Section I: East Asia Missions
Part 19: South China Mission, 1935-1951, Chekiang Mission, 1935-1951, West China Mission, 1935-1951, Fukien Mission, 1935-1951, and Kwangsi-Hunan Mission, 1935-1951
- Part 19 offers records from a range of missions in China.
- Further papers on Education for the South China Mission, 1935-1952, cover St Stephen’s College, St Stephen’s Girls’ College and St Stephen’s Hall Women’s Hostel in Hong Kong, Kowloon Heep Yunn School and Kowloon Taipo Orphanage.
- Other South China Mission papers, 1934-1952, cover CMS work in Canton, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Kunming, Pakhoi, Yunkwei and the various Medical Missions.
- For the Chekiang Mission, 1935-1951, there is good material on Chuki, Hangchow, Ningpo, Shanghai, Shaohsing and Linhai, including reports on the Japanese bombing of Shanghai and the situation in the region prior to, during and after World War II. There are also excellent series of Medical and Education papers.
- Material on the West China Mission, 1935-1951, includes ten files on Chengtu West China Union University. There are also important Diocesan papers, documents on the West China Medical Board, and CMS mission work in Anhsien, Chengtu, Chungpa, Hangchow, Mienchow and Mienchu.
- Fukien Mission papers cover 1935-1951 and provide a wealth of detail on developments in Foochow, Hinghwa, Chungan, Futsing, Kienning, Kienyang, Kutien, Lienkong, Ningteh and Siapu (Funing).
- Kwangsi-Hunan Mission papers also cover 1935-1951. These focus on CMS centres at Hengchow, Hingan, Kweilin and Yungchow.