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Part 1: Papers of Thomas Clarkson, William Lloyd Garrison, Zachary Macaulay, Harriet Martineau, Harriet Beecher Stowe & William Wilberforce from the Huntington Library

Part 1 of this microfilm project brings together the papers of six leading abolitionists from the collections of the Huntington Library in San Marino, California: 

  • For Thomas Clarkson (1760-1846), there are original manuscript essays including his Account of efforts, 1807-24, to abolish slavery; and 86 letters. 
  • For Zachary Macaulay (1768-1838), first Governor of the new colony for freed slaves in Sierra Leone, there are 1,014 letters and documents, including his Diary and his Journals for 1793-1799. 
  • William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879) is represented by letters to Susan B Anthony, Annie Fields, Elizabeth Pease and Thomas Clarkson.
  • For Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) there are original manuscript essays together with 19 of her letters.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) is represented by literary manuscripts (including a letter giving her reason for writing Uncle Tom's Cabin), as well as 162 letters.
  • For William Wilberforce (1759-1833) there are 91 letters and his Notes for Questions regarding Slavery "to be asked before Parliament."

This part is especially useful for material that illustrates the role of women in the abolitionist movement (such as Hannah More, Margaret Cropper and Selina Mills - later Macaulay) and the international dimensions of the crusade.

Olaudah Equiano

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