Section III: Central Records
Part 1: Annotated Register of CMS Missionaries, History of the CMS by Eugene Stock and the Catalogues to the Overseas Archive, CEZMS and FES Archives
The material reproduced here is mainly a reference resource combining the Annotated Register of CMS Missionaries, the History of the CMS by Eugene Stock, and the Catalogues to the Overseas Archive, CEZMS and FES Archives.
- Researchers seeking to trace individual women missionaries will find that List II of the Annotated Register provides much useful data including place of domicile, date of sailing, place of work, dates of service, periods of leave and any relationships with other CMS missionaries.
- The Annotated Register provides biographical information on all missionaries and agents employed by CMS during the period 1804-1918. From 1905 onwards there is a Name Index and Register of Native Clergy.
- The four volumes written by Eugene Stock give anyone using the CMS Archive important contextual and background information.
- The Catalogues were compiled by Rosemary Keen who was the CMS Archivist for over 30 years.