Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series One: PREM 3 - Papers concerning Defence & Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers
Part 5: PREM 3/199-238
(Subject files cover Gibraltar, Greece, Hess, Holland, Home Defence, Home Guard, Husky, Hungary, Iceland, India, Invasion, Iran and Iraq)
Part 5 covers a diverse range of topics continuing the microfilm coverage of all of Churchill’s alphabetically arranged files for World War II. Here we have the files for “Gi” to “Ir.”
The most significant files are:
- Gibraltar (vital to the British fleet, of great strategic significance as a repair depot and as a staging post for convoys, and of paramount importance in the control of the Western Mediterranean).
- Gliding Weapons (for Airborne Operations).
- Greece (the Allied campaign, October 1940 – October 1944).
- Habakkuk (Reports and minutes of the Committees discussing the Mulberry artificial harbours and floating airfields).
- Harriman (discussions with the Americans, especially Mr Averell Harriman, US Minister and then Ambassador to the Soviet Union).
- Holland (participation of Dutch forces in the war against Japan, discussions on relief aid, plans for the return of the Dutch Government to Holland in October-November 1944).
- Home Defence (especially measures taken from May 1940 onwards).
- Husky (Operations to land in Sicily and plans to exploit these amphibious landings).
- Hopkins (Correspondence with Mr Harry Hopkins, Personal Telegrams, and relations with the United States).
- India (the Defence of India and a sequence of Principal Telegrams relating to India).
- Iraq (Oil demolition schemes).