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Part 2: Black and Asian visitors to Britain, 1734-1942


James E Alexander,  Shigurf Namah I Velaet … the Travels of Itesa Modeen (London, 1927)

Anon,  Correspondence of His Highness Vecrajundar Wadeer, Ex-Rajah of Coorg, now in England (np, 1853)

Amy Apcar, ed, Life and Adventures of Joseph Emin, an Armenian (Calcutta, 1918)


A H Bevan, James and Horace Smith (London, 1899)

Mary Bhore, ‘Some Impressions of England’, Indian Magazine & Review, November 1900, pp. 286-291; December 1900, pp. 309-314

Sir Mancherjee M Bhownaggree, The Verdict of India (London, 1916)

Massia Bibikova, Our Indians at Marseilles (London, 1915)

Thomas Bluett, Some memoirs of the life of Job (London, 1734)

P M Choudry, British Experiences (Calcutta, 1889)

Ottobah Cugoano, Thoughts and sentiments on the evil and wicked traffic of the slavery of the human species (London, 1787)

Ardaseer Cursetjee, Diary of an Overland Journey from Bombay to England, and of a Year’s Residence in Great Britain (London, 1840)

Edalji. Home Office, The Case of George Edalji: Memoranda and Papers (London, 1907)

Edalji. Home Office, Correspondence respecting the Case of George Edalji (London, 1907)


Olaudah Equiano, The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano. (London, 1789)

Later edition. (Leeds, 1814)

William Fox, A discourse on the occasion of the death of Rajah Rammohun Roy (London, 1833)

Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, Narrative of the remarkable particulars in the life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African Prince, related by himself. (Bath, 1770)

Later edition (Bath, 1780?)

Later edition (Dublin,1790)

Later edition (Leeds, 1800)

Rakhal Das Haldar, The English Diary of an Indian Student, 1861-62 (Dacca, 1903)

John Heiton, The Castes of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, 1859) 1st edition.


John Heiton, The Castes of Edinburgh (Edinburgh 1861) 3rd edition enlarged.

A Hindu, Three Years in Europe (Calcutta, 1873).

William Hunter, An Essay on the Diseases Incident to Indian Seamen, or Lascars, on Long Voyages (Calcutta, 1804)

Arthur Jay, A story of Shoreditch (London, 1896)

Bhagvat Sinh Jee, Thakore Saheb of Gondal, Journal of a Visit to England in 1883 (Bombay, 1886)

Thomas L Johnson, Twenty-eight years a slave, or the story of my life in three continents (London, 1882)


Thomas L Johnson, Twenty-eight years a slave, or the story of my life in three continents Later edition (Bournemouth, 1909)

Lascars and Chinese:  A Short Address to Young Men of the Several Orthodox Denominations of Christians (W. Harris, 1814)

Hajee Sullaiman Shah Mahomed, Journal of My Tours Round the World 1886-1887 and 1893-1895 (Bombay, 1895)

Horatio Mahomed, The Bath: A Concise History of Bathing (London, 1843)

Horatio Mahomed, Short Hints on Bathing (London, 1844)

S D Mahomet, Shampooing, or, Benefits Resulting from the Use of the Indian Medicated Vapour Bath (Brighton, 1822 edition)

3rd edition (Brighton 1838)


S D Mahomet, Shampooing, or, Benefits Resulting from the Use of the Indian Medicated Vapour Bath

2nd edition (Brighton 1826)


Albert J Mahomet, From Street Arab to Pastor (Cardiff, 1901)

Dean Mahome[d/t], The Travels of Dean Mahomet (Cork, 1794)

Dadabhai Naoroji, The manners and customs of the Parsees (Bombay, 1864)

Dadabhai Naoroji, Admission of educated natives into the Indian Civil Service  (London, 1868)

Dadabhai Naoroji, The wants and means of India (London, 1870)

Dadabhai Naoroji, Poverty of India (London, 1888)

Dadabhai Naoroji, Condition of India (Bombay, 1881)


Dadabhai Naoroji, The European and Asiatic races. (London, 1866

Dadabhai Naoroji, Essays, speeches, addresses and writings (Bombay, 1887)

Dadabhai Naoroji, Lord Salisbury’s Blackman (Lucknow, 1889)

Dadabhai Naoroji, The First Indian Member of the Imperial Parliament (Madras, 1892)

Dadabhai Naoroji, Mr D. Naoroji and Mr Schnadhorst (London, 1892)


Dadabhai Naoroji Naoroji, Speeches and writings (Madras, [1906?])


Dadabhai Naoroji, Poverty and un-British rule in India. (np, 1901)

Omai, An historic epistle from Omiah to the Queen of Otaheite; being his remarks on the English nation (London, 1785)

Omai, Omiah’s farewell; inscrib’d to the ladies of London (London, 1776)

[Omai], William Shield, Omai, or, a trip around the world (London, [1786]

[Omai]. John O’Keefe, A short account of the new pantomime called Omai, or, a trip around the world (London, 1785)

Revd James Peggs, Lascar’s Cry to Britain (London, 1844)

Mary Prince, The History of Mary Prince (London, 1831)


N Ramanujaswami, My Trip to England, 1911 (Madras, 1912)

Rao Venkata Ranga, The Rajah of Bobbilis’ diary of Europe, 1893 (Madras, 1894)

Richard Rowe, Picked Up in the Streets (London, 1880)

Ignatius Sancho, The Letters of Ignatius Sancho (London, 1803). 5th edition

[Ignatius Sancho], A collection of new songs composed by an African (London, 1775)

[Ignatius Sancho], Minuets &c &c for the violin, mandolin, German flute and harpsichord.  Composed by an African.  (London, 1780)

[Ignatius Sancho], Minuets, cotillons and country dances for the violin, mandolin, German flute and harpsichord.  Composed by an African.  (London, 1775)


Mary Seacole, Wonderful adventures in many lands in Blackwood’s London Library (London, 1857)

Sarah Shade, A Narrative of the Life … (London, 1801)

Benjamin Silliman, A Journal of Travels in England, Holland, and Scotland (Boston, 1812)


Benjamin Silliman, A visit to Europe in 1851 (New York, 1854)

J Smith, The Missionary’s Appeal to British Christians on Behalf of Southern India (London, 1841)


Revd William Tennant, Indian Recreations (Edinburgh, 1804-1808) 2nd edition enlarged.


Rev Robert Wedderburn, of Jamaica, The Horrors of Slavery; exemplified in the life … of… Robert Wedderburn (London, 1824)

Rev Robert Wedderburn of Jamaica, Truth self supported (London, 1790?)

E W West, ed., Diary of the Late Rajah of Kolhapoor during his Visit to Europe in 1870 (London, 1872)

General reference


Anon. Indian worthies (Bombay, 1906)

J H Bell, British Folks and British India Fifty Years Ago (London, 1891)

William Booth, In Darkest England and the Way Out (London, 1890)

William Booth, The East London Evangelist, vol I  (London, 1868)


Georgiana Chapman, Sketches of some distinguished Indian women  (London, 1891)

Margaret Harkness, In Darkest London (London, 1891)

Henry Morris, Anglo-Indian Worthies (Madras, 1890)

N Narayanan, Modern Indian worthies (Madras, 1920)

G Paramswaran Pillai, Representative Indians (London, 1897)

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