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Part 1: The Schlesinger Collection of Etiquette and Advice Books from the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University

1 - Abbott, John Stevens Cabot
The mother at home; or the principles of maternal duty. Boston, 1833
2 - Abell, Mrs L G
Woman in her various relations: containing practical rules for American families. New York, 1853
3 - The affectionate son: for the use of children. Portland, 1839
4 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young husband, or Duties of man in the marriage relation. Boston, 1840
5 - Alcott, William Andrus
The young husband, or, Duties of man in the marriage relation. 8th ed. Boston, 1846
6 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young husband, or, Duties of man in the marriage relation. 12th ed. Boston, 1848
7 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young man’s guide. 20th ed. Boston, 1849
8 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young mother, or management of children in regard to health. 3rd ed. Boston, 1838
9 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young wife, or Duties of woman in the marriage relation. Boston, 1837
10 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young woman’s book of health. New York and Auburn, 1855

11 - Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859
The young woman’s guide to excellence. 15th ed. New York, 1852
12 - The American code of manners: a study of the usages, laws and observances which govern intercourse in the best social circles, and of the principles which underlie them. New York, 1880
13 - The American lady’s and gentleman’s modern letter writer, relative to business, duty, love, and marriage. Philadelphia, 1847
14 - The American lady’s preceptor; a compilation of observations, essays and poetical effusions, designed to direct the female mind in a course of pleasing and instructive reading. 3rd ed. Baltimore, 1813
15 - The art of dining and of attaining high health; with a few hints on suppers. To which is added anecdotes of dining, connected with distinguished individuals. New York, c1874
16 - The art of good behaviour; and letter writer, on love, courtship, and marriage: a complete guide for ladies and gentlemen, particularly those who have not enjoyed the advantages of fashionable life. Containing directions for giving and attending parties, balls, weddings, dinners, etc., including the necessary preparations and arrangements for the marriage ceremony. New York, 1846
17 - Arthur, Timothy Shay, 1809-1885
Advice to young men on their duties and conduct in life, Boston, 1848
18 - Arthur, Timothy Shay, 1809-1885
Advice to young men on their duties and conduct in life. Boston, 1850
19 - Arthur, Timothy Shay, 1809-1885
The lady at home: or, leaves from the every-day book of an American woman.
Philadelphia, 1856
20 - Arthur, Timothy Shay, ed
Our homes, their cares and duties, joys and sorrows. Philadelphia, 1859
21 - The Bazar book of decorum, the care of the person, manners, etiquette, and ceremonials. New York, c1870
22 - Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878
The American woman’s home: or, Principles of domestic science; being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes. New York, 1869

23 - Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878
Miss Beecher’s housekeeper and healthkeeper: containing five hundred recipes for economical and healthful cooking; also many directions for securing health and happiness. New York, 1873
24 - Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878
The new housekeeper’s manual: embracing a new revised edition of the American’s woman’s home; or, principles of domestic science. Being a guide to economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian home. New York, 1874
25 - Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste Morvan
Politeness of manners and behaviour in fashionable society. Boston, 1821
26 - Bloomfield-Moore, Mrs Clara Sophia (Jessup), 1824-1899, comp.
Sensible etiquette of the best society, customs, manners, morals, and home culture. 10th rev. ed. Philadelphia, c1878
27 - The book of manners. A guide to social intercourse. New York, 1852
28 - Bunce, Mrs Oliver Bell
What to do; a companion to Don’t. New York, 1892
29 - Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 1837-1899
The laws of health in relation to the human form. Springfield, 1870
30 - Calvert, George Henry, 1803-1889
The gentleman. Boston, 1863
31 - Gimbrede, J N
Visiting Cards and Card Etiquette. New York, 1869
32 - Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839
Philosophy of common sense. Practical rules for the promotion of domestic happiness: containing rules for the married; essay on the relations of masters, and mistresses, and domestics; rules for moral education; essay on fashions, and on the pernicious effects of the use of corsets; with various other fugitive articles. Philadelphia, 1838

33 - Chamberlain, Madam C D
Character by Samuel Smiles (pseud.) Chicago, 1883
34 - Chavasse, Pye Henry
Advice to wives on the management of themselves, during the periods of pregnancy, labour, and suckling. New York, 1844
35 - Cobbett, William
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life. In a series of letters, addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a citizen or a subject. New York, 1831
36 - The complete hand-book of etiquette for ladies and gentlemen
. New York, n.d.
37 - Conduct as a fine art. Boston, New York, 1891
38 - Conkling, Margaret Cockburn, 1814-1890
The American gentleman’s guide to politeness and fashion; or, familiar letters to his nephews, containing rules of etiquette… by Henry Lunettes (pseud.) New York, 1859
39 - Conkling, Margaret Cockburn "Mrs Albert Steele", 1814-1890
The American gentleman’s guide to politeness and fashion; or, Familiar letters to his nephews. By Henry Lunettes (pseud.). New ed. Philadelphia, 1863
40 - Court etiquette by a man of the world. London, n.d.
41 - Cox, Sidney
Friendly counsel for girls; or, words in season. New York, 1868

42 - Cummings, Ariel Ivers, 1823-1863
The lady’s present: or, beauties of female character. Nashua, 1849
43 - Dahlgren, Mrs Madeleine Vinton
Etiquette of social life in Washington. Philadelphia, 1881
44 - Decorum, a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society. New York, 1880
45 - DePuy, Frank A
The new century home book, a mentor for home life in all its phases; a chronicle of the progress of America and the world; a compendium of the nation’s greatest city; and a guide for the great army of home-builders. New York, 1900
46 - Dick, William Brisbane
What shall we do tonight? or social amusements for evening parties. Furnishing complete and varied programmes for twenty-six entertainments. New York, c1873
47 - Dinners ceremonious and unceremonious, and the modern methods of serving them. New York, 1890
48 - Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896
A new atmosphere by Gail Hamilton (pseud.) Boston, 1865
49 - Don’t: a manual of mistakes and improprieties more or less prevalent in conduct and speech. New York, 1883
50 - Eddy, Daniel Clarke
The young man’s friend: containing admonitions for the erring; counsel for the tempted; encouragement for the desponding: hope for the fallen. 3rd ed. Boston, 1850
51 - Eddy, Daniel C
The young man’s friend; containing admonitions for the erring; counsel for the tempted; encouragement for the desponding; hope for the fallen. 7th ed. Boston, 1853
52 - Eddy, Daniel Clarke, 1823-1896
The young man’s friend; containing admonitions for the erring; counsel for the tempted; encouragement for the desponding, and hope for the fallen. New series. Boston, 1866
53 - Eddy, Daniel Clarke
The young woman’s friend; or the duties, trials, loves, and hopes of woman. Boston, 1857

54 - Eddy, Daniel Clarke, 1823-1896
The young woman’s friends; or, the duties, trials, loves, and hopes of woman. Designed for the young woman, the young wife, and the mother. Boston, 1873
55 - Eliot, William Greenleaf, 1811-1887
Lectures to young women. 3rd ed. Boston, 1854
56 - Everett, Marshall
The etiquette of today; a complete guide to correct manners and social customs in use among educated and refined people of America. c1902
57 - The excellent woman as described in the book of Proverbs. Boston, 1852
58 - The family book; or, instructions concerning all the relations of life. New York, 1835
59 - Farrar, Eliza Ware (Rotch) "Mrs John Farrar", 1791-1870
The young lady’s friend. With introduction by Mrs H O Ward (pseud.) Philadelphia, 1880
60 - Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715
A treatise on the education of daughters. Boston, 1821
61 - Fontenoy, Marquise
Eve’s glossary. Chicago and New York, 1897
62 - Galateo; or, a treatise on politeness and delicacy of manners. Baltimore, 1811
63 - Gardner, Eugene Clarence, 1836-1915
Illustrated homes: a series of papers describing real houses and real people. Boston, 1875

64 - Gibson, Louis H
Beautiful houses; a study in house-building, foreign examples in domestic architecture, a collection of American house plans, materials and details for the artistic house-builder, the architect. New York, c1895
65 - Gibson, Louis Henry
Convenient houses, with fifty plans for the housekeeper. Architect and housewife; a journey through the house: fifty convenient house plans; practical house building for the owner; business points in building: how to pay for a home. New York, 1889
66 - Good manners. Metropolitan Culture Series. 3rd ed. New York, 1889
67 - Good manners; a manual of etiquette in good society. Philadelphia, 1870
68 - Good society. A complete manual of manners by the right hon. the Countess of…London and New York, 1869
69 - Graves, A P
Twenty-five letters to a young lady by A P Graves. Chicago, 1879
70 - Gregory, John, 1724-1773
A father’s legacy to his daughters by the late Dr Gregory. London, 1816
71- Gregory, John, 1724-1773
A legacy to his daughters. New York, 1807
72 - The habits of good society: a handbook for ladies and gentlemen. With thoughts, hints, and anecdotes concerning social observances. New York, 1865
73 - The habits of good society; a handbook for ladies and gentlemen. New York and London, 1877

74 - Hale, Mrs Sarah Josepha
Manners; or, happy homes and good society all the year round. Boston, 1868
75 - Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell), 1788-1879
Manners; or, happy homes and good society all year round, by Mrs Hale. Boston, 1868
76 - Hale, Mrs Sarah Josepha (Buell), 1788-1879
Manners; or, happy homes and good society all the year round. Boston, 1889
77 - Handbooks for home improvement. New York, 1857
78 - Hartley, Cecil B
The gentlemen’s book of etiquette, and manual of politeness. Boston, 1860
79 - Hartley, Cecil B
The gentlemen’s book of etiquette, and manual of politeness. Boston, 1875

80 - Hartley, Cecil B
The gentlemen’s book of etiquette, and manual of politeness; being a complete guide for a gentleman’s conduct in all his relations towards society. Boston, 1875
81 - Hartley, Florence
The ladies’ book of etiquette, and manual of politeness; complete hand book for the use of the lady in polite society. Boston, 1876
82 - Haygood, Atticus Greene, 1839-1896
Our children. New York, 1876
83 - Hervey, George Winfred
The principles of courtesy with hints and observations of manners and habits. New York, 1852
84 - Hillgrove, Thomas
A complete practical guide to the art of dancing. New York, 1866
85 - Hints on common politeness, politeness and integrity constitute the real gentleman and the true Christian. Boston, 1867
86 - Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Titcomb’s letters to young people single and married. 24th ed. New York, 1860
87 - Houghton, Walter R(aleigh)
American etiquette and rules of politeness. Chicago and New York, 1890
88 - Howard, Timothy Edward, 1837-
Excelsior; or, Essays on politeness, education and the means of attaining success in life. 11th ed. New York, 1896
89 - Howe, Elias
Howe’s complete ball-room hand book: containing upwards of three hundred dances. Boston, 1858
90 - Humphry, Mrs
Manners for men. London, 1897

91 - Ives, Alice Emma
The social mirror, a complete treatise on the laws, rules and usages that govern the most refined homes and social circles. Detroit, 1886
92 - The lady’s companion; or, sketches of life, manners, and morals, at the present day. Philadelphia, 1852
93 - The laws of etiquette; or, Short rules and reflections for conduct in society. Philadelphia, 1836
94 - Lippincott, Sara Jane (Clarke), 1823-1904
Stories and sights of France and Italy. Boston, 1867
95 - Longstreet, Mrs Abby Buchanan
Hospitality in town and country. With usages, formal and informal. New York, 1892
96 - MacLaurin, R and L
Specimens of the fashionable style of ladies’ handwriting known as the angular, or English hand. New York, 1874
97 - The maid of all-work, or general servant: her duties, and how to perform them. London, 187-
98 - "Manners makyth man". New York, c1890
99 - The manners that win; compiled from the latest authorities. Minneapolis, 1880
100 - A manual of politeness, comprising the principles of etiquette, and rules of behavior in genteel society, for persons of both sexes. Philadelphia, 1837
101 - Maxwell, Sara B
Manners and customers of today. Des Moines, 1890

102 - Morton, Agnes H
Etiquette: an answer to the riddle, When? Where? How? Philadelphia, 1899
103 - The mother’s friend: or familiar directions for forming the mental and moral habits of young children. New York, 1834
104 - My daughter’s manual, comprising a summary view of female studies, accomplishments, and principles of conduct. New York, 1838
105 - The new letter writer, containing a great variety of letters on the following subjects: relationship, business, love, courtship and marriage, friendship, and miscellaneous letters, law forms, & c. Selected from judicious and eminent writers. New York, 1853
106 - Newcomb, Harvey
The young lady’s guide to the harmonious development of Christian character. 7th ed. Boston, 1846
107 - Newcomb, Harvey
The young lady’s guide to the harmonious development of Christian character. 11th ed. Boston, c1843
108 - Osgood, Samuel
The hearth-stone: thoughts upon home-life in our cities. 3rd ed. New York, 1854
109 - Our manners at home and abroad: A complete manual on the manners, customs, and social forms of the best American society. Harrisburg, 1883
110 - Parton, Sarah Payson (Willis), 1811-1872
Ginger-snaps, by Fanny Fern (pseud.) New York and London, c1870
111 - The perfect gentleman; or, Etiquette and eloquence. A book of info and instruction … containing model speeches for all occasions … 500 toasts and sentiments for everybody … to which are added, the duties of chairmen of public meetings. New York, c1860

112 - The perfect gentleman; or, etiquette and eloquence. A book of information and instruction for those who desire to become brilliant or conspicuous in general society, or at parties, dinners, or popular gatherings. New York, 1860
113 - Porter, James
The operative’s friend, and defence: or, hints to young ladies, who are dependent on their own exertions. Boston, 1850
114 - Rayne, Mrs Martha Louise
Gems of deportment and hints of etiquette: the ceremonials of good society, including valuable moral, mental, and physical knowledge, original and compiled from the best authorities, with suggestions on all matters pertaining to the social code. A manual of instruction for the home. Chicago, 1881
115 - Reed, Samuel Burrage
House-plans for everybody for village and country residences, costing from $250 to $8000; including full descriptions and estimates in detail of materials, labor, and cost, with many practical suggestions, and 175 illustrations. 2nd ed. New York, 1878
116 - Ruth, John A
Decorum, a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society. Chicago, 1877
117 - Sherwood, Mrs Mary Elizabeth (Wilson), 1830-1903
Manners & social usages by Mrs John Sherwood. New York, 1884
118 - Social life. New York, 1889

119 - Social etiquette of New York. New and enlarged edition. New York, 1881
120 - Social etiquette of New York. New York, 1888
121 - Sprague, William Buell, 1795-1876
Letters on practical subjects, to a daughter. 11th American ed. New York, n.d.
122 - Taylor, Isaac, 1787-1865
Home education. 2nd ed. New York, 1838
123 - Thayer, William Makepeace
Life at the fireside. Boston, 1860
124 - Thornwell, Emily
The lady’s guide to perfect gentility, in manners, dress, and conversation, in the family, in company, at the piano forte, the table in the street, and in gentlemen’s society. Also a useful instructor in letter writing, toilet preparations, fancy needlework, millinery, dressmaking, care of wardrobe, the hair, etc. New York, 1856
125 - Waiting at table. A practical guide. By a member of the aristocracy. London and New York, 1894
126 - Washington, George, 1732-1799
George Washington’s Rules of civility and decent behaviour in company and conversation; 110 don’ts, edited with an introduction and conclusion by John Allen Murray. New York, 1942
127 - Weaver, George Sumner, 1818-1908
Hopes and helps for the young of both sexes. Relating to the formation of character, choice of avocation, health, amusement, music, conversation, cultivation of intellect, moral sentiment, social affection, courtship, and marriage. New York, Boston, 1853
128 - Wells, Catherine Boott (Gannett), 1838-
About people. Boston, 1885
129 - Wells, Richard A
Manners, culture and dress of the best American society. Springfield, 1894

130 - Wheeler, Gervase
Rural home; or sketches of houses suited to American county life with original plans, designs, etc. Auburn, 1853
131 - White, Annie R
Polite society at home and abroad. A complete compendium of information upon all topics classified under the head of etiquette. Chicago, 1891
132 - White, Lydia
Success in society. 1889
133 - Wise, Daniel
The young man’s counsellor; or, sketches and illustrations of the duties and dangers of young men. Designed to be a guide to success in this life, and to happiness in the life which is to come. New York, 1851
134 - Wright, Mrs Julia McNair
The complete home: An encyclopaedia of domestic life and affairs. Philadelphia, 1879
135 - Youmans, Edward Livingston, 1821-1887
The hand-book of household science; a popular account of heat, light, air, ailment, and cleansing, in their scientific principles and domestic applications. New York, 1857
136 - Young, John H
Our deportment; or the manners, conduct and dress of the most refined society. Springfield, 1882

137 - The young lady’s own book: a manual of intellectual improvement and moral deportment. Philadelphia, 1836
138 - The young lady’s Sunday book. Philadelphia, 1836
139 - The young lady’s book of elegant poetry; comprising selections from the works of British and American poets. Philadelphia, 1836
140 - The young lady’s book of elegant prose; comprising selections from the works of British and American authors. Philadelphia, 1836
141 - The young lady’s book of classical letters. Consisting of epistolary selections; designed to improve young ladies and gentlemen in the art of letter-writing, and in those principles which are necessary for respectability and success in life. Philadelphia, 1836

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