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Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women

Parts 1-4: Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford

Contents of Reels - Part 2


Cookery and Domestic Life

1853-5 The Family Treasury Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 2 No. 11, cm 21
Per. 1778 e.64.

1856 Domestic economy (Gleig’s sch.ser.)
London 1856, cm 14.
268 c.706.

1859 The Family Manual and Servant’s Guide. New (9th) ed. London cm 18.
268 c.311.

1861 The lady’s guide to the ordering of her household; and the economy of her dinner table, by a lady.
250 f.34.


Cookery and Domestic Life (continued)

1862 C (HS) Cookery and domestic economy for young housewives. New ed.
250 g.160.

1882 Handbook of domestic cookery.
London cm 18.
268 b.274.

1886 Homework and how to do it: an easy reading book for girls classes.
Dublin 16º.
268 c.720.

1899 Home-making, a guide to a healthy and beautiful house for those with limited incomes (New penny handbooks).
London cm 18.
17525 e.13

1900 The Domestic Copy Book for girls.
London & c [1900] cm 26.
2578 d.13.

1908 Cookery made easy.
London, [1908] cm 20.
1781 e.313

1911 The Family ABC, containing indispensable advice for every home.
London cm 24.
1778 d.26.



1839 The nursery maid. Her duties and how to perform them. (Guide to Service).
London 16 cm.
268 c.505.

1845 The nursery Governess, by the author of “The Week”.
London 14 cm.

1845 Information on common objects for the use of infant and juvenile schools, and nursery governesses.
London 17 cm.

1862 The mother’s picture alphabet, designed by H Anelay.
London fol.
2523 c.23.

1875 Guide for governesses, English and Foreign, nursery and finishing by ‘the ladies’ agent for schools and governesses.
York 12º.
260 g.367 (13).

1878 Domestic economy for the use of schools … 8th ed.
Glasgow, 1878, 16º.
268 c.702.

1879 Nursery Ballads
London 17 cm.
25210 e.33.

1880 Cookery classes in national schools, by a Somerset rector.
London, 1880, 8º.
268 c.582 (2).

1887 Domestic economy for training colleges. 1st years. London [1887] cm 16.
268 c.722.

1892-3 The Girl’s School Magazine Vol. 1, 2.
London cm 25.
Per. 2705 d228


Education (continued)

1895 Girls at home, a domestic economy ready for use in schools, with a concise textbook of domestic economy. (Roy.sch.ser).
London 17 cm
268 e.20.

1899-1902 Domestic Economy Reader. Books 1-3.
London 1899-1902 cm 17.
1778 e.21.

1904-5 The Cookery Teacher Vol. 1, 2.
London, 1904, 1905, cm 22.
Per. 26329 d.22.



1874 At home, by a mistress and mother.
London cm 21.
200 h.124 (4).

1881 Girls and their ways, by one who knows them.
London cm 17
260 g.445.

1900 Complete Etiquette for ladies and gentlemen.
London 8º.
247895 e.10.

1911 The woman’s book, contains everything a woman ought to know, ed By F B Jack and R Strauss.
London 8º
1778 d.29.



1886-93 Home plays for ladies, arranged for school or family performance. 10 pt.
London 16 cm.
M adds. 117 e.2.3.

1902 The mother’s book of song. London 1902
2805 e.267.

1913 S. (G.B). Matrimony made easy.


Entertainment (continued)

1844 The ladies’ work-table book. 2nd ed.
London 1844.

1849 The ladies’ needlework penny magazine.

1868 Nursery Fun for every one; or Games for little children.
London 14 cm.
268 c.80.

1887 Girl’s games, a recreation handbook for teachers and scholars, ed. by E D Bourne.
London cm 16.
38491 f.5.

Fashion, Society and Beauty

(1889) Beauty and how to keep it, by a professional beauty.
London 8º.
17502 f.1.

1890, 91 Beauty and fashion Vol. 1 No. 1-14.
London cm 31.
Per. 17503 c.20.

1892 Fashionable London Vol. 1 No. 1-3.
London cm 38.
Per. 17503 c.28.

1893 Beauty and hygiene for women and girls, by a specialist.
London 18 cm.
17502 e.8.


Language and Literature

1845 The nursery Sunday book, by a lady.
London 18 cm.
1849 f.1812.

1859 Women of Worth.
London 17 cm.
210 i.490.

1860 The Girl’s birthday book, a collection of tales, essays, and narrative.
London cm 18.
249 v.462.

1867 Nursery Lines; or, Stories about the little ones, by an old nurse.
London cm 18.
250 m.303.

1869 The woman of the future.
London 17 cm.
250 k.18 (19).

1869 The Girl of the period of miscellany (9 nos).
London cm 27.
Per. 2474 d.7.


Language and Literature (continued)

1881 A mother’s blessing and other stories. (Stories with a purpose).
London cm 14.
1489 f.1275.

1883 The nursery treasure picture book of funny stories, good music and pretty rhymes for children, ed. by Mercie Sunshine. London.
2527 d.25.

1893 The girl’s reciter, prose and verse from standard authors.
London cm 18.
2705 e.76.

1893 Women adventurers (repr of 4 biographies) ed. by M M Dowie. (Adventure ser, 15).
London 20 cm.
214 99 e.29.

1904 A Woman’s Will (by the author of “Loves and Lord”), (Favourite fict, ser, 17).
London 18 cm.
2561 e.2543.

1907 Nursery rhymes for the little ones (Tales for the Children, 10)
London cm 16.
25210 f.142.

1910 Nursery-land stories (in verse) and picture book. (Posty books).
London 16 x 15 cm.
25210 f.224.

Letter writing

1866 The lover’s letter-writer for ladies and gentlemen.
(Routledge’s household annuals).
London, [1866], cm 16.
24731 f.12.

(1871) A Woman’s letter.
Ramsgate cm 17.
100 g.147 (5).


Marriage and Courtship

1831 A familiar compendium of the law of husband and wife in two parts to which is added a third part; comprising the laws relating to breach of promise … By a solicitor.
London cm 22, (L.L)

1838 The Marriage Almanack; and mother’s manual: by an English physician. 2nd ed, enlarged.
London, 1838, cm 11.
162 g.16.

1843 A marriage gift, by a mother.
London, 1843, cm 18.

1847 G, (TE) The etiquette of love, courtship and marriage.

1877 Courtship as it is, and as it ought to be; by ‘a careful observer of the first’ and ‘a practical experimentalist in the latter’. Otley, 8º.
256 f.1154.

1888 How to get a husband and how to get a wife.
Glasgow cm 18.
24731 e.13.

1902 The etiquette of marriage (Good form ser.)
London, [1902], 12º.
24731 f.16.

1907 The Marriage Post and fashionable advertiser. No. 1
(London) 1907, cm 44.
N.2473 b.1.


Mothers and Daughters

1823 A mother’s portrait: sketched soon after her decease, for the study of her children, by their surviving parent.
London cm 18.
8º W 345 BS.

1839 T (R) The Mother the best governess.

1862 A mother’s lessons on kindness to animals (ed by C S).
London cm 16-18.
2521 e.88.1.

1866 Mother’s shawl.
London cm 13.
1489 f.1566.

1885 Motherhood; or, conferences for Our Lady’s and St Philip’s girls.
26520 f.26.

1893 Mothers’ Union Journal
Jan 1893 – Winchester cm 24.
Per. 13217 d.8.

1903-06 Mother’s Union.
Handbook and central report 1903-06.
London cm 18.
Per. 13217 e.6.


Mothers and Daughters (continued)

1907-10 Mother’s Union.
Handbook and central report 1907-10.
London cm 18.
Per. 13217 e.6.

1910 Mother’s darling.
London & C, cm 25.
252 d.1141.

Religion and Morality

1894 Stories for our Mothers’ Union, by the compiler of ‘Readings and devotions for mothers’.
London, 1894, cm 18.
1489 e.1076.

1905 Mothers’ Union; Worcester diocese Church teaching at home, a syllabus for the religious instruction of church children.
London, 1905, 8º.

1917 Prostitution, the moral bearings of the problem by F (M).
24729 f.3.



1846 A hard-book for bathers; or, Hints on the various kinds of baths, by a medical member of her Majesty's household.
London cm 15.

Women and the Law

1881 A handbook of the law relating to matters of domestic economy. (Ward and Lock’s useful handbooks.)
London cm 18.

Women and Work

1838 The Lady’s Maid (Guide to service).
268 c.684.

1844 The working man’s wife, by the author of the Family book.
London cm 14.

1855 Women and their work. Repr from The Ecclesiastic.
London cm 21.
24721 e.32 (1); 24741 e.32 (2).

1858 Workhouses and women’s work. Repr from the Church of England monthly review. Also, a paper on the condition of workhouses (by L Twining).
London cm 20.
G Pamph 2445(15).

1860 Workhouse visiting Society – Report upon the proposed industrial home for young women, and the correspondence with the Poor Law Board.
London cm 20.
G Pamph 2450(17).

1869 Women’s work and women’s culture, a series of essays, ed. by J E Butler.
London cm 22.
232 e.128.


Women and Work (continued)

1869 The working-classes, by a daughter of the people.
London cm 17.
200 i.11 (23)

1876 Woman’s work, a woman’s thought on women’s rights.
Edinburgh cm 18.
200 i.58 (19)

(1877) Working Ladies Guild – Explanatory report.
1877, London, cm 17.
200i 55(6)

1878 GFS Business Girls in London. A Plea for a Girl’s Friendly Lodge in London.
London, 1878, cm 16.
24741 e.55 (2).

1883 The need for the Girl’s Friendly Society.
London, 1883, cm 18.
26521 e.7 (11).

1884 Guide to female employment in government offices.
London cm 16.
26326 f.12.

1885 Industrial work in the GFS.
26521 e.7 (19).

1887 ‘Work and leisure’ manuals to the employment and recreation for women workers Pt 1. ‘Where to spend a holiday’.
London cm 18.
15012 e.18.

1891 Work and how to do it, a practical guide to girls in the choice of employment, ed. by Mrs J Mercier. Head of the GFS Industrial Dept, 2nd ed.
London 12º.
2632 f.5.

1891-1924 Working Girls Club, Oxford. First Report - Thirty-third report (Imperf).
Oxford cm 18.
Per. G A Oxon 8º 795.

1893 Women’s Co-operative Guild - Outline of Work with model branch rules.
Manchester cm 18.
2479 e.108 (7).

(1895) Women’s Trade Union Assoc – fifth annual report. 1893-1894.
London cm 21.
Per 23216 e.19.

(c1895) How women work, 1, 2 Ropemaking and Confectionery.
London cm 21.
23214 e.143.

1904 Women in the printing trades; a sociological study (undertaken by the Women’s industrial council) ed. by J R Macdonald.
London cm 21.
23214 e.61.

1907 The matron: her duties and responsibilities.
London [1907] cm 17.
1519 e.56.

1910, 12 Women’s Local Government Society; Oxford branch Report, rules, members, and statement of accounts for 1908-11.
Oxford 15 cm.
G A Oxon 16º 200 (11).


Women’s Health

1854 Series of Callisthenic and Hygienic Exercises.
268 c.328.

1854 The nurse and the nursery, by a physician.
London cm 16.
151 c.194.

1855 A hand-book of domestic medicine.
1512 e.115.

1862 The mother’s medical adviser and guide for emergencies, together with a familiar treatise on domestic medicine. (Useful handbooks. 7)
London cm 16.
1512 f.43.

1867 Women doctors, an appeal to the gentlemen of England.
London cm 15.
150g.5 (13).

1875 Health and Home, by a Quiet Woman.
London cm 16.
151 0.333


Women’s Health (continued)

1878 The family physician, by physicians and surgeons of the principal London hospital.
London 8º151 M.429.

1886 The nursery and every mother’s companion by an experienced medical man.
London cm 11 x 18.
1672 g.1.


Women’s Health (continued)

1902-04 The Women Students’ Medical Magazine. Eds G H Griffen, V A P Coghil, No. 1-8
Edinburgh cm 24.
Per. 1512 d.106.

1908 Women’s National Health Association of Ireland. Ireland’s crusade against tuberculosis, lectures delivered at the Tuberculosis Exhibition ed by the Countess of Aberdeen.
Dublin cm 21.
15697 e.41.

n.d. Ladies’ Sanitary Association - various pamphlets (cruelty to children, a model wife, etc).
1674 e.14. (13)
167 e.15 (2)
G. Pamph. 2541 (2) & (15)
16771 e.13 (13)
16823 e.8 (21)
247513 f.3 (16)
1778 f.2 (12)
16823 e.47 (3)

Women’s Rights and Status

1835 Woman: as she is, and as she should be. 2 vols.
London cm 18.


Women’s Rights and Status (continued)

1847 Women’s worth: or Hints to raise the female character. 2nd ed.
London cm 17

c1850 Womanhood, Sunday, October 21st.
(A lecture pp15-28 of an unidentified work).
n.pl cm 24.
24741 e.32 (21).

1858 A woman’s thoughts about women, by the author of “John Halifax, gentleman”.
London 8º.
270 b.119.

1867 A woman’s view on women’s rights.
London cm 19.
200 h.61 (35).

1868 Women: her friends and her enemies. A vindication by a lady. 2nd thous.
Bristol cm 18.
200 i.22 (22).

1871 A Woman’s reform bill for the unruly member
(by E G).
London cm 18.
250 c.469.

1892, 94 Women’s Emancipation Union Reports (First and Second Reports).
Manch cm 20.
Per. 2474 e.58.1
Per. 2474 e.58.2

1894 The Women’s national co-operative self-help Society.
London cm 15.
23221 e.3 (22).

1903-06 Women’s Suffrage Record (ed. by E Palliser).
No. 1-13.
London cm 27.
2474 d.21.



1854 B. (I). The ladies guide to life assurance.
G. Pamph. 235 3 (10).

1871 The Ladies’ Companion.
Per. 3974 d.479 (15).

1877 Girls: their work and influence.
London cm 16.
270 g.793 (5).

1878 The Girl’s Own Annual 1878
London cm 23.
Per. 2537 d.11.

1888 Guide to schools, homes and refugees in England for the benefit of girls and women. (C O S).
London 8º
2474 e.11.

1888-1889 The women’s gazette and weekly news No. 1-44.
Manch cm 34.
N. 2474 c.1.

1896 The Kilburn Sisters (in reply to the report of the COS on the institutions of the Church extension society).
24767 e.42 (1).


Miscellanea (continued)

1897 The Women’s Institute (a prospectus).
London cm 20.
2474 e.104 (7).

1898-1904 Women’s Institute (Miscellaneous publications).
London 17 cm & c.
G A London, 8º 884.

1898-9 Girl’s Best Friend Vol. 1 No. 1 - Vol. 2 No 89.
London cm 38.
Per. 2537 b.1.

1900 Women’s exhibition Earl’s Court, 1900 Daily Programme
London 21 cm.
2474 e.172 (6).

1909 Women of all nations Exhibition of Arts, Crafts and Industries Olympia … London … 1909 (Catalogue).
London 18 cm.
2474 e.77.



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