Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series One: PREM 3 - Papers concerning Defence & Operational Subjects, 1940-1945 Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers
Part 3: PREM 3/112-169 (Subject files cover Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Defence - Ministry of, de Gaulle, Denmark, Dodecanese, Eire, Enemy Installations, Eureka, European Advisory Commission, Explosives and the Far East)
This microfilm series continues with Winston Churchills alphabetically arranged subject files (C to F). These papers include material on Deception, Decoy Fires, the Secret Information Centre of the Ministry of Defence, a great raft of detail on General Charles de Gaulle and the Free French forces, documents on Eire including the use of bases by British and US forces, the role of De Valera, as well as material on the "Eureka" (Teheran) and "Sextant" (Cairo) Conferences.
A large number of files cover the subject of Explosives. Here are to be found some of the first files on "Tube Alloys" and the consideration of atomic weapons. The scale and diversity of material passing through Churchills office for his consideration and comment is amazing.
The bulk of the material in Part 3 is devoted to the War in the Far East with analysis and documentation of all the Pacific Campaigns from Pearl Harbour to the Fall of Singapore right through to the campaigns of 1944 and 1945. There is a lot of information on the defence of Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore, operations in Burma and Malaya, co-operation with the Americans and Naval Operations against the Japanese.