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The Papers of Bishop Ridsdale (1916-2000) Missionary to the Eastern Congo

From the Henry Martyn Centre, Cambridge

These papers, collected by Philip Ridsdale, cover the history of the Anglican Church in Zaire from before its formal beginning until the death of Ridsdale in 2000.

Philip Ridsdale was a missionary for CMS in Boga; a rural dean in Bunyoro District; diocesan missioner and then Archdeacon in the Ruwenzori Diocese; and the first bishop of the diocese of Boga Zaire, consecrated in 1972. He retired in 1980 and became Chairman of the Congo Church Association.

The documents in this collection record:

  • The day to day administration of the diocese of Boga Zaire, Bukavu; Kindu, Kisangani, Shaba/Katanga and Nord Kivu
  • The creation and administration of the province of Zaire from 1991 onwards
  • The work of the Congo Church Association and Anglican Theological Institute, Bunia (IsThA)
  • Ridsdale’s work at CMS Mboga, 1948-1983, as well as CMS Link Letters, Reports and Meetings 1973 - 1999
  • The correspondence of Bishops Ridsdale, Njojo, and Diropka
  • Pamphlets, theses, diocesan calendars, accounts and photographs

There is much insight into the political and security situation in Zaire with particular relevance to the impact of the wars on the church and its followers.

Editorial introduction

Digital Guide

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