from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Part 5: CIM Missionaries: Personal Papers
Documents belonging to Miss Olive Botham re Muslims
in China Sep. 1939-1952
A Daughter of Lausanne by Agnes Clarke: biography of
her mother Frances
(typescript) n.d.
Memoirs of Archibald Ewing (typescript copy) Nov. 1887-
MATHER: Papers relating to Percy Cunningham Mather
PP 6.
Letters to Mather and letters of condolence after his death 17/07/1911-
PP 7.
Letters from Mather to sister Edith 02/10/1911-
PP 8.
Letters from Mather to prayer companions 18/11/1930-
PP 9.
Bundle of 6 journals 31/05/1911- 04/12/1917
PP 10.
Articles by Mather in Young China 15/11/1928- 15/01/1929
PP 11.
Article on Mather’s life, China’s Millions Aug. 1933
PP 12.
Article on Mather’s life Jan. 1938
PP 13.
Article on Mather’s life n.d.
PRICE: Papers relating to May Annie Price
PP 14.
File of letters and poems by Miss Price 1937-1945
PP 18.
SCHOFIELD: Note on Harold Schofield’s academic record n.d.
2 volumes of copies of letters from William Simmonds
to his brother and sister 04/12/1891-
J. R. Sinton’s Chungking diary (very fragile) 08/12/1941-
PP 24.
Life of Pastor John Sung by Leslie Lyall n.d.
PP 25.
2 photographs of Sung and his father n.d.
PP 26.
Parcel of correspondence re Sung, poem and part of journal 1931-
Memoirs of Miss Charlotte Tippett
(see also photograph in Withers 4/3) 1900?-1938
W. H. Warren left for China in 1891, was stationed at Shaohsing and was later Deputy China Director
PP 28.
Letters and papers 31/06/1940-
PP 29.
Station report from Shaohsing Jan. 1903-
Dec. 1905
PP 30.
Station report from Shaohsing Jan. 1906-
PP 31.
Station report from Shaohsing Jan. 1909-
Dec. 1910
PP 32.
Station report from Shaohsing Jan. 1911-
Dec. 1914
PP 33.
Nosu hymnbook n.d.
PP 36.
Pastor Yang’s testimony concerning the ‘Fulness of the Holy Spirit’ 25/02/1935
PP 37.
Translation of the above by W. H. C. Simmonds n.d.
Rev Eric and Edith Liberty were missionaries in the Philippines and Taiwan
PP 46.
Exercise book of notes on Rev. Liberty’s life post 1951
PP 76.
Chart showing comparison of religious and agricultural calendars n.d.
PP 77.
Assorted papers: Mandarin translation of the Gospel according to
Matthew, poster of boy climbing a wall, poster of the Cross, a
Mandarin calendar, poster of the Path to Heaven, poster of the story
of the Prodigal Son n.d.
PP 82.
Photograph album of the Philippines 1952-1955
PP 87.
Photograph of Rev and Mrs Liberty in middle age n.d.
PP 91.
Photograph album labelled 'Eric R. Liberty', including wedding
photographs and the Hung Tung Shansi siege 1923-1934
Papers relating to Henrietta Ethel Frances Withers (b.1889), who was a teacher in Chefoo Girls' School in the 1920’s and 1930’s, including some photographs.
PP 93.
Folder of letters, Miss Withers to her family and prayer companion
on copy of a letter to Mr. Weller from Marjory Broomhall 23/05/1936-
PP 94.
Envelope of letters to Miss Withers to/from Esther Wang, 2 booklets
about the Emmanuel Home for the Homeless, Shanghai, 2 Chinese
letters 07/02/1946-
PP 95.
Envelope containing solicitors' letters, Chinese request for a
refrigerator, letters from London Council re becoming Manchester
Local Secretary 15/12/1946-
PP 96.
Envelope of letters from Eleanor Woo in Shanghai and Esther Wang
in Canada and Shanghai 02/11/1947-
PP 97.
Letters to prayer companions from Doris B. Cobb, some copies, and
annual reports in Malaya 09/06/1952-
PP 98.
Diary 24/12/1916-
PP 99.
Diary including some circular letters 19/10/1926-
PP 100.
Diary 1937
PP 101.
The Missionaries' Diary 1938
PP 102.
Diary 02/01/1939-
PP 103.
Diary 01/01/1943-
PP 104.
Notebook entitled 'Sketches from Chinese Life, 1919', and part of
diary for 1915 and part for 1922 24/12/1915-
PP 105.
Address book containing some notes on talks post 1930
PP 106.
Notes of meetings addressed in Chefoo Nov. 1938-
PP 107.
Notes on Sisiang in Shensi province n.d.
PP 108.
Autograph book including some photographs, mostly labelled, and
some watercolours 05/09/1914-
May 1923
PP 109.
Photograph album of Chefoo, some labelled. Some duplication with
108 1920s-1930s
PP 110.
Photograph album, some labels. Some duplication with 109 1930s
PP 111.
Portrait photograph of Miss Withers 1930s?
PP 112.
Group photograph of teachers 1930s?
PP 113.
Folder of 11 photographs 1945-1965
PP 114.
Photograph on mount of Miss Withers with children by river n.d.
PP 115.
Photograph on mount of Miss Withers and children playing n.d.
PP 116.
Envelope of 74 photographs, some labelled, some duplicates n.d.
PP 117.
Miss Withers' passport with endorsements for escorting children 15/11/1932
PP 118.
List of publications about CIM missionaries and reviews n.d.
Frederick Howard Taylor's research material on the tribes of S. W. China
PP 120.
22 photographs of S. W. China all labelled. H. H. Jeffery appears
in some 1935
PP 121.
Envelope of 33 photographs, mostly numbered, mostly of Chinese
with one or two Europeans (incl. Porteouses) n.d.
PP 122.
Envelope marked 'Rgyalrong: Dr. Howard Jeffery' containing 22
photographs of S. W. China 31/08/1938
PP 123.
Envelope of 41 photographs of Lisu, China n.d.
PP 124.
Envelope containing letters, articles and material on tribes: 4 letters
and 2 copies of letters; material on tribes collected by Norman Baker;
papers by Willhauck and 13 photographs of Black Miao territory and
Flowery Miao people; paper by J. Dietrich and Straub; notes by FHT
on tribes from Dr. Rock's books (mostly) and 6 photographs of Ka-to
by Willhauck; 5 photographs of Black Miao area and Ivan Allbutt, 4
letters from Ivan and Mary Eleanor Allbutt (some incomplete); traced
map showing lands of Black Miao, Chung Chia, Peh Miao, Keh Lao,
Moslems and Small Flowery Miao; articles from China's Millions; notes
of 'Jubilee' Story; notes on life of SamuelPollard, notes on CIM 1895-
1896; letter from Marshall Broomhall to FHT with article: 'Miracles of
Grace among the Mountaineers of China'; article on work with Chinese
tribes; 3 articles on being captured by bandits, with accompanying
letter; copy of letter to DEH by J. O. Fraser 21/03/1921-
Oct. 1937
PP 125.
FH Taylor's correspondence with J. O. Fraser 11/03/1933-?
PP 126.
FH Taylor's correspondence with Fitzwilliams, Paynes, Castos, regarding
tribes Dec. 1931-1940
PP 127.
FHTaylor's correspondence with Chas. Peterson 11/12/1936-
Jun. 1939
PP 128.
Folder of maps of tribal districts 1911-1916?
PP 129.
Articles by G. E. Metcalf: 'Tribes of Yunnan Province' and 'A-Ku-Uo
Leader's Death' n.d.
PP 130.
Notes and experiences of Metcalfs, Cookes, Harversons and Frasers
(all CIM) 25/03/1920-
PP 131.
Article: 'CIM Work on the Tibetan Border' anon. n.d.
PP 132.
Envelope of articles and photographs: 'A Great Awakening among
Aboriginal Tribes', J. R. Adam; 'Some a Hundredfold: the Life and
Work of J. R. Adam', M. Broomhall; 'First-Fruits from the Aborigines
of Yunnan, West China', Arthur H. Sanders; 'Rich Towards God or a
'Sacrifice of Thanksgiving' Among the Aborigines of China', John
Graham; circular letter by J. O. Fraser; 'The Tribes of China', W. J.
Hanna; 31 photographs by Hayman, Anping, of Muh-Su-Miao,
Ch'in-Maio, etc., all labelled, with 3 pages of Chinese script 1907-1930
PP 133.
Envelope mostly of photographs: 34 photographs by Haverson of
J. O. Fraser in Lisu; photograph of Keswick Council; 22 negatives by
Haverson; 16 photographs of Black and Flowery Miao; 4 photographs
at Sinning on Tibetan border; 13 photographs of Lisu; photograph of
MGT and FHT; 26 photographs and 18 negatives of Pa-Miao, Huh-
Miao, Buddhists in Ngaba, MGT's parents; 14 photographs of Tibet
with letter J. H. Jeffery to FHT; 18 photographs of Orih, Zungkang
and Fupien; 17 photographs of Miao by Dr. Lao of Canton; 26
photographs of Mowkung, etc., by Mr. Amos and J. H. Jeffery; book
of hymns and services in Laka dialect; letters to FHT from J. O. Fraser
and notes on Fraser's life 1913-1938
PP 134.
Typed notes of conversations with J. O. Fraser 21/12/1934-
PP 135.
FH Taylor's notes on tribes from Cookes, Frasers, Haversons, Kuhns 1932-1937
PP 136.
Open letters by Mrs Metcalf regarding bandits in Yunnan 25/03/1920-
PP 137.
Notes for publications n.d.
PP 138.
N1: 14 Journeys Inland 1854-1956
PP 139.
N2: Ningpo 1856-1860
PP 140.
N3: United Kingdom 1860-1864
PP 141.
N4: Jan. 1865-
PP 142.
N5: Brighton to the sailing of the 'Lammermuir' 1865-1866
PP 143.
N6: Voyage of the 'Lammermuir' 1866
PP 144.
N7 A-B Oct. 1866-
Jun. 1867
PP 145.
N7: C-E 1867-1868
PP 146.
N8: A-B 1869-1870
PP 147.
N8: C-D 1871-1872
PP 148.
N9: 1873-1875
PP 149.
N10: A-B 1876-1877
PP 150.
N11: A-B 1878-1879
PP 151.
N12: A-B 1880-1881
PP 152.
N13: A-B 1882-1883
PP 153.
N14: A-B 1884-1885
PP 154.
N15: 1886-1887
PP 155.
N16: 1888-1889
PP 156.
N17: 1890-1899
PP 157.
N18: 1900-1905
A. J. Broomhall's notes: (CIM/PP 158-479) is the collection of papers by the mission’s historian, A. J. Broomhall, for his work Hudson Taylor and China’s Open Century.
'BIOGRAPHICAL' - mostly photocopies for use in publication
PP 158.
Postcard of JHT, JET, FHT, MGT and Amy Taylor in Switzerland 1902
PP 159.
Photocopy of drawing of Confucius n.d.
PP 160.
Photocopy of photograph of Cambridge Seven from The Christian
Herald Jan. 1885
PP 161.
Photocopy of photograph of JHT shortly before death, from
'Chariots of Gold' n.d.
PP 162.
Photocopy of photograph of JHT, W.A.P. Martin, Griffith John in
Hankou 1905
PP 163.
Photocopy of drawing of Li Hung-Ch'ang from China's Millions n.d.
PP 164.
Photocopy of drawing of 2 Chinese gentlemen with a scroll n.d.
PP 165.
Photocopy of drawing of Governor-General Tso of Turkestan from
China's Millions 1884 n.d.
PP 166.
Photocopy of drawing of Prince Kung from China's Millions 1887
PP 167.
Photocopy of drawing of Mr. And Mrs. Clarke in Ta-li, Yunnan n.d.
PP 168.
Notes on CES Gleaner 1856-1859 n.d.
PP 169.
Notes on 'The Chinese Union' 1844 n.d.
PP 170.
Notes on CES and MS letters to CES 1855-1859 n.d.
PP 171.
Notes on contents of 'File J' n.d.
PP 172.
Notes on contents of 'File L' n.d.
PP 173.
Notes on CES Letterbook 1856-1860 n.d.
PP 174.
CES Leaflet 1853
PP 175.
Notes on CES Chinese Missionary Gleaner 1853-1855 n.d.
PP 176.
Notes on CES Chinese Missionary Gleaner 1857 n.d.
PP 177.
Notes on CES Chinese Missionary Gleaner 1858 n.d.
PP 178.
Notes on CES Chinese Missionary Gleaner 1859-1860 n.d.
PP 179.
CES Notes from G. Pearse n.d.
PP 180.
Shanghai 1854 n.d.
PP 181.
Barnardo n.d.
PP 182.
Notes on JWS n.d.
PP 183.
Notes on H. Schofield n.d.
PP 184.
A. J. Broomhall's Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century n.d.
PP 186.
Field Bulletin 1940
PP 187.
Notes on Yunnan and the Boxer Rebellion n.d.
PP 188.
These Forty Years, FHT 1905
PP 189.
Two Etonians in China, Rudland n.d.
PP 190.
The Jews in China' n.d.
PP 191.
Chinese Congress on World Evangelization' 1986
PP 192.
Women in Missions' n.d.
PP 193.
Letters to JHT's mother n.d.
PP 222.
Drawing of Robert Morrison
PP 223.
Drawing of Confucius
PP 224.
Drawing of French artist at work in Fan-ch'eng
PP 225.
N. China peasant
PP 226.
Photograph of JHT
PP 227.
Drawing of JHT, Easton and Cameron
PP 228.
Drawing of Cooper
PP 229.
Photograph of Cambridge Seven
PP 230.
Drawing of H. E. Wen-Siang
PP 231.
Drawing of two Chinese gentlemen at home
PP 232.
Drawing of Princes Chun and Kung
PP 233.
Drawing of natives of Swa-tow (from China's Millions)
PP 234.
Drawing of JHT being robbed
PP 235.
Drawing of JHT in a riot
PP 236.
Drawing of JHT being missed by cannonball
PP 237.
Drawing of EB in Yanhchow Riot
PP 238.
Drawing of street fortune-teller (from China's Millions 1877)
PP 239.
Drawing of Buddhist priests
PP 240.
Drawing of Chinese girl
PP 241.
Drawing of JEF and Grace Taylor in Chinese dress
PP 242.
Drawing of Qi Ying
PP 243.
Drawing of entrance to Han-Chung-Fu
PP 244.
Drawing of city gates of Shanghai
PP 245.
Drawing of Shansi, Hunan
PP 246.
Drawing of Yueyang, Hunan
PP 247.
Drawing of Wuhan
PP 248.
View of Han river
PP 249.
Drawing of projected Chefoo school
PP 250.
Postcard of The Morrison Chapel, Macau
PP 251.
Drawing of drumtower
PP 252.
Drawing of Lao-Ho-K'eo from river
PP 253.
Drawing of gate of Peking
PP 254.
Drawing of street in Han-kow
PP 255.
Drawing of city street
PP 256.
Drawing of Yuyao
PP 257.
Drawing of Shanghai
PP 258.
Drawing of Nanjing
PP 259.
Drawing of junks on the Imperial Canal
PP 260.
Drawing of Buddhist torments of Hell
PP 261.
Drawing of a Chinese wheelbarrow (from China's Millions 1877)
PP 262.
Drawing of boats in a Yangtse gorge
PP 263.
Photograph of the first cover of China's Millions 1875
PP 264.
Drawing of the village ferry
PP 265.
Drawing of a Peking cart (from China's Millions)
PP 266.
Drawing of a Chefoo colophon
PP 267.
Drawing of print from famine woodcuts
PP 268.
Drawing of a common mule-litter
PP 269.
Drawing of foodstalls
PP 270.
Photograph of first hard cover of China's Millions
PP 271.
Drawing of highway robbers' heads in baskets
PP 272.
Photograph of JHT's Bible with 1865 note
PP 273.
Photograph of JHT's grave
PP 274.
Marriage certificate of JHT and MJD
PP 275.
Handbill for meeting addressed by Cambridge Seven
PP 276.
Motto and beginning of constitution of the Chinese Union
PP 277.
Nestorian hymn in English and Chinese
PP 278.
Drawing of Chinese houseboat
PP 279.
Drawing of Chinese girls' headdresses
PP 280.
Photograph of cover of Occasional Papers
PP 281.
Drawing of mandarin's procession
PP 282.
Drawing of Chinese trial
PP 283.
Chinese Missionary Paper 1851 with picture of Victorian dress
PP 284.
Map showing Nestorian and Roman Catholic presence in Asia 650-1550 A.D.
PP 285.
7 different maps of Chinese provinces
PP 286.
Map of Shanghai, 1865
PP 287.
Map of Hangchow
PP 292.
Folder of notes on books read (mostly Chinese Recorder) n.d.
PP 293.
File of notes on books read n.d.
PP 294.
The Opening of Korea', C. F. Reid n.d.
PP 295.
Article on plague from the British Medical Journal 09/07/1983
PP 296.
Photocopies of letters to/from JHT 1887
PP 297.
Photocopy of list of missionaries 1884
PP 298.
Photocopy of list of missionaries 1885
PP 299.
Photocopy of list of missionaries 1887
PP 300.
Photocopy of article by G. Parker in China's Millions 1885
PP 301.
Photocopy of article in Chinese Recorder on governors of provinces 1869
PP 302.
Photocopy of article in China's Millions regarding death of schoolgirl 1882
PP 303.
Photocopy from 'Jubilee' about JHT's early journeys 1878
PP 304.
Photocopy of a retrospect by JHT from China's Millions n.d.
PP 305.
Photocopy of a letter to JHT from J. J. Turner 29/11/1880
PP 306.
Clip of MS notes on books read, beg. 'Stock - CMS' n.d.
PP 307.
Clip of MS notes on books read, beg. A Passion for the Impossible n.d.
PP 308.
Bundle of typed notes on books read n.d.
PP 309.
Bundle of MS notes on books read n.d.
PP 310.
Letters to FHT from Easton and to Ernest from Sid 25/04/1902-
PP 311.
Papers relating to Pinyin and other Chinese language material 1977-1984
PP 312.
Photocopies from Occasional Papers May 1867-
PP 313.
Photocopy from China's Millions of JHT's address n.d.
PP 314.
Photocopy from China's Millions of famine report 1879
PP 315.
Article on Mission by Alan Cole, OMF Jun. 1965
PP 316.
Article on church in Korea by Terry Pye (from East Asia Millions) Jan./Feb. 1986
PP 317.
Annual Statistical Table on Global Mission', David Barrett 1987
PP 318.
China's Millions JHT centenary issue May 1932
PP 319.
East Asia Millions, 125th Anniversary issue 1990
PP 320.
CIM Monthly Notes Jun. 1931
PP 321.
China's Millions JHT centenary issue Jul. 1875
PP 322.
China's Millions Jan. 1886
PP 323.
China's Millions Jul.-Aug. 1886
PP 324.
China's Millions Oct. 1931
PP 325.
Y. T. Wu's report to Conference in Peking Jul. 1954
PP 326.
FHT's birth certificate 02/06/1882
PP 327.
Synopsis of book about recent history of CIM and part of text 1937-1945
PP 328.
Envelope which contained cheque for £10,000 29/01/1913
PP 329.
Postcard of Wuhan Chanjiang River Bridge 1950's?
PP 330.
Modern typed copy of London Council Minutes Oct. 1872-
PP 331.
Photocopy from the British Library of 'Report of the Centenary Conference
on the Protestant Missions of the World', London 1888
PP 332.
Typed list of Ch'ing Dynasty degrees of rank n.d.
PP 333.
Photocopy of section on Chinese reform 1898-1900 from A History of
Christian Missions in China n.d.
PP 334.
Photocopies of chapters from International Relations of the Chinese
Empire, H. B. Morse 1910
PP 340.
Littermen waiting for hire (from China's Millions)
PP 341.
Woodcut of geomancer and nun
PP 342.
Mandarin in sedan-chair
PP 343.
Mandarin and guest (from China's Millions)
PP 344.
Chinese at a temple
PP 345.
PP 346.
Two Chinese gentlemen with a scroll
PP 347.
Bao preaching at Ningpo
PP 348.
Grand Canal at Pei-Ho river
PP 349.
Saint Hill, East Grinstead
PP 350.
Opium hospital, Hangchau
PP 351.
Shrines at Ti-Tsia-Pu (from China's Millions)
PP 352.
Emperor's Palace at Peking
PP 353.
Tientsin Cathedral in 1871
PP 354.
Kwun-hae-we Church
PP 355.
Coastal scene (from Chinese Missionary Gleaner 1858)
PP 356.
The Bluff near Chefoo
PP 357.
PP 358.
City of Yuyao
PP 359.
City (?)
PP 360.
Centre of the 'Bund', Shanghai
PP 361.
French settlement, Shanghai
PP 362.
Street in Canton
PP 363.
Street in Han-kow
PP 364.
City of Yun-Yang Fu
PP 365.
Hing-gan Fu, Shensi
PP 366.
Rapids near Si-gan Fu, Shensi
PP 367.
View of upper Han river, Shensi
PP 368.
Canton River
PP 369.
Poyang Lake
PP 370.
Tong-Wu, the East Lake
PP 371.
Lake scene
PP 372.
Country house near river (from China's Millions 1876?)
PP 373.
Entrance to a gentleman's house
PP 374.
Garden of Chinese gentleman
PP 375.
Garden of Governor-General Tso in Man-chau (from China's Millions)
PP 376.
PP 377.
Mountain chair
PP 378.
Wheelbarrow with sail
PP 379.
PP 380.
PP 381.
PP 382.
Junk and rickshaw
PP 383.
Boat on the Yangtse (from China's Millions 1886)
PP 384.
A pa on the Tsaou-Ngo river
PP 385.
The Nestorian Tablet
PP 386.
Pillory and wooden collar (from China's Millions)
PP 387.
Chinese boatmen towing boat
PP 388.
Festival with procession (from China's Millions)
PP 389.
Open-air preaching
PP 390.
Extract from diary for Aug. 1865
PP 391.
Letter talking of robbery
PP 392.
Cover of China and the Chinese by JHT
PP 393.
Invitation from Lord and Lady Radstock to a reception for JHT
PP 394.
Comparative table of missions in China, 1866
PP 395.
List of Committee of Society for Suppressing Opium Smuggling
PP 396.
Article on Hangchow (from Chinese Missionary Gleaner)
PP 397.
Article on the manufacture of opium (from China's Millions)
PP 398.
Article on ancestor worship (from China's Millions 1876)
PP 399.
Article on processions (from China's Millions)
PP 400.
Article on storm in 1866
PP 401.
Page from Chinese Missionary Gleaner, 1854
PP 402.
Pages from Romanised Chinese text
PP 403.
Map of China in 1930
PP 404.
Map showing principal Chinese cities
PP 405.
Map of China printed for the CIM
PP 406.
Map of China showing the stations of the CIM
PP 407.
Map of CIM stations
PP 408.
Map of China with unevangelized provinces
PP 409.
Map of Gan-Hwuy and Kiang-si
PP 410.
Map of Yunnan
PP 411.
Map of Jiangxi
PP 412.
Map of Jiangxi
PP 413.
Map of Jiangxi
PP 414.
Map of Yangtse
PP 415.
Map of Gansu
PP 416.
Map of Che-kiang
PP 417.
Map of Che-kiang showing the stations of the CIM
PP 418.
Map showing voyage to China of the 'Lammermuir'
PP 419.
Map of last stages of 'Lammermuir's' voyage
PP 420.
Map of Taiwan
PP 421.
Map of Asia
PP 422.
Map of Asia
PP 423.
Map of China showing JHT's travels
PP 424.
Map of JHT's itinerations
PP 425.
Map of JHT's long treks to Shanxi
PP 426.
Map of Cameron's walk
PP 427.
Map of Duncan's journey
PP 428.
Map showing Dorward's travel
PP 429.
Map showing Hayman and Bosshardt's travels
PP 430.
Map of route through Henan to Shanxi
PP 431.
Map of the route from Peitang and Taku to Tientsin and Peking, 1860
PP 432.
Map of Linfen-Xi'an corridor
PP 433.
Map of river routes for women
PP 434.
Map of first deployment of CIM
PP 435.
Map of Peking
PP 436.
Map of city (Hangchow?)
PP 437.
Map of city
PP 438.
Modern map of Hebei
PP 439.
Map of Tianjin, 1870
PP 440.
Map of military campaigns
PP 441.
Map of The Long March, 1934-1935
PP 442.
Plan of Hangchow CIM house
PP 443.
Plan showing Yangchow Riot (?)
PP 444.
Diagram of a port
THE 'LAMMERMUIR' (see also Maps)
PP 445.
Diagram of 'Lammermuir'
PP 446.
Diagram of 'Lammermuir' masts
PP 447.
Diagram of 'Lammermuir' sails
PP 448.
Diagram of 'Lammermuir' smaller sails
PP 449.
Diagram of 'Lammermuir' bowsprit
PP 450.
Outline drawing of 'Lammermuir' with masts broken
PP 451.
Diagram of typhoons
PP 452.
Diagram of typhoon near China
PP 453.
Paintings of 'Cutty Sark'
PP 454.
Drawings of the 'Cutty Sark'
PP 455.
Historical n.d.
PP 456.
Biographical n.d.
PP 457.
Notes on FHT's reconstructions of chronology n.d.
PP 458.
Notes on JHT's journals n.d.
PP 459.
Notes on non-MS files n.d.
PP 460.
Copy of marriage certificate between James Taylor and Elizabeth
Johnson, 1776 15/08/1906
PP 461.
2 photos of marriage entry in register n.d.
PP 462.
Copy of marriage certificate between John Taylor and Mary Shepherd,
1799 17/08/1906
PP 463.
Photo of marriage entry in register n.d.
PP 464.
Copy of marriage certificate between James Taylor and Amelia Hudson,
1831 22/08/1906
PP 465.
2 photos of marriage entry in register n.d.
PP 466.
CIM cheque in dollars 01/01/1904
PP 467.
Chinese 5 Yuan note 1940
PP 468.
Bird's eye view drawing of Hull 1856
PP 469.
11 CIM tracts n.d.
PP 470.
MS address on the Holy Spirit n.d.
PP 471.
Journal of the N. China branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Dec. 1866
PP 472.
CIM tract and letters to MGT and FHT and others re Hudson Taylor and
the Early Years 04/12/1911-
PP 473.
6 booklets by JHT n.d.
PP 474.
5 signatures of CIM candidates cut from candidate forms 03/05/1897-
PP 475.
Notes on the Keswick Convention 15-16/04/1914
PP 477.
Extract from China's Millions by D. J. Mills Jun. 1917
PP 478.
Notes by 'Mother Edith' Jan. 1918
PP 479.
Loose papers: 2 poems on family by Benjamin Hudson (JHT's uncle);
sermon notes 9/11/1913; note on work of Pundita Ramabai in Poona;
2 Chinese paintings (fragile); cutting in Chinese about proportion of
Christians in China; Chinese letter; Chinese school report; chart of
Chinese symbols; note of meetings of the British and Foreign Bible
Society with Mildred Cable and Francesca French
PP 480.
ALLEN, Rosie
Notebook containing copy letters from RA in Si-ch'uan to people at
home, describing life. 2 May 1905 - 8 April 1907 1905-1907
Letters from China 1905-1907: the correspondence of Rosie Allen, ed.
by Margaret F. White, n.d.
PP 482.
Appears on Reel 20 (following).
PP 483.
JUDD, Charles H. and BROUMTON, James
Diary of CHJ and JB (his brother in law), on their journey from Kweichow,
Chung King to Wuchang Feb-March
Photographs of the Judd family.
Album of CHJ containing photographs, drawings, autographs of Judd
family and others.
Includes obituary of James Broumton who died 25 September 1910. 1890s-1920s
Notes on life of C. H. Judd. n.d.
PP 484.
LEGG, Mary L.
Notebook of devotional work and writings, with index. Compiled at St. Leonards on Sea, 1882. 1882
PP 485.
Journal of EM covering period 1890-1924
Includes several furloughs to Britain and description of work in China.
Photographs, press cuttings, list of dead Chinese people. 1890-1924
PP 482.
Transcript copy of GHT's private notebooks kept during her last visit to China.
(Compiler states private material has been weeded). 1919-1923