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Section I: East Asia Missions

Part 16: Western China Mission, 1898-1934, and Fukien Mission, 1900-1934

Part 16 continues our coverage of the Western China Mission, 1898-1934, and also includes papers on the Fukien Mission for 1900-1934.

  • There are Original Papers for the Western China Mission, 1929-1934.
  • There are Précis Books for 1898-1934 for the Western China Mission.
  • For the Fukien Mission there are Letter Books, 1900-1934, and Original Papers, 1900-1910.
  • There are vivid descriptions by missionaries of their travels in the countryside around the missions.
  • There are important papers on the development of the diocese of Western China, but even in 1930 the missionary conference was still more influential than the diocese.
  • A diocese was formed in Fukien in 1906, six years after the Fukien Mission had been set up as an administrative unit.  The papers cover CMS work at Foochow, Funing, Kutien, Lienkong, Loyuan, Hinghwa, Kienow, Ningteh and Futsing.
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