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Section I: East Asia Missions

Part 15: Western China Mission, 1897-1934

Part 15 provides the papers of Western China Mission, 1897-1934.

  • There are Letter Books for 1897-1934.
  • There are Original Papers for 1898-1928.

The Western China Mission began in 1891 when J H Horsburgh led a pioneer party to Chungking in the province of Szechwan.  By 1894, work had started in Mienchow, Chungpa, Anhsien, Mienchu and Sintu.  A year later the diocese of Western China was formed.  The records reproduced here pick up the story of personal evangelism, medical work and teaching from this point.

  • The Original Papers contain letters, journals, annual reports, maps, sketches and postcards sent back to CMS headquarters in London.
  • These records provide good information on the hospital and dispensary at Mienchu, under the charge of Dr J H Lechler, the boarding schools at Mienchu, and CMS involvement after 1910 with the West China Union University College.
  • Western China was an isolated province and the material in Part 15 shows that the missionaries were scattered and had to contend with the persistent disturbed state of banditry, war and general unrest.
  • Scholars can compare CMS work in the west of the region with the activities of the China Inland Mission in the eastern part.
  • The papers also contain copies of The West China Missionary News beginning with some of the first editions in 1899 which were handwritten.
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