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Original Records of Western Traders, Travellers, Missionaries and Diplomats to 1852

Part 1: The Log Book of William Adams (1564-1620) and other Manuscript and Rare Printed Materials from the Bodleian Library, Oxford


Polo (Marco)
Li livres du graunt Caam (or The travels of Marco Polo).
A manuscript illuminated in England by the artist Johannes, c.1400.
ORTELIUS (Abraham)
Théâtre de l’vniuers. Le tout reveu, amendé & augmenté.
Anuers (Antwerp), 1598, fol..
Vet. B1 b.2


Christian century in Japan

ACOSTA (Emanuel)
Rerum a Societate Iesu in Oriente gestarum ad annum usque à Deipara Virgine m.d. lxviii commentarius, recogn., & lat. donatus. Accessere de Iaponicis rebus epistolarum libri iiii, item recogn. & in lat. conuersi [by G.P. Maffei]. [2 copies].
Dilingæ(Dillingen), 1571, 8°.
Antiq.f.X.28(3) (or Vet. D1 f.10)
JESUITS (letters from missions)
Cartas que os padres e irmãos da Companhia de Iesus escreuerão dos reynos de Iapão & China ... des do anno de 1549. atè o de 1580 [1581-1589]. 2 tom..
Euora (Evora), 1598, 4°.
4° C 78 Art.


FROËS (Luis)
Lettera [by L. Froës] del Giapone degli anni 1591. et 1592, tr. dal p. V. Bartolini.
Ven.(Venice), 1595, 8°.
8° L 13 Art.
JESUITS (letters from missions)
Relationes de gloriosa morte nouem Christianorum Iaponensium, qui pro fide Catholica, in regno Fingensi, Sassumano, & Firandensi occubuerunt. A præposito prouinciali Societatis Iesu in Iapone, meuse Martio anni MDCX. missæ, & Lat. redditæ.
Mogunt. (Mainz), 1612, 8°.
8° F 35(2) Art.
Relation, ausz befelch Herrn Francisci Teglij, Gubernators, vnd general Obristens der Philippinischen Inseln, inn welcher kürtzlich angezeigt wirdt, welcher Gestallt sechs geistliche Brüder ausz Hispania, desz Ordens s. Francisci von der obseruantz ... im Königreich Japon den 14. Martij desz verschinen 1597. Jahrs, vmb desz christlichen Glaubens willen seyn gecreutziget worden.
München (Munich), 1599, 4°.
Vet. D1 e.113(12)

A briefe relation [by P. Morejon] of the persecution lately made against the Catholike Christians, in the kingdome of Iaponia, taken out of the annuall letters of the fathers of the Society of Iesus, and tr. by W.W. Pt. 1.. [No more publ.].
[St. Omer] (Saint-Omer), 1619, 8°.
Crynes 290
Spanish Jesuit, stayed in the East, sometime Procurator of the Jesuit mission in Japan. Accompanied Valignano and the Tensho embassy back to Japan. Escaped the 1586 persecution, left for Manila, with Ukon Takayama and others in 1614. (1st pr. in Mexico, 1616)


GUZMÁN (Luis de)
Historia de las misiones que han hecho los religiosos de la Compañia de Iesus, para predicar ... en la India oriental, y en ... China y Iapon. 2 pt..
Alcala (Alcalá de Henares), 1601, fol..
G 1.15,16 Jur.
Spanish Jesuit, received the Tensho embassy. Based on Jesuit letters. One of the earliest works on the history of churches in the East. 10 chapters on Japan out of 13 chapters


CARDIM (Antonio Francisco)
Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, suo adhuc madentibus sanguine [a list of the Jesuit martyrs in Japan].
Romæ (Rome), 1646, 4°.
4° V 21(1) Th.BS.
CARDIM (Antonio Francisco)
Catalogus regularium, et secularium qui in Iapponiæ regnis ... in odium Christianæ fidei ... violenta morte sublati sunt.
Romæ(Rome), 1646, 4°.
4° V 21(2) Th.BS.
ADUARTE (Diego) bp. of New Segovia
Tomo primero de la Historia de la provincia del Santo Rosario de Filipinas, Iapon, y China, de la sagrada Orden de predicadores, añadida por D. Gonzalez, y saca a luz P.M. de Buenacasa.
Zaragoça (Zaragoza), 1693, fol..
Arch. S 93
Spanish Dominican, proselytized in Philippines. Valuable accounts of Dominican activies in Japan.
(1st pr. Manila, 1640)


SICARDO (Joseph)
Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecucion qua padeciò.
Madrid, 1698, fol..
Arch. S 150
CIAPPI (Marco Antonio)
Compendio delle heroiche et gloriose attioni, et santa vita di papa Greg. xiii. Nouamete corretto, & i molte parti accresciuto.
Roma (Rome), 1596, 4°.
4° O 1(2) Th.
Relationi della uenuta degli ambasciatori giaponesi a Roma sino alla partita di Lisbona.
Roma (Rome), 1586, 4°.
8° T 183 Art.
Relatione del viaggio et arriuo in Europa, et Roma de’principi giapponesi venuti à dare obedienza a sua Santità li anno MDLXXXV.
Ven.(Venice), 1585, 4°.
4° A 18(14) Jur.BS.
AMATI (Scipione)
Historia del regno di Voxù del Giapone.
Roma (Rome), 1615, 4°.
246 e.182

Fr. Ludouici Soteli ... ad Vrbanum viii. pont. max. de Ecclesiæ Iaponicæ statu relatio. Accessit fr. Juniperi de Ancona ... Consultatio de causis & modis religiosæ disciplinæ in Societate Iesu instaurandæ, ex Ital. lat. conuersa [or rather, written in Lat. by C. Schoppe].
n.pl., 1634, 4°.
HH 47(3) Th.
Spanish Franciscan, arrived in Japan in 1613, escaped the prosecution by the help of Date, accompanied the Keicho embassy, re-entered Japan, and martyred in 1624.


"Kirishitan ban" : Jesuit editions

RODRIGUES (João) 1561?-1633
Arte da lingoa de Iapam.
Nangasaqui Nagasaki), 1604 [colophon 1608], 4°.
Arch. B d.14
Sanctos no gosagues no uchi nuqigaqi quan dai ichi (Tcuzzuqu ua dai niquan nari). [Tr. by P. Y_f_ and V. H_in].
Cazzusa (Kazusa), 1591, 8°.
Arch. B f.69
CERQUEIRA (Luiz de) bp. of Japan, ed.
Manuale ad sacramenta Ecclesiæ ministranda. D. Ludouici Cerqueira Japonensis episcopi ad vsum sui cleri ordinatum.
Nangasaquij (Nagasaki), 1605, 4°.
Arch. B e.22


Early travels to Japan

WILLES (Richard) ed.
EDEN (Richard) transl.
The history of trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, gathered in parte and done into Engl. by R. Eden, newly set in order, augmented, and finished by R. Willes. [2 copies, the 2nd wanting all after sig. Nnn 7].
London, R. Iugge, 1577, 4°.
D 11.12 Linc. (or Douce E 258)

HAKLUYT (Richard) c.1553-1616
The principal nauigation, voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation. 3 vols.. [The title-leaf to vol. 1 is mounted].
London, G. Bishop, R. Newberie and R. Barker, 1598-1600, fol..
Douce H 238 Vol. 1 and 2


HAKLUYT (Richard) c.1553-1616
The principal nauigation, voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation. 3 vols.. [The title-leaf to vol. 1 is mounted].
London, G. Bishop, R. Newberie and R. Barker, 1598-1600, fol..
Douce H 238,239 Vol.3
GALVÃO (Antonio)
The discoveries of the world from their first originall vnto the yeere ... 1555, publ. in Engl. by R. Hakluyt.
London, imp. G. Bishop, 1601, 4°.
4° C 107(4) Art.


Peregrinaçam. [2 copies, the 2nd wanting the index].
Lisboa (Lisbon), 1614, fol..
Vet. G2 d.19
Hokusai manga.
Edo, no date.
Nipponica 326/6
LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huygen van)
Itinerario, voyage ... van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien, beschreven door den selfden. [With] Beschryvinge van ... Guinea (Beschryvinge van America) [and] Reys-gheschrift vande navigatien der Portugaloysers in Orienten, ghetr. door I.H. van Linschoten. [3 pt. The plates are hand-coloured].
Amsterdam, 1596,95, fol..
fol. q 544b


The English East India Company

Tokugawa (Ieyasu)
Shuinj_. The original document of Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, granting trade privileges in Japan to the English East India Company, Keich_ 18, Eighth Month, 28th Day (12 October 1613).
PURCHAS (Samuel) 1575?-1626
Purchas his pilgrimes. 5 books. 4 pt. Pt.1,2.. [Pt.1 has an engr. title-page which reads Hakluytus posthumus. Book 5 is the 4th ed. of Purchas his pilgrimage].
London, Stansby for H. Fetherstone, 1625, fol..
Lister E 53 Part 1


PURCHAS (Samuel) 1575?-1626
Purchas his pilgrimes. 5 books. 4 pt. Pt.1,2.. [Pt.1 has an engr. title-page which reads Hakluytus posthumus. Book 5 is the 4th ed. of Purchas his pilgrimage].
London, Stansby for H. Fetherstone, 1625, fol..
Lister E 54 Part 2


Adams (William)
Log book on four voyages to Cochin-China and Siam, 1614-19.
MS. Savile 48
Account of a visit of the English East India Company ship "Return" to Nagasaki, 1673.
MS. Rawl.A.191
MOXON (Joseph)
A brief discourse of a passage by the North-pole to Japan, China, &c., pleaded by three experiments.
London, 1674, 4°.
4° E 8(4) Jur.
The Dutch East India Company
CARON (Frans)
A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam, by F. Caron and J. Schorten [sic], rendred into Engl. by R. Manley.
London, 1663, 8°.
Douce C 426
VARENIUS (Bernardus)
Descriptio regni Iaponiæ, cum quibusdam affinis materiæ, ex variis auctoribus collecta. [2 pt.].
Amsterdam, apud L. Elzevirium, 1649, 12°.
Douce R 238; Douce R 235
MONTANUS (Arnoldus)
Atlas Japannensis: being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India company of the United Provinces, to the emperor of Japan. English’d by J. Ogilby. [On large paper].
London, 1670, fol..
Douce O subt. 14


THUNBERG (Carl Peter)
Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia. [Transl.]. 2nd ed. 4 vols..
London, 1795, 8°.
Douce TT 61-64 Vols. 3 and 4
THUNBERG (Carl Peter)
Caroli Petri Thunberg ... Flora Iaponica.
Lips. (Leipzig), 1784, 8°.
8° Y 34 Art.BS.


Illustrations of Japan, consisting of private memoirs of the djogouns [ed. by A. Rémusat] tr. by F. Shoberl.
London, 1822, cm.29.
Douce T subt. 7
SIEBOLD (Philipp Franz von)
Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan. 7. Abth..
Leyden (Leiden), 1832-52, cm.38 &c..
247192 b.1


SIEBOLD (Philipp Franz von)
Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan. 7. Abth..
Leyden (Leiden), 1832-52, cm.38 &c..
247192 a.1,2 (Atlas) a.1 and a.2
UTAGAWA (Hiroshige)
Shokoku rokuj_hakkei (68 views of various provinces).
No pl. & date.
Nipponica 350
ISONO (Nobuharu)
Nagasaki miyage.
Edo, 1847
Nipponica 154
SHITOMI (Kangetsu)
Nippon sankai meisan zue
Osaka, 1799, Part 5
Nipponica 149/5
RYUTEI (Tanehiko)
Ukiyogata rokumai by_bu, with a German translation: Die Sechs Wandschirme der vergaglichen Welt by August Pfizmaier.
Vienna, 1847
J M. E963
Settsu meisho zue, illustrated by Shunch_sai Takehara. Pt.5
Kyoto, 1796-98.
Nipponica 151/5
Images of Japan
KANT (Immanuel)
Zum ewigen Frieden.
Königsberg (Kaliningrad), 1795, 8°.
Vet. D5 e.227


Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Expeditions to Japan

BENYOVSZKY (Móric Agost) gróf
Memoirs and travels, tr. from the orig. MS. 2 vols..
Lond., 1790, 4°.
747 s 3
Arrived at Awa province in 1771.
LA PÉROUSE (Jean François de Galaup) comte de
Voyage de La Pérouse autour du monde, rédigé par M.L.A. Milet-Mureau. 4 tom. [and] Atlas.
Paris, 1797, 4° & fol..
CC 10-13 Art.Seld.


LA PÉROUSE (Jean François de Galaup) comte de
Voyage de La Pérouse autour du monde, rédigé par M.L.A. Milet-Mureau. 4 tom. [and] Atlas.
Paris, 1797, 4° & fol..
CC 10-13 Art.Seld.


BROUGHTON (William Robert)
A voyage of discovery in the North Pacific ocean.
London, 1804, 4°.
4° BS. 623
KRUZENSHTERN (Ivan Fedorovich)
Voyage round the world in ... 1803, 1804, 1805 & 1806 ... on board the ships Nadeshda and Neva, tr. by R.B. Hoppner. 2 vols. [in 1].
London, 1813, cm.27.
2032 d.42
GOLVNIN (Vasilii Mikhailovich)
Narrative of my captivity in Japan, during ... 1811, 1812 & 1813. To which is added, An account of voyages to the coasts of Japan, and of negotiations ... for the release of the author, by captain Rikord. 2 vols.. [Transl].
London, 1818, cm.22.
8° S 167 BS.


BEECHEY (Frederick William)
Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Behring’s strait, 1825, 26, 27, 28.
London, 1831, cm.27.
20129 d.37
English naval officer. "Discovered" Ogasawara islands.
PERRY (Matthew Calbraith)
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853 amd 1854 under the command of commodore M.C. Perry, compiled by F.L. Hawks. (House of representatives, 33rd congress). United States Japan exhibition. Observations on the Zodiacal light from Apr. 2, 1853, to Apr. 22, 1855, by G. Jones. [Vol.1]. Vol.2. Vol.3 [entitled].
Washington, 1856, cm.28.
J M C. 63 Vol. 1


PERRY (Matthew Calbraith)
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853 amd 1854 under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, compiled by F.L. Hawks. (House of representatives, 33rd congress). United States Japan exhibition. Observations on the Zodiacal light from Apr. 2, 1853, to Apr. 22, 1855, by G. Jones. [Vol.1]. Vol.2. Vol.3 [entitled].
Washington, 1856, cm.28.
J M C. 98 and J M C. 99 Vols. 2 and 3
HEINE (Peter Bernhard Wilhelm)
Graphic scenes in the Japan expedition [of Commodore Perry].
New York, 1856, fol..
Mason Z 255


Le Japon illustré. 2 tom..
Paris., 1870, cm.33.
J M A.10 and J M A. 11
WERNER (Reinhold von)
Die preussische Expedition nach China, Japan und Siam in den Jahren 1860, 1861 und 1862. Reisebriefe. 2 Theile..
Leipzig, 1863, cm.20.
203 a.377
A Saga press edition (Saga bon), c.1605-15, the Library’s earliest acquisition of Japanese books.
Nipponica 132
A Saga press edition (Saga bon), c.1605-15, the Library’s earliest acquisition of Japanese books.
Nipponica 133
A Saga press edition (Saga bon), c.1605-15, the Library’s earliest acquistion of Japanese books.
Nipponica 131

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