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Series One: The Schuman Plan and the European Coal & Steel Community, 1950-1957

Part 2: Complete FO 371 files for 1954-1955
(PRO Class FO 371/109621, 111250-111264, 111321-111330, 115990-115998, 116036-116057 & 116100-116105)

Part 2 deals with British attitudes to the Schuman Plan from 1954 to 1955, and looks at the continuing problems that the UK had in balancing her position as a European nation whilst upholding her Commonwealth obligations.

Britain, still preferring an inter-governmental rather than a federal approach, monitored the plan closely and the Foreign Office Files reproduced here provide detailed analysis of the discussions from 1954 to 1955. They cover:

  • French attempts to pressure Britain into closer co-operation.
  • Working Papers of the UK delegation to the High Authority of the ECSC.
  • The failure of the French National Assembly to ratify the EDC treaty.
  • The signature of the Western European Union treaty.
  • Britain's decision to form a limited association with the ECSC in December 1954.
  • Monnet's resignation as President of the High Authority of the ECSC.
  • Relations with the OECC.
  • European collaboration on nuclear energy.
  • The Brussels Preparatory Committees and Preparatory Commission.
"A crucial source for the ‘insider’s view’ at the Foreign Office over the whole Schuman Plan and ECSC scheme, providing primary data and intelligence on the early years of operation."
Dr Martin Dedman
, Business School, Middlesex University

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