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Section I: East Asia Missions

Part 12: South China Mission, 1888-1934

Part 12 continues the coverage of the South China Mission covering the years 1888-1934.

  • There are Original Papers for 1906-1934.
  • There are Précis Books for 1888-1934.
  • Documents on St Stephen’s College and St Paul’s College in Hong Kong, the Pakhoi Mission Hospital, the CMS Victoria Home and Orphanage, the Canton Union Language School and further papers of local committees provide scholars with a vast array excellent research material.
  • The Précis Books include material on the Boxer Riots, papers supporting the native agency, draft regulations for the South China Mission, and specific documents such as the constitution of the Canton Union Theological College.

Work had begun in Hong Kong in 1862, but mission activities soon spread to the mainland.  Dr Horder opened the hospital in Pakhoi in 1886 and medical work spread to Limchow in 1902, where a dispensary was established, and to Yunnan (later called Kunming) in 1913, where Dr Gordon Thompson was head of the hospital from 1915.  These activities are well documented in Part 12.

The greatest concentration of CMS schools was in Hong Kong.  Scholars can use these documents to look at the role of education and also to examine the transfer of power from mission to native church which was a hallmark of CMS activity in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

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