Section I: East Asia Missions
Part 11: South China Mission, 1885-1934
Part 11 consists of the Papers of the South China Mission, 1885-1934.
- There are Letter Books for 1897-1934.
- There are Original Papers for 1885-1905.
- The material includes instructions to missionaries, memoranda on women’s work, documents on the University of Hong Kong and the Anglo-Chinese School at St. Paul’s College, as well as papers of local CMS committees.
- The Original Papers include documents on language examinations, mandarin scriptures, the establishment of new mission centres, the demand for medical students, plans for a new hospital, maps and sketches of local scenes, requirements for new mission houses and letters about furloughs.
- There are the journals of Bishop Burdon of Victoria, Hong Kong, describing his tour among the CMS outstations in the Kwan-tang Province in 1886.
- Annual Reports of hospitals, journals of doctors, vivid details of the Boxer Riots of 1900, regulations for the Native Church and reports on the work of Bible women provide researchers with lots of useful insights.
“It is truly exciting news that the CMS Archive is now available on microfilm. The letters and papers of the China Mission provide another window to Chinese modern history, a rich source not only on the missionary movement.”
Professor Chin-keong Ng
Adjunct Professor of Chinese History
National University of Singapore and Director of the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore.