Section I: East Asia Missions
Part 14: Chekiang Mission, 1888-1934
Part 14 completes the papers of the Chekiang Mission for 1888-1934.
- There are Original Papers for 1906-1934.
- There are Précis Books for 1888-1934.
- The Original Papers include further reports on the Hangchow Medical Mission Hospital, the Medical Mission at Ningpo and schools such as the Mary Vaughan Girls’ High School in Hangchow, the Ningpo Girls’ Boarding School and the Ningpo Training College.
- There are good documents on riots and disturbances.
- There are also statistics on work done with Opium smokers, accounts by missionaries of their travels through the region, an account of the Native Church Council, as well as journals and news cuttings detailing the experiences of individual missionaries.
- A further area of interest is the transfer of authority from mission to diocese which began in 1910, but was delayed by the disturbed state of the country in the 1920’s and 1930’s.