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Section IV: Africa Missions
Part 8: Nigeria - Yoruba, 1880-1934

This Part focuses on Nigeria with material on the Yoruba Mission for 1880-1934.

  • There are Letter Books for 1880-1934.
  • There are Original Papers for 1880-1903.

When Crowther died in 1891, the Niger and Yoruba Missions were united in one diocese, Western Equatorial Africa, under the English bishop J S Hill. As the papers here demonstrate, the role of CMS in Nigeria changed significantly over the next 50 years. The government played an increasing part in the financing of education. As new dioceses were created, CMS gradually handed over its authority to the indigenous church.

  • The Original Papers contain many journals kept by missionaries as a record of their daily life and the relationships they formed with the local people.
  • There are also lots of reports, minutes of meetings, pamphlets, statistics regarding staff, education and churches, correspondence and vivid descriptions by missionaries of their travels in the localities around their mission stations.
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