Papers from the Cabinet, Home Office and Metropolitan Police Files in the Public Record Office (CAB 41, HO 45, HO 144, MEPO 2 and MEPO 3)
Contents of Reels
AR 1/38
Reopening of galleries against suffragists (1913-1914)
AR 1/39
Suffragists: outrage at National Gallery (1914)
AR 1/528
Suffragists: descriptions and photographs (1914)
CAB 41/32/29
Suffragette prisoners in Holloway (1909)
CAB 41/32/44
Suffragettes (16 December 1909)
CAB 41/32/61
Women’s Suffrage (8 June 1909)
CAB 41/32/62
Women’s Suffrage Bill (15 June 1909)
CAB 41/32/63
Women’s Suffrage Bill (23 June 1909)
CAB 41/32/73
Prorogation Speech (24 November 1910)
CAB 41/33/13
Women’s Suffrage Bill (4 May 1911)
CAB 41/33/15
Women’s Suffrage Bill (17 May 1911)
CAB 41/34/4
Women’s Suffrage Amendments to the Franchise Bill (25 January [24 January] 1913)
CAB 41/34/5
Withdrawal of Franchise Bill
(28 January [27 January] 1913)
CAB 41/34/7
Suffrage Disorders (12 February
[11 February] 1913)
CAB 41/34/8
Treatment of Suffrage Prisoners
(7 March [6 March] 1913)
CAB 41/34/9
Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health) Bill (13 March [12 March] 1913)
CAB 41/34/16
Women’s Suffrage Bill (30 April 1913)
HO 45 10338/139199
Dawson, A. Women’s Freedom League: Gonne, C M: Petitions to HM concerning Women’s Suffrage (1906-1909)
HO 45/10389/170808
Criminal: Suffragettes Treatment in prison, including the Pankhursts, following convictions in connection with the “rush” on the House of Commons (1908)
HO 45/10597/187632
Protection of Polling Stations and ballot boxes from Suffragettes (1910-1912)
HO 45/10612/194095
Representation of the People Bill, 1912 (Women’s Suffrage Bill) (1910-1912)
HO 45/10645/209446
Speech of Mr Cecil Chapman, Metropolitan Magistrate, in favour of Women’s Suffrage (1911)
HO 45/10678/219337
Women’s Social and Political Union (Suffragettes) meeting on 23 January 1912
HO 45/10679/220365
Suffragette charged with damaging Home Office window. Discharged on medical grounds
HO 45/10689/228470
Meeting in Wales attended by Lloyd George. Suffragettes’ assaulted by crowd (1912-1913)
HO 45/10695/231366
Suffragettes’ activities and meetings.
Reports 1912-1913
HO 45/10699/234800
Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for
Ill-Health) Bill (1913)
HO 45/10700/236680
Suffragette Anne Kenney convicted at
Central Criminal Court of conspiracy
HO 45/10700/236973
Suffragettes’ meetings, outrages, etc. (1913)
HO 45/10701/236973
Suffragettes’ meetings, outrages, etc. (1913-1914)
HO 45/10712/245464
Suffragettes’ death resulting from injuries when ejected from a meeting (1913)
HO 45/10720/249187
Attempted Suffragette deputation to the King (1914)
HO 45/10725/252949
Civil proceedings against certain subscribers to the Women’s Social and Political Union (1914)
HO 45/10726/254037
Forcible Feeding Committee (Medical) Deputation (1914)
HO 45/10796/303883
‘Britannia’ edited by Christabel Pankhurst (1915-1917)
HO 45/11057/234294
Complaints by Suffragettes of the conditions under which they were conveyed to prison in police vans (1913-1922)
HO 45/11088/437465
Suffragettes - Memorandum. Treatment in prison and remission of sentences (1922)
HO 45/11574/419359
Women’s Enfranchisement Bill, 1922. Representation of the People’s Bills,
HO 45/12915/154602
Finger-printing of prisoners: amendment
of instructions to Governors; taking
photographs and fingerprints of suffragette prisoners (1907-1922)
HO 45/24612/210756
Conversations between prisoners and
solicitors reported in the press: Phyllis Brady, Suffragette (1914-1922)
HO 45/24624/221252
Suffragettes: separation from ordinary criminal population at Aylesbury Inebriate Reformatory (1912)
HO 45/24630/223849
Imprisonment of Mrs Pankhurst and Mr and Mrs Pethick-Lawrence (1912-1913)
HO 45/24650/241480
Petition to HM: presentation in person; whether Miss Hope and Captain Gonne are committing an offence (1913)
HO 45/24665/253239
Amnesty of August 1914: index of women suffragists arrested 1906-1914
HO 144/538/186626
Nellie Godfrey: Suffragette: discharged from Manchester prison on medical grounds (1909)
HO 144/552/185732
Suffragettes: treatment in Bristol Prison (1909)
HO 144/837/145641
Complaints of treatment in prison by
Suffragettes (1906)
HO 144/847/149245
Suffragettes’ prosecution at Westminster in connection with procession to House of Commons (1907)
HO 144/891/171424
Mrs Eleanor Penn Gaskell and Miss Annie Smith, Suffragists: treatment at Police Court (1908)
HO 144/891/171454
13 Suffragettes convicted on 29 August 1908: prison treatment
HO 144/904/176114
Mrs Pethick-Lawrence and suffragette prisoners in Holloway Prison (1909)
HO 144/1032/175314
Use of books etc., by Suffragettes (1909)
HO 144/1033/175378
Suffragettes: prison treatment (1909)
HO 144/1033/175878
Macdonald, Mrs Meredith, (Suffragette) awarded five hundred pounds compensation for treatment in prison hospital
HO 144/1038/180782
Prison treatment of Suffragettes
HO 144/1038/180965
Suffragettes medically unfit for forcible feeding, released when further detention endangered life (1909)
HO 144/1038/181250
Suffragettes picketing Downing Street convicted of obstruction (1909)
HO 144/1039/182085
Magistrates deliberately commit
suffragettes to Third Division, but on Home Office orders they were treated as if in Second Division (1909)
HO 144/1040/182086
Disturbance and obstruction of Police by suffragettes meeting at Limehouse (1909)
HO 144/1041/182749
Suffragettes in Liverpool prison
HO 144/1041/183189
Release of hunger striking suffragettes from a Manchester prison (1909)
HO 144/1043/183461
Suffragettes: Prevention of annoyance to Cabinet Ministers (1909)
HO 144/1045/184808
Treatment of Women Suffrage prisoners at Manchester prison (1909-1910)
HO 144/1047/185574
Treatment in Holloway prison of Alice Chaplin and Alison Neilsan, Suffragettes (1909-1910)
HO 144/1047/185589
Prison treatment of Suffragettes convicted of window-breaking at Guildhall (1909)
HO 144/1049/186216
Treatment of Suffragettes convicted at Preston and Haslingden (1909-1910)
HO 144/1052/187234
Suffragettes: treatment in Liverpool prison (1909-1910)
HO 144/1054/187986
Treatment of Lady Constance Lytton,
Suffragette (1910-1912) (Alias Jane
HO 144/1106/200455
Suffragette disturbances at Westminster (1910-1911)
HO 144/1107/200655
The Suffragette Disturbances, 1910 (1910-1911)
HO 144/1119/203651
Suffragist Disturbances (1911-1913)
HO 144/1148/210238
Metropolitan Magistrate forced to withdraw from Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage (1911)
HO 144/1150/210696
Miss Emily Wilding Davison (Suffragette) killed when she threw herself under the King’s horse at the Derby in 1913
HO 144/1169/214572
Imprisonment of a Suffragette who
refused to pay taxes so long as women were unrepresented (1911)
HO 144/1183/218081
William Ball of Men’s Society for Women’s Rights – damage at Home Office – two months hard labour treatment in prison – certificate of insanity – medical inquiry (1911-1913)
HO 144/1193/220196
Suffragette’s demonstration,
imprisonment, and forcible feeding
HO 144/1194/220196
Suffragette’s demonstration,
imprisonment, and forcible feeding
HO 144/1204/221826
Clara Giveen, Suffragette, sentenced to three years penal servitude for setting fire to the Grandstand at Hurst Park. Refused food in prison, released on medical grounds and escaped police observation (1912-1914)
HO 144/1205/221862
Suffragette: damage to a “Romney”
picture (1912-1914)
HO 144/1205/221873
Suffragette, arson of Tea Pavilion, Kew Gardens. Hunger striker (1912-1914) (Phyllis North)
HO 144/1205/221999
Hunger strikes at Aylesbury prison. Four Suffragette prisoners unfit for forcible feeding discharged (1912)
HO 144/1205/222030
Suffragette sentenced to two years
imprisonment for arson (1912-1914)
HO 144/1206/222067
Suffragette: sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment for possessing explosives (1912-1915) (Irene Casey)
HO 144/1223/227166
Arson at Theatre Royal, Dublin. Two
Suffragettes sent to prison for five years, but released after hunger striking
HO 144/1232/229179
Rachel Peace and Jane Short,
Suffragettes, forcibly fed (1912-1914)
HO 144/1236/230251
Ella Stevenson and Ethel Slade, subject
to the conditions of the Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health) Act, 1913 (1912-1914)
HO 144/1254/234646
Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst, Suffragette leader (1913-1917)
HO 144/1255/234788
Lilian Lenton, Suffragette, charged on
various occasions with arson, etc
HO 144/1255/239582
Agnes Lake, Suffragette, charged with conspiracy, and sentenced to six months. Released under “Cat and Mouse” Act (1913)
HO 144/1257/235545
Mary Richardson, Suffragette outrages (1913-1914)
HO 144/1261/236533
Phyllis Brady, Suffragette, charged
and convicted on various occasions of committing arson etc. (1913-1914)
HO 144/1264/237169
George Lansbury (ex M.P.) Suffragette supporter, released temporarily from prison, asks the King to release Sylvia Pankhurst or to order his own re-arrest (1913-1914)
HO 144/1267/237954
Beatrice Helen Saunders, Suffragette, charged with conspiracy at Central
Criminal Court, sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment, Third Division (1913)
HO 144/1268/238215
Sydney Granville Drew found guilty of publishing articles for suffragettes enticing them to commit arson (1913-1914)
HO 144/1274/239318
Harriet Johnson, Militant Suffragist,
temporary discharge from prison (1913)
HO 144/1275/239581
Harriet R Kerr, Suffragette. Released
under Prisoners (Temporary Discharge
for Ill-Health) Act 1913
HO 144/1305/248506
Forcible feeding: objections by the Bishop of London (1914)
HO 144/1318/252288
Police raid on head quarters of Women’s Social and Political Union; stoppage of
letters (1914)
HO 144/1320/252950
Drugs illegally conveyed to Suffragettes in Holloway Prison (1914)
HO 144/1490/356124
Forcible feeding (1918)
HO 144/13338
Alice Wheelson convicted at CCC on 27 February 1917 for conspiracy to murder (plot to kill Lloyd George and Arthur
Henderson) and sentenced to 10 years penal servitude NOTE previously closed for 100 years. Opened in 1997 following review (1917-1931)
MEPO 2/1016
The Suffragette movement: disturbances and convictions (1906-1907)
MEPO 2/1145
Suffragettes: legal opinion as to
appropriate charge (1908)
MEPO 2/1222
Suffragettes: disturbances (1908)
MEPO 2/1223
Suffragettes: wilful and persistent
obstruction (1908)
MEPO 2/1308
Suffragette disturbances: instructions to police (1910)
MEPO 2/1310
Suffragette disturbances: augmentation of Special Branch (1909)
MEPO 2/1410
Suffragette movement: prosecution of
Emmeline Pankhurst and others (1910)
MEPO 2/1438
Suffragette demonstrations: police
procedure (1911)
MEPO 2/1488
Suffragettes: arrest of two hundred for
assaults on police and other offences (1911-1912)
MEPO 2/1527
Suffragettes: aids to check interference
at borough elections (1912)
MEPO 2/1551
Suffragettes: accident involving His
Majesty’s horse and jockey (1913)
MEPO 2/1560
Suffragettes: meetings at ‘London Pavilion Music Hall’ (1913)
MEPO 2/1566
Suffragettes: supervision of movements
by police sergeant on motor cycle
MEPO 2/1567
Suffragette demonstration: House of
Commons (1913)
MEPO 2/1568
Suffragettes: supervision of Westminster Hall entrance (1913)
MEPO 3/203
Suffragettes: complaints against Police (1911)
MEPO 3/1787
Claims for damage caused by suffragettes (1912)
MEPO 3/2407
Applications for return of property seized at office of Women’s Social and Political Union, a suffragette organisation
PCOM 7/178
Women’s Social and Political Union facilities refused for facsimile cell exhibit in London (1909)
PCOM 8/228
Suffragettes: Instructions to Governors (1912)
WORK 11/117
Houses of Parliament: damage etc by