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Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women

Parts 1-4: Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford

Contents of Reels - Part 1


Cookery & Domestic Life

1827 Domestic Economy, and cookery, for rich and poor, by a lady.
London, 1827, 12º.

1838 The Family Exchequer Book; or Housekeeping and general expenditure book, 1839.
London cm 33.
1778 c.3.

1838 The Family Exchequer Book - Description of all the Tables. cm 33.
1808 c.47.

1841 Domestic Life, or, Hints for daily use.
London, 1841, 12º.


Cookery and Domestic Life (continued)

1850 Cookery made easy, by a lady. 3rd ed., improved. London [1850] cm 16.
1781 f.234.

1850 The Domestic Economist & Adviser in every branch of the family establishment. [ed. G W Johnson].
Vol. 1, No 1-13. London, 1850, cm 25.
Per. 1778 d.5.

1859 A wife’s home duties, containing practical hints to inexperienced housekeepers.
London cm 17.
268 c.338.

1877 Cookery, containing instructions and recipes for the practical housekeeper (New penny handbook).
London 1877, cm 18.
1781 e.171.

1894 The domestic drill, or, the maids of Mrs Platt.
38431 d.3.

1896 Family Budgets: income and expenses of twenty-eight British households, 1891-4 (Econ Club).
London cm 25.
24726 d.2.


Education & Etiquette

1837 Etiquette for the ladies. 4th ed.
London, 1837, 16º.
247895 g.1.

1854 The etiquette of flowers. London [1854]. 8º.

1861 Etiquette for all: Glasgow, 1861, 16º.
247895 f.9.

1876 Etiquette for ladies & gentlemen.
London [1876].
268 c.457.

1893 The etiquette of good society. Ed. & revised by Lady Colin Campbell. London, 1893, 8º.
247895 f.6.

1900 Etiquette for gentlemen. London, 1900, 8º.
247895 e.8.


1842 The Ladies’ Magazine of Gardening (ed. Mrs Loudon)
Vol. 1.
Per. 1918 d.131.

1842 Every family’s book of amusements.
London [1842] cm 13.
268 c.116.

1844 The ladies’ hand-book of haberdashery & hosiery.
London 1844.


Entertainment (continued)

1851 Every lady’s guide to her own greenhouse, hothouse & conservatory, by a lady.
London, 1851, 8º.
191 c.61.

1852 The ladies’ drawing room book (followed by)
The ladies’ work-book. 2 pt. London [1852], cm 27.
2 DELTA 842.

1890 The ladies’ new dreamer.
London [1890].
9390 e.8 (11).

1894 Ladies in the field, sketches of sport, edited by Lady Greville. London, 1894.
3843 e.32.

Every girl’s book of sport, occupation & pastime.
Ed. by M Whitley. London, 1897, 8º.
3843 e.41.

1908 The Sportswoman
Vol. 1, No. 1-3.
N 17503 c 52.


Fashion, Society & Beauty

1843 The ladies’ hand-book of the toilet.
London 1843.

1845 The ladies’ book of fashion. 1845.
Per. 17503 d.55.

1872 The ladies, a journal of the court, fashion & society.
Vols. 1-2. London, 1872, cm 40.
N.17503 b.4.

1908 Every woman’s toilet book. Ed. by Mrs Robert Noble.
London [1908] 8º.
17502 e.22.


Language & Literature

1875 Love lyrics & valentine verses.
London [1875] cm 17.
280 b.899.

1896 Every girls’ stories (by G Aguilor et al).
London, 1896, 8º.
2537 e.538.
Letter Writing

1871 The ladies’ & gentleman’s model letter writer
cm 16.
(Women’s useful books). London [1871].
2709 f.6.

n.d. The letter writer for lovers.
np, n.d..
2709 e.237.



1847 The Marriage Offering; or a series of letters addressed to a young married lady...Rotheram, 1847.

Marriage with a deceased wife’s sister, letters by W W Champneys. (& al). London 1849 8º.
24735 e.9.

1858 Marriage with a deceased wife’s sister…
London, 1858, cm 16 G Pamph. 2547 (2)
London [1859] cm 20 G Pamph. 2547 (10)

1859 The marriage service, illustr by W H Rogers.
London, [1859] cm 14.
138 d.316.

1870 Marriage and Home. London [1870] cm 13.
141 k.336.

1884 Marriage Law Defence Union. Vol. I & II. London
1884 cm 17.
24735 e.12 & 13.

1894 Marriage & Misery. Brighton [1894] cm 10.
24788 f.7(10).

1897 Marriage & Divorce (ed by ‘a committee of clergy’)
London, [1897] cm 18.
24739 e.4i(5).

1898 Marriage Dowry Mutual Association. Prospectus
and Rules. London [1898] cm 14.
2473 f.9.

1900 Marriage Addresses and marriage hymns, by various authors, ed. O P Wordell-Yerburgh.
London, 1900, cm 19.
24731 e.48.

1911 The love book. Dundee, [1911], cm 23.
24731 d.9.

1911 Working women and divorce, an account of evidence given before the Royal Commission on divorce.
London 18 cm.
24739 e.4ii(5).

1914 Marriage, by a solicitous layman. London [1914] cm 17
24731 e.108.

1915 On the retention of the word obey in the marriage service. (John Wickham).
138 e.166.


Mothers & Daughters

1838 Female Excellence, or hints to daughters, by a mother. London, 1838, cm 14.

1841 The wife and mother; or, hints to married daughters by a mother. 1841.

1854 Female Happiness; or, the lady’s handbook of life.
London, 1854, cm 17.
270 c.381.

1860 The Mothers’ thorough resource-book. [1860].
268 b.115.


Mothers and Daughters (continued)

1873 A handbook for wives and mothers of the working classes. (Christian women’s assoc).
Glasgow cm 15.
100 g.169 (20)

1879 The Mother’s home-book (Beeton’s all about it books).
London cm 19.
268 b.232.

1913 The mother’s own book.
London cm 22.
1618 d.59.

1915 Women’s Co-operative Guild – Maternity, letters from working women.
London 19 cm.
162 e.159


Religion and Morality

1837 A guide for the sick chamber, consisting of prayers
(and c) selected and arranged by a lady.
Edinburgh cm 17.

1865 The female preacher; or, The lost ministry.
London, 1865, cm 20.
100 f.107 (27).

1870 The mother’s family prayer book; or, A help to family worship, by the author of ‘Light Beyond’.
London cm 18.
138 g.410

1875 The mother’s help to the religious instruction of her children 5 pt (in 1). (Christian women’s assoc).
Glasgow cm 16.
141 m.296.

1876 The Ladies’ national temperance convention of 1876 (Proceedings).
200 i.58 (7).

1881 The Ladies theosophical society. Its objects and rules. Allahabad, 1881.
9419 e.456 (1).

1886 Female Bible Mission in Oxford. 1886 Report.
G A Oxon 8º 810 (1).

1899 Society for the Rescue of Young Women and Children. The forty-sixth annual report with subscription list 1898.
London 18 cm.
24728 e.22 (10).

1914 The burden of Eve’s daughters, by one of them.
Edinburgh cm 19.
25611 e.3651


Women and Work

1838-45 The Females’ Advocate under the superintendence of the Committee of the London Female Mission, Vol. 1-3.
Per. 1419 f.1850.


Women and Work (continued)

1838-45 The Females’ Advocate under the superintendence of the Committee of the London Female Mission, Vols. 4-8.
Per. 1419. f.1850.


Women and Work (continued)

1864-1936 Woman’s Mission to Women, incorporating The Female Mission to the Fallen within which is incorporated The Female Aid Society, 1898. Annual Reports.
1-6 24728 f.9.
8-10 100 g.86 (11-13).
15 100 g.168 (3).
62-63 Per. 24728 f.7.
68-78 Per. 24728 e.66


Women and Work (continued)

1870 A letter from a lady to women and girls who work in factories (SPCK) London, [c1870], cm 13.
100 g.85 (3).

1872 Society for Promoting the Employment of Women. Thirteenth annual report.
London cm 21.
24725 e.417 (14).

1873 Ladies’ Association in Aid of the Mission to Jews and Poles at the Plochocin Orphanage near Warsaw. Fourth annual report. London 1873.
1348 e.9 (13).

1885 Work and how to do it, a guide to girls in the choice of employment, ed. by Mrs J Mercier.
London cm 14.
1773 f.3.

1892 Female Servants Union News.
Vol. 1, No. 1, cm 34.
Per. 3974 c.34 (19)

1893 Ladies at work, papers on paid employment for ladies by experts in the several branches, with an introduction by Lady Jeune.
London 1893 cm 22.
2474 d.8.

1908 Women in industry from seven points of view, by Gertrude M Tuckwell (and others).
London, cm 18.
23214 e.92.

1909 Women’s workers directory, 1909.
London cm 18.
Dir. 2474 e.68.

1910 Society for Promoting the Employment of Women.
The fifty-first annual report.
(London) cm 21.
Per. 2474 e.95.


Women’s Health

1835 Advice to young mothers on the physical education of children. Moore, Margaret Jane. Flor, 1835, cm 19.
1618. e.180.

1839 Every woman’s book; or, Female’s physician, by a surgeon.
London, 1839, 8º.

1895 The ladies’ physician, by a London physician. New and revised edition. London. 1895.
1619. e.108.

1896 Girlhood and Wifehood, Practical counsel and advice, by a surgeon and accoucheur. 1896.
1619. f.10.

1903 Every women her own doctor, by a fully qualified MD.
London, 1903, 8º.
1619. e.138.


Women’s Rights and Status

1831 Females of the present day … by a Country Lady.

1840 Woman’s rights and duties considered with relation to their influence on society and on her condition, by a woman. 2 vols. London cm 19.

1870 Female Suffrage: an answer to Mrs H Fawcett on the electoral disabilities of women.
London, 1870, cm 21.
200 h.79 (26).

1872 Women’s rights and the wife at home by a womanly woman.
London cm 18.
200 i.37 (23)

1875 Woman; her true place and standing, an address by an American clergyman.
Edinburgh cm 21.
100 f.160 (32).

1891 Women like ourselves, short addresses by M G.
London 8º.
106 f.25.

1911 Women’s Suffrage and militancy ed. by H Carter.
London cm 18.
24741 e.80 (3).


1910-12 Every woman’s encyclopaedia. 8 vols.
London, [1910-12] 8º. Vols. 1-2.
1778 d.12


Miscellanea (continued)

1910-12 Every woman’s encyclopaedia. 8 vols.
London, [1910-12] 8º. Vols. 3-4.
1778 d.12


Miscellanea (continued)

1910-12 Every woman’s encyclopaedia. 8 vols.
London, [1910-12] 8º. Vols. 5-6.
1778 d.12.


Miscellanea (continued)

1910-12 Every woman’s encyclopaedia. 8 vols.
London, [1910-12] 8º. Vols. 7-8.
1778 d.12.



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