Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series One: PREM 3 - Papers concerning Defence & Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers
Part 9: PREM 3/359-403
(Subject files cover Police, Ports, Portugal, Prisoners of War, Propaganda, Quadrant, Radio Direction Finding, Roumania, Ship Building, Shipping, South Africa and Soviet Union)
- Part 9 covers subject files from Police to the Soviet Union.
- Significant topics addressed include Propaganda (the Anglo-American Political Warfare Coordinating Committee), Quadrant (the Quebec Conference), Quintette (the proposed Bermuda Conference), RDF (Radio Direction Finding for coastal defence, for use against aircraft and U-boats, for naval gunnery, use with aircraft, including enemy jamming), Romania (especially Armistice negotations), Royal Marine operations, the St. Nazaire Raid (Operatiaon Chariot), Ship Building, Shipping (especially Merchant Shipping, global requirements and shipping losses), and South Africa.
- A considerable array of over 100 files deal with the Soviet Union. These cover the convoys sent to the Soviet Union, Anthony Eden’s mission to Moscow, RAF squadrons at Murmansk, Churchill’s warnings to Stalin in 1941 about German intentions, pressure from Stalin to mount the Second Front, combined strategy discussions and notes on the military land campaigns from Barbarossa to Kiev to Stalingrad to Kursk and the Ukraine.
- There are all the Principal Telegrams exchanged between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin; documents on Yalta and background papers for other Three and Four Power Conferences and for Post-War Cooperation.