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Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Series One: Women, Travel & Empire, 1660-1914

Part 2: Women and the Orient

Parts 2 and 3 of Series One address the theme of Women and ‘The Orient’ and record women traveller's impressions of harem culture, life in the Middle East, and exotic experiences in China and Japan. They show clearly that there is not one 'orientalist' view but a whole range of overlapping views that need to be carefully examined.

This second part contains 74 works by 45 authors including E C L Baillie, Gertrude Bell, Sarah Belzoni, Isabella Bird Bishop, Lady Alicia Blackwood, Lady Anne Blunt, Margaret Bottome, Frederika Bremer, Isabel Burton, Edith Butcher, Lady Butler, Vardan Cardashian, Frances Power Cobbe, Elizabeth Cooper, Constance Gordon-Cumming, Mary Damer, Victoria De Bunsen, Mary Garnett, Annie Harvey, Mary Herbert, Emily Hornby and Emmeline Lott.

The works cover the period from 1835 to 1914 and describe life and society in Egypt, Syria, Iran (Persia), Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, the Crimea, Bulgaria, Armenia, Albania, India, Ceylon, China, Japan, Korea, and Tibet.

The books cover an amazing range of topics from travels with Bedouin tribesmen, to 'Actual Life in the Turkish Harem', to missionary work in China and accounts of the palaces of the Sultan.


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