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Section II: Missions to Women

Part 4: The Indian Female Evangelist and successors, 1881-1956 (covering The Indian Female Evangelist, 1881-1893, The Zenana: or, Woman's Work in India, 1893-1935, and The Zenana: Women's Work in India and Pakistan, 1936-1956) from Interserve, London

This comprises a complete run of The Indian Female Evangelist and successors, 1881-1956, published by the Zenana, Bible and Medical Mission, after the Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society had split into two parts in 1880.

  • The periodical has a wealth of material on all manner of subjects concerned with women’s work in the missions and at home.
  • There are accounts of missionary work in the Zenanas, schools and hospitals, descriptions of the various localities, customs and culture, poetry, prayers and a special section for children.
  • Many of the descriptions are very detailed and provide rich evidence of conditions in India and Pakistan.
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