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Charles de Rochefort. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Iles Antilles de l’Amérique. 2nd ed. Rotterdam, 1665. [Catalogue reference 12]
Thomás de Mercado.  Tratos y Contratos de Mercaderes y tratantes discididos y determinados.  Salamanca, 1569.  [Catalogue reference 1]

Courte de la Blanchardière.  Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Perou. Paris, 1751.  [Catalogue reference 7]


Juan de Villalobos.  Manifiesto que a Su Magestad … Haze el Capitán Don Juan de Villalobos … Sobre La Introducción De Esclavos Negros en las Indias Occidentales.  Seville, 1682. [Catalogue reference 2]

Johann Paul Augspurger.  Kurtze und warhaffte Beschreibung der See-Reisen von Amsterdam in Holland nacher Brasilien in America, und Angola in Africa.  Vom 4. Novembris 1640, biss 10 Julii 1642.  Schleusingen, 1644.  [Catalogue reference 3]

Journal d’un voyage sur les Costes d’Afrique et aux Indes d’Espagne. Amsterdam, 1723. [Catalogue reference 4]


William Snelgrave.  A New Account of Some Parts of Guinea and the Slave Trade.  London, 1734. [Catalogue reference 5]

Amédée François Frézier.  Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux côtes du Chily et du Perou Fait pendant les années 1712, 1713, & 1714. Paris, 1716. [Catalogue reference 15]


Maria Graham [Callcott].  Journal of a Voyage to Brazil and Residence There, During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823.  London, 1824. [Catalogue reference 6]

A Letter from a Merchant at Jamaica to a Member of Parliament in London, Touching the African Trade, To which is added, A Speech made by a Black of Gardaloupe, at the Funeral of a Fellow-Negro.  London, 1709.  [Catalogue reference 67]

Great Newes from the Barbadoes.  OR, A True and Faithful Account of the Grand Conspiracy of the Negroes against the English.  London, 1676. [Catalogue reference 40]

Médéric-Louis-Elie Moreau de Saint-Méry.  Description Topographique et Politique de la Partie Espagnole de l’Isle Saint-Domingue.  Philadelphia, 1796.  [Catalogue reference 55]


R C Dallas.  History of the Maroons. London, 1803. Two vols.

Gaspar de Escalona Agüero.  Gazophilatium Regium Perubicum.  Madrid, 1647.  [Catalogue reference 9]


John Luccock.  Notes on Rio de Janeiro and the Southern Parts of Brazil; Taken during a Residence of Ten Years in That Country, from 1808 to 1818.  London 1820.  [Catalogue reference 28]

Thomas Gage. The English-American his Travail by Sea and Land: or, A New Survey of the West-Indies.  London, 1648.  [Catalogue reference 10]

João Rodrigues de Brito.  Cartas Econômico-Políticas sobre a Agricultura e Commercio da Bahia.  Lisbon, 1821.  [Catalogue reference 27]


George Warren.  An Impartial Description of Surinam upon the Continent of Guiana in America.  London 1667.  [Catalogue reference 13]

Ottho Keye.  Beschryvinge Van het Heerlijcke ende Gezegende Landt Guajana, Waer inne gelegen is de seer voorname Lant-streke genaemt, Serrenamme, Die jegenwoordigh beseten wort by den Staet van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Provintien.  The Hague, 1660.  [Catalogue reference 11]

Hugh Jones.  The Present State of Virginia.  London, 1724.  [Catalogue reference 16]

William Dampier. A Voyage to New Holland, &c. in the Year, 1699.  London, 1703.  [Catalogue reference 14]

Nuno Marques Pereyra.  Compendio Narrativo do Peregrino da America.  Lisbon, 1731. [Catalogue reference 18]


Le Gentil de la Barbinais.  Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde.  Amsterdam, 1728.  [Catalogue reference 17]

[Journal of a slave overseer] [Jamaica: Somerset Vale] 13 October 1776-19 June 1778; 15 November 1778-10 August 1780.  [Catalogue reference 22]


Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa.  Relación Histórica del Viage a la América Meridional.  Madrid, 1748.  [Catalogue references 20 & 50]


William Belgrove. Treatise upon Husbandry.  Boston, 1755

Bryan Edwards.  The History, Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies.  London, 1801. Vols 1-2.  [Catalogue references 21 & 41]


Bryan Edwards.  The History, Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies.  London, 1801. Vol 3. [Catalogue references 21 & 41]
REEL 11 (continued)

Alexander von Humboldt.  Essai Politique sur l’Ile de Cuba.  Paris, 1826.  [Catalogue reference 31]

G Francklyn.   Observations occasioned by … attempts … to effect the Abolition of the Slave Trade.    Kingston, Jamaica, and London, 1789.


Jean-Baptiste Debret.  Voyage Pittoresque et Historique au Brésil.  Paris, 1834-1839. [Catalogue references 29 & 65]  [NB This volume has been cropped slightly]


Eusebio Bentura Beleña.  Recopilación sumaria de todos los Autos Acordados de la Real Audiencia y Sala del Crimen de esta Nueva España.  Mexico City, 1787.  [Catalogue reference 32]


Olaudah Equiano.  The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself.  London, 1789.  [Catalogue reference 54]

Chevalier de Préfontaine.  Maison Rustique, à l’usage Des Habitans de la partie de la France équinoxiale, connue sous le nom de Cayenne. Paris, 1763.  [Catalogue reference 19]

Thibault Chanvalon. Voyage a la Martinique. Paris, 1763

Le Code Noir, ou Edit du Roy, servant de reglement Pour le Gouvernement & l’Administration de Justice & la Police des Isles Françoises de l’Amerique, & pour la Discipline & le Commerce des Negres & Esclaves dans ledit Pays.  Donné à Versailles au mois de Mars 1685.  Paris 1735.  [Catalogue reference 33]


William Smith.  A Natural History of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee Islands in America.  Cambridge, 1745. [Catalogue reference 38]

John Mawe.  Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly the Gold and Diamond Districts of That Country.  London, 1812.  [Catalogue reference 26]

Ladies Society for Promoting Early Education of Negro Children.  London, 1833? [Catalogue reference 80]

Pierre Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture.  Proclamation …. A ses Concitoyens de la ville du Cap.  Cap François, 1797.  [Catalogue reference 45]


Hans Sloane.  A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica.  London, 1707.  Vol I.  [Catalogue reference 37]


37. Hans Sloane.  A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica.  London, 1707.  Vol II.  [Catalogue reference 37]


Sebastião da Rocha Pitta. História da América Portugueza. Lisbon, 1730.  [Catalogue reference 39]

Ezra Stiles and Samuel Hopkins.  “To the Public …”  Newport, 1773. [Catalogue reference 70]

Portugal.  Ley em que se accrescentão as penas impostas contra os mulatos, e pretos escravos do Brasil, que uzarem de armas prohibidas.  Lisbon, 1756.  [Catalogue reference 34]


John G. Stedman.  Narrative of a five years’ expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777.  2nd ed. London, 1806.  [Catalogue reference 42]


William Young.  An Account of the Black Charaibs in The Island of St. Vincent’s.   London, 1795.  [Catalogue reference 44]
[Daniel Horsmanden].  A Journal of the Proceedings in The Detection of the Conspiracy Formed By Some White People, in Conjunction with Negro and other Slaves, For Burning the City of New York in America, And Murdering the Inhabitants.  New York, 1744.  [Catalogue reference 43]

A Particular Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo.  London, 1791.  [Catalogue reference 46]

Juan López Cancelada.  Código Formado Por Los Negros de la Isla de Santo Domingo de la Parte Francesa Hoi Estado de Hayti.  Cádiz, 1810. [Catalogue reference 47]

Elie Monnereau.  Le Parfait Indigotier.  Amsterdam, 1765.  [Catalogue reference 58]


[Thomas Tryon].  Friendly Advice to the Gentlemen-Planters of the East & West Indies.  London, 1684. [Catalogue reference 66]

[Alonso Carrió de la Vandera] Don Calixto Bustamante Carlos Inca, alias Concolorcorvo.  El Lazarillo de Ciegos Caminantes desde Buenos-Ayres, hasta Lima.  Gijon [Lima], 1773.  [Catalogue reference 53]

William Tatham.  An Historical and Practical Essay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco.  London, 1806. [Catalogue reference 25]

Abraham Brunias.  This Plate (representing a Cudgelling Match between English and French Negroes in the Island of Dominica).  London, 1779.  [Catalogue reference 64]

Règlement de Police du 19 Juin de 1772.  Port-au-Prince, 1772.  [Catalogue reference 35]

[Charleston] South Carolina Gazette and General Advertiser.  April 20-22, 1784. [Catalogue reference 23]


Jamaica.  Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica, From the Year 1681 to the Year 1769 inclusive.  Kingston, Jamaica, 1787.  [Catalogue reference 57]

Giovanni F. Gemelli Careri.  Giro del Mondo.  Venice, 1719.  [Catalogue reference 48]

José Mariano de Conceição.  Velloso. O Fazendeiro do Brazil. Lisbon, 1798-1806. [Catalogue reference 24]

Account of the Number of Inhabitants in the Colony, of Rhode-Island.  1774.  [Catalogue reference 71]


José Fernández.  Apostólica y Penitente Vida de el V. P. Pedro Claver de la Compañia de Jesus.  Zaragoza, 1666.  [Catalogue reference 56]

Thomas Lindley.  Narrative of a Voyage to Brazil.  London, 1805. [Catalogue reference 61]

Antonio de Ulloa.  Noticias Americanas.  Madrid, 1772.  [Catalogue reference 51]


Médéric-Louis-Elie Moreau de Saint-Méry.  Danse.  Philadelphia, 1796.  [Catalogue reference 60]

Morgan Godwyn.  The Negro’s & Indians Advocate, Suing for their Admission into the Church.  London, 1680.  [Catalogue reference 63]

“Idea de las Congregaciones Públicas de los Negros Bozales,” Mercurio Peruano, Lima, 16 June 1791 and 19 June 1791.  [Catalogue reference 59]

Samuel Davies.  Letters from … Shewing the State of Religion in Virginia, particularly among the Negroes.  London, 1757.  [Catalogue reference 62]

Z. Macaulay, comp. and trans.  Haïti, ou Renseignements authentiques sur L’Abolition de L’Esclavage et ses Résultats à Saint-Domingue et à la Guadeloupe, avec des details sur l’état actuel d’Haïti et des Noirs émancipés qui forment sa population.  Paris, 1835. [Catalogue reference 81]

The Slave Colonies of Great Britain; or A Picture of Negro Slavery drawn By the Colonists themselves.  Being An Abstract of the Various Papers Recently Laid Before Parliament on that Subject.  London, 1825.  [Catalogue reference 77]

João Severiano Maciel da Costa [Marquez de Queluz].  Memória sobre a Necessidade de Abolir a Introdução dos Escravos Africanos no Brasil.  Coimbra, 1821.  [Catalogue reference 75]

William Knibb.  Facts and Documents Connected with the Late Insurrection in Jamaica, and the Violations of Civil and Religious Liberty Arising Out of It.  London, 1832.  [Catalogue reference 78]


John Barrow. A Voyage to Cochinchina in the years 1792 and 1793.  London 1806.[Catalogue reference 69]

Francisco Soares Franco.  Ensaio sobre os Melhoramentos de Portugal, e do Brazil.  Lisbon, 1820. [Catalogue reference 74]

Isidoro de Antillón.  Disertación sobre el origen de la Esclavitud de los Negros, Motivos que la han perpetuado, ventajas que se le atribuyen y medios que podrian adoptarse para hacer prosperar nuestras colonias sin la esclavitud de los Negros.  Mallorca, 1811. [Catalogue reference 72]

José Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho.  Analyse Sobre a Justiça do Commercio de Resgate dos Escravos da Costa da Africa.   Lisbon, 1808; and Concordância das Leis de Portugal e das Bullas Pontifícias, das quaes humas Permittem a Escravidão dos Pretos d’Africa, e outras Prohibem a Escravidão dos Indios do Brazil.  Lisbon, 1808.  [Catalogue reference 73]


Tratado Da abolição do Trãfico de Escravos em todos os lugares da Costa de Africa ao Norte do Equador, entre os muitos altos, e muito poderosos senhores O Príncipe Regente de Portugal, e El-Rei do Reino-Unido da Grande Bretanha e Irlanda: Feito em Vienna pelos Plenipotenciários de huma e outra Corte em 22 de Janeiro de 1815, e ratificado por Ambas.  1815.  [Catalogue reference 76]

79. An Act for the Abolition of Slavery in this Island, and for the Establishment of a System of Apprenticeship for a Limited Time, in Lieu Thereof.  Saint Christopher, 1834.  [Catalogue reference 79]

Edward Long. History of Jamaica.  London, 1774.  Vols 1 & 2.


Edward Long. History of Jamaica.  London, 1774.  Vol 3.
Manuel Ribeiro Rocha.  Ethiope Resgatado, Empenhado … E Libertado.  Lisbon, 1758.
Richard Watson.  Defence of the Wesleyan Methodist Mission.   London, 1817

A Collection of all Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia. Richmond, 1792. [Catalogue reference 36]


James Ramsay. Essay on Treatment … of Slaves.  London, 1784.

J Girod-Chantrans.  Voyage D’un Suisse  … Amerique.  Neuchatel, 1785

Charles Leslie.  New and Exact Account of Jamaica.  Edinburgh, 1749.

Dickson, William.  Letters on Slavery.  London, 1789.

Samuel Hopkins. Dialogue Concerning the Slavery of the Africans.  Norwich, 1776. [Catalogue reference 68]


Marcus Rainsford. Historical Account of … Hayti.   London, 1805.

Albert Von Sack. Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam.  London, 1810.

H T De La Beche.  Notes on … Negroes in Jamaica.  London, 1825


Henry Koster.  Travels in Brazil.   London, 1816.

Arsène Isabelle.  Voyage à Buenos-Ayres, et à Porto-Alegre … (de 1830 à 1834).  Havre, 1835.  [Catalogue reference 30]

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