Complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office
Series One: PREM 3 - Papers concerning Defence & Operational Subjects, 1940-1945, Winston Churchill, Minister of Defence, Secretariat Papers
Part 10: PREM 3/404-450
(Subject files cover SOE [Special Operations Executive], Spain, Submarines and Anti-Submarine Warfare, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanks, Telecommunications, Torch, Trident, Turkey and United Nations)
- Part 10 continues our coverage of Churchill’s wartime subject files. The most significant files are on SOE (Special Operations Executive), Submarines and Anti-Submarine Warfare, Syria, Tanks, the Terminal Berlin Conference, Torch (The Allied Landings in North-West Africa), Trident (Washington Conference), Turkey and the United Nations.
- The files on Tolstoy cover the Moscow Conference, Anglo-Soviet discussions in October 1944.
- The SOE files cover Europe, the Far East and the Middle East, and look at strategy and objectives in terms of subversion and sabotage.
- The papers of the Anti-Submarine Warfare Committee relate primarily to the need to win the Battle of the Atlantic, covering strategy and the value of escort vessels and aircraft in the anti U-boat campaign.
- The files on Symbol cover the Casablanca Conference, December 1942 - January 1943.
- Over 40 files cover Tank Production and other Armoured Vehicles, including material on Anti-Tank devices, guns and flamethrowers.
- This Part concludes with a series of files on experiments with UP Rocket weapons.