Section V: Missions to the Americas Part 3: North West Canada, 1881-1930
Part 3 continues our coverage of the CMS papers for Canada with:
- Original Papers, 1822-1930.
- Individual Letter Books, 1887-1914.
- Letter Books, 1862-1930.
- Précis Books, 1881-1930.
There are vivid descriptions of the way of life of the indigenous peoples and the long journeys made by individual missionaries. Many of their experiences are recorded in the issues of The Moosonee Mailbag and The Rupert’s Land Gleaner as well as in pamphlets such as Rupert’s Land Indian Industrial School and the Life Conditions of the Native Races on the East Coast of Hudson’s Bay.
- An article From Churchill to York – on Snowshoes describes a journey of 200 miles in seven days with six nights spent in the open air at 55 to 70 degrees below freezing point.
Bishop Stringer’s journey from Fort MacPherson brought him so close to death that he was reduced to eating his mucklucks and moccasins.