Series Three: Embassy & Consular Archives - Japan (post 1945)
(Public Record Office Class FO 262)
Detailed Correspondence for 1945-1957 (PRO Class FO 262/2040-2132)
These Embassy and Consular files are a prime source for social, political, economic and diplomatic historians studying the history of modern Japan.
- There are interviews with General Douglas MacArthur.
- There are key files on the Japanese Constitution and the Peace Treaty.
- Many documents cover Japanese relations with Asia.
- There is extensive coverage and comment on the Proceedings of the Japanese Diet.
Throughout the files scholars can find the assessments of the Ambassador -
Sir Charles Gascoigne - and other Embassy and Consular Staff, the Allied Council for Japan and the UK Liaison Mission in Japan. There is excellent material from the British and Commonwealth perspective on:
- The Occupation of Japan and SCAP Headquarters.
- Underground anti-democratic forces in Japan.
- Korea and Russia.
- Japan's relations with Australia.
- The Black Market in Japan.
- The economy and reconstruction in Japan.
- Japanese and Korean war criminals.
- The social welfare of women.
- Shell Oil Company interests in Japan.
- Commonwealth Meetings in Tokyo.
- Leading Personalities in Japan in 1956.