The Papers of Harriet Martineau, 1802-1876, from Birmingham University Library
Contents of Reels
General Correspondence A-B
HM 1-96
(Correspondents include Countess of Airlie; Mary Arnold; Matthew Arnold; Henry G Atkinson; George Babb; Alexander Bain; Charles Holte Bracebridge; and Mrs Gaskell)
General Correspondence A-B
HM 97-163
(Correspondents include Patrick Bronte and Mrs Gaskell. Much correspondence in this section concerns Lady Byron and articles on Lady Byron by Harriet Martineau and Harriet Beecher Stowe)
General Correspondence C-F
HM 163-317
(Correspondents include 7th Earl of Carlisle; Simon Cameron; John Chapman of the Westminster Review; Samuel Courtauld; Mrs E Farrar; James Thomas Fields and William Edward Forster.
General Correspondence G-H
HM 318-421
(Correspondents include Jeremiah Garnett; Elizabeth Gaskell; W E Gladstone; Robert and Charles Graves and George and Harrier Grote)
General Correspondence G-H
HM 422-523
(Correspondents include Sara Hennell; Richard Henry Horne; Sydney Hunt; Frederick Everard Hunt and Frederick Knight Hunt, editor of the Daily News)
General Correspondence I-R
HM 524-653
(Correspondents include Barry Knight; Dr Peter Mere Latham; Samuel Lucas; Alexander MacMillan; Helen Martineau and Richard Martineau
General Correspondence I-R
HM 654-780
(Correspondents include Russell, Susan and Thomas Martineau; David Masson; Richard Monckton Milnes; Florence Nightingale; James Payn; Henry Reeve, editor of the Edinburgh Review; Sir John Richard Robinson, of the Daily News and Lord John Russell
General Correspondence S-W
HM 781-903
(Correspondents include Dara B Shaw; George Smith; G F Smith, of the Daily News; Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; Lady August Stanley; Lady Henrietta Maria Stanley of Alderley; Viscountess Strangford and Hugh Seymour Tremenheere)
General Correspondence S-W
HM 904-1035
(Correspondents include Nicholas Truebner; Thomas Walker and William Weir, both of the Daily News; Henry Whitworth of Liverpool, Secretary of the National Association of Factory Occupiers, and afterwards, Secretary of the Association to Obtain the Right Appropriation of the Liverpool Town Dues; Henry William Wilberforce and William Wood)
Publishing Correspondence A-W
HM 1036-1222
(Correspondents include Charles Fox; Charles Knight; Edward Moxon; John Murray; William S Orr & Co; William Sharpe; George Smith; John Weale and Simon Wilkin)
Miscellaneous Documents
HM 1223-1244
(Includes notes and autograph letters on factory girls, the manufacture of ribbons, her sewing machine, cures for cholera, advice on drinks, a record of doctor’s visits and a copy of a review from the Spectator on Bibliographical Sketches)
Testimonial to Harriet Martineau, 1843
HM 1245-1260
Miscellaneous Documents
HM 1261-1278
(Including cashbooks, accounts and records relating to income and expenditure)
Material relating to the Windermere Benefit Building Society and Harriet Martineau’s property at Ambleside
HM 1279-1318
Material concerning strikes
HM 1319-1337
Printed Items
HM 13388-1380
(Includes press-cuttings about Bibliographical Sketches; material on the medical education of women; Ireland; the Board of National Education and pamphlets on a proposal for a school at Windermere, suggestions for improving the condition of ladies of the middle class and a scheme for expanding the minds of the working class)
Printed items
HM 1381-1386
(Includes pamphlet about Ancient Egypt and record of prices of dyeing fine silk)
Manuscripts by Harriet Martineau
HM 1387-1417
(Includes History of the Forty Years Peace; preface to the new edition of Eastern Life; preface to the History of The Thirty Years Peace; notes on political views; medical matters; sanitation; Irish education; adult education; European States and life in the criminal class)
Manuscripts by Harriet Martineau
HM 1418
Autograph manuscript of her Autobiography
Volume I, pages 1-450
Manuscripts by Harriet Martineau
HM 1418
Autograph manuscript of her Autobiography
Volume I, pages 451-505
Volume II, pages 1-201
HM 1418A
Receipt for the printing cost of the Autobiography
(March 1856)
HM 1419
Autograph manuscript of Book VI of the History of England during the Thirty Years Peace, 1816-1846 pages 1-149
Manuscripts by Harriet Martineau
HM 1419
Autograph manuscript of Book VI of the History of England during the Thirty Years Peace, 1816-1846 pages 150-418
HM 1420
Autograph manuscript of A Tale of the Tyne
HM 1421
Autograph manuscript of Poor Laws and Paupers No 2
Pages 1-148
HM 1422
Autograph manuscript of Poor Laws and Paupers No 1
Pages 1-68
Manuscripts by Harriet Martineau
HM 1422
Autograph manuscript of Poor Laws and Paupers No 1
Pages 69-207
HM 1423
Autograph manuscript of Poor Laws and Paupers No 4
Pages 1-156
Additional Letters
HM L Add 1-102
Additional Material
Items relating to Harriet and Maria Martineau
(Includes manuscripts of A Tale of Briery Creek; Modern Domestic Service; Salem Witchcraft; What can Women Do? And Out for a Holiday; Letters from the Martineau Family, 1856-1872; copies of extracts of a letter from Harriet Martineau to Florence Nightingale (9 January 1859); and other correspondence to Maria Martineau, 1855-1872; a reprint of Harriet Martineau’s A History of American Compromises and a manuscript list of Harriet Martineau’s publications up to 1855)