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Series One: European War 1914-1919, the War Reserve Collection from Cambridge University Library

Part 2: Trench Journals, Personal Narratives & Reminiscences


WRA 458
The British Prisoner of War
Vol 1, No’s 1-12
31 cm. London, 1918

WRA 487
The Gasper. The unofficial organ of the B E F
No’s 10, 12-21
38 cm. Salisbury, 1915-16

WRA 488
The Listening Post. 7th Canadian Infantry Battalion
No’s 1-4, 6-8, 12-16, 19-32
31 cm. France, 1915-18

WRA 494
The Fifth Glo’ster Gazette
No’s 13-25
31 cm. (Gloucester), 1916-19

WAR 538
The Iodine Chronicle … No 1 Canadian Field Ambulance
No 5
34 cm. France, 1916

WRA 539
The Splint Record
Souvenir No
37 cm. (Flanders), December 1915

WRA 540
N Y D incorporating … "The Iodine Chronicle", "The Splint Record, "Now and Then", The Journals of 1, 2 and 3 Canadian Field Ambulances, respectively
No;s 1-4, 6
34 cm. London, 1916-17

WRA 586
The Open Exhaust. Unofficial organ of 358 Coy
Vol 1, No 4
34 cm. Np, 1916

WRA 574
Cinque Ports Gazette. An active service magazine for … the 5th Royal Sussex Regt
No 1
31 cm. Np, 1916

WRA 610
The Gehenna Gazette: being the summer numbers of the Hades Herald, the (un)official organ of the Inns of Court O T C
34 cm. Berkhamstead, 1917

WRA 618
Der Kamarad. Feld-Ausgabe
No 164, Oct 4, 1918
33 cm. Dresden, 1918

WRA 622
La Baïonnette
No 7 n s
31 cm. Paris, 1915

WRA 630
Reveille (published on board troopship "Euripides")
Last issue. Oct 23, 1916
36 cm. At sea, 1916

WRA 643
Le Claque à Fond
No’s 20-24
38 cm. (In the Trenches), 1918

WRA 646
The Salient. Being a seasonable supplement to the 6 corps magazine
33 cm. (At the Front, France), Xmas 1915


WRB 17.1
Ward H. Mr Poilu, notes and sketches with the fighting French
26 cm. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1916

WRB 17.2
Vince C. England in France. Drawn by S R Jones
26 cm. Constable & Co, London, 1919

WRB 17.3
Maxwell, Donald. The Last Crusade
25 cm. John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1920

WRB 17.6
Australia in Palestine
28 cm. Agnes & Robertson, Sydney, 1919


WRB 18.301
The "Barncroft" Magazine. D-Company No. 14 Officer Cadet Battalion
26 cm. (Catterick), Jan-June, 1918

WRB 18.302
"Ultimus" Magazine. D-Company 14th Officer Cader Battalion
26 cm. (Catterick), July 1918-June 1919

WRB 18.303
The Canadian Scottish. Stray Papers by a Private
24 cm. Aberdeen, 1915

WRB 18.304
The Anzac Book: written and illustrated in Gallipoli by the Men of Anzac…
28 cm. London, 1916

WRB 18.305
The Parting of the Ways
28 cm. London, 1919

WRB 101
The Golden Horseshore. The Journal of the 37th Division B.E.F
28 cm. London, 1919

WRB 104.1-2
Chronicles of the N..Z.E.F.
Volumes 1 and 2
28 cm. London, 1916-1917


WRB 104.3-5
Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F..
Volumes 3, 4 and 5
28 cm. London, 1917-1919

WRB 107
The Tenedos Times. A Monthly Journal of the Mediterranean destroyer flotilla during the early part of the war
26 cm. London, 1917

WRB 108.1
The Wipers Times. A facsimile reprint of the Trench Magazines: A brief preface followed by: The Wipers Times.
Vol 1 Nos 1-4
Feb 12, 1916 – Mar 20, 1916

The "New Church" Times (incorporating The Wipers Times)
Vol 1 Nos 1-4
17 April 1916 – 29 May 1916

the Kemmel Times (incorporating The Wipers Times and the "New Church" Times
Vol 1 No 1
3 July 1916

The Somme Times (incorporating …. [the above])
Vol 1 No 1
31 July 1916

The BEF Times (incorporating …. [the above])
Vol 1 Nos 1-5
1 Dec 1916 – 1 Apr 1917

WRB 108.2
The Wipers Times. A facsimile reprint of the Trench Magazines: A brief preface followed by:
Publishers Note (regarding commission of all but the non-duplicated titles)

The BEF Times
Vol 2 Nos 1-6
17 Aug 1017 – 26 Feb 1918

The Better Times
Vol 1 Nos 1-2
Nov 1918 – Dec 1918


WRB 112.1-2
The Lead Swinger. The Bivouac Journal of the 1/3 West Riding Field Ambulances. 3 volumes in 2.
27 cm. Sheffield, 4 Sept 1915 – 1 Mar 1919

WRB 201.1-2
The Thistle. Scottish Women’s Hospitals for Foreign Service Souvenir Book
Volumes 1 and 2
28 cm. Glasgow, (1916-1917)


WRB 412
The Queen’s Own Gazette Royal West Kent Regiment)
Vol XXXV, Nos 4-9
28 cm. Maidstone, 1916

WRB 422
The Dead Horse Corner Gazette. Canadian BEF.
Nos 1-3
28 cm. London, 1915-1916

WRB 432
Pulham Patrol
Vol 1, Nos 4, 5, 9, 10
26 cm. Pulham, 1917-18

WRB 436
Anzac Bulletin
78 (New Issues), 80-95
28 cm. London, 1918

WRB 444
The Eaglet. American Forces Magazine
Vol 1, Nos 1-16, 18-23
28 cm. London, 1918-1919

WRB 448
American News
Vol 1, Nos 3-16, 19-20
28 cm. Madrid, 1918

WRB 469
Deutsche Internierten-Zeitung
Heft 34
28 cm. Berne, 1917

WRB 470
Journal des Internés Français
3e trimestre. No 29
26 cm. Berne, 1917

WRB 471
a.a.c. The Journal of the Anti-Aircraft Corps
Nos 2, 3
26 cm. London, 1917

WRB 473
The A.O.C. Workshops Gazette
No 30
28 cm. Np, 1918

WRB 479
The Mudhook, with which is incorporated "Dardanelles Dug-Out Gossip"
The Journal of the 63rd (RN) Division
Vol 1, Nos 1, 2
27 cm. Boulogne, 1917

WRB 480
Now and Then, being the official organ of No 3 Canadian Field Ambulance, 1st Canadian Division, B.E.F.No 1
28 cm. Yeovil, 1915

WRB 481
The Gnome
NS Nos 2-5
25 cm. Cairo, 1917

WRB 482
The Brazier. 16th Battalion. The Canadian Scottish
No 1
28 cm. (At the front, France) 1916

WRB 483
Breath o’ The Heather (O.C. 236h Bn C.E.F.)
No 3 & No 7 (Boat edition)
30 cm. Valcantier, 1917

WRB 484
Chronicles of the White Horse (Queen’s Own, Royal West Kent)
Nos 2, 3
26 cm. Np, 1917

WRB 485
The Codford Wheeze (No 3 NZ General Hospital, Codford)
Christmas Day, 1918
25 cm. Salisbury, 1918

WRB 486
The Compressor. A weakly effort at military hilarity
27 cm. (Egypt?), 1916
WRB 487
Doings in German East Afrika
Vol 1 No II
29 cm. Dar-Es-Salaam, 1918

WRB 488
L’Echo des Guitounes … Organ officiel des Poilus du 144e de ligne
Nos 11 and 12
28 cm. Np, 1915

WRB 489
Kamp-knews. The officious news-ance of the 3rd West Lancs Brigade RFA
No 22
28cm. Liverpool, 1917

WRB 490
Lager-Echo (German concentration camp magazine)
Vol 11 Nos 1-8, 10-12,; Vol 2 Nos 2-7
29 cm. Knockaloe, Isle of Man, 1916-1918

WRB 492
"Stand To!" The Journal of the 20th (S) Battalion: "The Duke of Cambridge’s Own" the Middlesex Regt. "The Die Hards"
No 1
28 cm. Lonodn, 1916

WRB 493
The Quirk. RNAS, RN College, Greenwich
Vol 1, Nos 1-2
27 cm. London, 1917

WRB 494
Trench Echo. Published "every little while" by the City of Winnipeg Battalion.
Christmas number
31 cm. France, 1917

WRB 496
The Pennington Press A.S.C.M.T
No 1, Nos 1-26; Vol 2, Nos 27-44
28 cm. Bromley, 1916-1917


WRB 500
The 79th News
1914-1919 (quarterly)
24 cm. Inverness, 1914-1919

WRB 514
TE HUIA (The Magazine of the 33rd Reinforcement)
Vol 1, No 1
28 cm. London, 1918

WRB 515
The Dump. XXIII Division
Vols II & III
28 cm. London, 1916-1917

WRB 516
The Sling. A Little Journal published by the boys of a Canadian Field Ambulance
Nos 1, 2
26 cm. On active service, 1917

WRB 517
Four Whistles. ‘D’ Company Scottish Officer Cadet Battalion
29 cm. Gailes, 1918

WRB 518
Four More Whistles. 9th Officer Cadet Battalion
25 cm. Glasgow, 1918


WRB 519
Memento of No 2 Company (XXII, OCB)
25 cm. Hipswell Camp, Catterick, June – Dec 1918

WRB 520
Trot-Talk or East Coast Splashes
Vol 1, No2 2-5
28 cm. (Ipswich), 1918-1919

WRB 525
Welsh Division
New Year Souvenir
25 cm. Cardiff, 1917-1918

WRB 533
Nos 1-7
27 cm. Basildon, nd

WRB 541
The Hangar Herald
Nos 9, 10, 11
28 cm. (France), 1915

WRB 543
The Fag End. An unofficial Journal of the fortieth reinforcement N.Z.E.F.
29 cm. Np, 1918

WRB 560
The Canadian War-Pictorial: A Photographic Record
Nos 1-4
29 cm. London, 1916

WRB 563
The Veteran
Vol 1, No 8
28 cm. Ottawa, 1918

WRB 565
The Australian at Weymouth
Nos 1-5
28 cm. Weymouth, 1918

WRB 569
The Indian. Journal of the US Medical Corps
Vol 1 No 13
28 cm. (On the High Seas), 1919

WRB 579
Camp Echo. Halbmonatsschrift füer das Douglas Prisoner of War Camp
Nos 5-7
25 cm. Douglas, 1915-

WRB 588
Poison Gas: The Unofficial Organ of the 3rd Battalion Queen Victoria’s Rifles
Vol 1, No 1
25 cm. Salisbury, 1916

WRB 590
The O.T.C. and Naval Cadets Magazine
Vol 5, No 10
25 cm. London, 1918

WRB 633
Canadian Sapper
Vol 1, No 2
28 cm. London, March 1918

WRB 639
Lines. The official organ of the Divisional Signal Company, R.E.
Vol 1, No 1
30 cm. (In the Field), 1917

WRB 645
The Third Battalion Magazine (A.I.F.)
30 cm. Mansifled, August 1918

WRC 16.318
Scarlett-Synge, E. Report of visits to English prisoner-of-war camps in Germany
22 cms. (London), 1915


WRC 17.1
Hopkins, N M Over the threshold of war….
26 cmn. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1918

WRC 17.2
Fraser-Tytler, N. With Lancashire Lads and Field Guns…
22 cm. Privately Printed. Sheffield, 1922

WRC 17.7
Charteris, E. H O Tanks, 1917-18
23 vcm/ Privately Printed, London, 1920

WRC 17.9
Smith, H R A soldier’s diary
24 cm. Privately Printed, Evesham, 1940

WRC 17.10
Curry, C E (Ed) Sir R Casement;s diaries…
24 cm. March, 1922


WRC 17.101
Voskamp, C J Aus dem belagerten tsinglan
21 cm. Berlin, 1915

WRC 17.102
Koester, A Die stille schlacht
24 cm. Munich, 1915

WRC 17.103
Jeanbennat, J Lettres de Guerre (1914-18)
23 cm. Librarie Plan, Paris, 1920

WRC 17.104
Heldmann, K Kriegserlebenisse eines Deutschen Geschichts professors in der Heimat
23 cm. Stuttgart, 1922

WRC 17.301
Anon England ind Kriegs zeiten. Von Einem Englander
23 cm. Zurich, 1918

WRC 17.302
Krafft, T Das kriegstagbuch
22 cm. Munich, 1915


WRC 17.303
Anon. J’accuse! Feuillets du Journal d’’un soldat-homme de lettres
23 cm. Privately printed, Berlin, 1915

WRC 17.304
Ballands, C A Le lieutenant de vaisseau C. Ballande. Extraits de ses lettres
24 cm. Fischbacher, Paris, 1916

WRC 17.305
L M Visiones de eGuerra
21 cm. Gran Imprenta Catolica, Madrid, 1915

WRC 17.306
Cadonna, C La querra nella retrovie
21 cm. Bemporad & Figlio, Firenze, 1917

WRC 17.307
Snokowski, K Na Przetomie
21 cm. Krakow, 1916

WRC 17.308
Montague, C E notes from Calais Base
22 cm. Fisher Unwin, London, 1918

WRC 17.309
Muchlon, W Die Verheerung Europas
21 cm. Art Institut Fusli, zurich, 1918

WRC 17.310
Barth, Ch Harrowing experience in war zone
22 cm. Garfield, N J, 1916

WRC 17.311
Daleng, M Meine elf Wochen Grenzbesetzung
21 cm. Schneider, St Gallen, 1915

WRC 17.312
Bellows, W A Carnet de route
22 cm. Privately printed, Gloucester, 1917


WRC 17.313
Larsen, K Arbeit-Dienst. Aus dem Dänischer ubersetzt
20 cm. Erich Reis, Berlin, 1916

WRC 17.314
Hahn, G Totentanz 1914/5
21 cm. Ambrolium Barth, Leipzig, 1915

WRC 17.315
Gerard, J & V W Mine Fire aar I Tyskland
21 cm. København, 1917

WRC 17.316
Böök, J Resa till Frankrike 1915
20 cm. Stockholm, 1916

WRC 17.317
Anon L’Invasion Allemande en Belgique
21 cm. Np, nd

WRC 17.318
Guerrers, J C La Guerra Europea
24 cm. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, 191-?

WRC 17.319
A collection of letters from the front, mostly to the Rev Dr Stevens in Tadlow, nr Royston, Herts, concerning the receipt of Christmas parcels.


WRC 401
The London Scottish Regimental Gazette
Nos 217-262
24 cm. London, 1914 ff


WRC 401
The London Scottish Regimental Gazette (cont)
Nos 263-274
24 cm. London, 1914 ff

WRC 402
Barrak. The Camel Corps Review
24 cm. Cairo, 1917

WRC 403
The Mudlark, Bedfordshire Gazette. 1st Battalion
No 1
24 cm. (Manchester), 1916

WRC 404
The Whizz-bang. A monthly from the Front (Organ of the 6th Batt (T F) Durham Light Infantry)
Vol 1, Nos 1, 7
25 cm. Darlington, 1916-

WRC 406
The Volunteer’s Magazine. The official organ of the Corps of Citizens
Vol 1, Nos 1, 11
25 cm. London, 1916-17

WRC 408
The Singapore Searchlight. A periodical devoted to the doings of the Singapore R E (Volunteers)
Vol 1, Nos 1-5
25 cm. Singapore, 1915-16

WRC 413
Soldiers Pie. (32nd Reinforcements N Z E F)
24 cm. London, 1918

WRC 414
The Link (N Z E F)
25 cm (London, 1918)

WRC 415
The Dagger or "London in the Line"
Nos 1-3
25 cm. London, Nov 1918 – Feb 1919

WRC 418
Calliope Clarion
Xmas 1915
25 cm. Manchester, 1915

WRC 423
The Periscope
Vol III, No 4
24 cm. Manchester, 1919

WRC 424
Bostall Heath Camp Magazine continuing as Battery Babble (Camp Entertainments Committee Journal)
Vol 1, No 1 – Vol 1, No 2
Oct 1916 – Dec 1916
25 cm/. Bostall Heath, 1916

WRC 426
The Grim Old Lion’s Dare-devil’s Gazette
25 cm. Clonmel, 1916

WRC 427
The Futile Fusilier
Xmas 1915
24 cn. Np, 1915

WRC 429
The Red Feather (Regimental Magazine of the 6th (Service) Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall#’s Light Infantry)
Vol 1, Nos 4, 6, 7
25 cm. Aldershot, 191-

WRC 449
Doeberitz Gazette
Nos 1, 2, 3
22 cm. Doeberitz, 1916-

WRC 464
Aussie. The Australian Soldier’s Magazine
Nos 1-13
19-24 cms. Printed in the field, 1918


WRC 483
The Direct Hit. Journal of the 58th London Division
Vol 1, Nos 1-4
25 cm. (London), 1916-17

WRC 484
Bulletin of the Polish Voluntary Army
Nos 1-3
24 cm. Warsaw, 1920

WRC 487
Spit and Polish (B 120 REA)
Vol 1, Nos 1-4
20 cm. "The Low Countries", 1916

WRC 489
The Minden Magazine
Nos 1-8
20 cm. London, 1915

WRC 525
The Standard of C Company
21 cm. London, July 1918

WRC 526
The Jackass. The First Australian General Hospital Monthly
Nos 1, 2 & 5
24 cm. Np, June-Oct 1918

WRC 527
"Honk". The Voice of the Benzine lancers and Organ of the Gear-Box Musicians
Printed every sometimes for the Australian Ammunition Park
24 cm. In the Field, France, 12 Aug 1915 – 29 Aug 1915

WRC 528
Hangar Happenings
Nos (1) – 4
24 cm. France, printed at Plymouth , 1917

WRC 529
"718". The A S C M T 718 W T Company’s Magazine
nos 1-4
24 cm. Amiens, Sept 1916 – May 1917

WRC 530
The Wormlet
22 cm. France, 20 July 1918

WRC 531
Bairns Gazette
21 cm. Np, 1917

WRC 532
White and Blue
Vol 1
24 cm. Jaffa, March 1918

WRC 533
La Vie Canadienne. Canadian Section, Gen H Q 3rd Echelon
Vol 1, No 7
24 cm. Np, 1917

WRC 537
The Jackdaw – on active service. Being the "official" organ of no 6. M A C
Vol 1, Nos 9-12
21 cm. (In the field), 1917

WRC 538
B I M (British Interned Magazine)
Vol 1, Nos 1-10; Vol 2, Nos 1-10
22 cm. P(Mürren), 1917-18

WRC 554
The "On guard"; being the monthly magazine of 339 and 341 companies R D C
Nos 1-9
22 cm. Oswestry, 1919

WRC 560
The Whippet. 24 Tank Corps O C B
Vol 1, Nos 1 & 2
23 cm. Winchester, 1918-19


WRD 17.1
Heutig, W O von Meue Diplomaten faghrt in verschossene Land
17 cm. Berlin & Wien, 1918

WRD 17.2
Gum, F M With Riflemen, Scouts and Snipers
19 cm. Privately printed, Oxford, 1921

WRD 17.5
Warstat, W (Ed) iDas Erlebnis unserer jungen kriegsfreiwilligen
20 cm. Undreis, Gotha, 1916

WRD 17.101
Zobeltitz, F von Kriegsfahrten eines Johanniters
17 cm. Ullsten, Berlin, 1915

WRD 17.102
Herbert, Lady M Serbia and the Serbians
18 cm. Privately printed, London, 1915

WRD 17.103
Hedin, Sven Bagdad, Babylon, Ninive
19 cm. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1917


WRD 17.104
Aubry, Am Ma captivité en Allemagne
19 cm. Perrin, Paris, 1916 (6th ed)

WRD 17.302
Colombel, Mme E Journal d’une Infirmière d’Arras
20 cm. Bloud et Gay, Paris, 1916

WRD 17.303
Casales, A E A young soldier in France
19 cm. Privately printed, Eastbourne, 1916

WRD 17.304
Gibbs, P Genom tyskarnes andra linje
18 cm. Lundberg, Stockholm, 1916

WRD 17.305
Hedin S Hacia el Este
20 cm. Seither, Barcelona, 1916

WRD 17.306
Kipliong, R La guerra nelle montagne
17 cm. Milano, 1917

WRD 17.307
Gomez Carzillo, e Au couer de la tragédie
19 cm. Berger Levrault, Paris, Nancy, 1917

WRD 17.309
Anon A Trip to Germany During Wartime
18 cm. Privately printed, New York, 1915

WRD 17.310
Morant, E Unser gemeinsamer Krieg
19 cm. Lanng, Frankfurt, 1915


WRD 17.311
Gedult von Jungerfeld, E Freih von. Aus den Urwäldern Paraguays zur Jahre
16 cm. Ullsten, Berlin, 1916

WRD 17.312
Lavenden, H Les Grandes Heures
19 cm. Perrin, Paris, 1915

WRD 17.313
Boje Legionów Polskich
No 3
17 cm. Krakow, 1916

WRD 17.314
Burek, Wladyslav Legiany Polskie
20 cm. Krakow, 1916

WRD 17.315
Sturdza, M Avec l’armée roumaine (1916-1918)
19 cm. Hachette, Paris, 1918

WRD 17.316
Hedin, Sven Hacia el Este
17 cm. Privately printed, Barcelona, 1916

WRD 17.317
Brandt, R I kulregnet vid östfronten
19cm. Stockholm, 1915

WRD 17.318
Lappuynes, E Louvain: A personal experience
19 cm. Privately printed, Kinston-upon-Thames, 1915

WRD 17.319
Lawson, John A Memories of Deville Wood
19 cm. Privately printed, Cape Town, 1918

WRD 17.320
Muehlon, W Europas Ødelseggelse
20 cm. Nordiskforlag, København, 1918


WRD 17.321
Stridsflygares, E Upplevelser av Contract…
20 cm. Svenska, Stockholm, 1918

WRD 17.322
Danske soldaterbreve
20 cm. København, 1918

WRD 17.323
Was iche in mehr als 80 schlachten erlebte…
19 cm. Berlin, 1915

WRD 17.24
Unser vormarsch bis zur Marne
19 cm. Berlin, 1915

WRD 17.325
Locks, G M Some impressions of an offices
20 cm. Privately printed, np, 1916

WRD 17.326
Maclean, J Active service with Argyll, vol 1
19 cm. Scottish Chronicle Press, Edinburgh, 1926

WRD 17.327
Maclean, J Active service with Argyll, vol 2
19 cm. Scottish Chronicle Press, Edinburgh, 1926

WRD 17.329
Bellows, W three days in France
19 cm. Privately printed, Glouceter, 1914

WRD 46.396
Soldiers war slang dictionary
19 cm. London, 1939

WRD 46.397
Downing, W H Digger dialects
19 cm. Melbourne, 1919

WRD 405
The Incubator. The Magazine of the 2nd Reserve Batallion, RNVR, 63rd Royal Naval Division Reserves
No 1
15 cm. Np, 1918

WRD 412
The WRAF on the Rhine
Nos 1-3
20 cm. Cologne, July-Sept 1919

WRD 415
The Ascanian
No 1
21 cm. Published at sea, May-July 1917

WRD 416
The Wasp
No 1
18 cm. Published at sea, 1917

WRD 17.301
Ciómo gané la Cruz de Hierro
14 cm. Seither, Barcelona, 1917

WRD 17.302
Mirandola, F Walki I Brygady, 1914-1915
15 cm. Krakow, 1916

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