawd, Ms Scolopendra, a noted Curtezan, and Mr Pimpinello an Usher &c. 1650.
Newes from the new Exchange or the Commonwealth of Ladies. 1650.
Alimony Arraign’d … 1654.
Now or Never: Or, A New Parliament of Women Assembled. 1656.
The Trepan, being a true Relation, full of stupendious variety, of the strange practises of Mehetabel the wife of Edward Jones, and Elizabeth wife of Lieutenant John Pigeon, … 1656.
The Ladies Remonstrance: or a Declaration of the Waiting-Gentlewomen, Chamber-Maids, and Servant Maids, of the City of London, and within the Loyns of Copulation; To all Gentlemen, London – Apprentices, and others whom it may concern; … 1659.
A Declaration of the Maids of the City of London … 1659.
The Fifth and last part of the Wandering Whore: A dialogue. 1661.
The Womans Champion. 1662.
The Lawyer’s Clarke Trappan’d by the Crafty Whore of Canterbury. 1663.
A True Account of the Tryal of Mrs Mary Carlton. 1663.
The Replication of Certain Vindicatory Depositions … 1663.
The Married Mens Feast … 1671.
The Character of a Town Misse. 1675.
The Town-Misses Declaration and Apology. 1675.
A Letter of Advice concerning Marriage. 1676.
No item with this number.
Warning for Servants: And a caution to Protestants. Or, the Case of Margaret Clark, Lately Executed for Firing her Master’s Hojse in Southwark. 1680
Antigamus or a Satyr against Marriage. 1694
Triumphs of Female Wit. 1683

A section of a miscellaneous volume containing tracts and pamphlets relating to women. 8 items, 1732-1733. Douce P 142 (5-12). This includes:
Dirty Dogs for Dirty Puddings. Or, Memoirs of the Luscious Amours of the Several Persons of both sexes of Quality & Distinction. 1732.
The Commodity Excused: Or, the Women in Uproar. A New Ballad Opera. 1733.
The Friendly Writer and Register of Truth. 1732.
The Ladies Delight. 1732.
The Bee: or, Universal Weekly Pamphlet. Number II. 1733.
Memoirs of the Life of a Norfolk Lady, Related to a certain Great Man of that County. 1733.
The Whole of the Proceedings in the Arches-Court of Canterbury, in the Cause between the Hon Mrs Catherine Weld, Daughter to the Lord Aston and Edward Weld Esquire, Her Husband, Containing, I Her Libel exhibited against him for Impotency. II Her Answer and Replication. III Certification of Ambrose Dickens Esq; His Majesty’s Serjeant – Surgeon, Mr Williams and several other surgeons who examined Mr Weld, and also of three Midwives who examin’d Mrs Weld. IV Copies of the Depositions of Several Noble Persons, relating to this cause. V The Sentence pronounced by the Worshipful Dr Bettesworth. 1732.
A Miscellany on Taste. 1732

The Female Rebels: Being some remarkable incidents of the lives, characters, and families of the Titular Duke & Dutchess (sic) of Perth, the Lord & Lady Ogilvie, and of Miss Florence McDonald. London, J Wilde, 1747. 22863 e.86

Mudie, Robert. The emigrant’s pocket companion, containing, what emigration is, who should be emigrants, where emigrants should go; A description of British north America, especially the Canadas; and full instructions to intending emigrants. London, James Cochrane & Co, 1832. [R.H.]

Almanacs for Women

The Ladies Diary; or, the womens [afterw] woman’s almanack for the year…. Various press-marks:

1706 Rawl. alm. 124(6)
1707 Rawl. alm 128(7)
1708 Douce A 600(1)
1709 Rawl. alm. 131(1)
1710 Rawl. alm. 133(1)
1711 Rawl. alm. 136(1)
1712 Rawl. alm. 138(1)
1716 Douce A 601(1)
1717 Douce A 602(1)
1718 Douce A 603(1)
1720 Johnson alm. 91
1722 Rawl. alm. 172(8)
1723 Douce A 604(1)
1724 Douce A 605(1)
1725 Douce A 606(1)
1726 Douce A 607(1)
1727 Johnson alm. 93
1728 Johnson alm. 94
1729 Douce A 609(1)
1730 Rawl. alm. 153(1)
1731 Douce A 610(1)
1732 Rawl. alm. 155(1)
1733 Rawl. alm. 156(5)
1734 Douce A 612(1)
1736 Rawl. alm. 159(4)
1737 Douce A 613(1)
1738 Alm.f.1738.2(1)
1739 Rawl. alm. 162(4)
1740 Alm.f.1740.3(1)
1741 Rawl. alm. 163(1)
1742 Alm.f.1742.3(1)
1744 Alm.f.1744.1(1)
1747 Alm.f.1747.1(1)
1748 Alm.f.1748.1(1)
1749 Alm.f.1749.1(1)
1750 Alm.f.1750.1(1)
1751 Alm.f.1751.1(1)
1752 Alm.f.1752.1(1)
1753 Alm.f.1753.1(1)
1754 Alm.f.1754.1(1)
1755 Alm.f.1755.1(1)
1756 Alm.f.1756.1(1)
1757 Alm.f.1767.1(1)
1758 Douce A 623(5)
1759 Alm f.1759.1(1)
1760 Alm.f.1760.1(1)
1761 Alm.f.1761.1(1)
1762 Alm.f.1762.1(1)

Almanacs for Women (continued)

The Ladies Diary: or, The womens [afterw.] woman’s almanack for the year…. Various press-marks:
1763 Alm.f.1763.1(1)
1764 Alm.f.1764.1(1)
1765 Alm.f.1765.1(1)
1766 Alm.f.1766.1(1)
1767 Alm.f.1767.1(1)
1768 Alm.f.1768.1(3)
1769 Douce A 630(3)
1770 Douce A 631(4)
1771 Douce A 632(3)
1774 Alm.f.1774.1(2)
1776 Alm.f.1776.1(3)
1777 Alm.f.1777.1(2)
1778 Alm.f.1778.1(2)
1779 Alm.f.1779.1(2)
1780 Alm.f.1780.1(2)
1781 Alm.f.1781.2(2)
1782 Alm.f.1782.1(2)
1786 Alm.f.1786.1(2)
1787 Alm.f.1787.4(2)
1788 Alm.f.1787.2(2)
1789 Alm.f.1789.1(2)
1790 Alm.f.1790.2(2)
1792 Alm.f.1792.2(2)
1793 Alm.f.1793.1(2)
1794 Alm.f.1784.3(2)
1796 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1797 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1798 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1799 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1800 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1801 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1803 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1804 (Alm.)22012.f.7
1805 (Alm.)22012.f.7

Almanacs for Women (continued)

The Ladies Diary: or, the womens [afterw.] woman’s almanack for the year…. Various press marks:
1809 Don.f.366
1810 Don.f.367
1811 Don.f.368
1812 Don.f.369
1813 Don.f.370
1814 Don.f.371
1815 Don.f.372
1816 Don.f.373
1817 Don.f.374
1818 Don.f.375
1819 Don.f.376
1820 Don.f.377
1821 Don.f.378
1822 Don.f.379
1823 Don.f.380
1824 Don.f.381
1825 Don.f.382
1826 Don.f.383
1827 Don.f.384
1828 Don.f.385
1829 Don.f.386
1830 Don.f.387
1831 Don.f.388
1832 Don.f.389
1833 Don.f.390
1834 Don.f.391
1835 Don.f.392
1836 Don.f.393
1837 Don.f.394
1838 Don.f.395
1839 Don.f.396
1840 Don.f.397

The Lady’s and gentleman’s diary for the year….
(Alm.) 22012 f.7
1842 (Alm.)f.1842.1.(1)

Almanacs for Women (continued)

The Palladium; or, Appendix to the Ladies diary, 1749-1772. 16 volumes in 4 boxes. London, John Fuller, 1749-1772. Vet.A4.e.1372

Almanacs for Women (continued)

The ladies complete pocket-book. London, John Newbery, 12, 1760. Vet.A5.g.113

The diarian miscellany: consisting of all the useful & entertaining parts, extracted from the Ladies’ diary, from 1704 to 1773. With additional solutions and improvements. 5 vols. London, G Robinson & R Baldwin, 1775. Volumes I & Ii. 18753.e.58-59

The diarian miscellany: consisting of all the useful & entertaining parts, extracted from the Ladies’ diary, from 1704 to 1773. With additional solutions and improvements. 5 vols. London, G Robinson & R Baldwin, 1775. Volumes III-V. 18753.e.60-62

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